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Inappropriate permissions on projects.xml



Inappropriate permissions on projects.xml file lead to an unexpected
program termination (you thought about it, if I believe you comments in
cleanxml.py :). Here is a really simple patch to warn users and to
finish the program properly.

Carl Chenet
> import sys
<     if os.path.exists(zefile) :
<         #We should be more defensive here
<         doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(zefile)
<         cleanDoc(doc,tab,enter)
<         #We should be more defensive here
<         xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName(root)[0]
<     #the file didn't exist, create it now
<     else :
<         doc,xmlproject = emptydoc(root)
<         #then we create the file
<         f = open(zefile, mode='a+')
<         f.write(doc.toxml().encode("utf-8"))
<         f.close()
<     return doc,xmlproject
>     try:
>         if os.path.exists(zefile) :
>             #We should be more defensive here
>             doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(zefile)
>             cleanDoc(doc,tab,enter)
>             #We should be more defensive here
>             xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName(root)[0]
>         #the file didn't exist, create it now
>         else :
>             doc,xmlproject = emptydoc(root)
>             #then we create the file
>             f = open(zefile, mode='a+')
>             f.write(doc.toxml().encode("utf-8"))
>             f.close()
>         return doc,xmlproject
>     except IOError, msg:
>         print msg
>         sys.exit(1)

Follow ups