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Project page - https://launchpad.net/fuel


Difference between bug and blueprint:

> A bug is a description of a problem, and a blueprint is a description of a
> solution. It would be perfectly legitimate, given the scope of a particular
> problem, to file a bug on a problem and then to write up a blueprint
> describing the approach to solving the problem.

*Name* - blueprint uuid
*Definition* - design doc status

*Implementation* - blueprint

*Title* - feature description

*Specification URL* - for design documentation

*Summary* - short description

*Approver* - the technical lead for the project

*Assignee* - the person responsible for implementing the blueprint

*Drafter* - the person responsible for the planning phase on this blueprint

Openstack wiki doesn't have useful commenting system as google docs, and we
will use google docs for design documentation as it was before, but lets
make sure that our docs have right sharing settings.

*Visibility options *- Anyone with the link

*Access *- Anyone (no sign-in required) Can comment

If your blueprint fixes a bug, you can add a link on this bug, "Link a bug
report" button on blueprint page.

Dependencies graph

If your blueprint depends on other blueprints, you can click “Add
dependency” button and add dependency.

Launchpad doesn't have tags for blueprints, lets use prefixes for names
like nailgun-*, ui-*, astute-*.

Additional information: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints



Read sections status, importance, bugfixing: https://wiki.openstack

We have several official tags for our bugs: make, iso, cli, ostf, docs,
library, ceph, fuelmenu, murano, neutron, ui, savanna, astute, nailgun.
It’s the same as “Component/s” field in jira.

Problem: launchpad doesn't have statuses “To Be Verified”, and “Verifying”
for bugs, lets reassign bug to tester who responsible for testing.

Gerrit workflow with launchpad

Branch naming for blueprints: *bp/BLUEPRINT-UUID*

Commit message for blueprints should contain: *blueprint BLUEPRINT-UUID*

Or for bugs: *Closes-Bug: ####### (Partial-Bug or Related-Bug are options)*


Adds keystone support
> ...Long multiline description of the change...
> Implements: blueprint authentication
> Closes-Bug: #123456
> Change-Id: I4946a16d27f712ae2adf8441ce78e6c0bb0bb657

Additional information: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow

For those who wants to help with bug sorting
