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new package - PHP 7.0


The IUS CoreDev team has created EL6 and EL7 packages for PHP 7.0 [1].  These
are primarily based on Fedora's php [2] package.  There are a few notable
changes with these packages compared to Fedora, Red Hat, and previous IUS PHP

* The package containing mod_php was renamed from php70u to mod_php70u.
mod_php70u has a virtual provides for php70u, so the command `yum install
php70u` will still work as expected.  This change was made to clarify that this
package is the Apache HTTP Server module, not the PHP language itself (a common

* Default webserver configuration files are now provided for nginx and httpd.
They are shipped as the minimal packages php70u-fpm-nginx and php70u-fpm-httpd.
These config packages require php70u-fpm as well as their respective
webservers.  If a user installs one of these config packages, they get a
working php-fpm setup with no further steps necessary.

7.0.1 is already in our stable repositories.  7.0.2, which was released
upstream yesterday, is in our testing repositories.  If anyone is interested in
helping test 7.0.2 before it moves to the stable repository, check our website
for instructions on using the testing repository [3][4].

[1]: https://github.com/iuscommunity-pkg/php70u
[2]: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/php.git
[3]: https://ius.io/Usage/#using-testing-repositories
[4]: https://ius.io/Contributing/#early-testing

Carl George
IUS CoreDev Team