group.of.nepali.translators team mailing list archive
group.of.nepali.translators team
Mailing list archive
Message #47546
[Bug 2060769] Re: pro-client execs `apt list --installed` instead of using python3-apt - leading to utf-8 errors
Given the wider range of problems represented in the bug, I have changed
the title/description to accomodate any subprocess returning non-utf8.
There is also a new fix plan. I will implement it and we will upload a
33.1 version to proposed fixing this.
** Description changed:
[ Impact ]
If for any reason the user's system has any non-utf8 character as part
- of the `apt list --installed` command, the Pro Client will fail to parse
+ of any subprocess command executed, the Pro Client will fail to parse
the return output and break.
Independent of why this happens, the Pro Client should not be relying on
CLI output when there are Python bindings available to perform the same
task - and python3-apt provides ways to list installed packages.
- The fix to this bug is to rely on the programmatic integration with APT
- instead of calling the CLI.
+ The fix to this bug is to ignore utf-8 errors in the occasions where it
+ needs to subprocess. Even other software than APT may include non-utf8
+ output by chance. To avoid corner case scenarios, setting LANG=C when
+ executing any subprocess should mitigate the presence of non-utf8
+ anyway.
[ Test Plan ]
- Listing installed packages is part of the regular operation of the Pro
- Client in many scenarios covered by the integration / acceptance tests.
+ Subprocessing is part of the regular operation of the Pro Client in many
+ scenarios covered by the integration / acceptance tests.
For this particular issue:
- Launch a container for the release to be tested
- Install a non-utf-8 locale and set it as the default. e.g.
- - sudo locale-gen fr_FR
- - sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # select fr_FR
- - # log out and log in
+ - sudo locale-gen fr_FR
+ - sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # select fr_FR
+ - # log out and log in
- pro status
- see it fail
- install the package from -proposed
- see it does not fail anymore
[ Where problems could occur ]
- Switching from the CLI call to python3-apt brings the risk of wrong
- implementation of the integration, which would lead to a different
- package list to be returned by python3-apt. The regression potential is
- mitigated by extensive testing - unit, integration and acceptance tests
- rely on this functionality.
+ Ignoring non-utf8 characters when decoding will not prevent the Client
+ from reading all the actual utf-8 present in the output. The pieces we
+ parse from the commands we execute are not involving any possible non-
+ utf8 text. If we would have assessed this wrong, this could cause all
+ sorts of regressions.
+ To be extra careful, we are setting LANG=C.UTF-8 - so we have way better
+ expectation management on the outputs from any external command we run
+ on a system.
[ Original description ]
["2024-04-10T08:28:17.952", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:28:17.953", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:28:18.575", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1475, in action_status\n status, ret = actions.status(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-package
s/uaclient/\", line 173, in status\n status = ua_status.status(cfg=cfg, show_all=show_all)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 418, in status\n response = _unattached_status(cfg)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 283, in _unat
tached_status\n resources = get_available_resources(cfg)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 680, in get_available_re
sources\n resources = client.available_resources()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 114, in available_resources\n
activity_info = self._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"deskt
op\": system.is_desktop(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_pa
ckages():\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"
--installed\"])\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-pa
ckages/uaclient/\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode b
yte 0xe1 in position 109: invalid continuation byte"}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.404", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.config", "parse_config", 625, "Using client configuration file at /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.408", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.409", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/user-config.json but file does not exis
t", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.421", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 146, "Setting no_proxy:,[fd00:ec2::254],metadata", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 154, "Setting global proxy dict", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.cli", "main", 1825, "Executed with sys.argv: ['/usr/bin/pro', 'attach', '<REDACTED>']", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.lock", "__enter__", 77, "spin lock starting for pro attach", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.423", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmparyyoirn", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.423", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock atomically via tempfile /var/lib/
ubuntu-advantage/tmpn1yxl91o", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmpwqyq85v1", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/machine-id", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.425", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.970", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress"
, {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.970", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.971", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 257, in new_f\n return f(args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uac
lient/cli/\", line 202, in new_f\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 186,
in new_f\n retval = f(*args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1305, in action_attach\n a
ctions.attach_with_token(cfg, token=token, allow_enable=allow_enable)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 65, in attach_w
ith_token\n new_machine_token = contract_client.add_contract_machine(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in decorato
r\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in add_contract_machine\n activity_info = se
lf._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"desktop\": system.is_deskt
op(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_packages():\n File \"/
usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"--installed\"])\n Fi
le \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/syste\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position
109: invalid continuation byte"}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.763", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.config", "parse_config", 625, "Using client configuration file at /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.767", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.768", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/user-config.json but file does not exis
t", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 146, "Setting no_proxy:,[fd00:ec2::254],metadata", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 154, "Setting global proxy dict", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.cli", "main", 1825, "Executed with sys.argv: ['/usr/bin/pro', 'attach', '<REDACTED>']", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.lock", "__enter__", 77, "spin lock starting for pro attach", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmplx6ehdag", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.782", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock atomically via tempfile /var/lib/
ubuntu-advantage/tmp6ml_ltfj", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.782", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmpvxf_b1v0", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/machine-id", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.784", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.366", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress"
, {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.367", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.367", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 257, in new_f\n return f(args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uac
lient/cli/\", line 202, in new_f\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 186,
in new_f\n retval = f(*args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1305, in action_attach\n a
ctions.attach_with_token(cfg, token=token, allow_enable=allow_enable)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 65, in attach_w
ith_token\n new_machine_token = contract_client.add_contract_machine(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in decorato
r\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in add_contract_machine\n activity_info = se
lf._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"desktop\": system.is_deskt
op(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_packages():\n File \"/
usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"--installed\"])\n Fi
le \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/syste\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position
109: invalid continuation byte"}]
ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 20.04
Package: ubuntu-advantage-tools 31.2~20.04
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 5.15.0-101.111~20.04.1-generic 5.15.143
Uname: Linux 5.15.0-101-generic x86_64
NonfreeKernelModules: falcon_lsm_serviceable falcon_nf_netcontain falcon_kal falcon_lsm_pinned_16407 falcon_lsm_pinned_16206
ApportVersion: 2.20.11-0ubuntu27.27
Architecture: amd64
CasperMD5CheckResult: skip
Date: Wed Apr 10 08:28:11 2024
PackageArchitecture: all
PATH=(custom, no user)
SourcePackage: ubuntu-advantage-tools
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)
cloud-id.txt-error: Invalid command specified 'cloud-id'.
livepatch-status.txt-error: Invalid command specified '/snap/bin/canonical-livepatch status'.
ua-status.json-error: Failed running command 'pro status --format json' [exit(1)]. Message:
log_level: debug
** Summary changed:
- pro-client execs `apt list --installed` instead of using python3-apt - leading to utf-8 errors
+ pro-client decodes utf-8 strictly, which causes problems in some locales
** Changed in: ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu)
Status: Fix Released => In Progress
You received this bug notification because you are a member of नेपाली
भाषा समायोजकहरुको समूह, which is subscribed to Xenial.
Matching subscriptions: Ubuntu 16.04 Bugs
pro-client decodes utf-8 strictly, which causes problems in some
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools package in Ubuntu:
In Progress
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools source package in Xenial:
Fix Committed
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools source package in Bionic:
Fix Committed
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools source package in Focal:
Fix Committed
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools source package in Jammy:
Fix Committed
Status in ubuntu-advantage-tools source package in Noble:
Fix Committed
Bug description:
[ Impact ]
If for any reason the user's system has any non-utf8 character as part
of any subprocess command executed, the Pro Client will fail to parse
the return output and break.
Independent of why this happens, the Pro Client should not be relying
on CLI output when there are Python bindings available to perform the
same task - and python3-apt provides ways to list installed packages.
The fix to this bug is to ignore utf-8 errors in the occasions where
it needs to subprocess. Even other software than APT may include non-
utf8 output by chance. To avoid corner case scenarios, setting LANG=C
when executing any subprocess should mitigate the presence of non-utf8
[ Test Plan ]
Subprocessing is part of the regular operation of the Pro Client in
many scenarios covered by the integration / acceptance tests.
For this particular issue:
- Launch a container for the release to be tested
- Install a non-utf-8 locale and set it as the default. e.g.
- sudo locale-gen fr_FR
- sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # select fr_FR
- # log out and log in
- pro status
- see it fail
- install the package from -proposed
- see it does not fail anymore
[ Where problems could occur ]
Ignoring non-utf8 characters when decoding will not prevent the Client
from reading all the actual utf-8 present in the output. The pieces we
parse from the commands we execute are not involving any possible non-
utf8 text. If we would have assessed this wrong, this could cause all
sorts of regressions.
To be extra careful, we are setting LANG=C.UTF-8 - so we have way
better expectation management on the outputs from any external command
we run on a system.
[ Original description ]
["2024-04-10T08:28:17.952", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:28:17.953", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:28:18.575", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1475, in action_status\n status, ret = actions.status(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-package
s/uaclient/\", line 173, in status\n status = ua_status.status(cfg=cfg, show_all=show_all)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 418, in status\n response = _unattached_status(cfg)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 283, in _unat
tached_status\n resources = get_available_resources(cfg)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 680, in get_available_re
sources\n resources = client.available_resources()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 114, in available_resources\n
activity_info = self._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"deskt
op\": system.is_desktop(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_pa
ckages():\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"
--installed\"])\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-pa
ckages/uaclient/\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode b
yte 0xe1 in position 109: invalid continuation byte"}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.404", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.config", "parse_config", 625, "Using client configuration file at /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.408", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.409", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/user-config.json but file does not exis
t", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.421", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 146, "Setting no_proxy:,[fd00:ec2::254],metadata", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 154, "Setting global proxy dict", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.cli", "main", 1825, "Executed with sys.argv: ['/usr/bin/pro', 'attach', '<REDACTED>']", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.422", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.lock", "__enter__", 77, "spin lock starting for pro attach", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.423", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmparyyoirn", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.423", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock atomically via tempfile /var/lib/
ubuntu-advantage/tmpn1yxl91o", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmpwqyq85v1", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/machine-id", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.424", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.425", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.970", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress"
, {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.970", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:30:25.971", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 257, in new_f\n return f(args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uac
lient/cli/\", line 202, in new_f\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 186,
in new_f\n retval = f(*args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1305, in action_attach\n a
ctions.attach_with_token(cfg, token=token, allow_enable=allow_enable)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 65, in attach_w
ith_token\n new_machine_token = contract_client.add_contract_machine(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in decorato
r\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in add_contract_machine\n activity_info = se
lf._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"desktop\": system.is_deskt
op(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_packages():\n File \"/
usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"--installed\"])\n Fi
le \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/syste\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position
109: invalid continuation byte"}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.763", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.config", "parse_config", 625, "Using client configuration file at /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.767", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.768", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/user-config.json but file does not exis
t", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 146, "Setting no_proxy:,[fd00:ec2::254],metadata", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.http", "configure_web_proxy", 154, "Setting global proxy dict", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.780", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.cli", "main", 1825, "Executed with sys.argv: ['/usr/bin/pro', 'attach', '<REDACTED>']", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.lock", "__enter__", 77, "spin lock starting for pro attach", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.781", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmplx6ehdag", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.782", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock atomically via tempfile /var/lib/
ubuntu-advantage/tmp6ml_ltfj", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.782", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "write_file", 556, "Writing file /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress atomicall
y via tempfile /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/tmpvxf_b1v0", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.files.files", "read", 60, "Tried to load /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json but file doe
s not exist", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/machine-id", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.783", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /etc/os-release", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:29.784", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "load_file", 517, "Reading file: /proc/version_signature", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.366", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /run/ubuntu-advantage/notices/60-operation_in_progress"
, {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.367", "DEBUG", "ubuntupro.system", "ensure_file_absent", 576, "Removed file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/lock", {}]
["2024-04-10T08:38:30.367", "ERROR", "ubuntupro.cli", "wrapper", 1768, "Unhandled exception, please file a bug", {"exc_info": "Traceback (most recent call
last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1705, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/py
thon3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1838, in main\n return_value = args.action(args, cfg=cfg, extra_args=extra_args)\n File \"/usr/li
b/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 257, in new_f\n return f(args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uac
lient/cli/\", line 202, in new_f\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 186,
in new_f\n retval = f(*args, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/cli/\", line 1305, in action_attach\n a
ctions.attach_with_token(cfg, token=token, allow_enable=allow_enable)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 65, in attach_w
ith_token\n new_machine_token = contract_client.add_contract_machine(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in decorato
r\n return f(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 92, in add_contract_machine\n activity_info = se
lf._get_activity_info()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 413, in _get_activity_info\n \"desktop\": system.is_deskt
op(),\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 397, in is_desktop\n for package in apt.get_installed_packages():\n File \"/
usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 727, in get_installed_packages\n out, _ = system.subp([\"apt\", \"list\", \"--installed\"])\n Fi
le \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/\", line 703, in subp\n out, err = _subp(\n File \"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/syste\", line 649, in _subp\n out_result = out.decode(\"utf-8\") if out else \"\"\nUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position
109: invalid continuation byte"}]
ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 20.04
Package: ubuntu-advantage-tools 31.2~20.04
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 5.15.0-101.111~20.04.1-generic 5.15.143
Uname: Linux 5.15.0-101-generic x86_64
NonfreeKernelModules: falcon_lsm_serviceable falcon_nf_netcontain falcon_kal falcon_lsm_pinned_16407 falcon_lsm_pinned_16206
ApportVersion: 2.20.11-0ubuntu27.27
Architecture: amd64
CasperMD5CheckResult: skip
Date: Wed Apr 10 08:28:11 2024
PackageArchitecture: all
PATH=(custom, no user)
SourcePackage: ubuntu-advantage-tools
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)
cloud-id.txt-error: Invalid command specified 'cloud-id'.
livepatch-status.txt-error: Invalid command specified '/snap/bin/canonical-livepatch status'.
ua-status.json-error: Failed running command 'pro status --format json' [exit(1)]. Message:
log_level: debug
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