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[Bug 1842489] Re: [ffe][sru]: Update sosreport [last] plugin


This bug was fixed in the package sosreport - 3.6-1ubuntu2.1

sosreport (3.6-1ubuntu2.1) disco; urgency=medium

  * d/p/split-lastlog-per-uid-ranges.patch: (LP: #1842489)
    - Split lastlog per UID ranges.

 -- Eric Desrochers <eric.desrochers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  Wed, 04 Sep 2019
20:38:52 +0000

** Changed in: sosreport (Ubuntu Disco)
       Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released

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  [ffe][sru]: Update sosreport [last] plugin

Status in sosreport package in Ubuntu:
  Fix Released
Status in sosreport source package in Xenial:
  Fix Released
Status in sosreport source package in Bionic:
  Fix Released
Status in sosreport source package in Disco:
  Fix Released

Bug description:

  Canonical support is about to offer SOSCleaner project for UA customer
  who wants to obfuscate sensible data from an existing sosreport
  tarball such as user, hostname, network information obfuscation.

  For user obfuscation, currently SOSCleaner relies on what sosreport
  offers which is "lastlog", reporting all user regardless of their UID.

  Unfortunately, this generate a lot of false positives (and require a
  significant ignored_users list) inside SOSCleaner especially for user
  in the UID range 0-999 (e.g.'sys', 'bin', 'syslog', and much more)

  I have submitted a PR in sosreport upstream in order to split lastlog
  output by UID ranges, in order to help SOSCleaner to obfuscate what we
  really want to obfuscate and ignore the rest.


  Once approved upstream, I'd like to push that change in E/D/B/X in
  order to unblock the development of the tool "SOSCleaner" which
  unfortunately won't land in the archive for now, will be offered in a
  Private PPA. Note that the plan is for the package to land in the
  Ubuntu archive in the near future (few months still) and this change
  will highly impact the delay if this fix doesn't land in sosreport
  (Ubuntu archive).


  * Install sosreport
   ** Run sosreport:
   - sosreport -a
  * Install soscleaner
   ** Run soscleaner:
   - soscleaner /tmp/sosreport-<TARBALL>
  * Make sure only user in the 1000-60000 UID range are obfuscated.

  - None, sosreport will still collect the entire lastlog (current behavior), we are not removing that behaviour, we simply add an alternative which is not costly for typical systems.


  * Upstream fix not merged yet, but +1 by maintainers:

  * Build logs:

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