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[HG fiat] Merge


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary FIAT repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   109:b4c7f8412f21d5d8481eeda4ac787e4753b10220
tag:         tip
parent:      108:9177fd6fa78efe1fc9c8b58e3427d074eda3a244
parent:      105:994432def26e1b074feea0f8ed1ca912e49dc6bc
user:        "Marie E. Rognes <meg@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Feb 12 14:41:53 2008 +0100

changeset:   108:9177fd6fa78efe1fc9c8b58e3427d074eda3a244
user:        "Marie E. Rognes <meg@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Feb 12 14:40:04 2008 +0100
files:       FIAT/functional.py FIAT/functionaltype.py
Attempted to fix integration degree and removed attributes that are
really not implemented from functionaltype.

changeset:   107:b0d1812f4217e4e1683261fde546e59e490c697c
user:        "Marie E. Rognes <meg@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Feb 12 01:18:16 2008 +0100
files:       FIAT/functional.py
First shot at integral moments. The degree needs fixing.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/fiat