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Re: contribution to GTG project and GOPW


I'd love to hear what you think, and anybody who has 5 spare minutes can
just download the master as tar.gz, uncompress it and open any of the
.page files with Yelp.

Don't mind the text itself much, this was more of the structural draft,
to see how all the content pages link together in Mallard format. Once
the structure is all in place and approved by the team, I'll proceed
with polishing the actual text.
I can open it and browse it :-) Sometimes I find in console those messages:
Unmatched inline element: steps
Unmatched inline element: item
Unmatched inline element: p
Unmatched inline element: item
Unmatched inline element: p
Unmatched inline element: item
Unmatched inline element: p
Unmatched inline element: item
Unmatched inline element: p
Unmatched inline element: item
Unmatched inline element: p

When I opened shortcut page, shortcuts for main window were collapsed. Is that an intention?
Besides text and structure (there are no pages for last sections), it 
looks great!

Follow ups
