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Fuel and conf. management tools


Hi Fuelers,

I have some notes on a particular user concern (which I heard from a number
of potential Fuel users, medium-to-large scale), and I'd like to bring it
to your attention so we could brainstorm the solution together.

*The concern goes like this:*

As an enterprise IT admin I'm already running a conf. management system
(Puppet, Chef, Saltstack) and feel kinda weird about having Fuel master
node and OpenStack nodes not managed by them. Even more weird is to know
that Fuel is based on Puppet, but still use it separately from existing
Puppet infrastructure.

*The real-world use case is:*

Each server (physical or virtual) in Enterprise environment is put under
control of configuration management system. Typical work items that
puppet-agent/chef-client will run on newly provisioned server are:

   - gather HW configuration and report it to CMDB
   - create set of standard accounts for users, admins etc
   - install additional packages
   - setup company-specific security/audit settings for HostOS
   - provision and configure monitoring tools
   - etc

*My thoughts on solving this are:*

   - A) Create a whitepaper/wiki page that will:
      - Explain why one should not think and/or be concerned about
      "integrating" Fuel w/ existing Puppet infrastructure
      - Explain how to add puppet-agent/chef-client and master
      configuration to Fuel master node and to OpenStack nodes (so that Fuel
      would manage the OpenStack lifecycle, but still leave room for
admin tasks
      to be executed through conf. management)
      - Explain which parts of Fuel master and OpenStack nodes config the
      external conf management system should not mess with
   - B) Introduce "Integration with configuration management system" feature
      - Allow user to specify the type of configuration management system
      (Puppet, Chef, Saltstack) and IP of master server
      - Based on user selection - provision+configure appropriate
      agent/client to Fuel master node and to OpenStack nodes

What do you think?


Follow ups