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[Question #271995]: Errors about static assets in log file, webpage is blank


New question #271995 on Graphite:


Please help :)

1) About me and my efforts:
I'm struggling to install Graphite and get it running for almost 2 weeks so far on Ubuntu!
Now im on the step where I'm running the webapp, using the command:
PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/storage/whisper ./bin/run-graphite-devel-server.py --port=8085 --libs=`pwd`/webapp /opt/graphite 1>/opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/process.log 2>&1 &

2) The problem:
In the logfile I get errors as following:
GET /static/js/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css HTTP/1.1" 404 113
[02/Oct/2015 09:38:14] "GET /static/js/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js HTTP/1.1" 404 111
[02/Oct/2015 09:38:14] "GET /static/css/dashboard-default.css HTTP/1.1" 404 106

In the browser I get a blank screen.

3) My attempts to fix it:
I've configured STATIC_ROOT as proposed in this link:
I've configured Apache as proposed in this^ link as well... specifically:
 -  I've created directory /usr/local/apache2/conf/vhosts.d/*.conf
 - copied there the file example-graphite-vhost.conf
 - Included this file into the httpd.conf: Include /usr/local/apache2/conf/vhosts.d/*.conf

Please HAELP!!! :) I want to make it work!
I have no idea what to do next...
Note: I'm new to ubuntu

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