gtg team mailing list archive
gtg team
Mailing list archive
Message #02746
[Merge] lp:~gtg-user/gtg/multibackends-halfgsoc_merge into lp:gtg
Luca Invernizzi has proposed merging lp:~gtg-user/gtg/multibackends-halfgsoc_merge into lp:gtg.
Requested reviews:
Gtg developers (gtg)
It's the last merge request [0] with all the changes we talked about applied.
It seems quite stable, since I had the need to change it rarely.
The other backends will come in separate merges, once this one is accepted.
Your team Gtg developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~gtg-user/gtg/multibackends-halfgsoc_merge into lp:gtg.
=== modified file 'GTG/backends/'
--- GTG/backends/ 2010-03-01 01:55:12 +0000
+++ GTG/backends/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -23,14 +23,173 @@
(like on the hard disk or on the internet)
and to read projects from this medium
-#Current backends are :
-# : store and read a local XML file
-# this should not be empty. It should list the available backends
+import sys
+import uuid
+import os.path
+from import Log
+from import Borg
+from GTG.backends.genericbackend import GenericBackend
+from GTG.core import firstrun_tasks
+from import cleanxml
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+class BackendFactory(Borg):
+ '''
+ This class holds the information about the backend types.
+ Since it's about types, all information is static. The instantiated
+ backends are handled in the Datastore.
+ It is a Borg for what matters its only state (_backend_modules),
+ since it makes no sense of keeping multiple instances of this.
+ '''
+ BACKEND_PREFIX = "backend_"
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Creates a dictionary of the currently available backend modules
+ """
+ super(BackendFactory, self).__init__()
+ if hasattr(self, "backend_modules"):
+ #This object has already been constructed
+ return
+ self.backend_modules = {}
+ #Look for backends in the GTG/backends dir
+ this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ backend_files = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(".py") and \
+ f[ : len(self.BACKEND_PREFIX)] == self.BACKEND_PREFIX , \
+ os.listdir(this_dir))
+ #Create module names
+ module_names = map(lambda f: f.replace(".py",""), backend_files)
+ Log.debug("Backends found: " + str(module_names))
+ #Load backend modules
+ for module_name in module_names:
+ extended_module_name = "GTG.backends." + module_name
+ try:
+ __import__(extended_module_name)
+ except ImportError, exception:
+ #Something is wrong with this backend, skipping
+ Log.debug("Backend %s could not be loaded: %s" % \
+ (module_name, str(exception)))
+ continue
+ self.backend_modules[module_name] = \
+ sys.modules[extended_module_name]
+ def get_backend(self, backend_name):
+ '''
+ Returns the backend module for the backend matching
+ backend_name. Else, returns none
+ '''
+ if backend_name in self.backend_modules:
+ return self.backend_modules[backend_name]
+ else:
+ Log.debug("Trying to load backend %s, but failed!" % backend_name)
+ return None
+ def get_all_backends(self):
+ '''
+ Returns a dictionary containing all the backends types
+ '''
+ return self.backend_modules
+ def get_new_backend_dict(self, backend_name, additional_parameters = {}):
+ '''
+ Constructs a new backend initialization dictionary. In more
+ exact terms, creates a dictionary, containing all the necessary
+ entries to initialize a backend.
+ '''
+ if not self.backend_modules.has_key(backend_name):
+ return None
+ dic = {}
+ module = self.get_backend(backend_name)
+ #Different pids are necessary to discern between backends of the same
+ # type
+ parameters = module.Backend.get_static_parameters()
+ #we all the parameters and their default values in dic
+ for param_name, param_dic in parameters.iteritems():
+ dic[param_name] = param_dic[GenericBackend.PARAM_DEFAULT_VALUE]
+ dic["pid"] = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ dic["module"] = module.Backend.get_name()
+ for param_name, param_value in additional_parameters.iteritems():
+ dic[param_name] = param_value
+ dic["backend"] = module.Backend(dic)
+ return dic
+ def restore_backend_from_xml(self, dic):
+ '''
+ Function restoring a backend from its xml description.
+ dic should be a dictionary containing at least the key
+ - "module", with the module name
+ - "xmlobject", with its xml description.
+ Every other key is passed as-is to the backend, as parameter.
+ Returns the backend instance, or None is something goes wrong
+ '''
+ if not "module" in dic or not "xmlobject" in dic:
+ Log.debug ("Malformed backend configuration found! %s" % \
+ dic)
+ module = self.get_backend(dic["module"])
+ if module == None:
+ Log.debug ("could not load module for backend %s" % \
+ dic["module"])
+ return None
+ #we pop the xml object, as it will be redundant when the parameters
+ # are set directly in the dict
+ xp = dic.pop("xmlobject")
+ #Building the dictionary
+ parameters_specs = module.Backend.get_static_parameters()
+ dic["pid"] = str(xp.getAttribute("pid"))
+ for param_name, param_dic in parameters_specs.iteritems():
+ if xp.hasAttribute(param_name):
+ #we need to convert the parameter to the right format.
+ # we fetch the format from the static_parameters
+ param_type = param_dic[GenericBackend.PARAM_TYPE]
+ param_value = GenericBackend.cast_param_type_from_string( \
+ xp.getAttribute(param_name), param_type)
+ dic[param_name] = param_value
+ #We put the backend itself in the dict
+ dic["backend"] = module.Backend(dic)
+ return dic["backend"]
+ def get_saved_backends_list(self):
+ backends_dic = self._read_backend_configuration_file()
+ #Retrocompatibility: default backend has changed name
+ for dic in backends_dic:
+ if dic["module"] == "localfile":
+ dic["module"] = "backend_localfile"
+ dic["pid"] = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ dic["need_conversion"] = \
+ dic["xmlobject"].getAttribute("filename")
+ #Now that the backend list is build, we will construct them
+ for dic in backends_dic:
+ self.restore_backend_from_xml(dic)
+ #If no backend available, we create a new using localfile. Xmlobject
+ # will be filled in by the backend
+ if len(backends_dic) == 0:
+ dic = BackendFactory().get_new_backend_dict( \
+ "backend_localfile")
+ dic["backend"].this_is_the_first_run(firstrun_tasks.populate())
+ backends_dic.append(dic)
+ return backends_dic
+ def _read_backend_configuration_file(self):
+ '''
+ Reads the file describing the current backend configuration (project.xml)
+ and returns a list of dictionaries, each containing:
+ - the xml object defining the backend characteristics under
+ "xmlobject"
+ - the name of the backend under "module"
+ '''
+ # Read configuration file, if it does not exist, create one
+ datafile = os.path.join(CoreConfig().get_data_dir(), CoreConfig.DATA_FILE)
+ doc, configxml = cleanxml.openxmlfile(datafile, "config")
+ xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName("backend")
+ # collect configured backends
+ return [{"xmlobject": xp, \
+ "module": xp.getAttribute("module")} for xp in xmlproject]
=== added file 'GTG/backends/'
--- GTG/backends/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/backends/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Localfile is a read/write backend that will store your tasks in an XML file
+This file will be in your $XDG_DATA_DIR/gtg folder.
+import os
+import uuid
+from GTG.backends.genericbackend import GenericBackend
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+from import cleanxml, taskxml
+from GTG import _
+class Backend(GenericBackend):
+ DEFAULT_PATH = CoreConfig().get_data_dir() #default path for filenames
+ #Description of the backend (mainly it's data we show the user, only the
+ # name is used internally. Please note that BACKEND_NAME and
+ # BACKEND_ICON_NAME should *not* be translated.
+ _general_description = { \
+ GenericBackend.BACKEND_NAME: "backend_localfile", \
+ GenericBackend.BACKEND_HUMAN_NAME: _("Local File"), \
+ GenericBackend.BACKEND_AUTHORS: ["Lionel Dricot", \
+ "Luca Invernizzi"], \
+ GenericBackend.BACKEND_TYPE: GenericBackend.TYPE_READWRITE, \
+ _("Your tasks are saved in a text file (XML format). " + \
+ " This is the most basic and the default way " + \
+ "for GTG to save your tasks."),\
+ }
+ #parameters to configure a new backend of this type.
+ #NOTE: should we always give back a different default filename? it can be
+ # done, but I'd like to keep this backend simple, so that it can be
+ # used as example (invernizzi)
+ _static_parameters = { \
+ "path": { \
+ GenericBackend.PARAM_TYPE: GenericBackend.TYPE_STRING, \
+ GenericBackend.PARAM_DEFAULT_VALUE: \
+ os.path.join(DEFAULT_PATH, "gtg_tasks-%s.xml" %(uuid.uuid4()))
+ }}
+ def _get_default_filename_path(self, filename = None):
+ '''
+ Generates a default path with a random filename
+ @param filename: specify a filename
+ '''
+ if not filename:
+ filename = "gtg_tasks-%s.xml" % (uuid.uuid4())
+ return os.path.join(self.DEFAULT_PATH, filename)
+ def __init__(self, parameters):
+ """
+ Instantiates a new backend.
+ @param parameters: should match the dictionary returned in
+ get_parameters. Anyway, the backend should care if one expected
+ value is None or does not exist in the dictionary.
+ @firstrun: only needed for the default backend. It should be
+ omitted for all other backends.
+ """
+ super(Backend, self).__init__(parameters)
+ self.tids = []
+ #NOTE: retrocompatibility. We convert "filename" to "path"
+ # and we forget about "filename"
+ if "need_conversion" in parameters:
+ parameters["path"] = os.path.join(self.DEFAULT_PATH, \
+ parameters["need_conversion"])
+ del parameters["need_conversion"]
+ if not self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND in parameters:
+ parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND] = True
+ ####
+ self.doc, self.xmlproj = cleanxml.openxmlfile( \
+ self._parameters["path"], "project")
+ def initialize(self):
+ super(Backend, self).initialize()
+ self.doc, self.xmlproj = cleanxml.openxmlfile( \
+ self._parameters["path"], "project")
+ def this_is_the_first_run(self, xml):
+ #Create the default tasks for the first run.
+ #We write the XML object in a file
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND] = True
+ cleanxml.savexml(self._parameters["path"], xml)
+ self.doc, self.xmlproj = cleanxml.openxmlfile(\
+ self._parameters["path"], "project")
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND] = True
+ def start_get_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Once this function is launched, the backend can start pushing
+ tasks to gtg parameters.
+ @return: start_get_tasks() might not return or finish
+ '''
+ tid_list = []
+ for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
+ tid = node.getAttribute("id")
+ if tid not in self.tids:
+ self.tids.append(tid)
+ task = self.datastore.task_factory(tid)
+ if task:
+ task = taskxml.task_from_xml(task, node)
+ self.datastore.push_task(task)
+ def set_task(self, task):
+ tid = task.get_id()
+ existing = None
+ #First, we find the existing task from the treenode
+ for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
+ if node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
+ existing = node
+ t_xml = taskxml.task_to_xml(self.doc, task)
+ modified = False
+ #We then replace the existing node
+ if existing and t_xml:
+ #We will write only if the task has changed
+ if t_xml.toxml() != existing.toxml():
+ self.xmlproj.replaceChild(t_xml, existing)
+ modified = True
+ #If the node doesn't exist, we create it
+ # (it might not be the case in all backends
+ else:
+ self.xmlproj.appendChild(t_xml)
+ modified = True
+ #In this particular backend, we write all the tasks
+ #This is inherent to the XML file backend
+ if modified and self._parameters["path"] and self.doc :
+ cleanxml.savexml(self._parameters["path"], self.doc)
+ def remove_task(self, tid):
+ ''' Completely remove the task with ID = tid '''
+ for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
+ if node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
+ self.xmlproj.removeChild(node)
+ if tid in self.tids:
+ self.tids.remove(tid)
+ cleanxml.savexml(self._parameters["path"], self.doc)
+ def quit(self, disable = False):
+ '''
+ Called when GTG quits or disconnects the backend.
+ '''
+ super(Backend, self).quit(disable)
+ def save_state(self):
+ cleanxml.savexml(self._parameters["path"], self.doc, backup=True)
+ def get_number_of_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Returns the number of tasks stored in the backend. Doesn't need to be a
+ fast function, is called just for the UI
+ '''
+ return len(self.tids)
=== added file 'GTG/backends/'
--- GTG/backends/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/backends/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Getting Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import gobject
+from import Borg
+class BackendSignals(Borg):
+ '''
+ This class handles the signals that involve backends.
+ In particular, it's a wrapper Borg class around a _BackendSignalsGObject
+ class, and all method of the wrapped class can be used as if they were part
+ of this class
+ '''
+ #error codes to send along with the BACKEND_FAILED signal
+ ERRNO_AUTHENTICATION = "authentication failed"
+ ERRNO_NETWORK = "network is down"
+ ERRNO_DBUS = "Dbus interface cannot be connected"
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BackendSignals, self).__init__()
+ if hasattr(self, "_gobject"):
+ return
+ self._gobject = _BackendSignalsGObject()
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._gobject, attr)
+class _BackendSignalsGObject(gobject.GObject):
+ #signal name constants
+ BACKEND_STATE_TOGGLED = 'backend-state-toggled' #emitted when a
+ #backend is
+ #enabled or disabled
+ BACKEND_RENAMED = 'backend-renamed' #emitted when a backend is renamed
+ BACKEND_ADDED = 'backend-added'
+ BACKEND_REMOVED = 'backend-added' #when a backend is deleted
+ DEFAULT_BACKEND_LOADED = 'default-backend-loaded' #emitted after all
+ # tasks have been
+ # loaded from the
+ # default backend
+ BACKEND_FAILED = 'backend-failed' #something went wrong with a backend
+ BACKEND_SYNC_STARTED = 'backend-sync-started'
+ BACKEND_SYNC_ENDED = 'backend-sync-ended'
+ __string_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, ))
+ __none_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, ( ))
+ __string_string_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, str, ))
+ __gsignals__ = {BACKEND_STATE_TOGGLED : __string_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_RENAMED : __string_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_ADDED : __string_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_REMOVED : __string_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_SYNC_STARTED : __string_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_SYNC_ENDED : __string_signal__, \
+ DEFAULT_BACKEND_LOADED: __none_signal__, \
+ BACKEND_FAILED : __string_string_signal__}
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(_BackendSignalsGObject, self).__init__()
+ self.backends_currently_syncing = []
+ ############# Signals #########
+ #connecting to signals is fine, but keep an eye if you should emit them.
+ #As a general rule, signals should only be emitted in the GenericBackend
+ #class
+ def _emit_signal(self, signal, backend_id):
+ gobject.idle_add(self.emit, signal, backend_id)
+ def backend_state_changed(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_STATE_TOGGLED, backend_id)
+ def backend_renamed(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_RENAMED, backend_id)
+ def backend_added(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_ADDED, backend_id)
+ def backend_removed(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_REMOVED, backend_id)
+ def default_backend_loaded(self):
+ gobject.idle_add(self.emit, self.DEFAULT_BACKEND_LOADED)
+ def backend_failed(self, backend_id, error_code):
+ gobject.idle_add(self.emit, self.BACKEND_FAILED, backend_id, \
+ error_code)
+ def backend_sync_started(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_SYNC_STARTED, backend_id)
+ self.backends_currently_syncing.append(backend_id)
+ def backend_sync_ended(self, backend_id):
+ self._emit_signal(self.BACKEND_SYNC_ENDED, backend_id)
+ try:
+ self.backends_currently_syncing.remove(backend_id)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def is_backend_syncing(self, backend_id):
+ return backend_id in self.backends_currently_syncing
=== added file 'GTG/backends/'
--- GTG/backends/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/backends/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FIXME: document!
+import os
+import sys
+import errno
+import pickle
+import threading
+from collections import deque
+from GTG.backends.backendsignals import BackendSignals
+from import Keyring
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+from import Log
+class GenericBackend(object):
+ '''
+ Base class for every backend. It's a little more than an interface which
+ methods have to be redefined in order for the backend to run.
+ '''
+ #"_general_description" is a dictionary that holds the values for the
+ # following keys:
+ BACKEND_NAME = "name" #the backend gtg internal name (doesn't change in
+ # translations, *must be unique*)
+ BACKEND_HUMAN_NAME = "human-friendly-name" #The name shown to the user
+ BACKEND_DESCRIPTION = "description" #A short description of the backend
+ BACKEND_AUTHORS = "authors" #a list of strings
+ BACKEND_TYPE = "type"
+ #BACKEND_TYPE is one of:
+ TYPE_READWRITE = "readwrite"
+ TYPE_READONLY = "readonly"
+ TYPE_IMPORT = "import"
+ TYPE_EXPORT = "export"
+ _general_description = {}
+ #"static_parameters" is a dictionary of dictionaries, each of which
+ #representing a parameter needed to configure the backend.
+ #each "sub-dictionary" is identified by this a key representing its name.
+ #"static_parameters" will be part of the definition of each
+ #particular backend.
+ # Each dictionary contains the keys:
+ #PARAM_DESCRIPTION = "description" #short description (shown to the user
+ # during configuration)
+ PARAM_DEFAULT_VALUE = "default_value" # its default value
+ PARAM_TYPE = "type"
+ #PARAM_TYPE is one of the following (changing this changes the way
+ # the user can configure the parameter)
+ TYPE_PASSWORD = "password" #the real password is stored in the GNOME
+ # keyring
+ # This is just a key to find it there
+ TYPE_STRING = "string" #generic string, nothing fancy is done
+ TYPE_INT = "int" #edit box can contain only integers
+ TYPE_BOOL = "bool" #checkbox is shown
+ TYPE_LIST_OF_STRINGS = "liststring" #list of strings. the "," character is
+ # prohibited in strings
+ _static_parameters = {}
+ def initialize(self):
+ '''
+ Called each time it is enabled again (including on backend creation).
+ Please note that a class instance for each disabled backend *is*
+ created, but it's not initialized.
+ Optional.
+ NOTE: make sure to call super().initialize()
+ '''
+ for module_name in self.get_required_modules():
+ sys.modules[module_name]= __import__(module_name)
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_ENABLED] = True
+ self._is_initialized = True
+ #we signal that the backend has been enabled
+ self._signal_manager.backend_state_changed(self.get_id())
+ def start_get_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Once this function is launched, the backend can start pushing
+ tasks to gtg parameters.
+ @return: start_get_tasks() might not return or finish
+ '''
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def set_task(self, task):
+ '''
+ Save the task in the backend. If the task id is new for the
+ backend, then a new task must be created.
+ '''
+ pass
+ def remove_task(self, tid):
+ ''' Completely remove the task with ID = tid '''
+ pass
+ def has_task(self, tid):
+ '''Returns true if the backend has an internal idea
+ of the task corresponding to the tid. False otherwise'''
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def new_task_id(self):
+ '''
+ Returns an available ID for a new task so that a task with this ID
+ can be saved with set_task later.
+ '''
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def this_is_the_first_run(self, xml):
+ '''
+ Steps to execute if it's the first time the backend is run. Optional.
+ '''
+ pass
+ def purge(self):
+ '''
+ Called when a backend will be removed from GTG. Useful for removing
+ configuration files. Optional.
+ '''
+ pass
+ def get_number_of_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Returns the number of tasks stored in the backend. Doesn't need to be a
+ fast function, is called just for the UI
+ '''
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_required_modules():
+ return []
+ def quit(self, disable = False):
+ '''
+ Called when GTG quits or disconnects the backend. Remember to execute
+ also this function when quitting. If disable is True, the backend won't
+ be automatically loaded at next GTG start
+ '''
+ self._is_initialized = False
+ if disable:
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_ENABLED] = False
+ #we signal that we have been disabled
+ self._signal_manager.backend_state_changed(self.get_id())
+ self._signal_manager.backend_sync_ended(self.get_id())
+ syncing_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.sync).run()
+ def save_state(self):
+ '''
+ It's the last function executed on a quitting backend, after the
+ pending actions have been done.
+ Useful to ensure that the state is saved in a consistent manner
+ '''
+ pass
+###### You don't need to reimplement the functions below this line ############
+ #These parameters are common to all backends and necessary.
+ # They will be added automatically to your _static_parameters list
+ #NOTE: for now I'm disabling changing the default backend. Once it's all
+ # set up, we will see about that (invernizzi)
+ KEY_ENABLED = "Enabled"
+ KEY_ATTACHED_TAGS = "attached-tags"
+ KEY_USER = "user"
+ KEY_PID = "pid"
+ ALLTASKS_TAG = "gtg-tags-all" #IXME: moved here to avoid circular imports
+ _static_parameters_obligatory = { \
+ }, \
+ }, \
+ KEY_USER: { \
+ }, \
+ KEY_PID: { \
+ }, \
+ }}
+ _static_parameters_obligatory_for_rw = { \
+ }}
+ #Handy dictionary used in type conversion (from string to type)
+ _type_converter = {TYPE_STRING: str,
+ TYPE_INT: int,
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_static_parameters(cls):
+ '''
+ Helper method, used to obtain the full list of the static_parameters
+ (user configured and default ones)
+ '''
+ if hasattr(cls, "_static_parameters"):
+ temp_dic = cls._static_parameters_obligatory.copy()
+ if cls._general_description[cls.BACKEND_TYPE] == cls.TYPE_READWRITE:
+ for key, value in \
+ cls._static_parameters_obligatory_for_rw.iteritems():
+ temp_dic[key] = value
+ for key, value in cls._static_parameters.iteritems():
+ temp_dic[key] = value
+ return temp_dic
+ else:
+ raise NotImplemented("_static_parameters not implemented for " + \
+ "backend %s" % type(cls))
+ def __init__(self, parameters):
+ """
+ Instantiates a new backend. Please note that this is called also for
+ disabled backends. Those are not initialized, so you might want to check
+ out the initialize() function.
+ """
+ if self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND not in parameters:
+ parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND] = True
+ if parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND] or \
+ (not self.KEY_ATTACHED_TAGS in parameters and \
+ self._general_description[self.BACKEND_TYPE] \
+ == self.TYPE_READWRITE):
+ parameters[self.KEY_ATTACHED_TAGS] = [self.ALLTASKS_TAG]
+ self._parameters = parameters
+ self._signal_manager = BackendSignals()
+ self._is_initialized = False
+ if Log.is_debugging_mode():
+ self.timer_timestep = 5
+ else:
+ self.timer_timestep = 1
+ self.to_set_timer = None
+ self.please_quit = False
+ self.to_set = deque()
+ self.to_remove = deque()
+ def get_attached_tags(self):
+ '''
+ Returns the list of tags which are handled by this backend
+ '''
+ if hasattr(self._parameters, self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND) and \
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND]:
+ return [self.ALLTASKS_TAG]
+ try:
+ return self._parameters[self.KEY_ATTACHED_TAGS]
+ except:
+ return []
+ def set_attached_tags(self, tags):
+ '''
+ Changes the set of attached tags
+ '''
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_ATTACHED_TAGS] = tags
+ @classmethod
+ def get_static_parameters(cls):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary of parameters necessary to create a backend.
+ """
+ return cls._get_static_parameters()
+ def get_parameters(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary of the current parameters.
+ """
+ return self._parameters
+ def set_parameter(self, parameter, value):
+ self._parameters[parameter] = value
+ @classmethod
+ def get_name(cls):
+ """
+ Returns the name of the backend as it should be displayed in the UI
+ """
+ return cls._get_from_general_description(cls.BACKEND_NAME)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_description(cls):
+ """Returns a description of the backend"""
+ return cls._get_from_general_description(cls.BACKEND_DESCRIPTION)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_type(cls):
+ """Returns the backend type(readonly, r/w, import, export) """
+ return cls._get_from_general_description(cls.BACKEND_TYPE)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_authors(cls):
+ '''
+ returns the backend author(s)
+ '''
+ return cls._get_from_general_description(cls.BACKEND_AUTHORS)
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_from_general_description(cls, key):
+ '''
+ Helper method to extract values from cls._general_description.
+ Raises an exception if the key is missing (helpful for developers
+ adding new backends).
+ '''
+ if key in cls._general_description:
+ return cls._general_description[key]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplemented("Key %s is missing from " +\
+ "'self._general_description' of a backend (%s). " +
+ "Please add the corresponding value" % (key, type(cls)))
+ @classmethod
+ def cast_param_type_from_string(cls, param_value, param_type):
+ '''
+ Parameters are saved in a text format, so we have to cast them to the
+ appropriate type on loading. This function does exactly that.
+ '''
+ #FIXME: we could use pickle (dumps and loads), at least in some cases
+ # (invernizzi)
+ if param_type in cls._type_converter:
+ return cls._type_converter[param_type](param_value)
+ elif param_type == cls.TYPE_BOOL:
+ if param_value == "True":
+ return True
+ elif param_value == "False":
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unrecognized bool value '%s'" %
+ param_type)
+ elif param_type == cls.TYPE_PASSWORD:
+ if param_value == -1:
+ return None
+ return Keyring().get_password(int(param_value))
+ elif param_type == cls.TYPE_LIST_OF_STRINGS:
+ the_list = param_value.split(",")
+ if not isinstance(the_list, list):
+ the_list = [the_list]
+ return the_list
+ else:
+ raise NotImplemented("I don't know what type is '%s'" %
+ param_type)
+ def cast_param_type_to_string(self, param_type, param_value):
+ '''
+ Inverse of cast_param_type_from_string
+ '''
+ if param_type == GenericBackend.TYPE_PASSWORD:
+ if param_value == None:
+ return str(-1)
+ else:
+ return str(Keyring().set_password(
+ "GTG stored password -" + self.get_id(), param_value))
+ elif param_type == GenericBackend.TYPE_LIST_OF_STRINGS:
+ if param_value == []:
+ return ""
+ return reduce(lambda a, b: a + "," + b, param_value)
+ else:
+ return str(param_value)
+ def get_id(self):
+ '''
+ returns the backends id, used in the datastore for indexing backends
+ '''
+ return self.get_name() + "@" + self._parameters["pid"]
+ @classmethod
+ def get_human_default_name(cls):
+ '''
+ returns the user friendly default backend name.
+ '''
+ return cls._general_description[cls.BACKEND_HUMAN_NAME]
+ def get_human_name(self):
+ '''
+ returns the user customized backend name. If the user hasn't
+ customized it, returns the default one
+ '''
+ if self.KEY_HUMAN_NAME in self._parameters and \
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_HUMAN_NAME] != "":
+ return self._parameters[self.KEY_HUMAN_NAME]
+ else:
+ return self.get_human_default_name()
+ def set_human_name(self, name):
+ '''
+ sets a custom name for the backend
+ '''
+ self._parameters[self.KEY_HUMAN_NAME] = name
+ #we signal the change
+ self._signal_manager.backend_renamed(self.get_id())
+ def is_enabled(self):
+ '''
+ Returns if the backend is enabled
+ '''
+ return self.get_parameters()[GenericBackend.KEY_ENABLED] or \
+ self.is_default()
+ def is_default(self):
+ '''
+ Returns if the backend is enabled
+ '''
+ return self.get_parameters()[GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND]
+ def is_initialized(self):
+ '''
+ Returns if the backend is up and running
+ '''
+ return self._is_initialized
+ def get_parameter_type(self, param_name):
+ try:
+ return self.get_static_parameters()[param_name][self.PARAM_TYPE]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def register_datastore(self, datastore):
+ self.datastore = datastore
+### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##########################################################
+ def _store_pickled_file(self, path, data):
+ '''
+ A helper function to save some object in a file.
+ @param path: a relative path. A good choice is
+ "backend_name/object_name"
+ @param data: the object
+ '''
+ path = os.path.join(CoreConfig().get_data_dir(), path)
+ #mkdir -p
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
+ except OSError, exception:
+ if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ #saving
+ #try:
+ with open(path, 'wb') as file:
+ pickle.dump(data, file)
+ #except pickle.PickleError:
+ #pass
+ def _load_pickled_file(self, path, default_value = None):
+ '''
+ A helper function to load some object from a file.
+ @param path: the relative path of the file
+ @param default_value: the value to return if the file is missing or
+ corrupt
+ @returns object: the needed object, or default_value
+ '''
+ path = os.path.join(CoreConfig().get_data_dir(), path)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ return default_value
+ else:
+ try:
+ with open(path, 'r') as file:
+ return pickle.load(file)
+ except pickle.PickleError:
+ return default_value
+### THREADING #################################################################
+ def __try_launch_setting_thread(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to launch the setting thread, if it's not running.
+ '''
+ if self.to_set_timer == None and self.is_enabled():
+ self.to_set_timer = threading.Timer(self.timer_timestep, \
+ self.launch_setting_thread)
+ self.to_set_timer.start()
+ def launch_setting_thread(self):
+ '''
+ This function is launched as a separate thread. Its job is to perform
+ the changes that have been issued from GTG core. In particular, for
+ each task in the self.to_set queue, a task has to be modified or to be
+ created (if the tid is new), and for each task in the self.to_remove
+ queue, a task has to be deleted
+ '''
+ while not self.please_quit:
+ try:
+ task = self.to_set.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ #time.sleep(4)
+ tid = task.get_id()
+ if tid not in self.to_remove:
+ self.set_task(task)
+ while not self.please_quit:
+ try:
+ tid = self.to_remove.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ self.remove_task(tid)
+ #we release the weak lock
+ self.to_set_timer = None
+ def queue_set_task(self, task):
+ ''' Save the task in the backend. '''
+ tid = task.get_id()
+ if task not in self.to_set and tid not in self.to_remove:
+ self.to_set.appendleft(task)
+ self.__try_launch_setting_thread()
+ def queue_remove_task(self, tid):
+ '''
+ Queues task to be removed.
+ @param tid: The Task ID of the task to be removed
+ '''
+ if tid not in self.to_remove:
+ self.to_remove.appendleft(tid)
+ self.__try_launch_setting_thread()
+ return None
+ def sync(self):
+ '''
+ Helper method. Forces the backend to perform all the pending changes.
+ It is usually called upon quitting the backend.
+ '''
+ #FIXME: this function should become part of the r/w r/o generic class
+ # for backends
+ if self.to_set_timer != None:
+ self.please_quit = True
+ try:
+ self.to_set_timer.cancel()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.to_set_timer.join(5)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.please_quit = False
+ self.launch_setting_thread()
+ self.save_state()
=== removed file 'GTG/backends/'
--- GTG/backends/ 2010-04-26 23:12:57 +0000
+++ GTG/backends/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
-# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this program. If not, see <>.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Localfile is a read/write backend that will store your tasks in an XML file
-This file will be in your $XDG_DATA_DIR/gtg folder.
-import os
-import uuid
-from GTG.core import CoreConfig
-from import cleanxml, taskxml
-def get_name():
- """Returns the name of the backend as it should be displayed in the UI"""
- return "Local File"
-def get_description():
- """Returns a description of the backend"""
- return "Your tasks are saved in an XML file located in your HOME folder"
-def get_parameters():
- """
- Returns a dictionary of parameters. Keys should be strings and
- are the name of the parameter.
- Values are string with value : string, password, int, bool
- and are an information about the type of the parameter
- Currently, only string is supported.
- """
- dic = {}
- dic["filename"] = "string"
- return dic
-def get_features():
- """Returns a dict of features supported by this backend"""
- return {}
-def get_type():
- """Type is one of : readwrite, readonly, import, export"""
- return "readwrite"
-class Backend:
- def __init__(self, parameters, firstrunxml=None):
- """
- Instantiates a new backend.
- @param parameters: should match the dictionary returned in
- get_parameters. Anyway, the backend should care if one expected value is
- None or does not exist in the dictionary.
- @firstrun: only needed for the default backend. It should be omitted for
- all other backends.
- """
- self.tids = []
- = 1
- if "filename" in parameters:
- zefile = parameters["filename"]
- #If zefile is None, we create a new file
- else:
- zefile = "%s.xml" %(uuid.uuid4())
- parameters["filename"] = zefile
- #For the day we want to open files somewhere else
- default_folder = True
- if default_folder:
- self.zefile = os.path.join(CoreConfig.DATA_DIR, zefile)
- self.filename = zefile
- else:
- self.zefile = zefile
- self.filename = zefile
- #Create the default tasks for the first run.
- #We write the XML object in a file
- if firstrunxml and not os.path.exists(zefile):
- #shutil.copy(firstrunfile,self.zefile)
- cleanxml.savexml(self.zefile, firstrunxml)
- self.doc, self.xmlproj = cleanxml.openxmlfile(self.zefile, "project")
- def start_get_tasks(self,push_task_func,task_factory_func):
- '''
- Once this function is launched, the backend can start pushing
- tasks to gtg parameters.
- @push_task_func: a function that takes a Task as parameter
- and pushes it into GTG.
- @task_factory_func: a function that takes a tid as parameter
- and returns a Task object with the given pid.
- @return: start_get_tasks() might not return or finish
- '''
- tid_list = []
- for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
- #time.sleep(2)
- tid = node.getAttribute("id")
- if tid not in self.tids:
- self.tids.append(tid)
- task = task_factory_func(tid)
- task = taskxml.task_from_xml(task,node)
- push_task_func(task)
- #print "#### finishing pushing tasks"
- def set_task(self, task):
- ''' Save the task in the backend '''
- #time.sleep(4)
- tid = task.get_id()
- if tid not in self.tids:
- self.tids.append(tid)
- existing = None
- #First, we find the existing task from the treenode
- for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
- if node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
- existing = node
- t_xml = taskxml.task_to_xml(self.doc, task)
- modified = False
- #We then replace the existing node
- if existing and t_xml:
- #We will write only if the task has changed
- if t_xml.toxml() != existing.toxml():
- self.xmlproj.replaceChild(t_xml, existing)
- modified = True
- #If the node doesn't exist, we create it
- # (it might not be the case in all backends
- else:
- self.xmlproj.appendChild(t_xml)
- modified = True
- #In this particular backend, we write all the tasks
- #This is inherent to the XML file backend
- if modified and self.zefile and self.doc :
- cleanxml.savexml(self.zefile, self.doc)
- return None
- def remove_task(self, tid):
- ''' Completely remove the task with ID = tid '''
- for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
- if node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
- self.xmlproj.removeChild(node)
- if tid in self.tids:
- self.tids.remove(tid)
- cleanxml.savexml(self.zefile, self.doc)
- def new_task_id(self):
- '''
- Returns an available ID for a new task so that a task with this ID
- can be saved with set_task later.
- If None, then GTG will create a new ID by itself.
- The ID cannot contain the character "@".
- '''
- k = 0
- pid =
- newid = "%s@%s" %(k, pid)
- while str(newid) in self.tids:
- k += 1
- newid = "%s@%s" %(k, pid)
- self.tids.append(newid)
- return newid
- def quit(self):
- '''
- Called when GTG quits or disconnects the backend.
- (Subclasses might pass here)
- '''
- cleanxml.savexml(self.zefile, self.doc, backup=True)
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-05-26 09:54:42 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -41,136 +41,80 @@
#=== IMPORT ====================================================================
import os
from xdg.BaseDirectory import xdg_data_home, xdg_config_home
-from import cleanxml
from configobj import ConfigObj
-from GTG.core import firstrun_tasks
-class CoreConfig:
+from import TestingMode
+import GTG
+from import Log
+from import Borg
+class CoreConfig(Borg):
#The projects and tasks are of course DATA !
#We then use XDG_DATA for them
#Don't forget the "/" at the end.
- DATA_DIR = os.path.join(xdg_data_home,'gtg/')
DATA_FILE = "projects.xml"
- CONF_DIR = os.path.join(xdg_config_home,'gtg/')
CONF_FILE = "gtg.conf"
TASK_CONF_FILE = "tasks.conf"
conf_dict = None
+ ALLTASKS_TAG = "gtg-tags-all"
def __init__(self):
- if not os.path.exists(self.CONF_DIR):
- os.makedirs(self.CONF_DIR)
- if not os.path.exists(self.DATA_DIR):
- os.makedirs(self.DATA_DIR)
- if not os.path.exists(self.CONF_DIR + self.CONF_FILE):
- f = open(self.CONF_DIR + self.CONF_FILE, "w")
- f.close()
- if not os.path.exists(self.CONF_DIR + self.TASK_CONF_FILE):
- f = open(self.CONF_DIR + self.TASK_CONF_FILE, "w")
- f.close()
- for file in [self.CONF_DIR + self.CONF_FILE,
- self.CONF_DIR + self.TASK_CONF_FILE]:
+ if hasattr(self, 'data_dir'):
+ #Borg has already been initialized
+ return
+ if TestingMode().get_testing_mode():
+ #we avoid running tests in the user data dir
+ self.data_dir = '/tmp/GTG_TESTS/data'
+ self.conf_dir = '/tmp/GTG_TESTS/conf'
+ else:
+ self.data_dir = os.path.join(xdg_data_home,'gtg/')
+ self.conf_dir = os.path.join(xdg_config_home,'gtg/')
+ if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.conf_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.data_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir + self.CONF_FILE):
+ f = open(self.conf_dir + self.CONF_FILE, "w")
+ f.close()
+ if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir + self.TASK_CONF_FILE):
+ f = open(self.conf_dir + self.TASK_CONF_FILE, "w")
+ f.close()
+ for file in [self.conf_dir + self.CONF_FILE,
+ self.conf_dir + self.TASK_CONF_FILE]:
if not ((file, os.R_OK) and os.access(file, os.W_OK)):
raise Exception("File " + file + \
- " is a configuration file for gtg, but it " + \
+ " is a configuration file for gtg, but it "
"cannot be read or written. Please check it")
- self.conf_dict = ConfigObj(self.CONF_DIR + self.CONF_FILE)
- self.task_conf_dict = ConfigObj(self.CONF_DIR + self.TASK_CONF_FILE)
+ self.conf_dict = ConfigObj(self.conf_dir + self.CONF_FILE)
+ self.task_conf_dict = ConfigObj(self.conf_dir + self.TASK_CONF_FILE)
- def save_config(self):
+ def save(self):
+ ''' Saves the configuration of CoreConfig '''
- def get_backends_list(self):
- backend_fn = []
- # Check if config dir exists, if not create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.DATA_DIR):
- os.makedirs(self.DATA_DIR)
- # Read configuration file, if it does not exist, create one
- datafile = self.DATA_DIR + self.DATA_FILE
- doc, configxml = cleanxml.openxmlfile(datafile,"config") #pylint: disable-msg=W0612
- xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName("backend")
- # collect configred backends
- pid = 1
- for xp in xmlproject:
- dic = {}
- #We have some retrocompatibility code
- #A backend without the module attribute is pre-rev.105
- #and is considered as "filename"
- if xp.hasAttribute("module"):
- dic["module"] = str(xp.getAttribute("module"))
- dic["pid"] = str(xp.getAttribute("pid"))
- #The following "else" could be removed later
- else:
- dic["module"] = "localfile"
- dic["pid"] = str(pid)
- dic["xmlobject"] = xp
- pid += 1
- backend_fn.append(dic)
- firstrun = False
- #If no backend available, we create a new using localfile
- if len(backend_fn) == 0:
- dic = {}
- dic["module"] = "localfile"
- dic["pid"] = "1"
- backend_fn.append(dic)
- firstrun = True
- #Now that the backend list is build, we will construct them
- #Remember that b is a dictionnary
- for b in backend_fn:
- #We dynamically import modules needed
- module_name = "GTG.backends.%s"%b["module"]
- #FIXME : we should throw an error if the backend is not importable
- module = __import__(module_name)
- module = getattr(module, "backends")
- classobj = getattr(module, b["module"])
- b["parameters"] = classobj.get_parameters()
- #If creating the default backend, we don't have the xmlobject yet
- if "xmlobject" in b:
- xp = b.pop("xmlobject")
- #We will try to get the parameters
- for key in b["parameters"]:
- if xp.hasAttribute(key):
- b[key] = str(xp.getAttribute(key))
- if firstrun:
- frx = firstrun_tasks.populate()
- back = classobj.Backend(b,firstrunxml=frx)
- else:
- back = classobj.Backend(b)
- #We put the backend itself in the dic
- b["backend"] = back
- return backend_fn
- #If initial save, we don't close stuffs.
- def save_datastore(self,ds,initial_save=False):
- doc,xmlconfig = cleanxml.emptydoc("config")
- for b in ds.get_all_backends():
- param = b.get_parameters()
- t_xml = doc.createElement("backend")
- for key in param:
- #We dont want parameters,backend,xmlobject
- if key not in ["backend","parameters","xmlobject"]:
- t_xml.setAttribute(str(key),str(param[key]))
- #Saving all the projects at close
- xmlconfig.appendChild(t_xml)
- if not initial_save:
- b.quit()
- datafile = self.DATA_DIR + self.DATA_FILE
- cleanxml.savexml(datafile,doc,backup=True)
- #Saving the tagstore
- if not initial_save:
- ts = ds.get_tagstore()
+ def get_icons_directories(self):
+ '''
+ Returns the directories containing the icons
+ '''
+ return [GTG.DATA_DIR, os.path.join(GTG.DATA_DIR, "icons")]
+ def get_data_dir(self):
+ return self.data_dir
+ def set_data_dir(self, path):
+ self.data_dir = path
+ def get_conf_dir(self):
+ return self.conf_dir
+ def set_conf_dir(self, path):
+ self.conf_dir = path
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-05-26 08:55:45 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -18,267 +18,560 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-datastore contains a list of TagSource objects, which are proxies between a backend and the datastore itself
+The DaataStore contains a list of TagSource objects, which are proxies
+between a backend and the datastore itself
import threading
-import gobject
-import time
-from GTG.core import tagstore, requester
-from GTG.core.task import Task
-from GTG.core.tree import Tree
-#Only the datastore should access to the backend
-#If you want to debug a backend, it can be useful to disable the threads
-#Currently, it's python threads (and not idle_add, which is not useful)
-class DataStore:
- """ A wrapper around a backend that provides an API for adding/removing tasks """
+import uuid
+import os.path
+from collections import deque
+from GTG.core import tagstore, requester
+from GTG.core.task import Task
+from GTG.core.tree import Tree
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+from import Log
+from GTG.backends.genericbackend import GenericBackend
+from import cleanxml
+from import Keyring
+from GTG.backends.backendsignals import BackendSignals
+from import synchronized
+from import Borg
+class DataStore(object):
+ '''
+ A wrapper around all backends that is responsible for keeping the backend
+ instances. It can enable, disable, register and destroy backends, and acts
+ as interface between the backends and GTG core.
+ You should not interface yourself directly with the DataStore: use the
+ Requester instead (which also sends signals as you issue commands).
+ '''
def __init__(self):
- """ Initializes a DataStore object """
- self.backends = {}
+ '''
+ Initializes a DataStore object
+ '''
+ self.backends = {} #dictionary {backend_name_string: Backend instance}
self.open_tasks = Tree()
-# self.closed_tasks = Tree()
self.requester = requester.Requester(self)
self.tagstore = tagstore.TagStore(self.requester)
- def all_tasks(self):
- """
+ self._backend_signals = BackendSignals()
+ self.mutex = threading.RLock()
+ self.is_default_backend_loaded = False
+ self._backend_signals.connect('default-backend-loaded', \
+ self._activate_non_default_backends)
+ self.filtered_datastore = FilteredDataStore(self)
+ ##########################################################################
+ ### Helper functions (get_ methods for Datastore embedded objects)
+ ##########################################################################
+ def get_tagstore(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to obtain the Tagstore associated with this DataStore
+ @return GTG.core.tagstore.TagStore: the tagstore object
+ '''
+ return self.tagstore
+ def get_requester(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to get the Requester associate with this DataStore
+ @returns GTG.core.requester.Requester: the requester associated with
+ this datastore
+ '''
+ return self.requester
+ def get_tasks_tree(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to get a Tree with all the tasks contained in this
+ Datastore
+ @returns GTG.core.tree.Tree: a task tree (the main one)
+ '''
+ return self.open_tasks
+ ##########################################################################
+ ### Tasks functions
+ ##########################################################################
+ def get_all_tasks(self):
+ '''
Returns list of all keys of open tasks
- """
+ @return a list of strings: a list of task ids
+ '''
return self.open_tasks.get_all_keys()
def has_task(self, tid):
- """
+ '''
Returns true if the tid is among the open or closed tasks for
this DataStore, False otherwise.
- param tid: Task ID to search for
- """
- return self.open_tasks.has_node(tid) #or self.closed_tasks.has_node(tid)
+ @param tid: Task ID to search for
+ @return bool: True if the task is present
+ '''
+ return self.open_tasks.has_node(tid)
def get_task(self, tid):
- """
+ '''
Returns the internal task object for the given tid, or None if the
tid is not present in this DataStore.
@param tid: Task ID to retrieve
- """
- if tid:
- if self.has_task(tid):
- task = self.__internal_get_task(tid)
- else:
- #print "no task %s" %tid
- task = None
- return task
+ @returns GTG.core.task.Task or None: whether the Task is present
+ or not
+ '''
+ if self.has_task(tid):
+ return self.open_tasks.get_node(tid)
- print "get_task should take a tid"
+ Log.debug("requested non-existent task")
return None
- def __internal_get_task(self, tid):
- return self.open_tasks.get_node(tid)
-# if toreturn == None:
-# self.closed_tasks.get_node(tid)
- #else:
- #print "error : this task doesn't exist in either tree"
- #pass
- #we return None if the task doesn't exist
-# return toreturn
- def delete_task(self, tid):
- """
- Deletes the given task entirely from this DataStore, and unlinks
- it from the task's parent.
- @return: True if task was deleted, or False if the tid was not
- present in this DataStore.
- """
- if not tid or not self.has_task(tid):
- return False
- self.__internal_get_task(tid).delete()
- uid, pid = tid.split('@') #pylint: disable-msg=W0612
- back = self.backends[pid]
- #Check that the task still exist. It might have been deleted
- #by its parent a few line earlier :
- if self.has_task(tid):
- self.open_tasks.remove_node(tid)
-# self.closed_tasks.remove_node(tid)
- back.remove_task(tid)
- return True
- def new_task(self,pid=None):
+ def task_factory(self, tid, newtask = False):
+ '''
+ Instantiates the given task id as a Task object.
+ @param tid: a task id. Must be unique
+ @param newtask: True if the task has never been seen before
+ @return Task: a Task instance
+ '''
+ return Task(tid, self.requester, newtask)
+ def new_task(self):
Creates a blank new task in this DataStore.
- @param pid: (Optional) parent ID that this task should be a child of.
- If not specified, the task will be a child of the default backend.
+ New task is created in all the backends that collect all tasks (among
+ them, the default backend). The default backend uses the same task id
+ in its own internal representation.
@return: The task object that was created.
- if not pid:
- newtid = self.backends[pid].new_task_id()
- while self.has_task(newtid):
- print "error : tid already exists"
- newtid = self.backends[pid].new_task_id()
- task = Task(newtid, self.requester,newtask=True)
+ task = self.task_factory(uuid.uuid4(), True)
- task.set_sync_func(self.backends[pid].set_task,callsync=False)
return task
- def get_tagstore(self):
- return self.tagstore
- def get_requester(self):
- return self.requester
- def get_tasks_tree(self):
- """ return: Open tasks tree """
- return self.open_tasks
- def push_task(self,task):
- """
- Adds the given task object as a node to the open tasks tree.
- @param task: A valid task object
- """
- tid = task.get_id()
- if self.has_task(tid):
- print "pushing an existing task. We should care about modifications"
+ @synchronized
+ def push_task(self, task, backend_capabilities = 'bypass for now'):
+ '''
+ Adds the given task object to the task tree. In other words, registers
+ the given task in the GTG task set.
+ @param task: A valid task object (a GTG.core.task.Task)
+ @return bool: True if the task has been accepted
+ '''
+ if self.has_task(task.get_id()):
+ return False
- uid, pid = tid.split('@')
- task.set_sync_func(self.backends[pid].set_task,callsync=False)
- def task_factory(self,tid):
- """
- Instantiates the given task id as a Task object.
- @param tid: The id of the task to instantiate
- @return: The task object instantiated for tid
- """
- task = None
- if self.has_task(tid):
- print "error : tid already exists"
+ if self.is_default_backend_loaded:
+ task.sync()
+ return True
+ ##########################################################################
+ ### Backends functions
+ ##########################################################################
+ def get_all_backends(self, disabled = False):
+ """
+ returns list of all registered backends for this DataStore.
+ @param disabled: If disabled is True, attaches also the list of disabled backends
+ @return list: a list of TaskSource objects
+ """
+ #NOTE: consider cashing this result for speed.
+ result = []
+ for backend in self.backends.itervalues():
+ if backend.is_enabled() or disabled:
+ result.append(backend)
+ return result
+ def get_backend(self, backend_id):
+ '''
+ Returns a backend given its id
+ @param backend_id: a backend id
+ @returns GTG.core.datastore.TaskSource or None: the requested backend,
+ or none
+ '''
+ if backend_id in self.backends:
+ return self.backends[backend_id]
- task = Task(tid, self.requester, newtask=False)
- return task
+ return None
- def register_backend(self, dic):
+ def register_backend(self, backend_dic):
Registers a TaskSource as a backend for this DataStore
- @param dic: Dictionary object with a "backend" and "pid"
- specified. dic["pid"] should be the parent ID to use
- with the backend specified in dic["backend"].
+ @param backend_dic: Dictionary object containing all the
+ parameters to initialize the backend (filename...). It should
+ also contain the backend class (under "backend"), and its unique
+ id (under "pid")
- if "backend" in dic:
- pid = dic["pid"]
- backend = dic["backend"]
- source = TaskSource(backend, dic)
- self.backends[pid] = source
- #Filling the backend
- #Doing this at start is more efficient than
- #after the GUI is launched
- source.start_get_tasks(self.push_task,self.task_factory)
+ if "backend" in backend_dic:
+ if "pid" not in backend_dic:
+ Log.debug("registering a backend without pid.")
+ return None
+ backend = backend_dic["backend"]
+ #Checking that is a new backend
+ if backend.get_id() in self.backends:
+ Log.debug("registering already registered backend")
+ return None
+ source = TaskSource(requester = self.requester,
+ backend = backend,
+ datastore = self.filtered_datastore)
+ self.backends[backend.get_id()] = source
+ #we notify that a new backend is present
+ self._backend_signals.backend_added(backend.get_id())
+ #saving the backend in the correct dictionary (backends for enabled
+ # backends, disabled_backends for the disabled ones)
+ #this is useful for retro-compatibility
+ if not GenericBackend.KEY_ENABLED in backend_dic:
+ source.set_parameter(GenericBackend.KEY_ENABLED, True)
+ if not GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND in backend_dic:
+ source.set_parameter(GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND, True)
+ #if it's enabled, we initialize it
+ if source.is_enabled() and \
+ (self.is_default_backend_loaded or source.is_default()):
+ source.initialize(connect_signals = False)
+ #Filling the backend
+ #Doing this at start is more efficient than
+ #after the GUI is launched
+ source.start_get_tasks()
+ return source
- print "Register a dic without backend key: BUG"
- def unregister_backend(self, backend):
- """ Unimplemented """
- print "unregister backend %s not implemented" %backend
- def get_all_backends(self):
- """ returns list of all registered backends for this DataStore """
- l = []
- for key in self.backends:
- l.append(self.backends[key])
- return l
+ Log.debug("Tried to register a backend without a pid")
+ def _activate_non_default_backends(self, sender = None):
+ '''
+ Non-default backends have to wait until the default loads before
+ being activated. This function is called after the first default
+ backend has loaded all its tasks.
+ '''
+ if self.is_default_backend_loaded:
+ Log.debug("spurious call")
+ return
+ self.is_default_backend_loaded = True
+ for backend in self.backends.itervalues():
+ if backend.is_enabled() and not backend.is_default():
+ backend.initialize()
+ backend.start_get_tasks()
+ self.flush_all_tasks(backend.get_id())
+ def set_backend_enabled(self, backend_id, state):
+ """
+ The backend corresponding to backend_id is enabled or disabled
+ according to "state".
+ Disable:
+ Quits a backend and disables it (which means it won't be
+ automatically loaded next time GTG is started)
+ Enable:
+ Reloads a disabled backend. Backend must be already known by the
+ Datastore
+ @parma backend_id: a backend id
+ @param state: True to enable, False to disable
+ """
+ if backend_id in self.backends:
+ backend = self.backends[backend_id]
+ current_state = backend.is_enabled()
+ if current_state == True and state == False:
+ #we disable the backend
+ backend.quit(disable = True)
+ elif current_state == False and state == True:
+ if self.is_default_backend_loaded == True:
+ backend.initialize()
+ self.flush_all_tasks(backend_id)
+ else:
+ #will be activated afterwards
+ backend.set_parameter(GenericBackend.KEY_ENABLED,
+ True)
+ def remove_backend(self, backend_id):
+ '''
+ Removes a backend, and forgets it ever existed.
+ @param backend_id: a backend id
+ '''
+ if backend_id in self.backends:
+ backend = self.backends[backend_id]
+ if backend.is_enabled():
+ self.set_backend_enabled(backend_id, False)
+ backend.purge()
+ #we notify that the backend has been deleted
+ self._backend_signals.backend_removed(backend.get_id())
+ del self.backends[backend_id]
+ def backend_change_attached_tags(self, backend_id, tag_names):
+ '''
+ Changes the tags for which a backend should store a task
+ @param backend_id: a backend_id
+ @param tag_names: the new set of tags. This should not be a tag object,
+ just the tag name.
+ '''
+ backend = self.backends[backend_id]
+ backend.set_attached_tags(tag_names)
+ def flush_all_tasks(self, backend_id):
+ '''
+ This function will cause all tasks to be checked against the backend
+ identified with backend_id. If tasks need to be added or removed, it
+ will be done here.
+ It has to be run after the creation of a new backend (or an alteration
+ of its "attached tags"), so that the tasks which are already loaded in
+ the Tree will be saved in the proper backends
+ @param backend_id: a backend id
+ '''
+ def _internal_flush_all_tasks():
+ backend = self.backends[backend_id]
+ for task_id in self.requester.get_all_tasks_list():
+ backend.queue_set_task(None, task_id)
+ t = threading.Thread(target = _internal_flush_all_tasks).start()
+ self.backends[backend_id].start_get_tasks()
+ def save(self, quit = False):
+ '''
+ Saves the backends parameters.
+ @param quit: If quit is true, backends are shut down
+ '''
+ doc,xmlconfig = cleanxml.emptydoc("config")
+ #we ask all the backends to quit first.
+ if quit:
+ for b in self.get_all_backends():
+ #NOTE:we could do this in parallel. Maybe a quit and
+ #has_quit would be faster (invernizzi)
+ b.quit()
+ #we save the parameters
+ for b in self.get_all_backends(disabled = True):
+ t_xml = doc.createElement("backend")
+ for key, value in b.get_parameters().iteritems():
+ if key in ["backend", "xmlobject"]:
+ #We don't want parameters,backend,xmlobject
+ continue
+ param_type = b.get_parameter_type(key)
+ value = b.cast_param_type_to_string(param_type, value)
+ t_xml.setAttribute(str(key), value)
+ #Saving all the projects at close
+ xmlconfig.appendChild(t_xml)
+ datafile = os.path.join(CoreConfig().get_data_dir(), CoreConfig.DATA_FILE)
+ cleanxml.savexml(datafile,doc,backup=True)
+ #Saving the tagstore
+ ts = self.get_tagstore()
+ def request_task_deletion(self, tid):
+ '''
+ This is a proxy function to request a task deletion from a backend
+ @param tid: the tid of the task to remove
+ '''
+ self.requester.delete_task(tid)
class TaskSource():
- """ transparent interface between the real backend and the datastore """
- def __init__(self, backend, parameters):
+ '''
+ Transparent interface between the real backend and the DataStore.
+ Is in charge of connecting and disconnecting to signals
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, requester, backend, datastore):
Instantiates a TaskSource object.
- @param backend: (Required) Task Backend being wrapperized
- @param parameters: Dictionary of custom parameters.
+ @param requester: a Requester
+ @param backend: the backend being wrapped
+ @param datastore: a FilteredDatastore
self.backend = backend
- self.dic = parameters
- self.to_set = []
- self.to_remove = []
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
- self.count_set = 0
+ self.req = requester
+ self.backend.register_datastore(datastore)
+ self.to_set = deque()
+ self.to_remove = deque()
+ self.task_filter = self.get_task_filter_for_backend()
+ if Log.is_debugging_mode():
+ self.timer_timestep = 5
+ else:
+ self.timer_timestep = 1
+ self.set_task_handle = None
+ self.remove_task_handle = None
+ self.to_set_timer = None
- def start_get_tasks(self,push_task,task_factory):
- """
+ def start_get_tasks(self):
+ ''''
Maps the TaskSource to the backend and starts threading.
- This must be called before the DataStore is usable.
- """
- func = self.backend.start_get_tasks
- t = threading.Thread(target=func,args=(push_task,task_factory))
- t.start()
- def set_task(self, task):
+ '''
+ threading.Thread(target = self.__start_get_tasks).start()
+ def __start_get_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Loads all task from the backend and connects its signals afterwards.
+ Launched as a thread by start_get_tasks
+ '''
+ self.backend.start_get_tasks()
+ self._connect_signals()
+ if self.backend.is_default():
+ BackendSignals().default_backend_loaded()
+ def get_task_filter_for_backend(self):
+ '''
+ Fiter that checks if the task should be stored in this backend.
+ @returns function: a function that accepts a task and returns True/False
+ whether the task should be stored or not
+ '''
+ raw_filter = self.req.get_filter("backend_filter").get_function()
+ return lambda task: raw_filter(task, \
+ set(self.backend.get_attached_tags()))
+ def should_task_id_be_stored(self, task_id):
+ '''
+ Helper function: Checks if a task should be stored in this backend
+ @param task_id: a task id
+ @returns bool: True if the task should be stored
+ '''
+ task = self.req.get_task(task_id)
+ return self.task_filter(task)
+ def queue_set_task(self, sender, tid):
Updates the task in the DataStore. Actually, it adds the task to a
queue to be updated asynchronously.
+ @param sender: not used, any value will do.
@param task: The Task object to be updated.
- tid = task.get_id()
- if task not in self.to_set and tid not in self.to_remove:
- self.to_set.append(task)
- if self.lock.acquire(False):
- func = self.setting_thread
- t = threading.Thread(target=func)
- t.start()
-# else:
-# print "cannot acquire lock : not a problem, just for debug purpose"
+ if self.should_task_id_be_stored(tid):
+ if tid not in self.to_set and tid not in self.to_remove:
+ self.to_set.appendleft(tid)
+ self.__try_launch_setting_thread()
+ else:
+ self.queue_remove_task(None, tid)
- def setting_thread(self):
- """
+ def launch_setting_thread(self):
+ '''
Operates the threads to set and remove tasks.
Releases the lock when it is done.
- """
- try:
- while len(self.to_set) > 0:
- t = self.to_set.pop(0)
- tid = t.get_id()
- if tid not in self.to_remove:
- self.count_set += 1
- #print "saving task %s (%s saves)" %(tid,self.count_set)
- self.backend.set_task(t)
- while len(self.to_remove) > 0:
- tid = self.to_remove.pop(0)
- self.backend.remove_task(tid)
- finally:
- self.lock.release()
+ '''
+ #FIXME: the lock should be general for all backends. Therefore, it
+ #should be handled in the datastore
+ while True:
+ try:
+ tid = self.to_set.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ #we check that the task is not already marked for deletion
+ #and that it's still to be stored in this backend
+ #NOTE: no need to lock, we're reading
+ if tid not in self.to_remove and \
+ self.should_task_id_be_stored(tid) and \
+ self.req.has_task(tid):
+ task = self.req.get_task(tid)
+ self.backend.queue_set_task(task)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ tid = self.to_remove.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ self.backend.queue_remove_task(tid)
+ #we release the weak lock
+ self.to_set_timer = None
- def remove_task(self, tid):
- """
+ def queue_remove_task(self, sender, tid):
+ '''
Queues task to be removed.
+ @param sender: not used, any value will do
@param tid: The Task ID of the task to be removed
- """
+ '''
if tid not in self.to_remove:
- self.to_remove.append(tid)
- if self.lock.acquire(False):
- func = self.setting_thread
- t = threading.Thread(target=func)
- t.start()
- def new_task_id(self):
- """
- returns a new ID created by the backend.
- """
- return self.backend.new_task_id()
- def quit(self):
- """ Quits the backend """
- self.backend.quit()
- #Those functions are only for TaskSource
- def get_parameters(self):
- """
- Returns the parameters specified during creation of the DataStore
- """
- return self.dic
+ self.to_remove.appendleft(tid)
+ self.__try_launch_setting_thread()
+ def __try_launch_setting_thread(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to launch the setting thread, if it's not running
+ '''
+ if self.to_set_timer == None:
+ self.to_set_timer = threading.Timer(self.timer_timestep, \
+ self.launch_setting_thread)
+ self.to_set_timer.start()
+ def initialize(self, connect_signals = True):
+ '''
+ Initializes the backend and starts looking for signals.
+ @param connect_signals: if True, it starts listening for signals
+ '''
+ self.backend.initialize()
+ if connect_signals:
+ self._connect_signals()
+ def _connect_signals(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to connect signals
+ '''
+ if not self.set_task_handle:
+ self.set_task_handle = self.req.connect('task-modified', \
+ self.queue_set_task)
+ if not self.remove_task_handle:
+ self.remove_task_handle = self.req.connect('task-deleted',\
+ self.queue_remove_task)
+ def _disconnect_signals(self):
+ '''
+ Helper function to disconnect signals
+ '''
+ if self.set_task_handle:
+ self.req.disconnect(self.set_task_handle)
+ self.set_task_handle = None
+ if self.remove_task_handle:
+ self.req.disconnect(self.remove_task_handle)
+ self.remove_task_handle = None
+ def sync(self):
+ '''
+ Forces the TaskSource to sync all the pending tasks
+ '''
+ if self.to_set_timer != None:
+ try:
+ self.to_set_timer.cancel()
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.to_set_timer.join(5)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.launch_setting_thread()
+ def quit(self, disable = False):
+ '''
+ Quits the backend and disconnect the signals
+ @param disable: if True, the backend is disabled.
+ '''
+ self._disconnect_signals()
+ self.sync()
+ self.backend.quit(disable)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ '''
+ Delegates all the functions not defined here to the real backend
+ (standard python function)
+ @param attr: attribute to get
+ '''
+ if attr in self.__dict__:
+ return self.__dict__[attr]
+ else:
+ return getattr(self.backend, attr)
+class FilteredDataStore(Borg):
+ '''
+ This class acts as an interface to the Datastore.
+ It is used to hide most of the methods of the Datastore.
+ The backends can safely use the remaining methods.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, datastore):
+ super(FilteredDataStore, self).__init__()
+ self.datastore = datastore
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if attr in ['task_factory', \
+ 'push_task',
+ 'get_task',
+ 'has_task',
+ 'request_task_deletion']:
+ return getattr(self.datastore, attr)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-06-14 19:30:50 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
def set_parameters(self,dic):
self.dic = dic
+ def get_function(self):
+ '''Returns the filtering function'''
+ return self.func
def is_displayed(self,tid):
task = self.req.get_task(tid)
@@ -152,6 +156,9 @@
filt_obj = Filter(self.worklate,self.req)
self.available_filters['worklate'] = filt_obj
+ #backend filter
+ filt_obj = Filter(self.backend_filter, self.req)
+ self.available_filters['backend_filter'] = filt_obj
filt_obj = Filter(self.no_disabled_tag,self.req)
param = {}
@@ -234,6 +241,19 @@
""" Filter of tasks which are closed """
ret = task.get_status() in [Task.STA_DISMISSED, Task.STA_DONE]
return ret
+ def backend_filter(self, task, tags_to_match_set):
+ '''
+ Filter that checks if two tags sets intersect. It is used to check if a
+ task should be stored inside a backend
+ @param task: a task object
+ @oaram tags_to_match_set: a *set* of tag names
+ '''
+ all_tasks_tag = self.req.get_alltag_tag().get_name()
+ if all_tasks_tag in tags_to_match_set:
+ return True
+ task_tags = set(task.get_tags_name())
+ return task_tags.intersection(tags_to_match_set)
def no_disabled_tag(self,task,parameters=None):
"""Filter of task that don't have any disabled/nonworkview tag"""
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-06-21 12:34:23 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Getting Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
@@ -39,18 +39,18 @@
Multiple L{Requester}s can exist on the same datastore, so they should
never have state of their own.
- __gsignals__ = {'task-added': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, )),
- 'task-deleted': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, )),
- 'task-modified': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, )),
- 'tag-added': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, )),
- 'tag-deleted': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, )),
- 'tag-modified': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, \
- gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, ))}
+ __string_signal__ = (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (str, ))
+ __gsignals__ = {'task-added' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'task-deleted' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'task-modified' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'task-tagged' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'task-untagged' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'tag-added' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'tag-deleted' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'tag-path-deleted' : __string_signal__, \
+ 'tag-modified' : __string_signal__}
def __init__(self, datastore):
"""Construct a L{Requester}."""
@@ -72,12 +72,19 @@
self.counter_call += 1
#print "signal task_modified %s (%s modifications)" %(tid,self.counter_call)
gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "task-modified", tid)
+ def _task_deleted(self, tid):
+ #when this is emitted, task has *already* been deleted
+ gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "task-deleted", tid)
def _tag_added(self,tagname):
gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "tag-added", tagname)
def _tag_modified(self,tagname):
gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "tag-modified", tagname)
+ def _tag_path_deleted(self, path):
+ gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "tag-path-deleted", path)
def _tag_deleted(self,tagname):
gobject.idle_add(self.emit, "tag-deleted", tagname)
@@ -126,6 +133,7 @@
######### Filters bank #######################
# Get the filter object for a given name
def get_filter(self,filter_name):
return self.filters.get_filter(filter_name)
@@ -162,7 +170,7 @@
task = self.ds.get_task(tid)
return task
- def new_task(self, pid=None, tags=None, newtask=True):
+ def new_task(self, tags=None, newtask=True):
"""Create a new task.
Note: this modifies the datastore.
@@ -175,11 +183,12 @@
existed, C{False} if importing an existing task from a backend.
@return: A task from the data store
- task = self.ds.new_task(pid=pid)
+ task = self.ds.new_task()
if tags:
for t in tags:
assert(isinstance(t, Tag) == False)
+ self._task_loaded(task.get_id())
return task
def delete_task(self, tid):
@@ -196,11 +205,11 @@
for tag in task.get_tags():
self.emit('tag-modified', tag.get_name())
self.emit('task-deleted', tid)
- #return True
- return self.ds.delete_task(tid)
+ return self.basetree.remove_node(tid)
############### Tags ##########################
def get_tag_tree(self):
return self.ds.get_tagstore()
@@ -251,3 +260,27 @@
l.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(),y.lower()))
return l
+ ############## Backends #######################
+ ###############################################
+ def get_all_backends(self, disabled = False):
+ return self.ds.get_all_backends(disabled)
+ def register_backend(self, dic):
+ return self.ds.register_backend(dic)
+ def flush_all_tasks(self, backend_id):
+ return self.ds.flush_all_tasks(backend_id)
+ def get_backend(self, backend_id):
+ return self.ds.get_backend(backend_id)
+ def set_backend_enabled(self, backend_id, state):
+ return self.ds.set_backend_enabled(backend_id, state)
+ def remove_backend(self, backend_id):
+ return self.ds.remove_backend(backend_id)
+ def backend_change_attached_tags(self, backend_id, tags):
+ return self.ds.backend_change_attached_tags(backend_id, tags)
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-06-12 13:31:18 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# There's only one Tag store by user. It will store all the tag used
# and their attribute.
class TagStore(Tree):
def __init__(self,requester):
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
### building the initial tags
# Build the "all tasks tag"
- self.alltag_tag = self.new_tag("gtg-tags-all")
+ self.alltag_tag = self.new_tag(CoreConfig.ALLTASKS_TAG)
self.alltag_tag.set_attribute("label","<span weight='bold'>%s</span>"\
% _("All tasks"))
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
- self.filename = os.path.join(CoreConfig.DATA_DIR, XMLFILE)
+ self.filename = os.path.join(CoreConfig().get_data_dir(), XMLFILE)
doc, self.xmlstore = cleanxml.openxmlfile(self.filename,
XMLROOT) #pylint: disable-msg=W0612
for t in self.xmlstore.childNodes:
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
if tagname[0] != "@":
tagname = "@" + tagname
return self.get_node(tagname)
#FIXME : also add a new filter
def rename_tag(self, oldname, newname):
if len(newname) > 0 and \
@@ -316,9 +317,12 @@
def add_task(self, tid):
if tid not in self.tasks:
- def remove_task(self,tid):
+ def remove_task(self, tid):
if tid in self.tasks:
+ self.req._tag_modified(self.get_name())
def get_tasks(self):
#return a copy of the list
toreturn = self.tasks[:]
=== modified file 'GTG/core/'
--- GTG/core/ 2010-06-18 16:36:17 +0000
+++ GTG/core/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
#tid is a string ! (we have to choose a type and stick to it)
self.tid = str(ze_id)
+ self.remote_ids = {}
self.content = ""
#self.content = \
# "<content>Press Escape or close this task to save it</content>"
- self.sync_func = None
self.title = _("My new task")
#available status are: Active - Done - Dismiss - Note
self.status = self.STA_ACTIVE
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
self.loaded = True
if signal:
- #not sure the following is necessary
def set_to_keep(self):
@@ -102,6 +101,25 @@
return self.uuid
+ def get_remote_ids(self):
+ '''
+ A task usually has a different id in all the different backends.
+ This function returns a dictionary backend_id->the id the task has
+ in that backend
+ @returns dict: dictionary backend_id->task remote id
+ '''
+ return self.remote_ids
+ def add_remote_id(self, backend_id, task_remote_id):
+ '''
+ A task usually has a different id in all the different backends.
+ This function adds a relationship backend_id-> remote_id that can be
+ retrieved using get_remote_ids
+ @param backend_id: string representing the backend id
+ @param task_remote_id: the id for this task in the backend backend_id
+ '''
+ self.remote_ids[str(backend_id)] = str(task_remote_id)
def get_title(self):
return self.title
@@ -115,7 +133,7 @@
self.title = title.strip('\t\n')
self.title = "(no title task)"
- #Avoid unecessary sync
+ #Avoid unnecessary sync
if self.title != old_title:
return True
@@ -294,8 +312,7 @@
"""Add a newly created subtask to this task. Return the task added as
a subtask
- uid, pid = self.get_id().split('@') #pylint: disable-msg=W0612
- subt = self.req.new_task(pid=pid, newtask=True)
+ subt = self.req.new_task(newtask=True)
#we use the inherited childrens
return subt
@@ -427,37 +444,32 @@
#This method is called by the datastore and should not be called directly
#Use the requester
def delete(self):
- self.set_sync_func(None, callsync=False)
+ #we issue a delete for all the children
for task in self.get_subtasks():
- task.remove_parent(self.get_id())
- self.req.delete_task(task.get_id())
+ #I think it's superfluous (invernizzi)
+ #task.remove_parent(self.get_id())
+ task.delete()
+ #we tell the parents we have to go
for i in self.get_parents():
task = self.req.get_task(i)
+ #we tell the tags about the deletion
for tagname in self.tags:
tag = self.req.get_tag(tagname)
- #then we remove effectively the task
- #self.req.delete_task(self.get_id())
- #This is a callback. The "sync" function has to be set
- def set_sync_func(self, sync, callsync=True):
- self.sync_func = sync
- #We call it immediatly to save stuffs that were set before this
- if callsync and self.is_loaded():
- self.sync()
+ #then we signal the we are ready to be removed
+ self.req._task_deleted(self.get_id())
def sync(self):
- if self.sync_func and self.is_loaded():
- self.sync_func(self)
+ if self.is_loaded():
return True
return False
#This function send the modified signals for the tasks,
- #parents and childrens
+ #parents and children
def call_modified(self):
#we first modify children
for s in self.get_children():
@@ -469,10 +481,11 @@
def _modified_update(self):
+ '''
+ Updates the modified timestamp
+ '''
self.modified =
### TAG FUNCTIONS ############################################################
def get_tags_name(self):
@@ -509,6 +522,8 @@
#Do not add the same tag twice
if not t in self.tags:
+ #we notify the backends
+ #self.req.tag_was_added_to_task(self, tagname)
for child in self.get_subtasks():
if child.can_be_deleted:
=== modified file 'GTG/'
--- GTG/ 2010-06-18 11:55:03 +0000
+++ GTG/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -45,18 +45,17 @@
"""This is the top-level exec script for running GTG"""
#=== IMPORT ===================================================================
-from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import logging
-import signal
import dbus
#our own imports
-from GTG import _, info
+from GTG.backends import BackendFactory
+from GTG import _
from GTG.core import CoreConfig
from GTG.core.datastore import DataStore
-from GTG.gtk import crashhandler
+from GTG.gtk.crashhandler import signal_catcher
from GTG.gtk.manager import Manager
from import Log
@@ -93,54 +92,55 @@
#=== MAIN CLASS ===============================================================
def main(options=None, args=None):
+ '''
+ Calling this starts the full GTG experience ( :-D )
+ '''
+ config, ds, req = core_main_init(options, args)
+ # Launch task browser
+ manager = Manager(req, config)
+ #main loop
+ #To be more user friendly and get the logs of crashes, we show an apport
+ # hooked window upon crashes
+ with signal_catcher(manager.close_browser):
+ manager.main()
+ core_main_quit(config, ds)
+def core_main_init(options = None, args = None):
+ '''
+ Part of the main function prior to the UI initialization.
+ '''
# Debugging subsystem initialization
if options.debug:
Log.debug("Debug output enabled.")
+ Log.set_debugging_mode(True)
config = CoreConfig()
- check_instance(config.DATA_DIR)
- backends_list = config.get_backends_list()
- #initialize Apport hook for crash handling
- crashhandler.initialize(app_name = "Getting Things GNOME!", message="GTG"
- + info.VERSION + _(" has crashed. Please report the bug on <a href=\""
- "\">our Launchpad page</a>. If you "
- "have Apport installed, it will be started for you."), use_apport = True)
+ check_instance(config.get_data_dir())
+ backends_list = BackendFactory().get_saved_backends_list()
# Load data store
ds = DataStore()
+ # Register backends
for backend_dic in backends_list:
#save directly the backends to be sure to write projects.xml
- config.save_datastore(ds,initial_save=True)
+ = False)
# Launch task browser
req = ds.get_requester()
- manager = Manager(req, config)
- #we listen for signals from the system in order to save our configuration
- # if GTG is forcefully terminated (e.g.: on shutdown).
- @contextmanager
- def signal_catcher():
- #if TERM or ABORT are caught, we close the browser
- for s in [signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGTERM]:
- signal.signal(s, lambda a,b: manager.close_browser())
- yield
+ return config, ds, req
- #main loop
- with signal_catcher():
- manager.main()
+def core_main_quit(config, ds):
+ '''
+ Last bits of code executed in GTG, after the UI has been shut off.
+ Currently, it's just saving everything.
+ '''
# Ideally we should load window geometry configuration from a config.
# backend like gconf at some point, and restore the appearance of the
# application as the user last exited it.
+ #
# Ending the application: we save configuration
- config.save_config()
- config.save_datastore(ds)
+ = True)
#=== EXECUTION ================================================================
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/ 2010-06-21 12:34:23 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#=== IMPORT ===================================================================
#system imports
import locale
-import os
import re
import time
import webbrowser
@@ -35,18 +34,16 @@
#our own imports
import GTG
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
from GTG import _, info, ngettext
from GTG.core.task import Task
-#from GTG.core.tagstore import Tag
from GTG.gtk.browser import GnomeConfig, tasktree, tagtree
-#from GTG.taskbrowser.preferences import PreferencesDialog
from GTG.gtk.browser.tasktree import TaskTreeModel,\
from GTG.gtk.browser.tagtree import TagTree
from import openurl
-from import strtodate,\
- no_date,\
+from import no_date,\
FuzzyDate, \
from import Log
@@ -159,7 +156,7 @@
self.priv['quick_add_cbs'] = []
def _init_icon_theme(self):
- icon_dirs = [GTG.DATA_DIR, os.path.join(GTG.DATA_DIR, "icons")]
+ icon_dirs = CoreConfig().get_icons_directories()
for i in icon_dirs:
@@ -429,7 +426,7 @@
### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################################################
def open_preferences(self,widget):
- self.vmanager.show_preferences(self.priv)
+ self.vmanager.open_preferences(self.priv)
def quit(self,widget=None):
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/ 2010-06-18 16:46:10 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
task = self.req.get_task(tid)
if task:
for tag in task.get_tags():
- self.tagrefresh(sender=sender,tagname=tag.get_name())
+ if tag:
+ self.tagrefresh(sender=sender,tagname=tag.get_name())
def tagrefresh(self,sender=None,tagname=None):
if tagname:
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/'
--- GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-07 21:14:45 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
import sys
import os
import time
+import signal
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from GTG import info
import pygtk
pygtk.require("2.0") # not tested on earlier versions
@@ -297,3 +303,21 @@
return " should imported, not run"
raise DoNotRunException()
+## We handle initialization directly here, since this module will be used as a
+# singleton
+ #we listen for signals from the system in order to save our configuration
+ # if GTG is forcefully terminated (e.g.: on shutdown).
+def signal_catcher(callback):
+ #if TERM or ABORT are caught, we execute the callback function
+ for s in [signal.SIGABRT, signal.SIGTERM]:
+ signal.signal(s, lambda a,b: callback())
+ yield
+initialize(app_name = "Getting Things GNOME!",
+ message = "GTG" + info.VERSION +
+ _(" has crashed. Please report the bug on <a "\
+ "href=\"\">our Launchpad page</a>."\
+ " If you have Apport installed, it will be started for you."), \
+ use_apport = True)
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/'
--- GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 00:38:13 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,11 @@
"""if we pass a tid as a parameter, we delete directly
otherwise, we will look which tid is selected"""
for tid in self.tids_todelete:
- self.req.delete_task(tid)
+ task = self.req.get_task(tid)
+ if task:
+ task.delete()
+ else:
+ print "trying to delete task already deleted"
self.tids_todelete = []
def delete_tasks(self, tids=None):
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/editor/'
--- GTG/gtk/editor/ 2010-06-07 21:14:45 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/editor/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
from GTG import _
from GTG import ngettext
from GTG import PLUGIN_DIR
-from GTG import DATA_DIR
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
from GTG.gtk.editor import GnomeConfig
from GTG.gtk.editor.taskview import TaskView
from GTG.core.plugins.engine import PluginEngine
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
self.pengine = PluginEngine(PLUGIN_DIR)
self.te_plugin_api = PluginAPI(window = self.window,
config = None,
- data_dir = DATA_DIR,
+ data_dir = CoreConfig().get_data_dir(),
builder = self.builder,
requester = self.req,
tagpopup = None,
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/'
--- GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-10 14:45:36 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@
from GTG.core.plugins.api import PluginAPI
from import Log
class Manager:
############## init #####################################################
def __init__(self, req, config):
self.config_obj = config
@@ -72,9 +76,9 @@
#Deletion UI
self.delete_dialog = None
- #Preferences windows
- # Initialize "Preferences" dialog
- self.preferences = None
+ #Preferences and Backends windows
+ # Initialize dialogs
+ self.preferences_dialog = None
DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self)
@@ -89,7 +93,7 @@
# initializes the plugin api class
self.plugin_api = PluginAPI(window = self.browser.window,
config = self.config,
- data_dir = GTG.DATA_DIR,
+ data_dir = self.config_obj.get_data_dir(),
builder = self.browser.builder,
requester = self.req,
tagpopup = self.browser.tagpopup,
@@ -189,8 +193,8 @@
################ Others dialog ############################################
- def show_preferences(self, config_priv, sender=None):
- if not self.preferences:
+ def open_preferences(self, config_priv, sender=None):
+ if not hasattr(self, "preferences"):
self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.pengine, self.p_apis, \
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/'
--- GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-02 18:12:23 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -213,63 +213,10 @@
- <object class="GtkAlignment" id="prefs-alignment3">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="top_padding">10</property>
- <property name="bottom_padding">10</property>
- <property name="left_padding">10</property>
- <property name="right_padding">10</property>
- <child>
- <object class="GtkVBox" id="prefs-vbox5">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="spacing">6</property>
- <child>
- <object class="GtkLabel" id="prefs-label6">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="xalign">0</property>
- <property name="label" translatable="yes">Task _Backends:</property>
- <property name="use_underline">True</property>
- </object>
- <packing>
- <property name="expand">False</property>
- <property name="position">0</property>
- </packing>
- </child>
- <child>
- <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="prefs-scrolledwindow1">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="sensitive">False</property>
- <property name="can_focus">True</property>
- <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property>
- <property name="vscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
- <child>
- <object class="GtkTreeView" id="BackendTree">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="sensitive">False</property>
- <property name="can_focus">True</property>
- </object>
- </child>
- </object>
- <packing>
- <property name="position">1</property>
- </packing>
- </child>
- </object>
- </child>
- </object>
- <packing>
- <property name="position">1</property>
- </packing>
+ <placeholder/>
<child type="tab">
- <object class="GtkLabel" id="prefs-label2">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="label" translatable="yes">Storage</property>
- </object>
- <packing>
- <property name="position">1</property>
- <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
- </packing>
+ <placeholder/>
<object class="GtkAlignment" id="prefs-alignment4">
=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/'
--- GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-10 14:45:36 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
self.config["plugins"]["enabled"] = \
- self.config_obj.save_config()
return True
=== modified file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 2010-06-22 09:43:55 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -19,22 +19,31 @@
"""Unit tests for GTG."""
+from import TestingMode
import unittest
from GTG.tests import (
+ test_backends,
+ test_datastore,
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite([
+ test_backends.test_suite(),
+ test_datastore.test_suite(),
=== modified file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 2010-05-29 14:39:28 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
import shutil
import uuid
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
class TestApiDocs(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -50,4 +52,6 @@
def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestApiDocs)
=== added file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+"""Tests for GTG backends.
+Some of these tests will generate files in
+xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_data_home/gtg directory.
+# Standard imports
+import unittest
+import os
+import xdg
+# GTG imports
+from GTG.backends import backend_localfile as localfile
+from GTG.core import datastore
+from import cleanxml
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+class GtgBackendsUniTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests for GTG backends."""
+ def __init__(self, test):
+ unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, test)
+ self.taskfile = ''
+ self.datafile = ''
+ self.taskpath = ''
+ self.datapath = ''
+ def SetUp(self):
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
+ def test_localfile_get_name(self):
+ """Tests for localfile/get_name function :
+ - a string is expected.
+ """
+ res = localfile.Backend.get_name()
+ expectedres = "backend_localfile"
+ self.assertEqual(res, expectedres)
+ def test_localfile_get_description(self):
+ """Tests for localfile/get_description function :
+ - a string is expected.
+ """
+ res = localfile.Backend.get_description()
+ expectedres = "Your tasks are saved"
+ self.assertEqual(res[:len(expectedres)], expectedres)
+ def test_localfile_get_static_parameters(self):
+ """Tests for localfile/get_static_parameters function:
+ - a string is expected.
+ """
+ res = localfile.Backend.get_static_parameters()
+ self.assertEqual(res['path']['type'], "string")
+ def test_localfile_get_type(self):
+ """Tests for localfile/get_type function:
+ - a string is expected.
+ """
+ res = localfile.Backend.get_type()
+ expectedres = "readwrite"
+ self.assertEqual(res, expectedres)
+ def test_localfile_backend_method3(self):
+ """Tests for localfile/Backend/remove_task method:
+ - parse task file to check if task has been removed.
+ """
+ self.create_test_environment()
+ doc, configxml = cleanxml.openxmlfile(self.datapath, 'config')
+ xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName('backend')
+ for domobj in xmlproject:
+ dic = {}
+ if domobj.hasAttribute("module"):
+ dic["module"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("module"))
+ dic["pid"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("pid"))
+ dic["xmlobject"] = domobj
+ dic["Enabled"] = True
+ dic["path"] = self.taskpath
+ beobj = localfile.Backend(dic)
+ expectedres = True
+ beobj.remove_task("0@1")
+ beobj.quit()
+ dataline = open(self.taskpath, 'r').read()
+ print dataline
+ if "0@1" in dataline:
+ res = False
+ else:
+ res = True
+ expectedres = True
+ self.assertEqual(res, expectedres)
+# def test_localfile_backend_method4(self):
+# """Tests for localfile/Backend/get_task method:
+# - Compares task titles to check if method works.
+# """
+# self.create_test_environment()
+# doc, configxml = cleanxml.openxmlfile(self.datapath, 'config')
+# xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName('backend')
+# for domobj in xmlproject:
+# dic = {}
+# if domobj.hasAttribute("module"):
+# dic["module"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("module"))
+# dic["pid"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("pid"))
+# dic["xmlobject"] = domobj
+# dic["filename"] = self.taskfile
+# beobj = localfile.Backend(dic)
+# dstore = datastore.DataStore()
+# newtask = dstore.new_task(tid="0@2", pid="1", newtask=True)
+# beobj.get_task(newtask, "0@1")
+# self.assertEqual(newtask.get_title(), u"Ceci est un test")
+# def test_localfile_backend_method5(self):
+# """Tests for localfile/Backend/set_task method:
+# - parses task file to check if new task has been stored.
+# """
+# self.create_test_environment()
+# doc, configxml = cleanxml.openxmlfile(self.datapath, 'config')
+# xmlproject = doc.getElementsByTagName('backend')
+# for domobj in xmlproject:
+# dic = {}
+# if domobj.hasAttribute("module"):
+# dic["module"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("module"))
+# dic["pid"] = str(domobj.getAttribute("pid"))
+# dic["xmlobject"] = domobj
+# dic["filename"] = self.taskfile
+# beobj = localfile.Backend(dic)
+# dstore = datastore.DataStore()
+# newtask = dstore.new_task(tid="0@2", pid="1", newtask=True)
+# beobj.set_task(newtask)
+# dataline = open(self.taskpath, 'r').read()
+# if "0@2" in dataline:
+# res = True
+# else:
+# res = False
+# expectedres = True
+# self.assertEqual(res, expectedres)
+ def create_test_environment(self):
+ """Create the test environment"""
+ self.taskfile = 'test.xml'
+ self.datafile = 'projectstest.xml'
+ tasks = [
+ '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n',
+ '<project>\n',
+ '\t<task id="0@1" status="Active" tags="">\n',
+ '\t\t<title>\n',
+ '\t\t\tCeci est un test\n',
+ '\t\t</title>\n',
+ '\t</task>\n',
+ '</project>\n',
+ ]
+ data = [
+ '<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n',
+ '<config>\n',
+ '\t<backend filename="test.xml" module="localfile" pid="1"/>\n',
+ '</config>\n',
+ ]
+ self.testdir = os.path.join(xdg.BaseDirectory.xdg_data_home, 'gtg')
+ if not os.path.exists(self.testdir):
+ os.makedirs(self.testdir)
+ self.taskpath = os.path.join(self.testdir, self.taskfile)
+ self.datapath = os.path.join(self.testdir, self.datafile)
+ open(self.taskpath, 'w').writelines(tasks)
+ open(self.datapath, 'w').writelines(data)
+def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
+ return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
=== added file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Tests for the datastore
+import unittest
+import uuid
+import random
+import time
+import GTG
+from GTG.core.datastore import DataStore
+from GTG.backends.genericbackend import GenericBackend
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
+class TestDatastore(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Tests for the DataStore object.
+ '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ '''
+ Creates the environment for the tests
+ @returns None
+ '''
+ self.datastore = DataStore()
+ self.requester = self.datastore.get_requester()
+ def test_task_factory(self):
+ '''
+ Test for the task_factory function
+ '''
+ #generate a Task with a random id
+ tid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ task = self.datastore.task_factory(tid, newtask = True)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(task, GTG.core.task.Task))
+ self.assertEqual(task.get_id(), tid)
+ self.assertEqual(task.is_new(), True)
+ tid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ task = self.datastore.task_factory(tid, newtask = False)
+ self.assertEqual(task.is_new(), False)
+ def test_new_task_and_has_task(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the new_task function
+ '''
+ task = self.datastore.new_task()
+ tid = task.get_id()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(tid, str))
+ self.assertTrue(tid != '')
+ self.assertTrue(task.is_new())
+ self.assertTrue(self.datastore.has_task(tid))
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.datastore.get_all_tasks()) == 1)
+ def test_get_all_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the get_all_tasks function
+ '''
+ task_ids = []
+ for i in xrange(1, 10):
+ task = self.datastore.new_task()
+ task_ids.append(task.get_id())
+ return_list =self.datastore.get_all_tasks()
+ self.assertEqual(len(return_list), i)
+ task_ids.sort()
+ return_list.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(task_ids, return_list)
+ def test_get_task(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the get_task function
+ '''
+ self.assertEqual(self.datastore.get_task(str(uuid.uuid4())), None)
+ task = self.datastore.new_task()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.datastore.get_task(task.get_id()),
+ GTG.core.task.Task))
+ self.assertEqual(self.datastore.get_task(task.get_id()), task)
+ def test_get_tagstore(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the get_tagstore function
+ '''
+ tagstore = self.datastore.get_tagstore()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(tagstore, GTG.core.tagstore.TagStore))
+ def test_get_requester(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the get_requester function
+ '''
+ requester = self.datastore.get_requester()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(requester, GTG.core.requester.Requester))
+ def test_get_tasks_tree(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the get_tasks_tree function
+ '''
+ tasks_tree = self.datastore.get_tasks_tree()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(tasks_tree, GTG.core.tree.Tree))
+ def test_push_task(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the push_task function
+ '''
+ task_ids = []
+ for i in xrange(1, 10):
+ tid = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ if tid not in task_ids:
+ task_ids.append(tid)
+ task = self.datastore.task_factory(tid)
+ return_value1 = self.datastore.push_task(task)
+ self.assertTrue(return_value1)
+ #we do it twice, but it should be pushed only once if it's
+ # working correctly (the second should be discarded)
+ return_value2 = self.datastore.push_task(task)
+ self.assertFalse(return_value2)
+ stored_tasks = self.datastore.get_all_tasks()
+ task_ids.sort()
+ stored_tasks.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(task_ids, stored_tasks)
+ def test_register_backend(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the register_backend function. It also tests the
+ get_all_backends and get_backend function as a side effect
+ '''
+ #create a simple backend dictionary
+ backend = FakeBackend(enabled = True)
+ tasks_in_backend_count = int(random.random() * 20)
+ for temp in xrange(0, tasks_in_backend_count):
+ backend.fake_add_random_task()
+ backend_dic = {'backend': backend, 'pid': 'a'}
+ self.datastore.register_backend(backend_dic)
+ all_backends = self.datastore.get_all_backends(disabled = True)
+ self.assertEqual(len(all_backends), 1)
+ registered_backend = self.datastore.get_backend(backend.get_id())
+ self.assertEqual(backend.get_id(), registered_backend.get_id())
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(registered_backend, \
+ GTG.core.datastore.TaskSource))
+ self.assertTrue(registered_backend.is_enabled())
+ self.assertEqual(registered_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 1)
+ #we give some time for the backend to push all its tasks
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.datastore.get_all_tasks()), \
+ tasks_in_backend_count)
+ #same test, disabled backend
+ backend = FakeBackend(enabled = False)
+ for temp in xrange(1, int(random.random() * 20)):
+ backend.fake_add_random_task()
+ backend_dic = {'backend': backend, 'pid':'b'}
+ self.datastore.register_backend(backend_dic)
+ all_backends = self.datastore.get_all_backends(disabled = True)
+ self.assertEqual(len(all_backends), 2)
+ all_backends = self.datastore.get_all_backends(disabled = False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(all_backends), 1)
+ registered_backend = self.datastore.get_backend(backend.get_id())
+ self.assertEqual(backend.get_id(), registered_backend.get_id())
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(registered_backend, \
+ GTG.core.datastore.TaskSource))
+ self.assertFalse(registered_backend.is_enabled())
+ self.assertEqual(registered_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 0)
+ #we give some time for the backend to push all its tasks (is
+ #shouldn't, since it's disabled, but we give time anyway
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.datastore.get_all_tasks()), \
+ tasks_in_backend_count)
+ def test_set_backend_enabled(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the set_backend_enabled function
+ '''
+ enabled_backend = FakeBackend(enabled = True)
+ disabled_backend = FakeBackend(enabled = False)
+ self.datastore.register_backend({'backend': enabled_backend, \
+ 'pid': str(uuid.uuid4()), \
+ GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND: False})
+ self.datastore.register_backend({'backend': disabled_backend,\
+ 'pid': str(uuid.uuid4()), \
+ GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND: False})
+ #enabling an enabled backend
+ self.datastore.set_backend_enabled(enabled_backend.get_id(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(enabled_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 1)
+ self.assertTrue(enabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ #disabling a disabled backend
+ self.datastore.set_backend_enabled(disabled_backend.get_id(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(disabled_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 0)
+ self.assertFalse(disabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ #disabling an enabled backend
+ self.datastore.set_backend_enabled(enabled_backend.get_id(), False)
+ self.assertEqual(enabled_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 1)
+ self.assertFalse(enabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ time.sleep(1)
+# #enabling a disabled backend
+# self.datastore.set_backend_enabled(disabled_backend.get_id(), True)
+# self.assertEqual(disabled_backend.fake_get_initialized_count(), 1)
+# self.assertTrue(disabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ def test_remove_backend(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the remove_backend function
+ '''
+ enabled_backend = FakeBackend(enabled = True)
+ disabled_backend = FakeBackend(enabled = False)
+ self.datastore.register_backend({'backend': enabled_backend, \
+ 'pid': str(uuid.uuid4()), \
+ GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND: False})
+ self.datastore.register_backend({'backend': disabled_backend,\
+ 'pid': str(uuid.uuid4()), \
+ GenericBackend.KEY_DEFAULT_BACKEND: False})
+ #removing an enabled backend
+ self.datastore.remove_backend(enabled_backend.get_id())
+ self.assertFalse(enabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ self.assertTrue(enabled_backend.fake_is_purged())
+ self.assertEqual( \
+ len(self.datastore.get_all_backends(disabled = True)), 1)
+ #removing a disabled backend
+ self.datastore.remove_backend(disabled_backend.get_id())
+ self.assertFalse(disabled_backend.is_enabled())
+ self.assertTrue(disabled_backend.fake_is_purged())
+ self.assertEqual( \
+ len(self.datastore.get_all_backends(disabled = True)), 0)
+ def test_flush_all_tasks(self):
+ '''
+ Tests the flush_all_tasks function
+ '''
+ #we add some tasks in the datastore
+ tasks_in_datastore_count = 10 #int(random.random() * 20)
+ for temp in xrange(0, tasks_in_datastore_count):
+ self.datastore.new_task()
+ datastore_stored_tids = self.datastore.get_all_tasks()
+ self.assertEqual(tasks_in_datastore_count, len(datastore_stored_tids))
+ #we enable a backend
+ backend = FakeBackend(enabled = True)
+ self.datastore.register_backend({'backend': backend, 'pid': 'a'})
+ #we wait for the signal storm to wear off
+ time.sleep(5)
+ #we sync
+ self.datastore.get_backend(backend.get_id()).sync()
+ #and we inject task in the backend
+ tasks_in_backend_count = 5 #int(random.random() * 20)
+ for temp in xrange(0, tasks_in_backend_count):
+ backend.fake_add_random_task()
+ backend_stored_tids = backend.fake_get_task_ids()
+ self.assertEqual(tasks_in_backend_count, len(backend_stored_tids))
+ self.datastore.flush_all_tasks(backend.get_id())
+ #we wait for the signal storm to wear off
+ time.sleep(2)
+ #we sync
+ self.datastore.get_backend(backend.get_id()).sync()
+ all_tasks_count = tasks_in_backend_count + tasks_in_datastore_count
+ new_datastore_stored_tids = self.datastore.get_all_tasks()
+ new_backend_stored_tids = backend.fake_get_task_ids()
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_backend_stored_tids), all_tasks_count)
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_datastore_stored_tids), all_tasks_count)
+ new_datastore_stored_tids.sort()
+ new_backend_stored_tids.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(new_backend_stored_tids, new_datastore_stored_tids)
+def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
+ return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestDatastore)
+class FakeBackend(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Mimics the behavior of a simple backend. Just used for testing
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, enabled = True):
+ self.enabled = enabled
+ self.initialized_count = 0
+ self.tasks_ids = []
+ self.backend_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ self.purged = False
+ def is_enabled(self):
+ return self.enabled
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.initialized_count += 1
+ self.enabled = True
+ def queue_set_task(self, task):
+ self.tasks_ids.append(task.get_id())
+ def has_task(self, task_id):
+ return task_id in self.tasks_ids
+ def queue_remove_task(self, task_id):
+ self.tasks_ids.remove(task_id)
+ def get_id(self):
+ return self.backend_id
+ def start_get_tasks(self):
+ for task_id in self.tasks_ids:
+ self.datastore.push_task(self.datastore.task_factory(task_id))
+ def quit(self, disabled = False):
+ self.enabled = not disabled
+ def purge(self):
+ self.purged = True
+ def is_default(self):
+ return True
+ def set_parameter(self, param_name, param_value):
+ pass
+ def get_attached_tags(self):
+ return [CoreConfig.ALLTASKS_TAG]
+ def register_datastore(self, datastore):
+ self.datastore = datastore
+ ##########################################################################
+ # The following are used just for testing, they're not present inside a
+ # normal backend
+ ##########################################################################
+ def fake_get_initialized_count(self):
+ return self.initialized_count
+ def fake_get_task_ids(self):
+ return self.tasks_ids
+ def fake_add_random_task(self):
+ self.tasks_ids.append(str(uuid.uuid4()))
+ def fake_is_purged(self):
+ return self.purged
=== modified file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 2010-05-29 12:50:20 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
from GTG.core.tagstore import Tag
from GTG.core.datastore import DataStore
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
@@ -117,4 +118,6 @@
self.assertEqual(0, len(save_calls))
def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestTag)
=== modified file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 2010-06-11 14:30:12 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import unittest
from GTG.gtk.editor import taskviewserial
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
class GtgBackendsUniTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for GTG backends."""
@@ -47,4 +48,6 @@
def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
=== modified file 'GTG/tests/'
--- GTG/tests/ 2010-02-21 19:21:18 +0000
+++ GTG/tests/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
import unittest
from GTG.core.tree import Tree,TreeNode
+from GTG.core import CoreConfig
class TestTree(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for `Tree`."""
@@ -119,4 +122,6 @@
def test_suite():
+ CoreConfig().set_data_dir("./test_data")
+ CoreConfig().set_conf_dir("./test_data")
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
=== added file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Borg(object):
+ """
+ This pattern ensures that all instances of a particular class share
+ the same state (just inherit this class to have it working)
+ """
+ _borg_state = {}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__dict__ = self._borg_state
=== added file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Gettings Things Gnome! - a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 - Lionel Dricot & Bertrand Rousseau
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import gnomekeyring
+from import Borg
+class Keyring(Borg):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Keyring, self).__init__()
+ if not hasattr(self, "keyring"):
+ self.keyring = gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync()
+ def set_password(self, name, password, userid = ""):
+ return gnomekeyring.item_create_sync(
+ self.keyring,
+ gnomekeyring.ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET,
+ name,
+ {"backend": name},
+ password,
+ True)
+ def get_password(self, item_id):
+ try:
+ item_info = gnomekeyring.item_get_info_sync(self.keyring, item_id)
+ return item_info.get_secret()
+ except (gnomekeyring.DeniedError, gnomekeyring.NoMatchError):
+ return ""
=== modified file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 2010-03-02 06:32:31 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#Shouldn't be needed, but the following line makes sure that
# this is a Singleton.
self.__dict__['_Debug__logger'] = Debug.__logger
+ self.debugging_mode = False
def __init_logger(self):
Debug.__logger = logging.getLogger('gtg_logger')
@@ -60,5 +61,10 @@
""" Delegates to the real logger """
return setattr(Debug.__logger, attr, value)
+ def set_debugging_mode(self, value):
+ self.debugging_mode = value
+ def is_debugging_mode(self):
+ return self.debugging_mode
#The singleton itself
Log = Debug()
=== added file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from threading import Lock
+def synchronized(fun):
+ the_lock = Lock()
+ def fwrap(function):
+ def newFunction(*args, **kw):
+ with the_lock:
+ return function(*args, **kw)
+ return newFunction
+ return fwrap(fun)
=== modified file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 2010-06-18 16:36:17 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -60,7 +60,15 @@
cur_tags = xmlnode.getAttribute("tags").replace(' ','').split(",")
if "" in cur_tags: cur_tags.remove("")
for tag in cur_tags: cur_task.tag_added(saxutils.unescape(tag))
+ remote_ids_list = xmlnode.getElementsByTagName("task-remote-ids")
+ for remote_id in remote_ids_list:
+ if remote_id.childNodes:
+ node = remote_id.childNodes[0]
+ backend_id = node.firstChild.nodeValue
+ remote_task_id = node.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue
+ task.add_remote_id(backend_id, remote_task_id)
return cur_task
#Task as parameter the doc where to put the XML node
@@ -99,4 +107,18 @@
+ remote_ids_element = doc.createElement("task-remote-ids")
+ t_xml.appendChild(remote_ids_element)
+ remote_ids_dict = task.get_remote_ids()
+ for backend_id, task_id in remote_ids_dict.iteritems():
+ backend_element = doc.createElement('backend')
+ remote_ids_element.appendChild(backend_element)
+ backend_element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(backend_id))
+ task_element = doc.createElement('task-id')
+ backend_element.appendChild(task_element)
+ task_element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(task_id))
return t_xml
=== added file 'GTG/tools/'
--- GTG/tools/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from import Borg
+class TestingMode(Borg):
+ def set_testing_mode(self, value):
+ self._testing_mode = value
+ def get_testing_mode(self):
+ try:
+ return self._testing_mode
+ except:
+ return False
=== modified file 'Makefile'
--- Makefile 2010-03-01 01:43:33 +0000
+++ Makefile 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
# Check for coding standard violations & flakes.
lint: pyflakes pep8
-.PHONY: check lint pyflakes pep8 apidocs
+.PHONY: check lint pyflakes pep8 apidocs edit-apidocs clean
#Ignore the exit code in pyflakes, so that pep8 is always run when "make lint"
.IGNORE: pyflakes
=== modified file 'scripts/'
--- scripts/ 2010-06-21 09:44:23 +0000
+++ scripts/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
if [ $norun -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $profile -eq 1 ]; then
python -m cProfile -o ./gtg
+ python ./scripts/
./gtg $args
=== added file 'scripts/'
--- scripts/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ scripts/ 2010-06-23 01:19:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import pstats
+p = pstats.Stats('')