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Re: [Question #120378]: Feedback and ideas


Question #120378 on Getting Things GNOME! changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Christoph Haas is still having a problem:
gThanks for your quick reply.

> > Luca Invernizzi proposed the following answer:
>> >> *** What works less for me
>> >>
>> >> No print view. I have a weekly meeting with my manager. And I tag
tasks as @boss that I need to discuss with him. Would be great if I
could print those with start and due dates and the actual
content/comment of that task
>> >>
> >
> > You should look into the "Export and Print" (if I recall the name
> > correctly) plugin. It can generate a report from the tasks your
> > currenlty viewing in GTG. So, select @boss, launch the plugin and export
> > them in HTML or TXT.
> > It supports custom templates, so you can write a PDF export if you
want (via
> > latex) or customize the current ones. If you write some template,
you can send
> > it to us so that we can add it to GTG!

Excellent. The default template works well for the moment. Seems I just
missed to install the "python-cheetah" Debian package. "Export tasks"
isn't exactly where an end-user would look for a print option though IMHO.

>> >> The search function drives me mad. Searching only works for the
beginning of a task. Currently I have ~100 tasks and it's virtually
impossible to find a certain task without reading through the whole
list. I wish I could search for any word in the task name or
> > We're aware of that. A nice way to search is the most important
feature planned
> > for GTG 0.4, so it should be available next winter/spring.
> > If you have an idea for its behaviour/UI, comment in the bug open
for that:
> > we're looking for ideas.

So far I'd be happy with a full-text search. Maybe later I develop
further ideas. :) I wonder if the 0.4 version would be stable enough to
play with it. I'll try to find out.

Just taken a look at the mockup of bug 410822 and that's a great idea to
add and save own views, too.

>> >> I wish I could have different categories of tasks. At home I have
a set of tasks like what to fix, what to buy, what to paint, what to do.
But I can't use GTG for that because i already use it for my work tasks.
If only there were different categories/lists of tasks to switch between.
> > Do you know you can create subtags? Just drag and drop a tag over
> > Does that solve your problem? If not, open a bug and submit ideas!

I believe that's not quite the same. Even if I grouped private subtasks
in one task and work subtasks in another task they would still appear in
the same work view. I'm thinking more of a totally different context as
if I saved a completely different set of tasks.

New bug: #615027

>> >> I often miss a way to sync the GTG tasks on my laptop with those
on my work PC. Yes, I can rsync the files on disk. But what if I changed
tasks on both computers? I'd overwrite them on one of the computers.
(Syncing with remember-the-milk is not an option for me. I'm too
paranoid to share my confidential work tasks with a public web site.)
> > Next GTG version 0.3 should have a CouchDB syncronization, among
other ways.
> > That's what Ubuntu One uses (if you know what that is). You can set
up your own
> > way to sync.
> > For this, I'm thinking that maybe a "directory backend" would be useful.
> > That would be a directory where each file is a task, so that it's rsync
> > friendly. whant do you think about this?

Sounds good. I have very little experience with CouchDB. But if it
allows data synchronisation between "replicas" then that would work. I
know that synchronisation is too wide a subject.

(I'm even too paranoid to use Ubuntu One. While I love the idea I'd risk
my job if I uploaded sensitive information like about our company to a
public service outside of my control.)

>> >> After quick-adding a task I can't find it in the huge list any
more. I wish it would open up the window so I can add details. (Goes
together with the limited search feature.)
> > Yes, I think that too, and there is no bug open for that: open it.

New bug: #615029

> > Some people,
> > however use the quick-add to add a "big" number of tasks in bulk, so
for them
> > opening the window would not be really nice, as it steals focus.
Maybe there
> > could be away to make both categories happy.

Sounds like an option in the preferences whether to open the windows
after quick-adding a task.

Have I already said "thanks" for the great application? :)

By the way I wanted to blog about task management applications a while
ago and came up with some ideas taken from GTD and others I came up with
myself and which could be valuable for GTG:

- Priorities (if several tasks bubbled up the work view - which one
  should I actually begin with?)
  -> New bug: #615031
- Effort (the estimated time this task need to be fulfilled. I try
  to balance the number of quickly done tasks with tasks that take
  -> New bug: #615032
- Dependencies (some tasks depend on other tasks to be done first.
  Maybe that's just me who misses the feature and who should start
  to learn about subtasks. Perhaps this is more a feature for a
  project planning application instead.)

Now I'll check out the sources. :)

 Christoph ("Signum" on IRC)

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