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[Merge] lp:~nimit-svnit/gtg/cleanup into lp:gtg


Nimit Shah has proposed merging lp:~nimit-svnit/gtg/cleanup into lp:gtg.

Requested reviews:
  Gtg developers (gtg)

For more details, see:

Following files have been made to comply with lint and pep8 standards

Your team Gtg developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~nimit-svnit/gtg/cleanup into lp:gtg.
=== modified file 'CHANGELOG'
--- CHANGELOG	2012-06-09 12:25:03 +0000
+++ CHANGELOG	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
     * Improved Export plugin, export to PDF works now, by Izidor Matušov
     * Added -t option to distinguish between multiple instances of GTG
     * Fix for bug #826916 by Nimit Shah
+    * making setup.py colors.py simple_color_selector.py cellRendererTags.py custominfobar.py treeview_factor.py tag_context_menu.py gtg pass lint by Nimit Shah
 2012-02-13 Getting Things GNOME! 0.2.9
     * Big refractorization of code, now using liblarch

=== modified file 'GTG/__init__.py'
--- GTG/__init__.py	2012-03-22 12:24:50 +0000
+++ GTG/__init__.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
 if os.path.isdir(user_plugins):
-# FIXME Register GTG URI (temporary, it should be created by a schema upon installing)
+# FIXME Register GTG URI (temporary, it should be created by a schema
+#                                                        upon installing)
 # FIXME Uncomment it or even better - install it properly - it breaks build

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/__init__.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/__init__.py	2012-06-07 15:25:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/__init__.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
 class BackendsDialog(object):
-    BackendsDialog manages a window that lets you manage and configure synchronization service.
+    BackendsDialog manages a window that lets you manage and
+    configure synchronization service.
     It can display two "views", or "panels":
         - the backend configuration view
         - the backend adding view
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
         self.req = req
-        builder = gtk.Builder() 
+        builder = gtk.Builder()
         self.dialog.set_title(_("Synchronization Services - %s" % info.NAME))
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@
     def activate(self):
         '''Shows this window, refreshing the current view'''
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     def on_close(self, widget, data = None):
         Hides this window, saving the backends configuration.
         @param widget: not used, here only for using this as signal callback
         @param data: same as widget, disregard the content
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
 ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ###################
     def get_requester(self):
         Helper function: returns the requester.
@@ -109,20 +108,20 @@
         @returns gtk.gdk.Pixbuf: a pixbuf containing the wanted icon, or None
         (if the icon is not present)
-        #NOTE: loading icons directly from the theme and scaling them results in
-        #      blurry icons. So, instead of doing that, I'm loading them
-        #      directly from file. 
+        #NOTE: loading icons directly from the theme and scaling them results
+        #      in blurry icons. So, instead of doing that, I'm loading them
+        #      directly from file.
         icon_info = self.icon_theme.lookup_icon(name, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU, 0)
         if icon_info == None:
             return None
-        pixbuf =  gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_info.get_filename())
+        pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_info.get_filename())
         return pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
     def _show_panel(self, panel_name):
         Helper function to switch between panels.
-        @param panel_name: the name of the wanted panel. Choose between 
+        @param panel_name: the name of the wanted panel. Choose between
                         "configuration" or "add"
         if panel_name == "configuration":
@@ -157,7 +156,6 @@
 ### WIDGETS AND SIGNALS ################
     def _load_widgets_from_glade(self, builder):
         Loads widgets from the glade file
@@ -166,11 +164,11 @@
         widgets = {
-          'dialog'        : 'backends_dialog',
-          'treeview_window'   : 'treeview_window',
-          'central_pane'  : 'central_pane',
-          'add_button'    : 'add_button',
-          'remove_button' : 'remove_button',
+          'dialog': 'backends_dialog',
+          'treeview_window': 'treeview_window',
+          'central_pane': 'central_pane',
+          'add_button': 'add_button',
+          'remove_button': 'remove_button',
         for attr, widget in widgets.iteritems():
             setattr(self, attr, builder.get_object(widget))
@@ -200,7 +198,7 @@
     def _create_widgets_for_backends_tree(self):
-        Creates the widgets for the lateral treeview displaying the 
+        Creates the widgets for the lateral treeview displaying the
         backends the user has added
         self.backends_tv = BackendsTree(self)
@@ -217,7 +215,6 @@
 ### EVENT HANDLING #####################
     def on_backend_selected(self, backend_id):
         When a backend in the treeview gets selected, show
@@ -269,7 +266,7 @@
     def on_remove_button(self, widget = None, data = None):
-        When the remove button is pressed, a confirmation dialog is shown, 
+        When the remove button is pressed, a confirmation dialog is shown,
         and if the answer is positive, the backend is deleted.
         backend_id = self.backends_tv.get_selected_backend_id()
@@ -283,9 +280,10 @@
                     type = gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION,
                     buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO,
                     message_format = \
-                     _("Do you really want to remove the '%s' synchronization service?") % \
+                     _("Do you really want to remove the '%s' \
+                                            synchronization service?") % \
-        response = dialog.run() 
+        response = dialog.run()
         if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
             #delete the backend and remove it from the lateral treeview

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/addpanel.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/addpanel.py	2012-04-02 15:39:34 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/addpanel.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -28,14 +28,11 @@
 # leaving this here in case we change that decision (invernizzi).
 #from GTG.tools.moduletopackage             import ModuleToPackage
 class AddPanel(gtk.VBox):
-    ''' 
+    '''
     A VBox filled with gtk widgets to let the user choose a new backend.
     def __init__(self, backends_dialog):
         Constructor, just initializes the gtk widgets
@@ -117,7 +114,7 @@
     def _fill_bottom_hbox(self, hbox):
-        Helper function to fill and hbox with a buttonbox, featuring 
+        Helper function to fill and hbox with a buttonbox, featuring
         and ok and cancel buttons.
         @param hbox: the gtk.HBox to fill
@@ -213,4 +210,3 @@
 #            text += reduce(lambda a, b: a + "\n - " + b, missing_modules)
 #            self.label_modules.set_markup(text)
 #        self.ok_button.set_sensitive(missing_modules == [])

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendscombo.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendscombo.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendscombo.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -22,18 +22,17 @@
 from GTG.backends import BackendFactory
 class BackendsCombo(gtk.ComboBoxEntry):
     A combobox listing all the available backends types
     COLUMN_NAME = 0         #unique name for the backend type. It's never
                             # displayed, it's used to find which backend has
                             # been selected
     COLUMN_HUMAN_NAME = 1   #human friendly name (which is localized).
-    COLUMN_ICON = 2 
+    COLUMN_ICON = 2
     def __init__(self, backends_dialog):

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendstree.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendstree.py	2012-05-01 11:04:39 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/backendstree.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 from GTG.backends.backendsignals import BackendSignals
 class BackendsTree(gtk.TreeView):
     gtk.TreeView that shows the currently loaded backends.
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
         @param backends_dialog: a reference to the dialog in which this is
-        super(BackendsTree,self).__init__()
+        super(BackendsTree, self).__init__()
         self.dialog = backendsdialog
         self.req = backendsdialog.get_requester()
@@ -60,7 +59,8 @@
         # 1, put default backend on top
         # 2, sort backends by human name
         backends = list(self.req.get_all_backends(disabled = True))
-        backends = sorted(backends, key=lambda backend:(not backend.is_default(), backend.get_human_name()))
+        backends = sorted(backends, key=lambda backend: (
+                          not backend.is_default(), backend.get_human_name()))
         for backend in backends:
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
             self.backendid_to_iter[backend.get_id()] = backend_iter
     def on_backend_state_changed(self, sender, backend_id):
         Signal callback executed when a backend is enabled/disabled.
@@ -129,8 +128,8 @@
             self.liststore[b_path][self.COLUMN_TAGS] = new_tags
     def _get_markup_for_tags(self, tag_names):
-        '''Given a list of tags names, generates the pango markup to render that
-        list with the tag colors used in GTG
+        '''Given a list of tags names, generates the pango markup to render
+         that list with the tag colors used in GTG
         @param tag_names: the list of the tags (strings)
         @return str: the pango markup string
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@
             tags_txt = get_colored_tags_markup(self.req, tag_names)
         return "<small>" + tags_txt + "</small>"
     def remove_backend(self, backend_id):
         ''' Removes a backend from the treeview, and selects the first (to show
         something in the configuration panel
@@ -220,8 +218,8 @@
         Helper function to get the selected path
-        @return gtk.TreePath : returns exactly one path for the selected object or
-                               None
+        @return gtk.TreePath : returns exactly one path for the selected
+                               object or None
         selection = self.get_selection()
         if selection:

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/configurepanel.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/configurepanel.py	2012-04-02 18:06:56 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/configurepanel.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -27,11 +27,10 @@
 class ConfigurePanel(gtk.VBox):
-    ''' 
+    '''
     A VBox that lets you configure a backend
     def __init__(self, backends_dialog):
         Constructor, creating all the gtk widgets
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
         _signals.connect(_signals.BACKEND_SYNC_STARTED, self.on_sync_started)
         _signals.connect(_signals.BACKEND_SYNC_ENDED, self.on_sync_ended)
     def _create_widgets(self):
         This function fills this Vbox with widgets
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
     def _fill_top_hbox(self, hbox):
-        Helper function to fill an hbox with an image, a spinner and 
+        Helper function to fill an hbox with an image, a spinner and
         three labels
         @param hbox: the gtk.HBox to fill
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@
     def set_backend(self, backend_id):
         '''Changes the backend to configure, refreshing this view.
         @param backend_id: the id of the backend to configure
         self.backend = self.dialog.get_requester().get_backend(backend_id)
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@
         markup = "<big><big><big><b>%s</b></big></big></big>" % \
     def refresh_number_of_tasks(self):
         '''refreshes the number of synced tasks by this backend'''
         #FIXME: disabled for now. I'm not sure that this is nice because the
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@
                 markup = ngettext("Syncing a task tagged %s" % tags_txt, \
                     "Syncing %d tasks tagged %s" % (tasks_number, tags_txt), \
-                              tasks_number) 
+                              tasks_number)
     def refresh_sync_button(self):
@@ -207,7 +206,7 @@
     def on_sync_button_clicked(self, sender):
         Signal callback when a backend is enabled/disabled via the UI button
@@ -256,7 +255,7 @@
         Enables/disables the gtk.Spinner, while showing/hiding it at the same
         @param active: True if the spinner should spin
         self.should_spinner_be_shown = active
@@ -268,4 +267,3 @@
             if isinstance(self.spinner, gtk.Spinner):

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/__init__.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/__init__.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/__init__.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 from GTG.gtk.backends_dialog.parameters_ui.pathui       import PathUI
 class ParametersUI(gtk.VBox):
     Given a bakcend, this gtk.VBox populates itself with all the necessary
@@ -63,59 +62,51 @@
                             {"title": _("Import tags"), \
                              "anybox_text": _("All tags"), \
                              "somebox_text": _("Just these tags:"), \
-                             "parameter_name": "import-tags"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter_name": "import-tags"})),\
                ("attached-tags", self.UI_generator(ImportTagsUI, \
                             {"title": _("Tags to sync"), \
                              "anybox_text": _("All tasks"), \
                              "somebox_text": _("Tasks with these tags:"), \
-                             "parameter_name": "attached-tags"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter_name": "attached-tags"})), \
                ("path", self.UI_generator(PathUI)), \
                ("username", self.UI_generator(TextUI, \
                             {"description": _("Username"),
-                             "parameter_name": "username"})
-               ), \
-               ("password"     , self.UI_generator(PasswordUI)), \
-               ("period"       , self.UI_generator(PeriodUI)), \
+                             "parameter_name": "username"})), \
+               ("password", self.UI_generator(PasswordUI)), \
+               ("period", self.UI_generator(PeriodUI)), \
                ("service-url", self.UI_generator(TextUI, \
                             {"description": _("Service URL"), \
-                             "parameter_name": "service-url"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter_name": "service-url"})),\
                ("import-from-replies", self.UI_generator(CheckBoxUI, \
                             {"text": _("Import tasks from @ replies " + \
                                                          "directed to you"), \
-                             "parameter": "import-from-replies"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter": "import-from-replies"})),\
                ("import-from-direct-messages", self.UI_generator(CheckBoxUI,  \
                             {"text": _("Import tasks from direct messages"), \
-                             "parameter": "import-from-direct-messages"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter": "import-from-direct-messages"})),\
                ("import-from-my-tweets", self.UI_generator(CheckBoxUI, \
                             {"text": _("Import tasks from your tweets"), \
-                             "parameter": "import-from-my-tweets"}) \
-               ),\
+                             "parameter": "import-from-my-tweets"})),\
                ("import-bug-tags", self.UI_generator(CheckBoxUI, \
-                            {"text": _("Tag your GTG tasks with the bug tags"), \
-                             "parameter": "import-bug-tags"}) \
-               ),\
+                         {"text": _("Tag your GTG tasks with the bug tags"), \
+                             "parameter": "import-bug-tags"})),\
                ("tag-with-project-name", self.UI_generator(CheckBoxUI, \
                             {"text": _("Tag your GTG tasks with the project "
                                        "targeted by the bug"), \
-                             "parameter": "tag-with-project-name"}) \
-               ),\
-           ) 
+                             "parameter": "tag-with-project-name"})),\
+           )
     def UI_generator(self, param_type, special_arguments = {}):
         '''A helper function to build a widget type from a template.
-        It passes to the created widget generator a series of common parameters,
-        plus the ones needed to specialize the given template
+        It passes to the created widget generator a series of common
+        parameters, plus the ones needed to specialize the given template
         @param param_type: the template to specialize
         @param special_arguments: the arguments used for this particular widget
-        @return function: return a widget generator, not a widget. the widget can
-                          be obtained by calling widget_generator(backend)
+        @return function: return a widget generator, not a widget. the widget
+                           can be obtained by calling widget_generator(backend)
         return lambda backend: param_type(req = self.req, \
                                           backend = backend, \
@@ -147,6 +138,7 @@
         Saves all the parameters at their current state (the user may have
         modified them)
         def _commit_changes(child):

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/checkboxui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/checkboxui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/checkboxui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -20,13 +20,11 @@
 import gtk
 class CheckBoxUI(gtk.HBox):
     It's a widget displaying a simple checkbox, with some text to explain its
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width, text, parameter):
@@ -35,8 +33,8 @@
         @param req: a Requester
         @param backend: a backend object
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
-        @param parameter: the backend parameter this checkbox should display and
-                           modify
+        @param parameter: the backend parameter this checkbox should display
+                          and modify
         super(CheckBoxUI, self).__init__()
         self.backend = backend
@@ -47,11 +45,12 @@
     def _populate_gtk(self, width):
         '''Creates the checkbox and the related label
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
         self.checkbutton =gtk.CheckButton(label = self.text)
-        self.checkbutton.set_active(self.backend.get_parameters()[self.parameter])
+        self.checkbutton.set_active(
+                             self.backend.get_parameters()[self.parameter])
         self.checkbutton.connect("toggled", self.on_modified)
         self.pack_start(self.checkbutton, False)

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/importtagsui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/importtagsui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/importtagsui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -22,13 +22,11 @@
 from GTG.backends.genericbackend import GenericBackend
 class ImportTagsUI(gtk.VBox):
     It's a widget displaying a couple of radio buttons, a label and a textbox
     to let the user change the attached tags (or imported)
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width, title, anybox_text, somebox_text, \
@@ -132,4 +130,3 @@
         self.some_tags_radio.connect("toggled", self.on_changed)
         self.all_tags_radio.connect("toggled", self.on_changed)
         self.tags_entry.connect("changed", self.on_changed)

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/passwordui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/passwordui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/passwordui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@
 from GTG import _
 class PasswordUI(gtk.HBox):
     '''Widget displaying a gtk.Label and a textbox to input a password'''
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width):
         '''Creates the gtk widgets and loads the current password in the text
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@
     def _populate_gtk(self, width):
         '''Creates the text box and the related label
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
         password_label = gtk.Label(_("Password:"))
@@ -70,7 +68,8 @@
     def commit_changes(self):
         '''Saves the changes to the backend parameter ('password')'''
-        self.backend.set_parameter('password', self.password_textbox.get_text())
+        self.backend.set_parameter('password',
+                                            self.password_textbox.get_text())
     def on_password_modified(self, sender):
         ''' Signal callback, executed when the user edits the password.
@@ -81,4 +80,3 @@
         if self.backend.is_enabled() and not self.backend.is_default():
             self.req.set_backend_enabled(self.backend.get_id(), False)

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/pathui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/pathui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/pathui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -23,13 +23,10 @@
 from GTG import _
 class PathUI(gtk.HBox):
     '''Gtk widgets to show a path in a textbox, and a button to bring up a
     filesystem explorer to modify that path (also, a label to describe those)
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width):
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@
     def _populate_gtk(self, width):
         '''Creates the gtk.Label, the textbox and the button
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
         label = gtk.Label(_("Filename:"))
@@ -78,7 +75,7 @@
         if self.backend.is_enabled() and not self.backend.is_default():
             self.req.set_backend_enabled(self.backend.get_id(), False)
     def on_button_clicked(self, sender):
         '''Shows the filesystem explorer to choose a new file
@@ -93,9 +90,10 @@
         #set default file as the current self.path
-        self.chooser.set_current_name(os.path.basename(self.textbox.get_text()))
-        self.chooser.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(self.textbox.get_text()))
+        textbox_text=self.textbox.get_text()
+        self.chooser.set_current_name(os.path.basename(textbox_text))
+        self.chooser.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(textbox_text))
         #filter files
         afilter = gtk.FileFilter()
         afilter.set_name("All files")

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/periodui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/periodui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/periodui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -22,11 +22,9 @@
 from GTG import _, ngettext
 class PeriodUI(gtk.HBox):
     '''A widget to change the frequency of a backend synchronization
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width):
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@
     def _populate_gtk(self, width):
         '''Creates the gtk widgets
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
         period_label = gtk.Label(_("Check for new tasks every"))

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/textui.py'
--- GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/textui.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/backends_dialog/parameters_ui/textui.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@
 import gtk
 class TextUI(gtk.HBox):
     '''A widget to display a simple textbox and a label to describe its content
     def __init__(self, req, backend, width, description, parameter_name):
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@
     def _populate_gtk(self, width):
         '''Creates the gtk widgets
         @param width: the width of the gtk.Label object
         label = gtk.Label("%s:" % self.description)

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/CellRendererTags.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/CellRendererTags.py	2012-03-22 12:24:50 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/CellRendererTags.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
         if self.tag_list != None:
             for my_tag in self.tag_list:
                 my_tag_color = my_tag.get_attribute("color")
-                my_tag_icon  = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
+                my_tag_icon = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
                 if my_tag_color or my_tag_icon:
                     count = count + 1
         elif self.tag != None:
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@
     def __init__(self): #pylint: disable-msg=W0231
         self.tag_list = None
-        self.tag      = None
-        self.xpad     = 1
-        self.ypad     = 1
-        self.PADDING  = 1
+        self.tag = None
+        self.xpad = 1
+        self.ypad = 1
+        self.PADDING = 1
     def do_set_property(self, pspec, value):
         if pspec.name == "tag-list":
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
         vw_tags = self.__count_viewable_tags()
-        count   = 0
+        count = 0
         # Select source
         if self.tag_list != None:
@@ -112,25 +112,25 @@
         # Drawing context
-        cr         = window.cairo_create()
+        cr = window.cairo_create()
         gdkcontext = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cr)
         # Coordinates of the origin point
         x_align = self.get_property("xalign")
         y_align = self.get_property("yalign")
-        orig_x  = cell_area.x + int((cell_area.width  - 16*vw_tags -\
+        orig_x = cell_area.x + int((cell_area.width - 16*vw_tags -\
             self.PADDING*2*(vw_tags-1)) * x_align)
-        orig_y  = cell_area.y + int((cell_area.height - 16) * y_align)
+        orig_y = cell_area.y + int((cell_area.height - 16) * y_align)
         # We draw the icons & squares
         for my_tag in tags:
-            my_tag_icon  = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
+            my_tag_icon = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
             my_tag_color = my_tag.get_attribute("color")
-            rect_x  = orig_x + self.PADDING*2*count + 16*count
-            rect_y  = orig_y
+            rect_x = orig_x + self.PADDING*2*count + 16*count
+            rect_y = orig_y
             if my_tag_icon:
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@
         if self.tag and my_tag: #pylint: disable-msg=W0631
-            my_tag_icon  = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
+            my_tag_icon = my_tag.get_attribute("icon")
             my_tag_color = my_tag.get_attribute("color")
-            if   not my_tag_icon and not my_tag_color:
+            if not my_tag_icon and not my_tag_color:
                 # Draw rounded rectangle
                 gdkcontext.set_source_rgba(0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1)

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/__init__.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/__init__.py	2012-04-21 15:55:54 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/__init__.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -29,24 +29,25 @@
 class GnomeConfig:
     current_rep = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    GLADE_FILE  = os.path.join(current_rep, "taskbrowser.glade")
-    MODIFYTAGS_GLADE_FILE  = os.path.join(current_rep, "modifytags_dialog.glade")
-    TAGEDITOR_GLADE_FILE  = os.path.join(current_rep, "tageditor.glade")
+    GLADE_FILE = os.path.join(current_rep, "taskbrowser.glade")
+    MODIFYTAGS_GLADE_FILE= os.path.join(current_rep, "modifytags_dialog.glade")
+    TAGEDITOR_GLADE_FILE = os.path.join(current_rep, "tageditor.glade")
-    MARK_DONE               = _("Mark as Done")
-    MARK_DONE_TOOLTIP       = _("Mark the selected task as done")
-    MARK_UNDONE             = _("Mark as not Done")
-    MARK_UNDONE_TOOLTIP     = _("Mark the selected task as to be done")
-    MARK_DISMISS            = _("Dismiss")
-    MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP    = _("Mark the task as not to be done anymore")
-    MARK_UNDISMISS          = _("Undismiss")
-    MARK_UNDISMISS_TOOLTIP  = _("Mark the selected task as to be done")
-    DELETE_TOOLTIP          = _("Permanently remove the selected task")
-    EDIT_TOOLTIP            = _("Edit the selected task")
-    NEW_TASK_TOOLTIP        = _("Create a new task")
-    NEW_SUBTASK_TOOLTIP     = _("Create a new subtask")
+    MARK_DONE = _("Mark as Done")
+    MARK_DONE_TOOLTIP = _("Mark the selected task as done")
+    MARK_UNDONE = _("Mark as not Done")
+    MARK_UNDONE_TOOLTIP = _("Mark the selected task as to be done")
+    MARK_DISMISS = _("Dismiss")
+    MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP = _("Mark the task as not to be done anymore")
+    MARK_UNDISMISS = _("Undismiss")
+    MARK_UNDISMISS_TOOLTIP = _("Mark the selected task as to be done")
+    DELETE_TOOLTIP = _("Permanently remove the selected task")
+    EDIT_TOOLTIP = _("Edit the selected task")
+    NEW_TASK_TOOLTIP = _("Create a new task")
+    NEW_SUBTASK_TOOLTIP = _("Create a new subtask")
     WORKVIEW_TOGGLE_TOOLTIP = _("Display only the currently actionable tasks")
-    TAG_IN_WORKVIEW_TOGG    = _("Hide this tag from the workview")
+    TAG_IN_WORKVIEW_TOGG = _("Hide this tag from the workview")
     TAG_NOTIN_WORKVIEW_TOGG = _("Show this tag in the workview")
-    QUICKADD_ENTRY_TOOLTIP  = _("You can create, open or filter your tasks here")
-    QUICKADD_ICON_TOOLTIP   = _("Clear")
+                             "You can create, open or filter your tasks here")

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/browser.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/browser.py	2012-06-21 09:51:32 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/browser.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@
 #=== MAIN CLASS ===============================================================
 class Timer:
     def __init__(self, name):
@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@
 ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################################################
     def open_preferences(self, widget):
     def open_plugins(self, widget):

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/custominfobar.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/custominfobar.py	2012-04-02 18:06:56 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/custominfobar.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 from GTG.tools.networkmanager    import is_connection_up
 class CustomInfoBar(gtk.InfoBar):
     A gtk.InfoBar specialized for displaying errors and requests for
@@ -33,9 +32,9 @@
-    AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE = _("The <b>%s</b> synchronization service cannot login with the "
-                               "supplied authentication data and has been"
-                               " disabled. To retry the login, re-enable the service.")
+    AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE = _("The <b>%s</b> synchronization service cannot"
+                          "supplied authentication data and has been disabled"
+                          ". To retry the login, re-enable the service.")
     NETWORK_MESSAGE = _("Due to a network problem, I cannot contact "
                         "the <b>%s</b> synchronization service.")
@@ -92,8 +91,8 @@
         Sets this infobar to show an error to the user
-        @param error_code: the code of the error to show. Error codes are listed
-                           in BackendSignals
+        @param error_code: the code of the error to show. Error codes are
+                           listed in BackendSignals
         self.connect("response", self._on_error_response)
@@ -102,7 +101,8 @@
         if error_code == BackendSignals.ERRNO_AUTHENTICATION:
             self.label.set_markup(self.AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGE % backend_name)
-            self.add_button(_('Configure synchronization service'), gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
+            self.add_button(_('Configure synchronization service'),
+                                                          gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
             self.add_button(_('Ignore'), gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)
         elif error_code == BackendSignals.ERRNO_NETWORK:
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
             self.label.set_markup(self.NETWORK_MESSAGE % backend_name)
             #FIXME: use gtk stock button instead
             self.add_button(_('Ok'), gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)
         elif error_code == BackendSignals.ERRNO_DBUS:
             self.label.set_markup(self.DBUS_MESSAGE % backend_name)
@@ -206,5 +206,5 @@
         text = self.text_box.get_text()
-        threading.Thread(target = getattr(self.backend, self.callback), 
+        threading.Thread(target = getattr(self.backend, self.callback),
                           args = ("set_text", text)).start()

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/simple_color_selector.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/simple_color_selector.py	2012-05-04 19:45:19 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/simple_color_selector.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -40,10 +40,12 @@
   "#CE5C00", "#C4A000", "#BABDB6", "#2E3436",
-class SimpleColorSelectorPaletteItem(gtk.DrawingArea): # pylint: disable-msg=R0904,C0301
+class SimpleColorSelectorPaletteItem(gtk.DrawingArea):
+    # pylint: disable-msg=R0904,C0301
     """An item of the color selecctor palette"""
     def __init__(self, color=None):
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@
         alloc = self.get_allocation()
         alloc_w, alloc_h = alloc[2], alloc[3]
         # Drawing context
-        cr_ctxt    = self.window.cairo_create() # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
+        cr_ctxt = self.window.cairo_create() # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
         gdkcontext = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cr_ctxt)
         # Draw rectangle
@@ -93,13 +95,12 @@
             gdkcontext.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)
-            gdkcontext.move_to(pos_x       , pos_y+size/2)
+            gdkcontext.move_to(pos_x, pos_y+size/2)
             gdkcontext.line_to(pos_x+size/2, pos_y+size)
-            gdkcontext.line_to(pos_x+size  , pos_y)
+            gdkcontext.line_to(pos_x+size, pos_y)
     ### callbacks ###
     def on_expose(self, widget, params): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         """Callback: redraws the widget when it is exposed"""
@@ -109,7 +110,6 @@
     ### PUBLIC IF ###
     def set_color(self, color):
         """Defines the widget color"""
         self.color = color
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
 class SimpleColorSelector(gtk.VBox): # pylint: disable-msg=R0904,C0301
-    """Widget displaying a palette of colors, possibly with a button allowing to
-    define new colors."""
+    """Widget displaying a palette of colors, possibly with a button allowing
+    to define new colors."""
     def __init__(self, width=9, colors=None, custom_colors=None):
@@ -281,7 +281,6 @@
     # public IF
     def has_color(self, col):
         """Returns True if the color is already present"""
         return col in self.colors or col in self.custom_colors

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/tag_context_menu.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/tag_context_menu.py	2012-05-04 20:49:39 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/tag_context_menu.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 Implements a context (pop-up) menu for the tag item in the sidebar.
-Right now it is just a void shell It is supposed to become a more generic 
+Right now it is just a void shell It is supposed to become a more generic
 sidebar context for all kind of item displayed there.
 Also, it is supposed to handle more complex menus (with non-std widgets,
 like a color picker)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 from GTG import _
 class TagContextMenu(gtk.Menu): # pylint: disable-msg=R0904
     """Context menu fo the tag i the sidebar"""
@@ -67,14 +68,12 @@
     ### PUBLIC API ###
     def set_tag(self, tag):
         """Update the context menu items using the tag attributes."""
         self.tag = tag
     ### CALLBACKS ###
     def on_mi_cc_activate(self, widget): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         """Callback: show the tag editor upon request"""

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/browser/treeview_factory.py'
--- GTG/gtk/browser/treeview_factory.py	2012-06-12 03:58:56 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/browser/treeview_factory.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
     def __init__(self, tree, desc):
         TreeView.__init__(self, tree, desc)
         self.show_expander = False
-        self.treemodel.connect("row-has-child-toggled", self.__show_expander_col)
+        self.treemodel.connect("row-has-child-toggled",
+                                                self.__show_expander_col)
         self.__show_expander_col(self.treemodel, None, None)
     def __has_child(self, model, path, iter):
@@ -51,16 +52,17 @@
 class TreeviewFactory():
-    def __init__(self,requester,config):
+    def __init__(self, requester, config):
         self.req = requester
         self.mainview = self.req.get_tasks_tree()
         self.config = config
         #Initial unactive color
-        #This is a crude hack. As we don't have a reference to the 
-        #treeview to retrieve the style, we save that color when we 
+        #This is a crude hack. As we don't have a reference to the
+        #treeview to retrieve the style, we save that color when we
         #build the treeview.
         self.unactive_color = "#888a85"
@@ -69,12 +71,11 @@
         # Cache tags treeview for on_rename_tag callback
         self.tags_view = None
     #Functions for tasks columns
-    def _has_hidden_subtask(self,task):
+    def _has_hidden_subtask(self, task):
         #not recursive
         display_count = self.mainview.node_n_children(task.get_id())
         real_count = 0
@@ -84,35 +85,36 @@
                 if sub_task and sub_task.get_status() == Task.STA_ACTIVE:
                     real_count = real_count + 1
         return display_count < real_count
     def task_bg_color(self, node, default_color):
         if self.config.get('bg_color_enable'):
             return colors.background_color(node.get_tags(), default_color)
             return None
     #return an ordered list of tags of a task
-    def task_tags_column(self,node):
+    def task_tags_column(self, node):
         tags = node.get_tags()
         search_parent = self.req.get_tag(CoreConfig.SEARCH_TAG)
         for search_tag in search_parent.get_children():
             tag = self.req.get_tag(search_tag)
-            match = search_filter(node, parse_search_query(tag.get_attribute('query')))
+            match = search_filter(node,
+                          parse_search_query(tag.get_attribute('query')))
             if match and search_tag not in tags:
         tags.sort(key = lambda x: x.get_name())
         return tags
     #task title
     def task_title_column(self, node):
         return saxutils.escape(node.get_title())
     #task title/label
     def task_label_column(self, node):
         str_format = "%s"
         if node.get_status() == Task.STA_ACTIVE:
             # we mark in bold tasks which are due today or as Now
             days_left = node.get_days_left()
@@ -120,11 +122,12 @@
                 str_format = "<b>%s</b>"
             if self._has_hidden_subtask(node):
                 str_format = "<span color='%s'>%s</span>"\
-                                                % (self.unactive_color, str_format)
+                                           % (self.unactive_color, str_format)
         title = str_format % saxutils.escape(node.get_title())
         if node.get_status() == Task.STA_ACTIVE:
-            count = self.mainview.node_n_children(node.get_id(), recursive=True)
+            count = self.mainview.node_n_children(node.get_id(),
+                                                            recursive=True)
             if count != 0:
                 title += " (%s)" % count
         elif node.get_status() == Task.STA_DISMISSED:
@@ -134,35 +137,35 @@
             excerpt = saxutils.escape(node.get_excerpt(lines=1,
                     strip_tags=True, strip_subtasks=True))
             title += " <span size='small' color='%s'>%s</span>" \
-                    % (self.unactive_color, excerpt) 
+                    % (self.unactive_color, excerpt)
         return title
     #task start date
-    def task_sdate_column(self,node):
+    def task_sdate_column(self, node):
         return node.get_start_date().to_readable_string()
-    def task_duedate_column(self,node):
+    def task_duedate_column(self, node):
         return node.get_due_date().to_readable_string()
-    def task_cdate_column(self,node):
+    def task_cdate_column(self, node):
         return node.get_closed_date().to_readable_string()
-    def start_date_sorting(self,task1,task2,order):
-        sort = self.__date_comp(task1,task2,'start',order)
-        return sort
-    def due_date_sorting(self,task1,task2,order):
-        sort = self.__date_comp(task1,task2,'due',order)
-        return sort
-    def closed_date_sorting(self,task1,task2,order):
-        sort = self.__date_comp(task1,task2,'closed',order)
-        return sort
-    def title_sorting(self,task1,task2,order):
-        return cmp(task1.get_title(),task2.get_title())
-    def __date_comp(self,task1,task2,para,order):
+    def start_date_sorting(self, task1, task2, order):
+        sort = self.__date_comp(task1, task2, 'start', order)
+        return sort
+    def due_date_sorting(self, task1, task2, order):
+        sort = self.__date_comp(task1, task2, 'due', order)
+        return sort
+    def closed_date_sorting(self, task1, task2, order):
+        sort = self.__date_comp(task1, task2, 'closed', order)
+        return sort
+    def title_sorting(self, task1, task2, order):
+        return cmp(task1.get_title(), task2.get_title())
+    def __date_comp(self, task1, task2, para, order):
         '''This is a quite complex method to sort tasks by date,
         handling fuzzy date and complex situation.
         Return -1 if nid1 is before nid2, return 1 otherwise
@@ -179,39 +182,40 @@
                 t2 = task2.get_closed_date()
                 raise ValueError('invalid date comparison parameter: %s')%para
-            sort = cmp(t2,t1)
+            sort = cmp(t2, t1)
             sort = 0
         #local function
         def reverse_if_descending(s):
-            """Make a cmp() result relative to the top instead of following 
-               user-specified sort direction"""
+            """Make a cmp() result relative to the top instead of following
+                user-specified sort direction"""
             if order == gtk.SORT_ASCENDING:
                 return s
                 return -1*s
-        if sort == 0: # Group tasks with the same tag together for visual cleanness 
+        if sort == 0:
+        # Group tasks with the same tag together for visual cleanness
             t1_tags = task1.get_tags_name()
             t2_tags = task2.get_tags_name()
             sort = reverse_if_descending(cmp(t1_tags, t2_tags))
         if sort == 0:  # Break ties by sorting by title
             t1_title = task1.get_title()
             t2_title = task2.get_title()
             t1_title = locale.strxfrm(t1_title)
             t2_title = locale.strxfrm(t2_title)
             sort = reverse_if_descending(cmp(t1_title, t2_title))
         return sort
     #Functions for tags columns
-    def tag_name(self,node):
+    def tag_name(self, node):
         label = node.get_attribute("label")
         if label.startswith('@'):
             label = label[1:]
@@ -220,18 +224,18 @@
             return "<span color='%s'>%s</span>" %(self.unactive_color, label)
             return label
-    def get_tag_count(self,node):
+    def get_tag_count(self, node):
         if node.get_id() == 'search':
             return ""
             toreturn = node.get_active_tasks_count()
-            return "<span color='%s'>%s</span>" %(self.unactive_color,toreturn)
-    def is_tag_separator_filter(self,tag):
+            return "<span color='%s'>%s</span>"%(self.unactive_color, toreturn)
+    def is_tag_separator_filter(self, tag):
         return tag.get_attribute('special') == 'sep'
-    def tag_sorting(self,t1,t2,order):
+    def tag_sorting(self, t1, t2, order):
         t1_sp = t1.get_attribute("special")
         t2_sp = t2.get_attribute("special")
         t1_name = locale.strxfrm(t1.get_name())
@@ -246,8 +250,8 @@
             t1_order = t1.get_attribute("order")
             t2_order = t2.get_attribute("order")
             return cmp(t1_order, t2_order)
-    def ontag_task_dnd(self,source,target):
+    def ontag_task_dnd(self, source, target):
         task = self.req.get_task(source)
         if target.startswith('@'):
@@ -259,7 +263,7 @@
     ######## The Factory #######################
-    def tags_treeview(self,tree):
+    def tags_treeview(self, tree):
         desc = {}
         #Tag id
@@ -271,32 +275,32 @@
         col['order'] = 0
         col['sorting_func'] = self.tag_sorting
         desc[col_name] = col
         #Tags color
         col_name = 'color'
         col = {}
         render_tags = CellRendererTags()
         render_tags.set_property('ypad', 3)
         col['title'] = _("Tags")
-        col['renderer'] = ['tag',render_tags]
-        col['value'] = [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,lambda node: node]
+        col['renderer'] = ['tag', render_tags]
+        col['value'] = [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, lambda node: node]
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['resizable'] = False
         col['order'] = 1
         desc[col_name] = col
         #Tag names
         col_name = 'tagname'
         col = {}
         render_text = gtk.CellRendererText()
         render_text.set_property('ypad', 3)
-        col['renderer'] = ['markup',render_text]
-        col['value'] = [str,self.tag_name]
+        col['renderer'] = ['markup', render_text]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.tag_name]
         col['expandable'] = True
         col['new_column'] = False
         col['order'] = 2
         desc[col_name] = col
         #Tag count
         col_name = 'tagcount'
         col = {}
@@ -304,8 +308,8 @@
         render_text.set_property('xpad', 3)
         render_text.set_property('ypad', 3)
         render_text.set_property('xalign', 1.0)
-        col['renderer'] = ['markup',render_text]
-        col['value'] = [str,self.get_tag_count]
+        col['renderer'] = ['markup', render_text]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.get_tag_count]
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['new_column'] = False
         col['order'] = 3
@@ -313,13 +317,14 @@
-        return self.build_tag_treeview(tree,desc)
+        return self.build_tag_treeview(tree, desc)
     def enable_update_tags(self):
         self.tag_cllbcks = []
         tasks = self.req.get_tasks_tree()
-        for event in 'node-added-inview', 'node-modified-inview', 'node-deleted-inview':
+        l =['node-added-inview', 'node-modified-inview', 'node-deleted-inview']
+        for event in l:
             handle = tasks.register_cllbck(event, self._update_tags)
             self.tag_cllbcks.append((event, handle))
@@ -342,18 +347,18 @@
         if task:
             for t in self.req.get_task(node_id).get_tags():
-    def active_tasks_treeview(self,tree):
+    def active_tasks_treeview(self, tree):
         #Build the title/label/tags columns
         desc = self.common_desc_for_tasks(tree)
         # "startdate" column
         col_name = 'startdate'
         col = {}
         col['title'] = _("Start date")
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['resizable'] = False
-        col['value'] = [str,self.task_sdate_column]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.task_sdate_column]
         col['order'] = 3
         col['sorting_func'] = self.start_date_sorting
         desc[col_name] = col
@@ -364,40 +369,40 @@
         col['title'] = _("Due")
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['resizable'] = False
-        col['value'] = [str,self.task_duedate_column]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.task_duedate_column]
         col['order'] = 4
         col['sorting_func'] = self.due_date_sorting
         desc[col_name] = col
         #Returning the treeview
-        treeview = self.build_task_treeview(tree,desc)
+        treeview = self.build_task_treeview(tree, desc)
         return treeview
-    def closed_tasks_treeview(self,tree):
+    def closed_tasks_treeview(self, tree):
         #Build the title/label/tags columns
         desc = self.common_desc_for_tasks(tree)
         # "startdate" column
         col_name = 'closeddate'
         col = {}
         col['title'] = _("Closed date")
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['resizable'] = False
-        col['value'] = [str,self.task_cdate_column]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.task_cdate_column]
         col['order'] = 3
         col['sorting_func'] = self.closed_date_sorting
         desc[col_name] = col
         #Returning the treeview
-        treeview = self.build_task_treeview(tree,desc)
+        treeview = self.build_task_treeview(tree, desc)
         return treeview
     #This build the first tag/title columns, common
     #to both active and closed tasks treeview
-    def common_desc_for_tasks(self,tree):
+    def common_desc_for_tasks(self, tree):
         desc = {}
         #invisible 'task_id' column
@@ -421,20 +426,20 @@
         col = {}
         render_text = gtk.CellRendererText()
         render_text.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
-        col['renderer'] = ['markup',render_text]
-        col['value'] = [str,self.task_title_column]
+        col['renderer'] = ['markup', render_text]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.task_title_column]
         col['visible'] = False
         col['order'] = 0
         col['sorting_func'] = self.title_sorting
         desc[col_name] = col
         # "tags" column (no title)
         col_name = 'tags'
         col = {}
         render_tags = CellRendererTags()
         render_tags.set_property('xalign', 0.0)
-        col['renderer'] = ['tag_list',render_tags]
-        col['value'] = [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,self.task_tags_column]
+        col['renderer'] = ['tag_list', render_tags]
+        col['value'] = [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, self.task_tags_column]
         col['expandable'] = False
         col['resizable'] = False
         col['order'] = 1
@@ -446,18 +451,17 @@
         col['title'] = _("Title")
         render_text = gtk.CellRendererText()
         render_text.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
-        col['renderer'] = ['markup',render_text]
-        col['value'] = [str,self.task_label_column]
+        col['renderer'] = ['markup', render_text]
+        col['value'] = [str, self.task_label_column]
         col['expandable'] = True
         col['resizable'] = True
         col['sorting'] = 'title'
         col['order'] = 2
         desc[col_name] = col
         return desc
-    def build_task_treeview(self,tree,desc):
-        treeview = AutoExpandTreeView(tree,desc)
+    def build_task_treeview(self, tree, desc):
+        treeview = AutoExpandTreeView(tree, desc)
         #Now that the treeview is done, we can polish
@@ -472,19 +476,19 @@
         self.unactive_color = \
         return treeview
-    def build_tag_treeview(self,tree,desc):
-        treeview = AutoExpandTreeView(tree,desc)
+    def build_tag_treeview(self, tree, desc):
+        treeview = AutoExpandTreeView(tree, desc)
         # Global treeview properties
         treeview.set_property("enable-tree-lines", False)
-        treeview.set_dnd_external('gtg/task-iter-str',self.ontag_task_dnd)
+        treeview.set_dnd_external('gtg/task-iter-str', self.ontag_task_dnd)
         #Updating the unactive color (same for everyone)
         self.unactive_color = \
         self.tags_view = treeview
-        return treeview 
+        return treeview

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/colors.py'
--- GTG/gtk/colors.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/colors.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #Take list of Tags and give the background color that should be applied
 #The returned color might be None (in which case, the default is used)
 def background_color(tags, bgcolor = None):
     if not bgcolor:
         bgcolor = gtk.gdk.color_parse("#FFFFFF")
@@ -31,27 +32,28 @@
     blue = 0
     for my_tag in tags:
         my_color_str = my_tag.get_attribute("color")
-        if my_color_str :
+        if my_color_str:
             my_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(my_color_str)
             color_count = color_count + 1
-            red   = red   + my_color.red
+            red = red + my_color.red
             green = green + my_color.green
-            blue  = blue  + my_color.blue
+            blue = blue + my_color.blue
     if color_count != 0:
-        red        = int(red  / color_count)
-        green      = int(green / color_count)
-        blue       = int(blue  / color_count)
+        red = int(red / color_count)
+        green = int(green / color_count)
+        blue = int(blue / color_count)
         brightness = (red+green+blue) / 3.0
         target_brightness = (bgcolor.red+bgcolor.green+bgcolor.blue)/3.0
         alpha = (1-abs(brightness-target_brightness)/65535.0)/2.0
         red = int(red*alpha + bgcolor.red*(1-alpha))
         green = int(green*alpha + bgcolor.green*(1-alpha))
         blue = int(blue*alpha + bgcolor.blue*(1-alpha))
         my_color = gtk.gdk.Color(red, green, blue).to_string()
     return my_color
 def get_colored_tag_markup(req, tag_name, html = False):
     Given a tag name, returns a string containing the markup to color the
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
             return tag_name
 def get_colored_tags_markup(req, tag_names):
     Calls get_colored_tag_markup for each tag_name in tag_names

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/crashhandler.py'
--- GTG/gtk/crashhandler.py	2012-05-20 19:05:20 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/crashhandler.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
 initialize(app_name = "Getting Things GNOME!",
-           message  =  "GTG" + info.VERSION +
+           message = "GTG" + info.VERSION +
            _(" has crashed. Please report the bug on <a href=\""
            "http://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gtg\";>our Launchpad page</a>."
              " If you have Apport installed, it will be started for you."),

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/delete_dialog.py'
--- GTG/gtk/delete_dialog.py	2012-03-26 15:38:57 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/delete_dialog.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -24,18 +24,19 @@
 class DeletionUI():
     def __init__(self, req):
         self.req = req
         self.tids_todelete = []
         # Tags which must be updated
         self.update_tags = []
         # Load window tree
-        self.builder = gtk.Builder() 
+        self.builder = gtk.Builder()
-        signals = { "on_delete_confirm": self.on_delete_confirm,
-                    "on_delete_cancel": lambda x: x.hide,}
+        signals = {"on_delete_confirm": self.on_delete_confirm,
+                    "on_delete_cancel": lambda x: x.hide, }
     def on_delete_confirm(self, widget):
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
         otherwise, we will look which tid is selected"""
         for tid in self.tids_todelete:
             if self.req.has_task(tid):
-                self.req.delete_task(tid,recursive=True)
+                self.req.delete_task(tid, recursive=True)
         self.tids_todelete = []
         # Update tags
@@ -60,10 +61,11 @@
             self.update_tags = []
             for tid in self.tids_todelete:
                 def recursive_list_tasks(task_list, root):
-                    """Populate a list of all the subtasks and 
+                    """Populate a list of all the subtasks and
                        their children, recursively.
                        Also collect the list of affected tags
                        which should be refreshed"""
                     if root not in task_list:
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@
                 task = self.req.get_task(tid)
                 recursive_list_tasks(tasklist, task)
-            # We fill the text and the buttons' labels according to the number 
+            # We fill the text and the buttons' labels according to the number
             # of tasks to delete
             label = self.builder.get_object("label1")
             label_text = label.get_text()
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@
                                        "Permanently remove tasks",
             label_text = label_text[0:label_text.find(":") + 1]
             #we don't want to end with just one task that doesn't fit the
             # screen and a line saying "And one more task", so we go a
             # little over our limit
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@
             cancel_button = self.builder.get_object("cancel")
             if delete_dialog.run() != 1:
-            	tasklist = []
+                tasklist = []
             return tasklist

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/editor/__init__.py'
--- GTG/gtk/editor/__init__.py	2012-03-26 22:14:55 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/editor/__init__.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 class GnomeConfig:
     current_rep = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    GLADE_FILE  = os.path.join(current_rep, "taskeditor.glade")
+    GLADE_FILE = os.path.join(current_rep, "taskeditor.glade")
     MARK_DONE = _("Mark as Done")
     MARK_UNDONE = _("Mark as not Done")

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/editor/editor.py'
--- GTG/gtk/editor/editor.py	2012-05-20 18:14:23 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/editor/editor.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 import gtk
 from GTG                     import _, ngettext
-from GTG.gtk.editor          import GnomeConfig
+from GTG.gtk.editor import GnomeConfig
 from GTG.gtk.editor.taskview import TaskView
 from GTG.core.plugins.engine import PluginEngine
 from GTG.core.plugins.api    import PluginAPI
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@
 from GTG.tools.dates         import Date
 from GTG.gtk.editor.calendar import GTGCalendar
 class TaskEditor:
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 requester, 
-                 vmanager, 
-                 task, 
+    def __init__(self,
+                 requester,
+                 vmanager,
+                 task,
                  taskconfig = None,
                  thisisnew = False,
                  clipboard = None):
@@ -89,13 +90,13 @@
                 "on_move": self.on_move,
-        self.window         = self.builder.get_object("TaskEditor")
+        self.window = self.builder.get_object("TaskEditor")
         #Removing the Normal textview to replace it by our own
         #So don't try to change anything with glade, this is a home-made widget
         textview = self.builder.get_object("textview")
         scrolled = self.builder.get_object("scrolledtask")
-        self.textview   = TaskView(self.req, self.clipboard)
+        self.textview = TaskView(self.req, self.clipboard)
@@ -103,11 +104,11 @@
         #Voila! it's done
-        self.calendar       = GTGCalendar(self.builder)
+        self.calendar = GTGCalendar(self.builder)
         self.duedate_widget = self.builder.get_object("duedate_entry")
         self.startdate_widget = self.builder.get_object("startdate_entry")
         self.closeddate_widget = self.builder.get_object("closeddate_entry")
-        self.dayleft_label  = self.builder.get_object("dayleft")
+        self.dayleft_label = self.builder.get_object("dayleft")
         self.tasksidebar = self.builder.get_object("tasksidebar")
         # Define accelerator keys
@@ -164,14 +165,15 @@
             if tid in self.config:
                 if "position" in self.config[tid]:
                     pos = self.config[tid]["position"]
-                    self.move(pos[0],pos[1])
+                    self.move(pos[0], pos[1])
                     #print "restoring position %s %s" %(pos[0],pos[1])
                 if "size" in self.config[tid]:
                     size = self.config[tid]["size"]
                     #print "size %s - %s" %(str(size[0]), str(size[1]))
-                    #this eval(str()) is a ugly (!) hack to accept both int and str
+                    #this eval(str()) is a ugly (!) hack to accept both int and
+                    # str
                     #FIXME: Fix this!
-                    self.window.resize(eval(str(size[0])),eval(str(size[1])))
+                    self.window.resize(eval(str(size[0])), eval(str(size[1])))
@@ -196,18 +198,21 @@
         # Ctrl-Shift-N creates a new subtask
         insert_subtask = self.builder.get_object("insert_subtask")
-        key, mod       = gtk.accelerator_parse("<Control><Shift>n")
-        insert_subtask.add_accelerator('clicked', agr, key, mod, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
+        key, mod = gtk.accelerator_parse("<Control><Shift>n")
+        insert_subtask.add_accelerator('clicked',
+                                       agr, key, mod, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
         # Ctrl-D marks task as done
         mark_as_done_editor = self.builder.get_object('mark_as_done_editor')
         key, mod = gtk.accelerator_parse('<Control>d')
-        mark_as_done_editor.add_accelerator('clicked', agr, key, mod, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
+        mark_as_done_editor.add_accelerator('clicked',
+                                            agr, key, mod, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
         # Ctrl-I marks task as dismissed
         dismiss_editor = self.builder.get_object('dismiss_editor')
         key, mod = gtk.accelerator_parse('<Control>i')
-        dismiss_editor.add_accelerator('clicked', agr, key, mod, gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
+        dismiss_editor.add_accelerator('clicked', agr, key, mod,
+                                                            gtk.ACCEL_VISIBLE)
     #Can be called at any time to reflect the status of the Task
     #Refresh should never interfere with the TaskView.
@@ -219,34 +224,37 @@
         if self.window == None:
         to_save = False
-        #title of the window 
+        #title of the window
         if title:
             to_save = True
-        status = self.task.get_status() 
+        status = self.task.get_status()
         if status == Task.STA_DISMISSED:
-            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(GnomeConfig.MARK_UNDISMISS_TOOLTIP)
+            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(
+                                         GnomeConfig.MARK_UNDISMISS_TOOLTIP)
         elif status == Task.STA_DONE:
-            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(GnomeConfig.MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP)
+            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(
+                                            GnomeConfig.MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP)
-            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(GnomeConfig.MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP)
+            self.dismissbutton.set_tooltip_text(
+                                            GnomeConfig.MARK_DISMISS_TOOLTIP)
@@ -260,14 +268,14 @@
-            self.builder.get_object("label2").show() 
+            self.builder.get_object("label2").show()
         #refreshing the start date field
         startdate = self.task.get_start_date()
         prevdate = Date.parse(self.startdate_widget.get_text())
         if startdate != prevdate:
-            self.startdate_widget.set_text(str(startdate)) 
+            self.startdate_widget.set_text(str(startdate))
         #refreshing the due date field
         duedate = self.task.get_due_date()
@@ -282,8 +290,8 @@
         #refreshing the day left label
-        #If the task is marked as done, we display the delay between the 
-        #due date and the actual closing date. If the task isn't marked 
+        #If the task is marked as done, we display the delay between the
+        #due date and the actual closing date. If the task isn't marked
         #as done, we display the number of days left.
         if status in [Task.STA_DISMISSED, Task.STA_DONE]:
             delay = self.task.get_days_late()
@@ -292,22 +300,30 @@
             elif delay == 0:
                 txt = "Completed on time"
             elif delay >= 1:
-                txt = ngettext("Completed %(days)d day late", "Completed %(days)d days late", delay) % {'days': delay}
+                txt = ngettext("Completed %(days)d day late",
+                               "Completed %(days)d days late",
+                               delay) % {'days': delay}
             elif delay <= -1:
                 abs_delay = abs(delay)
-                txt = ngettext("Completed %(days)d day early", "Completed %(days)d days early", abs_delay) % {'days': abs_delay}
+                txt = ngettext("Completed %(days)d day early",
+                               "Completed %(days)d days early",
+                               abs_delay) % {'days': abs_delay}
             due_date = self.task.get_due_date()
             result = due_date.days_left()
             if due_date.is_fuzzy():
                 txt = ""
             elif result > 0:
-                txt = ngettext("Due tomorrow!", "%(days)d days left", result) % {'days': result}
+                txt = ngettext("Due tomorrow!",
+                               "%(days)d days left",
+                               result) % {'days': result}
             elif result == 0:
                 txt = _("Due today!")
             elif result < 0:
                 abs_result = abs(result)
-                txt = ngettext("Due yesterday!", "Was %(days)d days ago", abs_result) % {'days': abs_result}
+                txt = ngettext("Due yesterday!",
+                               "Was %(days)d days ago",
+                               abs_result) % {'days': abs_result}
         window_style = self.window.get_style()
         color = str(window_style.text[gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE])
         self.dayleft_label.set_markup("<span color='"+color+"'>"+txt+"</span>")
@@ -333,7 +349,7 @@
         if to_save:
-    def date_changed(self,widget,data):
+    def date_changed(self, widget, data):
         text = widget.get_text()
         valid = True
         if not text:
@@ -412,7 +428,7 @@
         for task in all_subtasks:
-    def dismiss(self,widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def dismiss(self, widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         stat = self.task.get_status()
         if stat == "Dismiss":
@@ -422,7 +438,7 @@
-    def change_status(self,widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def change_status(self, widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         stat = self.task.get_status()
         if stat == "Done":
@@ -441,7 +457,7 @@
     #Take the title as argument and return the subtask ID
-    def new_subtask(self,title=None,tid=None):
+    def new_subtask(self, title=None, tid=None):
         if tid:
         elif title:
@@ -456,25 +472,25 @@
         task_id = task.get_id()
-    def insert_subtask(self,widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def insert_subtask(self, widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
-    def inserttag_clicked(self,widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def inserttag_clicked(self, widget): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         itera = self.textview.get_insert()
         if itera.starts_line():
-            self.textview.insert_text("@",itera)
+            self.textview.insert_text("@", itera)
-            self.textview.insert_text(" @",itera)
+            self.textview.insert_text(" @", itera)
-    def inserttag(self,widget,tag): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def inserttag(self, widget, tag): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
     def save(self):
-        self.task.set_text(self.textview.get_text()) 
+        self.task.set_text(self.textview.get_text())
         if self.config != None:
@@ -493,22 +509,22 @@
         if tosave:
-    #This will bring the Task Editor to front    
+    #This will bring the Task Editor to front
     def present(self):
-    def move(self,x,y):
+    def move(self, x, y):
-            self.window.move(xx,yy)
+            self.window.move(xx, yy)
     def get_position(self):
         return self.window.get_position()
-    def on_move(self,widget,event):
+    def on_move(self, widget, event):
         #saving the position
         if self.config != None:
             tid = self.task.get_id()
@@ -519,17 +535,18 @@
             self.config[tid]["size"] = self.window.get_size()
     #We define dummy variable for when close is called from a callback
-    def close(self,window=None,a=None,b=None,c=None): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def close(self, window=None, a=None, b=None, c=None):
+        #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         #We should also destroy the whole taskeditor object.
         if self.window:
             self.window = None
-    #The destroy signal is linked to the "close" button. So if we call
-    #destroy in the close function, this will cause the close to be called twice
+    #The destroy signal is linked to the "close" button. So if we call destroy
+    #in the close function, this will cause the close to be called twice
     #To solve that, close will just call "destroy" and the destroy signal
     #Will be linked to this destruction method that will save the task
-    def destruction(self,a=None):
+    def destruction(self, a=None):
         #Save should be also called when buffer is modified

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/editor/taskview.py'
--- GTG/gtk/editor/taskview.py	2012-05-20 19:05:20 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/editor/taskview.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 # this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 This class implements a gtk.TextView but with many other features
 like hyperlink and other stuff special for GTG
@@ -40,10 +38,10 @@
 from GTG.gtk.editor import taskviewserial
 from GTG.tools      import urlregex
-separators = [' ', ',', '\n', '\t', '!', '?', ';', '\0','(',')']
+separators = [' ', ',', '\n', '\t', '!', '?', ';', '\0', '(', ')']
 #those separators are only separators if followed by a space. Else, they
 #are part of the word
-specials_separators = ['.','/']
+specials_separators = ['.', '/']
 bullet1_ltr = '→'
 bullet1_rtl = '←'
@@ -83,7 +81,8 @@
             raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % prop.name)
     #Yes, we want to redefine the buffer. Disabling pylint on that error.
-    def __init__(self, requester, clipboard, buffer=None): #pylint: disable-msg=W0622
+    def __init__(self, requester, clipboard, buffer=None):
+        #pylint: disable-msg=W0622
         gtk.TextView.__init__(self, buffer)
         self.buff = self.get_buffer()
         self.req = requester
@@ -94,11 +93,11 @@
         self.failedlink = {'background': 'white', 'foreground': '#ff5454', \
                       'underline': pango.UNDERLINE_NONE, \
                       'strikethrough': False}
-        self.done   = {'background': 'white', 'foreground': 'gray',\
+        self.done = {'background': 'white', 'foreground': 'gray',\
                                     'strikethrough': True}
         self.active = {'background': 'light gray', 'foreground': '#ff1e00',\
                                     'underline': pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE}
-        self.hover  = {'background': 'light gray'}
+        self.hover = {'background': 'light gray'}
         self.tag = {'background': "#FFea00", 'foreground': 'black'}
         self.indent = {'scale': 1.4, 'editable': False, 'left-margin': 10,
                                  "accumulative-margin": True}
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@
         # but set in self.modified)
         self.table = self.buff.get_tag_table()
         # Tag for title
-        self.title_tag  = self.buff.create_tag("title", foreground="#007bff", \
+        self.title_tag = self.buff.create_tag("title", foreground="#007bff",\
                             scale=1.6, underline=1)
         self.title_tag.set_property("pixels-above-lines", 10)
         self.title_tag.set_property("pixels-below-lines", 10)
@@ -129,9 +128,10 @@
                      e: self.table.foreach(self.__tag_reset, e.window))
         self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text', \
-        self.delete_sigid = self.buff.connect("delete-range", self._delete_range)
-        self.connect('copy-clipboard', self.copy_clipboard,"copy")
-        self.connect('cut-clipboard', self.copy_clipboard,"cut")
+        self.delete_sigid = self.buff.connect("delete-range",
+                                              self._delete_range)
+        self.connect('copy-clipboard', self.copy_clipboard, "copy")
+        self.connect('cut-clipboard', self.copy_clipboard, "cut")
         self.connect('paste-clipboard', self.paste_clipboard)
         self.connect('drag-data-received', self.drag_receive)
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@
         self.mime_type = 'application/x-gtg-task'
         serializer = taskviewserial.Serializer()
         unserializer = taskviewserial.Unserializer(self)
-        self.buff.register_serialize_format(self.mime_type, serializer.serialize, None)
-        self.buff.register_deserialize_format(self.mime_type, unserializer.unserialize, None)
+        self.buff.register_serialize_format(self.mime_type,
+                                           serializer.serialize, None)
+        self.buff.register_deserialize_format(self.mime_type,
+                                             unserializer.unserialize, None)
         #The list of callbacks we have to set
         self.remove_tag_callback = None
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@
         self.get_subtasks = None
         self.remove_subtask =None
         self.__refresh_cb = None  # refresh the editor window
-        self.open_task            = None # open another task
+        self.open_task = None # open another task
         self.new_subtask_callback = None # create a subtask
         self.save_task = None #This will save the task without refreshing all
@@ -185,7 +187,8 @@
     #editable means that the user can edit the taskview
     #this is initially set at False and then to True once the editor window
     #is displayed.
-    #this is used to avoid saving the task when the window is still not displayed
+    #this is used to avoid saving the task when the window is still
+    #not displayed
     def set_editable(self, boule):
         self.editable = boule
@@ -270,7 +273,8 @@
         if reconnect_insert:
-            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text', self._insert_at_cursor)
+            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text',
+                                                 self._insert_at_cursor)
         if reconnect_modified:
             self.modified_sigid = self.buff.connect("changed", self.modified)
@@ -308,7 +312,6 @@
             return True
     def create_anchor_tag(self, b, anchor, text=None, typ=None):
         #We cannot have two tags with the same name
         #That's why the link tag has no name
@@ -326,7 +329,8 @@
         if linktype == 'link' and not self.check_link(anchor):
             linktype = 'failedlink'
-        tag = b.create_tag(None, **self.get_property(linktype)) #pylint: disable-msg=W0142
+        tag = b.create_tag(None, **self.get_property(linktype))
+        #pylint: disable-msg=W0142
         tag.set_data('is_anchor', True)
         tag.set_data('link', anchor)
         if typ:
@@ -349,7 +353,8 @@
                 if ss.begins_tag(t) and ee.ends_tag(t):
                     already = True
         if not texttag:
-            texttag = buff.create_tag(None,**self.get_property('tag'))#pylint: disable-msg=W0142
+            texttag = buff.create_tag(None, **self.get_property('tag'))
+            #pylint: disable-msg=W0142
             texttag.set_data('is_tag', True)
             texttag.set_data('tagname', tag)
             #This one is for marks
@@ -371,7 +376,8 @@
             tex = buff.get_text(i_s, i_e)
         if len(tex) > 0:
-            texttag = self.create_anchor_tag(buff, subtask, text=tex, typ="subtask")
+            texttag = self.create_anchor_tag(buff, subtask, text=tex,
+                                                               typ="subtask")
             texttag.set_data('is_subtask', True)
             texttag.set_data('child', subtask)
             #This one is for marks
@@ -382,7 +388,8 @@
     def create_indent_tag(self, buff, level):
-        tag = buff.create_tag(None, **self.get_property('indent'))#pylint: disable-msg=W0142
+        tag = buff.create_tag(None, **self.get_property('indent'))
+        #pylint: disable-msg=W0142
         tag.set_data('is_indent', True)
         tag.set_data('indent_level', level)
         return tag
@@ -409,10 +416,12 @@
                 if tt.get_data('is_tag'):
                     newline = False
-                    #Now we should check if the current char is a separator or not
+                    #Now we should check if the current char
+                    #is a separator or not
                     #Currently, we insert a space
                     self.insert_text(" ", firstline)
-            #Now we check if this newline is empty (it contains only " " and ",")
+            #Now we check if this newline is empty
+            #(it contains only " " and ",")
     #        if newline:
     #            endline = firstline.copy()
     #            if not endline.ends_line():
@@ -434,7 +443,7 @@
                 ntags = ntags - 1
                 self.insert_at_mark(self.buff, line_mark, t)
                 if ntags != 0:
-                    self.insert_at_mark(self.buff, line_mark,",")
+                    self.insert_at_mark(self.buff, line_mark, ",")
@@ -490,7 +499,7 @@
         stripped = title.strip(' \n\t')
         return stripped
-### PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ##########################################################
+### PRIVATE FUNCTIONS #######################################################
     #This function is called so frequently that we should optimize it more.
@@ -538,7 +547,9 @@
         #subt_list = self.get_subtasks()
         #First, we remove the olds tags
         tag_list = []
-        def subfunc(texttag, data=None): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+        def subfunc(texttag, data=None):
+        #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
             if texttag.get_data('is_subtask'):
@@ -581,8 +592,10 @@
     def _detect_url(self, buff, start, end):
         #subt_list = self.get_subtasks()
         #First, we remove the olds tags
         tag_list = []
         table = buff.get_tag_table()
         def subfunc(texttag, data=None):
             if texttag.get_data('is_anchor'):
@@ -592,7 +605,7 @@
         #Now we add the tag URL
         it = start.copy()
         prev = start.copy()
-        while (it.get_offset() < end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
+        while(it.get_offset() < end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
             prev = it.copy()
@@ -606,7 +619,8 @@
                     # For short URL we must add http:// prefix
                     if text == "www":
                         url = "http://"; + url
-                    texttag = self.create_anchor_tag(buff, url, text=None, typ="http")
+                    texttag = self.create_anchor_tag(buff, url,
+                                                     text=None, typ="http")
                     it = prev.copy()
                     buff.apply_tag(texttag, prev, it)
@@ -624,11 +638,14 @@
                     if url.startswith("bug #") or url.startswith("lp #"):
                         topoint = "https://launchpad.net/bugs/%s"; %nbr
                     elif url.startswith("bgo #"):
-                        topoint = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s"; %nbr
+                        topoint = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?\
+                                  id=%s" %nbr
                     elif url.startswith("bko #"):
-                        topoint = "https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s"; %nbr
+                        topoint = "https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s"\
+                                   %nbr
                     elif url.startswith("fdo #"):
-                        topoint = "http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s"; %nbr
+                        topoint = "http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?\
+                                   id=%s" %nbr
                     if topoint:
                         texttag = self.create_anchor_tag(buff,\
                                                 topoint, text=None, typ="http")
@@ -645,7 +662,7 @@
         new_tags = []
         #We must be strictly < than the end_offset. If not, we might
         #find the beginning of a tag on the nextline
-        while (it.get_offset() < end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
+        while(it.get_offset() < end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
             if it.begins_tag():
                 tags = it.get_toggled_tags(True)
                 for ta in tags:
@@ -658,30 +675,34 @@
                         #Removing the marks if they exist
                         mark1 = buff.get_mark(tagname)
                         if mark1:
-                            offset1 = buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark1).get_offset()
-                            if start.get_offset() <= offset1 <= end.get_offset():
+                            iterator = buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark1)
+                            offset1 = iterator.get_offset()
+                            if start.get_offset() <= offset1 <= \
+                                                             end.get_offset():
                         mark2 = buff.get_mark("/%s"%tagname)
                         if mark2:
-                            offset2 = buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark2).get_offset()
-                            if start.get_offset() <= offset2 <= end.get_offset():
+                            iterator = buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark2)
+                            offset2 = iterator.get_offset()
+                            if start.get_offset() <= offset2 <= \
+                                                             end.get_offset():
         # Set iterators for word
         word_start = start.copy()
-        word_end   = start.copy()
+        word_end = start.copy()
         # Set iterators for char
         char_start = start.copy()
-        char_end   = start.copy()
+        char_end = start.copy()
         last_char = None
         # Iterate over characters of the line to get words
         while char_end.compare(end) <= 0:
             do_word_check = False
-            my_char       = buff.get_text(char_start, char_end)
+            my_char = buff.get_text(char_start, char_end)
             if my_char not in separators:
                 last_char = my_char
                 word_end = char_end.copy()
@@ -707,7 +728,8 @@
                     #and it shouldn't start with @@ (bug 531553)
                     if len(my_word) > 1 and my_word[0] == '@' \
                        and not my_word[1] == '@':
-                        #self.apply_tag_tag(buff, my_word, word_start, word_end)
+                        #self.apply_tag_tag(buff, my_word,
+                        #                   word_start, word_end)
                         #We will add mark where tag should be applied
                         buff.create_mark(my_word, word_start, True)
                         buff.create_mark("/%s"%my_word, word_end, False)
@@ -718,7 +740,7 @@
                 # We set new word boundaries
                 word_start = char_end.copy()
-                word_end   = char_end.copy()
+                word_end = char_end.copy()
             # Stop loop if we are at the end
             if char_end.compare(end) == 0:
@@ -768,7 +790,7 @@
 #                buff.remove_tag(ta, start, endindent)
         #Now we delete all, char after char
         it = start.copy()
-        while (it.get_offset() <= end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
+        while(it.get_offset() <= end.get_offset()) and (it.get_char() != '\0'):
             if it.begins_tag():
                 tags = it.get_tags()
                 for ta in tags:
@@ -798,7 +820,8 @@
         #now we really delete the selected stuffs
         selec = self.buff.get_selection_bounds()
 #        if selec:
-#            print "deleted text is ##%s##" %self.buff.get_text(selec[0], selec[1])#(start, end)
+#            print "deleted text is ##%s##"
+#                  %self.buff.get_text(selec[0], selec[1])#(start, end)
 #        self.buff.disconnect(self.delete_sigid)
 #        self.disconnect(self.backspace_sigid)
 #        self.buff.stop_emission("delete-range")
@@ -807,16 +830,18 @@
 #        else:
 #            end.forward_char()
 #            self.buff.backspace(end, False, True)
-#        self.delete_sigid = self.buff.connect("delete-range", self._delete_range)
+#        self.delete_sigid = self.buff.connect("delete-range",
+#                                              self._delete_range)
 #        self.backspace_sigid = self.connect("backspace", self.backspace)
         #We return false so the parent still get the signal
         return False
-    #Apply the title and return an iterator after that title.buff.get_iter_at_mar
+    #Apply the title and return an iterator after that
+    #title.buff.get_iter_at_mar
     def _apply_title(self, buff, refresheditor=True):
-        start     = buff.get_start_iter()
-        end       = buff.get_end_iter()
-        line_nbr  = 1
+        start = buff.get_start_iter()
+        end = buff.get_end_iter()
+        line_nbr = 1
         linecount = buff.get_line_count()
         # Apply the title tag on the first line
@@ -828,14 +853,14 @@
             # Applying title on the first line
             title_end = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr-1)
-            stripped  = buff.get_text(title_start, title_end).strip('\n\t ')
+            stripped = buff.get_text(title_start, title_end).strip('\n\t ')
             # Here we ignore lines that are blank
             # Title is the first written line
             while line_nbr <= linecount and not stripped:
-                line_nbr  += 1
-                title_end  = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr-1)
+                line_nbr += 1
+                title_end = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr-1)
-                stripped   = buff.get_text(title_start, title_end).strip('\n\t ')
+                stripped = buff.get_text(title_start, title_end).strip('\n\t ')
         # Or to all the buffer if there is only one line
             title_end = end.copy()
@@ -846,8 +871,6 @@
             self.refresh(buff.get_text(title_start, title_end).strip('\n\t'))
         return title_end
     def __newsubtask(self, buff, title, line_nbr, level=1):
         anchor = self.new_subtask_callback(title)
         end_i = self.write_subtask(buff, line_nbr, anchor, level=level)
@@ -875,10 +898,10 @@
         #be in the subtask title
         start_i = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
-        buff.insert(start_i,"\n")
+        buff.insert(start_i, "\n")
         #Ok, now we can start working
         start_i = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
-        end_i   = start_i.copy()
+        end_i = start_i.copy()
         #We go back at the end of the previous line
 #        start_i.backward_char()
 #        #But only if this is not the title.
@@ -886,9 +909,9 @@
 #        if start_i.has_tag(self.title_tag):
 #            start_i.forward_char()
 #            insert_enter = False
-        start   = buff.create_mark("start", start_i, True)
+        start = buff.create_mark("start", start_i, True)
-        end     = buff.create_mark("end", end_i, False)
+        end = buff.create_mark("end", end_i, False)
         buff.delete(start_i, end_i)
         start_i = buff.get_iter_at_mark(start)
         self.insert_indent(buff, start_i, level, enter=insert_enter)
@@ -905,7 +928,8 @@
         if reconnect_insert:
-            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text', self._insert_at_cursor)
+            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text',
+                                                 self._insert_at_cursor)
         if reconnect_modified:
             self.modified_sigid = self.buff.connect("changed", self.modified)
         return end_i
@@ -936,7 +960,7 @@
         if line == self.buff.get_line_count():
             mark = self.buff.create_mark(None, itera, True)
-            self.buff.insert(itera,"\n")
+            self.buff.insert(itera, "\n")
             itera = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
@@ -946,7 +970,7 @@
         enter = True
         if itera.starts_line():
             mark = self.buff.create_mark(None, itera, True)
-            self.buff.insert(itera,"\n")
+            self.buff.insert(itera, "\n")
             itera = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
             enter = False
@@ -977,9 +1001,9 @@
         #It will be later replaced by the good one with right gravity
         temp_mark = self.buff.create_mark("temp", start_i, True)
-        end     = buff.create_mark("end", start_i, False)
+        end = buff.create_mark("end", start_i, False)
         if enter:
-            buff.insert(start_i,"\n")
+            buff.insert(start_i, "\n")
         #Moving the end of subtask mark to the position of the temp mark
         if stag:
@@ -994,7 +1018,7 @@
         #This is normally not needed and purely defensive
         if itera.get_line() <= 0:
             itera = buff.get_iter_at_line(1)
-        start   = buff.create_mark("start", itera, True)
+        start = buff.create_mark("start", itera, True)
         indentation = ""
         #adding two spaces by level
         spaces = "  "
@@ -1007,7 +1031,6 @@
         self.__apply_tag_to_mark(start, end, tag=indenttag)
         return end
     def __apply_tag_to_mark(self, start, end, tag=None, name=None):
         start_i = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(start)
         end_i = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(end)
@@ -1027,9 +1050,8 @@
             buff.insert(ite, text)
     def _get_indent_level(self, itera):
-        line_nbr   = itera.get_line()
+        line_nbr = itera.get_line()
         start_line = itera.copy()
         tags = start_line.get_tags()
@@ -1046,10 +1068,10 @@
         #First, we analyse the selection to put in our own
         #GTG clipboard a selection with description of subtasks
-        bounds =  self.buff.get_selection_bounds()
+        bounds = self.buff.get_selection_bounds()
         if not bounds:
-        start, stop =  self.buff.get_selection_bounds()
+        start, stop = self.buff.get_selection_bounds()
         self.clipboard.copy(start, stop, bullet=self.bullet1)
@@ -1105,10 +1127,10 @@
             #First, we will get the actual indentation value
             #The nbr just before the \n
-            line_nbr   = itera.get_line()
+            line_nbr = itera.get_line()
             start_line = itera.copy()
-            end_line   = itera.copy()
+            end_line = itera.copy()
             tags = start_line.get_tags()
             subtask_nbr = None
             current_indent = self._get_indent_level(itera)
@@ -1157,24 +1179,28 @@
                     #the "-" might be after a space
                     #Python 2.5 should allow both tests in one
                     if current_indent == 0:
-                        if (line.startswith('-') or line.startswith(' -')) and line.lstrip(' -').strip() != "":
+                        if (line.startswith('-') or line.startswith(' -')) \
+                                         and line.lstrip(' -').strip() != "":
                             line = line.lstrip(' -')
-                            end_i = self.__newsubtask(self.buff, line, line_nbr)
+                            end_i = self.__newsubtask(self.buff,
+                                                      line, line_nbr)
                             #Here, we should increment indent level
                             #If we inserted enter in the middle of a line
                             if restofline and restofline.strip() != "":
                                 #it means we have two subtask to create
                                 if self.buff.get_line_count() > line_nbr+1:
                                     #but don't merge with the next line
-                                    itera = self.buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr+1)
-                                    self.buff.insert(itera,"\n\n")
+                                    buff = self.buff
+                                    itera = buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr+1)
+                                    self.buff.insert(itera, "\n\n")
                                 self.__newsubtask(self.buff, restofline,\
-                                self.insert_indent(self.buff, end_i, 1, enter=True)
+                                self.insert_indent(self.buff, end_i,
+                                                  1, enter=True)
-                            self.buff.insert(itera,"\n")
+                            self.buff.insert(itera, "\n")
                     #Then, if indent > 0, we increment it
@@ -1191,22 +1217,26 @@
                                 #we first put the subtask one line below
                                 itera2 = self.buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
-                                self.buff.insert(itera2,"\n")
+                                self.buff.insert(itera2, "\n")
                                 #and increment the new white line
                                 itera2 = self.buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
-                                self.insert_indent(self.buff, itera2, current_indent, enter=False)
+                                self.insert_indent(self.buff, itera2,
+                                                  current_indent, enter=False)
                         elif current_indent == 1:
-                            self.insert_indent(self.buff, itera, current_indent)
+                            self.insert_indent(self.buff, itera,
+                                                        current_indent)
                         #we stop the signal in all cases
                     #Then we close the tag tag
                     if closed_tag:
                         insert_mark = self.buff.get_mark("insert_point")
                         insert_iter = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(insert_mark)
-                        self.buff.move_mark_by_name("/%s"%closed_tag, insert_iter)
+                        self.buff.move_mark_by_name("/%s"%closed_tag,
+                                                   insert_iter)
                         if cutting_subtask:
-                            cursor = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(self.buff.get_insert())
+                            mark = self.buff.get_insert()
+                            cursor = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
                             endl = cursor.copy()
                             if not endl.ends_line():
@@ -1222,7 +1252,7 @@
                     if itera.starts_line():
                         #we are at the start of an existing subtask
                         #we simply move that subtask down
-                        self.buff.insert(itera,"\n")
+                        self.buff.insert(itera, "\n")
                         itera2 = self.buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
                         self.buff.insert(itera2, tex)
                         itera3 = self.buff.get_iter_at_line(line_nbr)
@@ -1230,25 +1260,28 @@
-                        #self.__newsubtask(self.buff, tex, line_nbr, level=current_indent)
+                        #self.__newsubtask(self.buff, tex, line_nbr,
+                        #                           level=current_indent)
                         anchor = self.new_subtask_callback(tex)
                         self.buff.create_mark(anchor, itera, True)
                         self.buff.create_mark("/%s"%anchor, itera, False)
-            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text', self._insert_at_cursor)
+            self.insert_sigid = self.buff.connect('insert-text',
+                                                  self._insert_at_cursor)
             self.connect('key_press_event', self._keypress)
             self.modified_sigid = self.buff.connect("changed", self.modified)
     def _keypress(self, widget, event):
         # Check for Ctrl-Return/Enter
-        if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter):
+        if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval in \
+                                  (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter):
             buff = self.buff
             cursor_mark = buff.get_insert()
             cursor_iter = buff.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark)
             local_start = cursor_iter.copy()
             for tag in local_start.get_tags():
-                anchor =  tag.get_data('link')
-                typ =  tag.get_data('type')
+                anchor = tag.get_data('link')
+                typ = tag.get_data('type')
                     if typ == "subtask":
@@ -1284,7 +1317,6 @@
         #newiter = self.buff.get_iter_at_mark(tempm)
         #self.insert_indent(self.buff, newiter, newlevel, enter=False)
     def backspace(self, tv):
         insert_mark = self.buff.get_insert()
@@ -1319,7 +1351,8 @@
             tag_table.foreach(self.__tag_reset, window)
     #We clicked on a link
-    def _tag_event(self, tag, view, ev, _iter, text, anchor, typ): #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
+    def _tag_event(self, tag, view, ev, _iter, text, anchor, typ):
+    #pylint: disable-msg=W0613
         _type = ev.type
         if _type == gtk.gdk.MOTION_NOTIFY:
@@ -1330,14 +1363,17 @@
                 if typ == "subtask":
                 elif typ == "http":
-                    if button == 1 and self.check_link(anchor) and self.buff.get_has_selection() == False:
+                    if button == 1 and self.check_link(anchor) and\
+                                     self.buff.get_has_selection() == False:
                     print "Unknown link type for %s" %anchor
                 self.emit('anchor-clicked', text, anchor, button)
-                self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor, self.get_property('hover'))
+                self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor,
+                                            self.get_property('hover'))
             elif button in [1, 2]:
-                self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor, self.get_property('active'))
+                self.__set_anchor(ev.window, tag, cursor,
+                                            self.get_property('active'))
     def __tag_reset(self, tag, window):
         if tag.get_data('is_anchor'):
@@ -1351,7 +1387,8 @@
                     linktype = 'link'
                     linktype = 'failedlink'
-            self.__set_anchor(window, tag, editing_cursor, self.get_property(linktype))
+            self.__set_anchor(window, tag, editing_cursor,
+                                          self.get_property(linktype))
     def __set_anchor(self, window, tag, cursor, prop):

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/editor/taskviewserial.py'
--- GTG/gtk/editor/taskviewserial.py	2012-05-01 11:04:39 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/editor/taskviewserial.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
                     elif ta.get_data('is_subtask'):
                         #The current gtkTextTag is a subtask
                         tagname = "subtask"
-                        subt    = doc.createElement(tagname)
-                        target  = ta.get_data('child')
+                        subt = doc.createElement(tagname)
+                        target = ta.get_data('child')
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
     #parse the XML and put the content in the buffer
     def parsexml(self, buf, ite, element):
         start = buf.create_mark(None, ite, True)
-        end   = buf.create_mark(None, ite, False)
+        end = buf.create_mark(None, ite, False)
         subtasks = self.tv.get_subtasks()
         taglist2 = []
         if element:

=== modified file 'GTG/gtk/manager.py'
--- GTG/gtk/manager.py	2012-05-31 23:56:54 +0000
+++ GTG/gtk/manager.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 import GTG
 from GTG.gtk.delete_dialog   import DeletionUI
 from GTG.gtk.browser.browser import TaskBrowser
-from GTG.gtk.editor.editor   import TaskEditor
+from GTG.gtk.editor.editor import TaskEditor
 from GTG.gtk.preferences     import PreferencesDialog
 from GTG.gtk.plugins         import PluginsDialog
 from GTG.gtk.dbuswrapper     import DBusTaskWrapper
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 class Manager(object):
     ############## init #####################################################
     def __init__(self, req):
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
         self.config_obj = self.req.get_global_config()
         self.config = self.config_obj.conf_dict
         self.task_config = self.config_obj.task_conf_dict
         # Editors
-        self.opened_task  = {}   # This is the list of tasks that are already
+        self.opened_task = {}   # This is the list of tasks that are already
                                  # opened in an editor of course it's empty
                                  # right now
         self.browser = None
         self.__start_browser_hidden = False
         self.gtk_terminate = False #if true, the gtk main is not started
@@ -67,21 +67,21 @@
         # if true, closing the last window doesn't quit GTG
         # (GTG lives somewhere else without GUI, e.g. notification area)
         self.daemon_mode = False
         #Shared clipboard
         self.clipboard = clipboard.TaskClipboard(self.req)
         #Browser (still hidden)
         self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self)
         if not self.__start_browser_hidden:
         #Deletion UI
         self.delete_dialog = None
         #Preferences and Backends windows
         # Initialize  dialogs
         self.preferences = PreferencesDialog(self.req)
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
         # Tag Editor
         self.tag_editor_dialog = None
         DBusTaskWrapper(self.req, self)
         Log.debug("Manager initialization finished")
     def __init_plugin_engine(self):
         self.pengine = PluginEngine(GTG.PLUGIN_DIR)
         # initializes the plugin api class
@@ -109,9 +109,8 @@
             plugin.enabled = plugin.module_name in plugins_enabled
         # initializes and activates each plugin (that is enabled)
     ############## Browser #################################################
     def open_browser(self):
         if not self.browser:
             self.browser = TaskBrowser(self.req, self)
@@ -120,24 +119,24 @@
     #FIXME : the browser should not be the center of the universe.
     # In fact, we should build a system where view can register themselves
     # as "stay_alive" views. As long as at least one "stay_alive" view
-    # is registered, gtg keeps running. It quit only when the last 
+    # is registered, gtg keeps running. It quit only when the last
     # "stay_alive view" is closed (and then unregistered).
     # Currently, the browser is our only "stay_alive" view.
-    def close_browser(self,sender=None):
+    def close_browser(self, sender=None):
         #may take a while to quit
-    def hide_browser(self,sender=None):
+    def hide_browser(self, sender=None):
-    def iconify_browser(self,sender=None):
+    def iconify_browser(self, sender=None):
-    def show_browser(self,sender=None):
+    def show_browser(self, sender=None):
-    def is_browser_visible(self,sender=None):
+    def is_browser_visible(self, sender=None):
         return self.browser.is_visible()
     def get_browser(self):
@@ -153,7 +152,6 @@
         self.daemon_mode = in_daemon_mode
 ################# Task Editor ############################################
     def get_opened_editors(self):
         Returns a dict of task_uid -> TaskEditor, one for each opened editor
@@ -192,13 +190,13 @@
     def close_task(self, tid):
         # When an editor is closed, it should de-register itself.
         if tid in self.opened_task:
-            #the following line has the side effect of removing the 
+            #the following line has the side effect of removing the
             # tid key in the opened_task dictionary.
             editor = self.opened_task[tid]
             if editor:
                 del self.opened_task[tid]
                 #we have to remove the tid from opened_task first
-                #else, it close_task would be called once again 
+                #else, it close_task would be called once again
                 #by editor.close
             if tid in self.config["browser"]["opened_tasks"]:
@@ -210,12 +208,12 @@
         checking if we need to shut down the whole GTG (if no window is open)
-        if not self.daemon_mode and not self.is_browser_visible() and not self.opened_task:
+        if not self.daemon_mode and not self.is_browser_visible() \
+                                                     and not self.opened_task:
             #no need to live"
 ################ Others dialog ############################################
     def open_edit_backends(self, sender = None, backend_id = None):
         if not self.edit_backends_dialog:
             self.edit_backends_dialog = BackendsDialog(self.req)
@@ -231,7 +229,7 @@
     def configure_plugins(self):
     def ask_delete_tasks(self, tids):
         if not self.delete_dialog:
             self.delete_dialog = DeletionUI(self.req)
@@ -252,7 +250,6 @@
 ### URIS ###################################################################
     def open_uri_list(self, unused, uri_list):
         Open the Editor windows of the tasks associated with the uris given.
@@ -264,9 +261,9 @@
         #if no window was opened, we just quit
 ### MAIN ###################################################################
-    def main(self, once_thru = False,  uri_list = []):
+    def main(self, once_thru = False, uri_list = []):
         if uri_list:
             #before opening the requested tasks, we make sure that all of them
             #are loaded.
@@ -282,16 +279,16 @@
         return 0
-    def quit(self,sender=None):
+    def quit(self, sender=None):
         #save opened tasks and their positions.
         open_task = []
-        for otid in self.opened_task.keys():     
+        for otid in self.opened_task.keys():
         self.config["browser"]["opened_tasks"] = open_task
         # adds the plugin settings to the conf
         #FIXME: this code is replicated in the preference window.
         if len(self.pengine.plugins) > 0:
@@ -302,4 +299,3 @@
               [p.module_name for p in self.pengine.get_plugins("enabled")]
         # plugins are deactivated

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/borg.py'
--- GTG/tools/borg.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/borg.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 # this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Borg(object):
     This pattern ensures that all instances of a particular class share
@@ -25,6 +24,6 @@
     _borg_state = {}
     def __init__(self):
         self.__dict__ = self._borg_state

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/cleanxml.py'
--- GTG/tools/cleanxml.py	2012-05-01 15:53:24 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/cleanxml.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 # this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import os, xml.dom.minidom
+import os
+import xml.dom.minidom
 import shutil
 import sys
 import time
@@ -32,17 +33,19 @@
 #Those two functions are there only to be able to read prettyXML
-#Source : http://yumenokaze.free.fr/?/Informatique/Snipplet/Python/cleandom       
-def cleanDoc(document,indent="",newl=""):
+#Source : http://yumenokaze.free.fr/?/Informatique/Snipplet/Python/cleandom
+def cleanDoc(document, indent="", newl=""):
     node = document.documentElement
-    cleanNode(node,indent,newl)
-def cleanNode(currentNode,indent,newl):
+    cleanNode(node, indent, newl)
+def cleanNode(currentNode, indent, newl):
     myfilter = indent+newl
     if currentNode.hasChildNodes:
         toremove = []
         for node in currentNode.childNodes:
-            if node.nodeType == 3 :
+            if node.nodeType == 3:
                 val = node.nodeValue.lstrip(myfilter).strip(myfilter)
                 if val == "":
@@ -52,36 +55,39 @@
         for n in toremove:
         for node in currentNode.childNodes:
-            cleanNode(node,indent,newl)
-def cleanString(string,indent="",newl=""):
+            cleanNode(node, indent, newl)
+def cleanString(string, indent="", newl=""):
     #we will remove the pretty XML stuffs.
     #Firt, we remove the \n and tab in elements
     e = re.compile('>\n\t*')
-    toreturn = e.sub('>',string)
+    toreturn = e.sub('>', string)
     #then we remove the \n tab before closing elements
     f = re.compile('\n\t*</')
-    toreturn = f.sub('</',toreturn)
+    toreturn = f.sub('</', toreturn)
     return toreturn
 #This add a text node to the node parent. We don't return anything
 #Because the doc object itself is modified.
-def addTextNode(doc,parent,title,content) :
-    if content :
+def addTextNode(doc, parent, title, content):
+    if content:
         element = doc.createElement(title)
 #This is a method to read the textnode of the XML
-def readTextNode(node,title) :
+def readTextNode(node, title):
     n = node.getElementsByTagName(title)
-    if n and n[0].hasChildNodes() :
+    if n and n[0].hasChildNodes():
         content = n[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
-        if content :
+        if content:
             return content
     return None
 def _try_openxmlfile(zefile, root):
     """ Open an XML file and clean whitespaces in it """
     f = open(zefile, "r")
@@ -115,7 +121,7 @@
             return _try_openxmlfile(zefile, root)
             # Creating empty file
-            doc,xmlproject = emptydoc(root)
+            doc, xmlproject = emptydoc(root)
             newfile = savexml(zefile, doc)
             if not newfile:
                 Log.error("Could not create a new file %s" % zefile)
@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@
     except IOError, msg:
         print msg
     except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, msg:
         errormsg = "Error parsing XML file %s: %s" % (zefile, msg)
@@ -153,14 +159,16 @@
 #Return a doc element with only one root element of the name "root"
-def emptydoc(root) :
+def emptydoc(root):
     doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
     rootproject = doc.createElement(root)
     return doc, rootproject
 #write a XML doc to a file
-def savexml(zefile,doc,backup=False):
+def savexml(zefile, doc, backup=False):
 #    print "writing %s file" %(zefile)
     tmpfile = zefile+'__'
@@ -175,27 +183,28 @@
                 return False
             if os.path.exists(tmpfile):
-            if backup :
+            if backup:
                 #We will now backup the file
                 backup_nbr = BACKUP_NBR
                 #We keep BACKUP_NBR versions of the file
                 #The 0 is the youngest one
-                while backup_nbr > 0 :
-                    older = "%s.bak.%s" %(zefile,backup_nbr)
+                while backup_nbr > 0:
+                    older = "%s.bak.%s" %(zefile, backup_nbr)
                     backup_nbr -= 1
-                    newer = "%s.bak.%s" %(zefile,backup_nbr)
-                    if os.path.exists(newer) :
-                        shutil.move(newer,older)
+                    newer = "%s.bak.%s" %(zefile, backup_nbr)
+                    if os.path.exists(newer):
+                        shutil.move(newer, older)
                 #The bak.0 is always a fresh copy of the closed file
                 #So that it's not touched in case of bad opening next time
                 current = "%s.bak.0" %(zefile)
-                shutil.copy(zefile,current)
+                shutil.copy(zefile, current)
-                daily_backup = "%s.%s.bak" % (zefile, datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
+                daily_backup = "%s.%s.bak" % (zefile,
+                                   datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                 if not os.path.exists(daily_backup):
                     shutil.copy(zefile, daily_backup)
             return True

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/clipboard.py'
--- GTG/tools/clipboard.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/clipboard.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -21,15 +21,19 @@
 TaskClipboard allows to cut/copy the content of a TaskView accross multiples
 taskeditors, preserving subtasks
 class TaskClipboard():
-    def __init__(self,req):
+    def __init__(self, req):
         self.description = None
         self.content = []
         self.req = req
     """"take two gtk.TextIter as parameter and copy the
-    def copy(self,start,stop,bullet=None):
+    def copy(self, start, stop, bullet=None):
         #Now, we take care of the normal, cross application clipboard
         text = start.get_text(stop)
@@ -39,7 +43,7 @@
             self.description = newtext
         elif text:
             self.description = text
         end_line = start.copy()
         #we take line after line in the selection
         nextline = True
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@
             #we want to detect subtasks in the selection
             tags = end_line.get_tags()+end_line.get_toggled_tags(False)
             is_subtask = False
-            for ta in tags :
+            for ta in tags:
                 if (ta.get_data('is_subtask')):
                     is_subtask = True
                     tid = ta.get_data('child')
@@ -59,7 +63,8 @@
                     self.content.append(['subtask', tid])
             if not is_subtask:
                 if end_line.get_line() < stop.get_line():
-                    self.content.append(['text', "%s\n" %start.get_text(end_line)])
+                    self.content.append(['text', "%s\n" \
+                                                   %start.get_text(end_line)])
                     self.content.append(['text', start.get_text(stop)])
@@ -67,10 +72,10 @@
     def paste_text(self):
         return self.description
     def paste(self):
         return self.content
     def clear(self):
         self.descriptiion = None
         self.content = []

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/import_liblarch.py'
--- GTG/tools/import_liblarch.py	2012-05-02 10:03:02 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/import_liblarch.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 GIT_CMD = "git clone https://github.com/liblarch/liblarch ../liblarch"
 def import_liblarch(use_local=False):
     """ Check if liblarch is installed and is compatible

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/keyring.py'
--- GTG/tools/keyring.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/keyring.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 # this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     import gnomekeyring
 except ImportError:
@@ -26,7 +25,9 @@
 from GTG.tools.borg import Borg
 from GTG.tools.logger import Log
 class GNOMEKeyring(Borg):
     def __init__(self):
         super(Keyring, self).__init__()
         if not hasattr(self, "keyring"):
@@ -48,7 +49,9 @@
         except (gnomekeyring.DeniedError, gnomekeyring.NoMatchError):
             return ""
 class FallbackKeyring(Borg):
     def __init__(self):
         super(Keyring, self).__init__()
         if not hasattr(self, "keyring"):
@@ -70,7 +73,8 @@
         return self.keyring.get(key, "")
 if gnomekeyring is not None:
-    Keyring = GNOMEKeyring 
+    Keyring = GNOMEKeyring
-    Log.info("GNOME keyring was not found, passwords will be not stored after restart of GTG")
+    Log.info("GNOME keyring was not found, passwords will be not \
+                                     stored after restart of GTG")
     Keyring = FallbackKeyring

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/logger.py'
--- GTG/tools/logger.py	2012-05-01 15:53:24 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/logger.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 class Debug(object):
     """Singleton class that acts as interface for GTG's logger"""
-    def __init__ (self):
+    def __init__(self):
         """ Configure the GTG logger """
         #If we already have a logger, we keep that
         if not hasattr(Debug, "__logger"):
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
     def set_debugging_mode(self, value):
         self.debugging_mode = value
     def is_debugging_mode(self):
         return self.debugging_mode

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/networkmanager.py'
--- GTG/tools/networkmanager.py	2012-03-16 23:11:31 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/networkmanager.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
 import dbus
-# A network device is connected, with global network connectivity. 
+# A network device is connected, with global network connectivity.
 def is_connection_up():
     """ Returns True if GTG can access the Internet """
     bus = dbus.SystemBus()
-    proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', 
+    proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
     network_manager = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager')

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/taskxml.py'
--- GTG/tools/taskxml.py	2012-04-11 10:31:31 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/taskxml.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
         return ""
 def read_node(xmlnode, name):
     node_list =xmlnode.getElementsByTagName(name)
     if len(node_list) > 0:
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@
 #Take an empty task, an XML node and return a Task.
-def task_from_xml(task, xmlnode) :
+def task_from_xml(task, xmlnode):
     #print "********************************"
     #print xmlnode.toprettyxml()
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
     duedate = Date(read_node(xmlnode, "duedate"))
-    startdate = Date(read_node(xmlnode,"startdate"))
+    startdate = Date(read_node(xmlnode, "startdate"))
     modified = read_node(xmlnode, "modified")
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@
         modified = datetime.strptime(modified, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-    tags = xmlnode.getAttribute("tags").replace(' ','')
+    tags = xmlnode.getAttribute("tags").replace(' ', '')
     tags = (tag for tag in tags.split(',') if tag.strip() != "")
     for tag in tags:
         #FIXME why unescape????
@@ -89,7 +91,8 @@
         task.set_attribute(key, value, namespace=namespace)
     # FIXME do we need remote task ids? I don't think so
-    # FIXME if so => rework them into a more usable structure!!! (like attributes)
+    # FIXME if so => rework them into a more usable structure!!!
+    #(like attributes)
     remote_ids_list = xmlnode.getElementsByTagName("task-remote-ids")
@@ -105,25 +108,28 @@
 #FIXME maybe pretty XML should be enough for this...
 #Task as parameter the doc where to put the XML node
-def task_to_xml(doc,task) :
+def task_to_xml(doc, task):
     t_xml = doc.createElement("task")
-    t_xml.setAttribute("id",task.get_id())
-    t_xml.setAttribute("status" , task.get_status())
-    t_xml.setAttribute("uuid" , task.get_uuid())
+    t_xml.setAttribute("id", task.get_id())
+    t_xml.setAttribute("status", task.get_status())
+    t_xml.setAttribute("uuid", task.get_uuid())
     tags_str = ""
-    for tag in task.get_tags_name(): 
+    for tag in task.get_tags_name():
         tags_str = tags_str + saxutils.escape(str(tag)) + ","
     t_xml.setAttribute("tags", tags_str[:-1])
-    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"title",task.get_title())
-    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"duedate", task.get_due_date().xml_str())
-    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"modified",task.get_modified_string())
-    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"startdate", task.get_start_date().xml_str())
-    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"donedate", task.get_closed_date().xml_str())
+    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "title", task.get_title())
+    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "duedate", task.get_due_date().xml_str())
+    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "modified", task.get_modified_string())
+    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "startdate",
+                                              task.get_start_date().xml_str())
+    cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "donedate",
+                                              task.get_closed_date().xml_str())
     childs = task.get_children()
-    for c in childs :
-        cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"subtask",c)
+    for c in childs:
+        cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "subtask", c)
     for a in task.attributes:
-        namespace,key=a
+        namespace, key=a
         element = doc.createElement('attribute')
         element.setAttribute("namespace", namespace)
@@ -131,14 +137,15 @@
     tex = task.get_text()
-    if tex :
+    if tex:
         #We take the xml text and convert it to a string
-        #but without the "<content />" 
+        #but without the "<content />"
         element = minidom.parseString(tex)
-        temp = element.firstChild.toxml().partition("<content>")[2] #pylint: disable-msg=E1103
+        temp = element.firstChild.toxml().partition("<content>")[2]
+        #pylint: disable-msg=E1103
         desc = temp.partition("</content>")[0]
-        cleanxml.addTextNode(doc,t_xml,"content",desc)
+        cleanxml.addTextNode(doc, t_xml, "content", desc)

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/twokeydict.py'
--- GTG/tools/twokeydict.py	2012-05-01 15:53:24 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/twokeydict.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 from GTG.tools.bidict import BiDict
 class TwoKeyDict(object):
     It's a standard Dictionary with a secondary key.
@@ -34,11 +33,10 @@
         twokey['2'] ==> 'two'
         twokey['II'] ==> 'two'
     You can also request the other key, given one.
-    Function calls start with _ because you'll probably want to rename them when
-    you use this dictionary, for the sake of clarity.
+    Function calls start with _ because you'll probably want to rename them
+    when you use this dictionary, for the sake of clarity.
     def __init__(self, *triplets):
         Creates the TwoKeyDict and optionally populates it with some data
@@ -120,7 +118,7 @@
     def _get_all_primary_keys(self):
         Returns all primary keys
         @returns list: list of all primary keys
         return self._key_to_key_bidict._get_all_first()
@@ -128,8 +126,7 @@
     def _get_all_secondary_keys(self):
         Returns all secondary keys
         @returns list: list of all secondary keys
         return self._key_to_key_bidict._get_all_second()

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/urlregex.py'
--- GTG/tools/urlregex.py	2012-03-05 15:23:05 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/urlregex.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
     "pre": ur'(?:[^/"\':!=]|^|\:)',
     "domain": ur'([\.-]|[^\s_\!\.\/])+\.[a-z]{2,}(?::[0-9]+)?',
-    "path":ur'(?:[\.,]?[%s!\*\'\(\);:=\+\$/%s#\[\]\-_,~@])' % (UTF_CHARS, '%'),
+    "path": ur'(?:[\.,]?[%s!\*\'\(\);:=\+\$/%s#\[\]\-_,~@])' % \
+                                                             (UTF_CHARS, '%'),
     "query": ur'[a-z0-9!\*\'\(\);:&=\+\$/%#\[\]\-_\.,~]',
     # Valid end-of-path characters (so /foo. does not gobble the period).
     "path_end": r'[%s\)=#/]' % UTF_CHARS,
-    "query_end": '[a-z0-9_&=#]'
+    "query_end": '[a-z0-9_&=#]'}
 HTTP_URI= '((%(pre)s)((https?://|www\\.)(%(domain)s)(\/%(path)s*' \
           '%(path_end)s?)?(\?%(query)s*%(query_end)s)?))' % SUBST_DICT
@@ -44,5 +44,6 @@
 URL_REGEX = re.compile('%s|%s' % (HTTP_URI, FILE_URI), re.IGNORECASE)
 def match(text):
     return re.match(URL_REGEX, text)

=== modified file 'GTG/tools/watchdog.py'
--- GTG/tools/watchdog.py	2012-05-01 15:53:24 +0000
+++ GTG/tools/watchdog.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 import threading
 class Watchdog(object):
     a simple thread-safe watchdog.

=== modified file 'gtg'
--- gtg	2012-06-07 14:00:34 +0000
+++ gtg	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 def main():
     """ Parse arguments and run GTG
     Importing GTG.gtg must be done after importing and setting up paths
     for Liblarch """

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2012-06-07 19:45:16 +0000
+++ setup.py	2012-06-23 11:09:19 +0000
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
 ### CONSTANTS ################################################################
-DATA_DIR        = "share/gtg"
+DATA_DIR = "share/gtg"
 GLOBAL_ICON_DIR = "share/icons/hicolor"
 ### TOOLS ####################################################################
 def create_icon_list():
     fileList = []
-    rootdir  = "data/icons"
+    rootdir = "data/icons"
     for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(rootdir):
         dirList = []
         for file in files:
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@
 author = 'The GTG Team'
-  name         = 'gtg',
-  version      = info.VERSION,
-  url          = info.URL,
-  author       = author,
+  name = 'gtg',
+  version = info.VERSION,
+  url = info.URL,
+  author = author,
   author_email = info.EMAIL,
-  description  = info.SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
-  packages     = [
+  description = info.SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
+  packages = [

Follow ups