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Message #00736
Re: Fwd: I would like help from you about this issue.
Dear Vitaliy and Luca:
Thank you very much for your mails.
I´m desperate because we have 8.000 Atom D2550 that don´t work like my
customer need.
There are people from Intel and Red Hat trying to get a solution but they
have no one.
Could you work together with them?
Could you help them in any way?
Thanks in advance.
Inmaculada López - ilopez@xxxxxxxxx - DIBAL, S.A. - Director Técnico /
Technical Manager
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DIBAL, S.A. - Astintze, 24 - 48160 Derio - Vizcaya (España) - Tel.: (+34)
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DIBAL, S.A. - Astintze, 24 - 48160 Derio - Vizcaya (Spain) - Tel.: (+34)
94 452 15 10 - Fax: (+34) 94 452 36 58 -
De: Vitaliy Kulikov <slonua@xxxxxxxxx>
Para: Luca Forina <luca.forina@xxxxxxxxx>
cc: Inmaculada Lopez <ILopez@xxxxxxxxx>, "gma500@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Fecha: 03/07/2016 00:12
Asunto: Re: Fwd: I would like help from you about this issue.
Hi Luca,
Thanks for replay )) My gma500 is somethere in Mediterranean Sea ((
@Inmaculada, i have posted you email to GMA group. So, if somebody is
active they will help.
On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Luca Forina <luca.forina@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Vitaly...
I still have a gma500 devicd but it is closed in the wardrobe :)
I don't know if there is anything better of xorg-modesetting and
gma500-gfx kernel module. So no opengl stack and just decent 2d
I should give it a read and look for anything updated :)
Can you help? ))
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <ILopez@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:55 AM
Subject: I would like help from you about this issue.
To: slonua@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: BRodriguez@xxxxxxxxx
Dear Vitaliy Kulikov :
I would like help from you about this issue.
Thanks in advance.
DIBAL is a company that designs and manufactures scales. One of the most
important product of DIBAL (Scale PC) uses a CPU microprocessor Intel Atom
D2550 inside. The Intel web is
This microprocessor has embedded graphics chipset (GMA 3650). This chipset
is designed by PowerVR as SGX545. Intel web: Intel® Graphics Media
Accelerator 500 (Intel® GMA 500)
The Intel GMA 500 series, also known by it's codename Poulsbo or Intel
System Controller Hub US15W,
This DIBAL product (PC Scale) uses Red Hat operating system. The GMA 3650
chipset doesn’t have a well-supported driver. In fact none of the drivers
that are published on the web runs on Linux.
The Intel drivers for GMA3650 are:
a) File: Intel_GMA500-5[1].0.0.0040.tar.gz
Driver del 2010. 2010/06/30
Driver 2012.
File: cdv-gfx-drivers-1.0.3_bee.tar.bz2
The Linux community developed a driver called gma500_gfx. There is a
version of Red Hat using this driver but is not official.
This graphic chipset according to Intel documentation supports 2D graphics
An application that runs on Chrome, apache and php works fluidly
Another application that is functionally the same and runs on Java doesn’t
work smoothly.
Java developers say it doesn’t work smoothly because no hardware
acceleration chipset is used.
We executed the following test to try to assess the performance of the
The results were as follows:
a) CPU Atom D2550. Operative System: Red Hat 6.6 Kernel 2.6.32
.Graphic driver VESA
$glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: sofware acceleration
Execution time for J2BENCH test 2 min 47 sec
Glxgears test 84 FPS
b) CPU Atom D2550 Operative System: Red Hat 6.6 Kernel 3.14.1
Graphic driver gma500_gfx
$glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: sofware rasterizer
Execution time for J2BENCH test 57 sec
Glxgears test 90 FPS
Si revisamos el fichero Xorg.0.log parece que no está utilizando la
aceleración de hardware.
[27.978] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable
[27.979] (EE) AIGLX: Reverting to software rendering
c) CPU with microproccesator i3-5010U. Operative System: Red Hat
7.3 Graphic driver Intel HD Graphics 5500
$glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2)
Execution time for J2BENCH test 38 sec
Glxgears test 6.500 FPS
We need help in this respect:
In option b “CPU Atom D2550 Operative System: Red Hat 6.6 Kernel 3.14.1
Graphic driver gma500_gfx”
Are we using the maximum capacity of the graphics chipset?
Is it possible to objectively measure the performance of this chipset?
Is it possible to improve it?
Is it possible to ensure that we are using hardware acceleration?
Inmaculada López - ilopez@xxxxxxxxx - DIBAL, S.A. - Director Técnico /
Technical Manager
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DIBAL, S.A. - Astintze, 24 - 48160 Derio - Vizcaya (España) - Tel.: (+34)
94 452 15 10 - Fax: (+34) 94 452 36 58 -
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
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If you have received this email in error please notify us. Please note
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recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of
viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any
virus transmitted by this email.
DIBAL, S.A. - Astintze, 24 - 48160 Derio - Vizcaya (Spain) - Tel.: (+34)
94 452 15 10 - Fax: (+34) 94 452 36 58 -
