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Bug in Unity Tweak Tool


Hi and thank you for your work !

I would like to inform you since the last commit in github, Unity Tweak
Tool is no longer usable in Ubuntu 15.04.

I had to cancel your change in the source code to get Unity Tweak Tool
usable again (org.gnome.desktop.touchpad missing schemas).

org.gnome.settings-daemon.touchpad works correctly in Ubuntu 15.04.

Maybe you could build 2 differents deb package, one contains your last
commit for Ubuntu 15.10 and one whithout it for the others versions of

It's just an idea to make the situation more clear to others users of your
tool who could update Unity Tweak Tool by using your ppa.

Best regards.

PS : Sorry for my english, it's not my first language ;)
Jean-Charles BURGAT

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