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Message #00764
Re: Issues with RabbitMQ update
First of all: QA says what bug reproduced. Now i try to fix it based on
Lukasz investigations.
Short how info how to make such iso (
We need this things:
1. Patch for fuel-library (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84707/)
2. Patch for fuel-main (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84717/)
3. Custom RabbitMQ repo:
2. cd fuel-main
3. Apply patch for fuel-main:
git fetch https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/fuel-mainrefs/changes/17/84717/1
&& git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
4. Edit config.mk:
5. Build iso (in example i use Moscow mirror, but it is not necessary)
and custom RabbitMQ3 package:
make iso USE_MIRROR=msk EXTRA_RPM_REPOS="rabbitmq3,
6. Check iso in 'build/iso' folder
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Vladimir Sharshov <vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> Long awaited iso: (internal
> network only)
> Using this iso we can try to repeat problem with progress bar. TTL changes
> included.
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Vladimir Sharshov <vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> > wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Current version of RabbitMQ 3 package have issue which does not allow
>> install it in fresh system. OSCI team now work on it. After it will be
>> done, i will build iso for test.
>> Sorry for delay.
>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Vladimir Sharshov <
>> vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks!
>>> > Do you know easy way to do it?
>>> Yes. I do this soon.
>>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Lukasz Oles <loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> hi, comments inline
>>>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Vladimir Sharshov <
>>>> vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I try to reproduce problem with new rabbitmq from this email and all
>>>>> works fine without any delay with 7 astute workers.
>>>>> I think we should build ISO with new RabbitMQ and ttl fixes (today i
>>>>> spend time to reinvestigate already solved problem with ttl).
>>>> Do you know easy way to do it?
>>>>> Several questions for you:
>>>>> - does this problem repeat only in HA-case
>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1278336 ?
>>>>> No, I'm testing it by adding two nodes to cluster and pressing "Verify
>>>> netoworks' in Netowork Tab. I'm waiting 10 min to see results on GUI.
>>>>> - does problem repeat every time or episodically?
>>>>> Almost every time. Once it worked, with 2 astute workers, but after
>>>> restart it stopped to work.
>>>>> - does this problem affect 'generate diagnostic snapshot' (it
>>>>> take much longer time)?
>>>>> I don't know. I tested it on 4.1 branch. I will repeat tests on trunk
>>>> version.
>>>>> I use simple CentOS cluster (1 controller + 1 compute) and 'generate
>>>>> diagnostic snapshot', because a few month ago in this cases UI
>>>>> have significant delays. As result — all work without delay. Now try with
>>>>> HA.
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Mike Scherbakov <
>>>>> mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Great findings, Lukasz!
>>>>>> Adding larger audience of fuel-dev..
>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Lukasz Oles <loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>> Vladimir,
>>>>>>> there is no ISO, just install newest rabbitmq. I attached rpm
>>>>>>> package for centos.
>>>>>>> I have done some more investigation and number of workers actually
>>>>>>> doesn't matter. It just gives random results, but I think I found solution.
>>>>>>> Naily is using asynchronous library to communicate with Rabbitmq. It
>>>>>>> uses amqp library which uses EventMachine. In Naily event loop is running
>>>>>>> in main thread but consumer is running in another and publisher in yet
>>>>>>> another thread.
>>>>>>> To solve the problem with hanging I moved the code for publisher and
>>>>>>> consumer to EM::next_tick block. After this everything is working again
>>>>>>> now.
>>>>>>> EM::next_tick does two things. First, it schedules code to run in
>>>>>>> next event loop iteration. Second it runs this code in event loop thread.
>>>>>>> I'm not sure which of this things helps.
>>>>>>> Debugging async code in threads is really hard. Why in the first
>>>>>>> place Naily is using async library?
>>>>>>> What do you think about it? Maybe it would be better just move to
>>>>>>> synchronous library like bunny?
>>>>>>> Please remember I'm not ruby programmer so I can be missing
>>>>>>> something here.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Vladimir Sharshov <
>>>>>>> vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Guys, please share link to ISO. Without it i could not say anything
>>>>>>>> useful about potencial problem with naily. Thanks!
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Andrey Danin <adanin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> A huge ttl value was set in order to allow nodes with
>>>>>>>>> unsynchronized time be able to use mcollective. if a master node has a
>>>>>>>>> local time more than 6000 seconds in past in comparison with target nodes,
>>>>>>>>> these target nodes will not be able to answer via mcollective.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Vladimir Sharshov <
>>>>>>>>> vsharshov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all!
>>>>>>>>>> > When I changed number of workers in naily from 3 to 2
>>>>>>>>>> everything started to work
>>>>>>>>>> At now moment we increase this value to 7 as i remember. What
>>>>>>>>>> about shared connection - at now moment it works without any issues. Due to
>>>>>>>>>> this limitation only 2 clients in new version looks very strange.
>>>>>>>>>> Please share link to iso, i try to reproduce and investigate this
>>>>>>>>>> problem. Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Mike Scherbakov <
>>>>>>>>>> mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir - I think you've been working with Naily workers, any
>>>>>>>>>>> thoughts on the issue?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Andrey Korolyov <
>>>>>>>>>>> akorolev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/19/2014 12:52 PM, Dmitry Pyzhov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > + more guys.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Lukasz Oles <
>>>>>>>>>>>> loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <mailto:loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hello guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > After a lot of testing and debugging finally I have
>>>>>>>>>>>> something to share.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > First change is in mcollective settings. In
>>>>>>>>>>>> > /etc/mcollective/server.cfg value ttl = 2000000000 is
>>>>>>>>>>>> too big.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Rabbitmq returns error. I changed it to 6000, without this
>>>>>>>>>>>> > mcollective will not work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is not in value itself but in way how rmq drivers
>>>>>>>>>>>> pushes it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Somehow it turns as a *concatenation* of default value around
>>>>>>>>>>>> 10k and
>>>>>>>>>>>> this one, which is definitely too large for first one`
>>>>>>>>>>>> concatenation
>>>>>>>>>>>> result. Just remove this value entirely as I did before from
>>>>>>>>>>>> the config,
>>>>>>>>>>>> three hours are acceptable enough.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Another problem is with task status update. In my tests
>>>>>>>>>>>> it hangs for
>>>>>>>>>>>> > about 10 minutes. After that task is updated.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately it's not
>>>>>>>>>>>> > a problem with python but with naily. When I changed
>>>>>>>>>>>> number of
>>>>>>>>>>>> > workers in naily from 3 to 2 everything started to work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think
>>>>>>>>>>>> > it's because all thread are using the same connection and
>>>>>>>>>>>> chanel to
>>>>>>>>>>>> > publish results but I'm still investigating it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Dmitry Pyzhov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Lukasz,
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Feel free to contact us if you need anything else.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Lukasz Oles <
>>>>>>>>>>>> loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <mailto:loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > ok, thx for rpm
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Dmitry
>>>>>>>>>>>> Burmistrov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <dburmistrov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> dburmistrov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Package rabbitmq-server has been built from
>>>>>>>>>>>> changeset:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > http://gerrit.mirantis.com/13455
>>>>>>>>>>>> > RPM Repository URL:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > http:///
>>>>>>>>>>>> osci-obs.vm.mirantis.net:82/centos-fuel-5.0-stable-13455/centos
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://osci-obs.vm.mirantis.net:82/centos-fuel-5.0-stable-13455/centos
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Package rabbitmq-server has been built from
>>>>>>>>>>>> changeset:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > http://gerrit.mirantis.com/13457
>>>>>>>>>>>> > DEB Repository URL:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > http:///
>>>>>>>>>>>> osci-obs.vm.mirantis.net:82/ubuntu-fuel-5.0-stable-13457/ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://osci-obs.vm.mirantis.net:82/ubuntu-fuel-5.0-stable-13457/ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Dmitry Pyzhov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Lukasz,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Sorry for long response. Our OSCI team will
>>>>>>>>>>>> build a
>>>>>>>>>>>> > package. Dmitry B, could
>>>>>>>>>>>> > > you reply with the download link when it is
>>>>>>>>>>>> available?
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Ticket OSCI-1016.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > > On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Lukasz Oles
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> Sure, I will look into it. Can you give me
>>>>>>>>>>>> a link to
>>>>>>>>>>>> > rabbitmq rpm which
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> you used?
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Dmitry
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pyzhov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>> Lukasz,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>> actually we have no idea what is wrong
>>>>>>>>>>>> with fresh
>>>>>>>>>>>> > rabbitmq. For some
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>> reason refresh of task status takes too
>>>>>>>>>>>> much time.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Dmitry tried to find the
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>> root cause, but did not succeed. Could you
>>>>>>>>>>>> > investigate the issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Lukasz
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oles
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> loles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> Dmitry,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> rabbitmq update looks interesting, I can
>>>>>>>>>>>> look into
>>>>>>>>>>>> > it. Do I need any
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> additional information?
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Dmitry
>>>>>>>>>>>> Pyzhov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> dpyzhov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> Great!
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> Lukasz, could you help us with rabbitmq
>>>>>>>>>>>> update? We
>>>>>>>>>>>> > faced an issue with
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> it:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1278336
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> Also, could you participate it design
>>>>>>>>>>>> review:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zqV58LZBLQ-0gllb_i3MyIKIMj-Qx8ELJohjcWs459s/edit?usp=sharing
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scherbakov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>> <mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <mailto:mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> Lukasz,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> please take any bugs from
>>>>>>>>>>>> > https://launchpad.net/fuel/+milestone/5.0
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> which are not assigned to particular
>>>>>>>>>>>> person. You
>>>>>>>>>>>> > are likely to be interested
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> in those which are assigned to
>>>>>>>>>>>> "fuel-python". Of
>>>>>>>>>>>> > course, it's preferred to
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> work on Critical and High priority
>>>>>>>>>>>> bugs in a
>>>>>>>>>>>> > first order.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> We are in a design phase for 5.0.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please take a
>>>>>>>>>>>> > look at
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mirantis.jira.com/wiki/display/PRD/5.0+-+Mirantis+OpenStack+release+home+page
>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> I'm discussing this still with
>>>>>>>>>>>> management, and we
>>>>>>>>>>>> > will likely have only part
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> of what is on the page. Your comments
>>>>>>>>>>>> and input
>>>>>>>>>>>> > into design docs (which you
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> can find following blueprint link,
>>>>>>>>>>>> then "Read the
>>>>>>>>>>>> > full spec") is very
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> welcome.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> Start looking over and try to identify
>>>>>>>>>>>> spot which
>>>>>>>>>>>> > is in most interest
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> of you. Dmitry/Evgeny will help to
>>>>>>>>>>>> identify areas
>>>>>>>>>>>> > where help is mostly
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> needed. Sorry for not responding to
>>>>>>>>>>>> you in time.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'll get my team to fix
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> FYI: Today is holiday in Russia &
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ukraine
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scherbakov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> <mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <mailto:mscherbakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> It's great. I would be happy to see
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lukasz
>>>>>>>>>>>> > working on Fuel.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Actually, Lukasz already doing great
>>>>>>>>>>>> job helping
>>>>>>>>>>>> > us with Nailgun
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> scalability issues resolution.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Dmitry, please arrange meeting
>>>>>>>>>>>> between our
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Python engineers and
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Lukasz, and identify areas where
>>>>>>>>>>>> contribution of
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Lukasz will be the most
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> effective. It should be aligned with
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> > development of our engineers too.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Piotr
>>>>>>>>>>>> Siwczak
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <psiwczak@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> psiwczak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Mike,
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> For now I see Lukasz has finished
>>>>>>>>>>>> his work for
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Softlayer/Express (at
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> least for the next few weeks)and can
>>>>>>>>>>>> use his
>>>>>>>>>>>> > time to engage into Fuel
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> development. Please feel free to
>>>>>>>>>>>> assign him to
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Fuel tasks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> -Piotr
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Mike Scherbakov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> #mihgen
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> Mike Scherbakov
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>> #mihgen
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>> Łukasz Oleś
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >> Łukasz Oleś
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Łukasz Oleś
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > Łukasz Oleś
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>>>>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the
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>>>>>>>>>>>> > Groups "fuel-core-team" group.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>>>>>>>>>>>> it, send
>>>>>>>>>>>> > an email to fuel-core-team+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> > <mailto:fuel-core-team+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.
>>>>>>>>>>>> > For more options, visit
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/mirantis.com/d/optout.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the
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>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
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>>>>>>>>>>>> For more options, visit
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/mirantis.com/d/optout.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Scherbakov
>>>>>>>>>>> #mihgen
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the
>>>>>>>>>> Google Groups "fuel-core-team" group.
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>>>>>>>>>> For more options, visit
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>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Andrey Danin
>>>>>>>>> adanin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> skype: gcon.monolake
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Łukasz Oleś
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Mike Scherbakov
>>>>>> #mihgen
>>>> --
>>>> Łukasz Oleś
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