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Testers needed: updated instructions for reporting DSDT



Can people test if this updated instructions work flawlessly on a terminal?

# To compile your DSDT and SSDTs information, install if you haven't
already the acpidump and iasl tools:

sudo apt-get install acpidump iasl
# or
sudo yum install pmtools iasl

# Then run the following commands on a bash terminal:

mkdir acpiinfo && cd acpiinfo && sudo acpidump > acpidump.txt && sudo
acpixtract acpidump.txt
ls *.dat | while read i; do iasl -d $i; done && name=`sudo dmidecode
-s system-product-name`
mkdir $name && cp *.dsl $name/ && tar czf $name.tar.gz $name/ && ls -l

I'll update the blog header if they do,



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