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[Merge] lp:~marco-gallotta/ibid/contest into lp:ibid


Stefano Rivera has proposed merging lp:~marco-gallotta/ibid/contest into lp:ibid.

    Requested reviews:
    Stefano Rivera (stefanor)
Related bugs:
  #504259 Programming Contest Plugin

Your team Ibid Core Team is subscribed to branch lp:ibid.
=== added file 'ibid/plugins/contest.py'
--- ibid/plugins/contest.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ ibid/plugins/contest.py	2010-01-19 14:35:22 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010, Marco Gallotta
+# Released under terms of the MIT/X/Expat Licence. See COPYING for details.
+import re
+from urllib2 import HTTPError
+from urllib import urlencode
+from ibid.config import Option
+from ibid.db import eagerload
+from ibid.db.models import Account, Attribute, Identity
+from ibid.plugins import Processor, match
+from ibid.utils import cacheable_download
+from ibid.utils.html import get_html_parse_tree
+help = {u'usaco': u'Query USACO sections, divisions and more. Since this info is private, users are required to provide their USACO password when linking their USACO account to their ibid account and only linked accounts can be queried. Your password is used only to confirm that the account is yours and is discarded immediately.'}
+class UsacoException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return unicode(self.msg)
+class Usaco(Processor):
+    """usaco <section|division> for <user>
+    usaco <contest> results [for <user>]
+    i am <usaco_username> on usaco password <usaco_password>"""
+    admin_user = Option('admin_user', 'Admin user on USACO', None)
+    admin_password = Option('admin_password', 'Admin password on USACO', None)
+    feature = 'usaco'
+    # Clashes with identity, so lower our priority since if we match, then
+    # this is the better match
+    priority = -20
+    autoload = False
+    def _login(self, user, password):
+        params = urlencode({'NAME': user.encode('utf-8'), 'PASSWORD': password.encode('utf-8')})
+        etree = get_html_parse_tree(u'http://ace.delos.com/usacogate', data=params, treetype=u'etree')
+        for font in etree.getiterator(u'font'):
+            if font.text and u'Please try again' in font.text:
+                return None
+        return etree
+    def _check_login(self, user, password):
+        return self._login(user, password) is not None
+    def _get_section(self, monitor_url, usaco_user, user):
+        etree = get_html_parse_tree(monitor_url, treetype=u'etree')
+        usaco_user = usaco_user.lower()
+        header = True
+        for tr in etree.getiterator(u'tr'):
+            if header:
+                header = False
+                continue
+            tds = [t.text for t in tr.getiterator(u'td')]
+            section = u'is on section %s' % tds[5]
+            if tds[5] == u'DONE':
+                section = u'has completed USACO training'
+            if tds[0] and tds[0].lower() == usaco_user:
+                return u'%(user)s (%(usaco_user)s on USACO) %(section)s and last logged in %(days)s ago' % {
+                    'user': user,
+                    'usaco_user': usaco_user,
+                    'days': tds[3],
+                    'section': section,
+                }
+        return None
+    def _add_user(self, monitor_url, user):
+        matches = re.search(r'a=(.+)&', monitor_url)
+        auth = matches.group(1)
+        params = urlencode({'STUDENTID': user.encode('utf-8'), 'ADD': 'ADD STUDENT',
+            'a': auth.encode('utf-8'), 'monitor': '1'})
+        etree = get_html_parse_tree(monitor_url, treetype=u'etree', data=params)
+        for font in etree.getiterator(u'font'):
+            if font.text and u'No STATUS file for' in font.text:
+                raise UsacoException(u'Sorry, user %s not found' % user)
+    def _get_monitor_url(self):
+        if self.admin_user is None or self.admin_password is None:
+            raise UsacoException(u'Sorry, you need to configure a USACO admin account')
+            return
+        etree = self._login(self.admin_user, self.admin_password)
+        if etree is None:
+            raise UsacoException(u'Sorry, the configured USACO admin account is invalid')
+        urls = [a.get(u'href') for a in etree.getiterator(u'a')]
+        monitor_url = [url for url in urls if u'monitor' in url][0]
+        if len(monitor_url) == 0:
+            raise UsacoException(u'USACO admin account does not have teacher status')
+        return monitor_url
+    def _get_usaco_user(self, event, user):
+        account = event.session.query(Account) \
+            .options(eagerload('attributes')) \
+            .filter(Account.username == user) \
+            .first()
+        if account is None:
+            account = event.session.query(Account) \
+                .options(eagerload('attributes')) \
+                .join('identities') \
+                .filter(Identity.identity == user) \
+                .filter(Identity.source == event.source) \
+                .first()
+            if account is None:
+                raise UsacoException(u'Sorry, %s has not been linked to a USACO account yet' % user)
+        usaco_account = [attr.value for attr in account.attributes if attr.name == 'usaco_account']
+        if len(usaco_account) == 0:
+            raise UsacoException(u'Sorry, %s has not been linked to a USACO account yet' % user)
+        return usaco_account[0]
+    def _get_usaco_users(self, event):
+        accounts = event.session.query(Identity) \
+            .join(['account', 'attributes']) \
+            .add_entity(Attribute) \
+            .filter(Attribute.name == u'usaco_account') \
+            .filter(Identity.source == event.source) \
+            .all()
+        users = {}
+        for a in accounts:
+            users[a[1].value] = a[0].identity
+        return users
+    @match(r'^usaco\s+section\s+(?:for\s+)?(.+)$')
+    def get_section(self, event, user):
+        try:
+            usaco_user = self._get_usaco_user(event, user)
+            monitor_url = self._get_monitor_url()
+        except UsacoException, e:
+            event.addresponse(e)
+            return
+        section = self._get_section(monitor_url, usaco_user, user)
+        if section:
+            event.addresponse(section)
+            return
+        try:
+            self._add_user(monitor_url, user)
+        except UsacoException, e:
+            event.addresponse(e)
+            return
+        event.addresponse(self._get_section(monitor_url, usaco_user, user))
+    @match(r'^usaco\s+division\s+(?:for\s+)?(.+)$')
+    def get_division(self, event, user):
+        try:
+            usaco_user = self._get_usaco_user(event, user)
+        except UsacoException, e:
+            event.addresponse(e)
+            return
+        params = urlencode({'id': usaco_user.encode('utf-8'), 'search': 'SEARCH'})
+        etree = get_html_parse_tree(u'http://ace.delos.com/showdiv', data=params, treetype=u'etree')
+        division = [b.text for b in etree.getiterator(u'b') if b.text and usaco_user in b.text][0]
+        if division.find(u'would compete') != -1:
+            event.addresponse(u'%(user)s (%(usaco_user)s on USACO) has not competed in a USACO before',
+                    {u'user': user, u'usaco_user': usaco_user})
+        matches = re.search(r'(\w+) Division', division)
+        division = matches.group(1).lower()
+        event.addresponse(u'%(user)s (%(usaco_user)s on USACO) is in the %(division)s division',
+                {u'user': user, u'usaco_user': usaco_user, u'division': division})
+    def _redact(self, event, term):
+        for type in ['raw', 'deaddressed', 'clean', 'stripped']:
+            event['message'][type] = re.sub(r'(.*)(%s)' % re.escape(term), r'\1[redacted]', event['message'][type])
+    @match(r'^i\s+am\s+(\S+)\s+on\s+usaco\s+password\s+(\S+)$')
+    def usaco_account(self, event, user, password):
+        self._redact(event, password)
+        if not self._check_login(user, password):
+            event.addresponse(u'Sorry, that account is invalid')
+            return
+        if not event.account:
+            event.addresponse(u'Sorry, you need to create an account first')
+            return
+        try:
+            monitor_url = self._get_monitor_url()
+        except UsacoException, e:
+            event.addresponse(e)
+            return
+        self._add_user(monitor_url, user)
+        account = event.session.query(Account).get(event.account)
+        usaco_account = [attr for attr in account.attributes if attr.name == u'usaco_account']
+        if usaco_account:
+            usaco_account[0].value = user
+        else:
+            account.attributes.append(Attribute('usaco_account', user))
+        event.session.save_or_update(account)
+        event.session.commit()
+        event.addresponse(u'Done')
+    @match(r'^usaco\s+(\S+)\s+results(?:\s+for\s+(\S+))?$')
+    def usaco_results(self, event, contest, user):
+        if user is not None:
+            try:
+                usaco_user = self._get_usaco_user(event, user)
+            except UsacoException, e:
+                event.addresponse(e)
+                return
+        url = u'http://ace.delos.com/%sresults' % contest.upper()
+        try:
+            filename = cacheable_download(url, u'usaco/results_%s' % contest.upper())
+        except HTTPError:
+            event.addresponse(u"Sorry, the results for %s aren't released yet", contest)
+        if user is not None:
+            users = {usaco_user: user}
+        else:
+            users = self._get_usaco_users(event)
+        text = open(filename, 'r').read().decode('ISO-8859-2')
+        divisions = [u'gold', u'silver', u'bronze']
+        results = [[], [], []]
+        division = None
+        for line in text.splitlines():
+            for index, d in enumerate(divisions):
+                if d in line.lower():
+                    division = index
+            # Example results line:
+            #            2010 POL Jakub Pachocki      meret1      ***** ***** 270 ***** ***** * 396 ***** ***** ** 324 1000
+            matches = re.match(r'^\s*(\d{4})\s+([A-Z]{3})\s+(.+?)\s+(\S+\d)\s+([\*xts\.e0-9 ]+?)\s+(\d+)\s*$', line)
+            if matches:
+                year = matches.group(1)
+                country = matches.group(2)
+                name = matches.group(3)
+                usaco_user = matches.group(4)
+                scores = matches.group(5)
+                total = matches.group(6)
+                if usaco_user in users.keys():
+                    results[division].append((year, country, name, usaco_user, scores, total))
+        response = []
+        for i, division in enumerate(divisions):
+            if results[i]:
+                response.append(u'%s division results:' % division.title())
+            for result in results[i]:
+                response.append(u'%(user)s (%(usaco_user)s on USACO) scored %(total)s (%(scores)s)' % {
+                    u'user': users[result[3]],
+                    u'usaco_user': result[3],
+                    u'total': result[5],
+                    u'scores': result[4],
+                })
+        event.addresponse(u'\n'.join(response), conflate=False)
+# vi: set et sta sw=4 ts=4:

=== modified file 'scripts/ibid-plugin'
--- scripts/ibid-plugin	2010-01-18 22:13:23 +0000
+++ scripts/ibid-plugin	2010-01-19 14:35:23 +0000
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
     permissions = []
     supports = ('action', 'multiline', 'notice')
+    def setup(self):
+        pass
     def logging_name(self, name):
         return name

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