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Usability Testing update


We have finished 3 rounds of usability testing and wanted to update you on
the different areas we have focused on. The wiki page for our project can be
found here [1] <http://wiki.rockalypse.org/HCD/GTG>. A list of the points we
are planning on focusing on can be found here
Pictures of our paper prototypes will be on the wiki sometime during this
week. Our wiki page is constantly being updated as we go further in to
testing so feel free to check back as often as you would like. We hope these
testing points fit in to what GTG has in mind, if you have any suggestions
feel free to let us know.

Thank you

[1] http://wiki.rockalypse.org/HCD/GTG
[2] http://wiki.rockalypse.org/HCD/GTG/Design_Development

Follow ups
