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Firmware Test Suite Documentation - update.


Hi there,

One of the many Oneiric fwts blueprint action items was to create a wiki which explained each test and to explain and give context to the test failure messages.

I have now competed the documentation of the Firmware Test Suite and this include documenting each of the 50+ tests (which was a bit of a typing marathon to say the least!). Each test has a brief description of what the test covers, example output from the test, how to run the test (possibly with different options) and explanations of test failure messages.

For example of the per-test documentation, check out:

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/fwts/s3 (suspend/resume test page)
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/fwts/acpitables (ACPI tables test page)

and for the top level documentation page, check out:


I hope this is useful! Feel free to edit these pages and add more content if you see any omissions.
