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binlog position changing


I'm dumping mysql dbs on a server that is both a slave and a master and
getting the following:

2013-04-10 20:46:03,650 [WARNING] Sanity check on master status failed.
 Previously recorded mysql-bin.000008:794214533 but currently found
2013-04-10 20:46:03,650 [WARNING] ALERT! Binary log position changed during

I'm stopping the slave which is indicated in the logs and my options looks

file-per-database       = yes
lock-method             = auto-detect
databases               = "wiki", "wordpress_docs"
dump-routines           = yes
stop-slave              = yes
flush-logs              = no
bin-log-position        = yes

Indeed, the two DBs that I'm dumping have different binlog coordinates in
the CHANGE MASTER statement in the dumps.

What's going on here?  Thanks.

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