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Re: [Question #228274]: Change outline colour during windows spread


Question #228274 on Unity Tweak Tool changed:

J Phani Mahesh proposed the following answer:
Thanks for the heads up.

We only checked the gsettings interface for a suitable option, but there
wasn't any. It didn't occour that it might be in the theme files.
However, Unity Tweak tool is just a fancy user interface for gsettings
stuff, and Anything else is basically out of scope. The theme files can
be directly edited, but I'm afraid editing system files will get us
kicked out of repo, and isn't something I particularly like.

Creating a theme by the same name as current theme in ~/.themes and
editing CSS there should do the trick, but whenever theme is changed,
this will have to be done again. And since themes can be changed using
various tools and we don't have any control over them, the workaround
would be a bad idea.

Sorry, this can't be implemented in Unity Tweak Tool for the above
mentioned reasons.

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