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kaliveda-dev team
Mailing list archive
Message #00349
[Merge] lp:~kaliveda-dev/kaliveda/1.8.1-bugfixes into lp:kaliveda
John Frankland has proposed merging lp:~kaliveda-dev/kaliveda/1.8.1-bugfixes into lp:kaliveda.
Requested reviews:
KaliVeda Development Team (kaliveda-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #807444 in KaliVeda: "Event counters are wrong for analysis of INDRA-VAMOS raw data"
For more details, see:
it's time to move on to v1.8.2 (or even 1.8.3)
Your team KaliVeda Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~kaliveda-dev/kaliveda/1.8.1-bugfixes into lp:kaliveda.
=== removed file 'KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.C'
--- KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.C 2009-01-22 16:16:03 +0000
+++ KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.C 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#define Analysis_cxx
-//$Id: Analysis.C,v 1.2 2003/10/08 16:25:24 franklan Exp $
-// The class definition in Analysis.h has been generated automatically
-// by the ROOT utility TTree::MakeSelector().
-// This class is derived from the ROOT class TSelector.
-// The following members functions are called by the TTree::Process() functions:
-// Begin(): called everytime a loop on the tree starts,
-// a convenient place to create your histograms.
-// Notify(): this function is called at the first entry of a new Tree
-// in a chain.
-// Process(): called for each event. In this function you decide what
-// to read and you fill your histograms.
-// Terminate(): called at the end of a loop on the tree,
-// a convenient place to draw/fit your histograms.
-// To use this file, try the following session on your Tree T
-// Root > T->Process("Analysis.C")
-// Root > T->Process("Analysis.C","some options")
-// Root > T->Process("Analysis.C+")
-#include "Analysis.h"
-#include "TH2.h"
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "TStyle.h"
-#include "TCanvas.h"
-#include "KVINDRAReconNuc.h"
-#include "KVINDRA.h"
-#include "TStopwatch.h"
-TStopwatch *timer;
-void Analysis::Begin(TTree *tree)
- // Function called before starting the event loop.
- // Initialize the tree branches.
- timer = new TStopwatch();
- Init(tree);
- TString option = GetOption();
- data->GetCodeMask()->SetIDMask(kIDCode2 | kIDCode3 | kIDCode4 | kIDCode6);
- data->GetCodeMask()->SetEMask(kECode1 | kIDCode2);
- gIndra->SetTrigger(4);
- new TH2F("hmult","Mult all vs OK",61,-.5,60.5,61,-.5,60.5);
- new TH1F("hz","Z all",61,-.5,60.5);
- new TH1F("hzok","Z OK",61,-.5,60.5);
- new TH1F("hmtok","MT OK",4096,-.5,4095.5);
- new TH2F("hzmax","Zmax all vs OK",61,-.5,60.5,61,-.5,60.5);
- new TH2F("hcomp","Ztot-Ptot all",100,0.,50000.,110,-.5,109.5);
- new TH2F("hcompok","Ztot-Ptot OK",100,0.,50000.,110,-.5,109.5);
-Bool_t Analysis::Process(Int_t entry)
- // Processing function. This function is called
- // to process an event. It is the user's responsability to read
- // the corresponding entry in memory (may be just a partial read).
- // Once the entry is in memory one can apply a selection and if the
- // event is selected histograms can be filled. Processing stops
- // when this function returns kFALSE. This function combines the
- // next two functions in one, avoiding to have to maintain state
- // in the class to communicate between these two funtions.
- // You should not implement ProcessCut and ProcessFill if you write
- // this function. This method is used by PROOF.
- return kTRUE;
-Bool_t Analysis::ProcessCut(Int_t entry)
- // Selection function.
- // Entry is the entry number in the current tree.
- // Read only the necessary branches to select entries.
- // Return kFALSE as soon as a bad entry is detected.
- // To read complete event, call fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry).
- fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry);
- KVINDRAReconNuc *frag = 0;
- while( (frag = data->GetNextParticle("ok")) ){
- if(frag->GetTimeMarker()<50 || frag->GetTimeMarker()>150) frag->SetIsOK(kFALSE);
- }
- return data->IsOK();
-void Analysis::ProcessFill(Int_t entry)
- // Function called for selected entries only.
- // Entry is the entry number in the current tree.
- // Read branches not processed in ProcessCut() and fill histograms.
- // To read complete event, call fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry).
- KVINDRAReconNuc *frag = 0;
- TH2F* h=0;
- h=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hmult");
- if(h) h->Fill(data->GetMult("ok"), data->GetMult());
- h=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hzmax");
- if(h) h->Fill(data->GetZmax("ok")->GetZ(), data->GetZmax()->GetZ());
- h=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hcomp");
- if(h) h->Fill(data->GetPtot().Mag(), data->GetZtot());
- h=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hcompok");
- if(h) h->Fill(data->GetPtot("ok").Mag(), data->GetZtot("ok"));
- TH1F *h1=0;
- h1=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hz");
- while( (frag = data->GetNextParticle()) ){
- if(h1) h1->Fill(frag->GetZ());
- }
- h1=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hzok");
- TH1F *h2=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hmtok");
- while( (frag = data->GetNextParticle("ok")) ){
- if(h1) h1->Fill(frag->GetZ());
- if(h2) h2->Fill(frag->GetTimeMarker());
- }
-void Analysis::Terminate()
- // Function called at the end of the event loop.
- timer->Print("m");
- delete timer;
=== removed file 'KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.h'
--- KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.h 2009-01-22 16:16:03 +0000
+++ KVIndra/INDRA2ROOT/Analysis.h 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-//$Id: Analysis.h,v 1.1 2003/10/08 06:42:46 franklan Exp $
-// This class has been automatically generated
-// (Mon Oct 6 23:44:17 2003 by ROOT version3.10/00)
-// from TTree Arbre/Arbre d'Event
-// found on file: test_evt.root
-#ifndef Analysis_h
-#define Analysis_h
-#include <TROOT.h>
-#include <TChain.h>
-#include <TFile.h>
-#include <TSelector.h>
-#include "KVINDRAReconEvent.h"
-class Analysis : public TSelector {
- public :
- TTree *fChain; //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
-//Declaration of leaves types
- KVINDRAReconEvent *data;
-//List of branches
- TBranch *b_data; //!
- Analysis(TTree *tree=0) { }
- ~Analysis() { }
- void Begin(TTree *tree);
- void Init(TTree *tree);
- Bool_t Notify();
- Bool_t Process(Int_t entry);
- Bool_t ProcessCut(Int_t entry);
- void ProcessFill(Int_t entry);
- void SetOption(const char *option) { fOption = option; }
- void SetObject(TObject *obj) { fObject = obj; }
- void SetInputList(TList *input) {fInput = input;}
- TList *GetOutputList() const { return fOutput; }
- void Terminate();
- ClassDef(Analysis,0);
-#ifdef Analysis_cxx
-void Analysis::Init(TTree *tree)
-// Set object pointer
- data = 0;
-// Set branch addresses
- if (tree == 0) return;
- fChain = tree;
- fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
- fChain->SetBranchAddress("data",&data);
-Bool_t Analysis::Notify()
- // Called when loading a new file.
- // Get branch pointers.
- b_data = fChain->GetBranch("data");
- return kTRUE;
-#endif // #ifdef Analysis_cxx
=== modified file 'KVIndra/INDRA_e494s/Systems.dat'
--- KVIndra/INDRA_e494s/Systems.dat 2009-01-22 16:16:03 +0000
+++ KVIndra/INDRA_e494s/Systems.dat 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
Runs: 2 4-17 577-579 602-603 605-612
+Alpha source
-Runs: 21-31 234-254 533-540 548-560
+Runs: 21-36 234-254 533-540 548-560
Runs: 37-40 290-291 335-336 541-542
=== modified file 'KVIndra/KVIndraLinkDef.h'
--- KVIndra/KVIndraLinkDef.h 2011-10-25 14:30:21 +0000
+++ KVIndra/KVIndraLinkDef.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#pragma link C++ class KVINDRARawIdent;
#pragma link C++ class KVRunListLine;
+#pragma link C++ class KVINDRAReconRoot;
#pragma link C++ class KVINDRARunListReader;
#pragma link C++ class KVINDRARunSheetReader;
#pragma link C++ class KVINDRARunSheetGUI;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.cpp'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.cpp 2011-06-09 10:41:53 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "KVDataSetManager.h"
#include "KVDataRepository.h"
#include "KVBatchSystem.h"
+#include "KVGANILDataReader.h"
typedef KVDetector* (KVINDRADstToRootTransfert::*FNMETHOD) ( int,int );
@@ -177,6 +178,25 @@
//leaves for reconstructed events
data_tree->Branch("INDRAReconEvent", "KVINDRAReconEvent", &evt, 10000000, 0)->SetAutoDelete(kFALSE);
+ //tree for raw data
+ rawtree = new TTree("RawData", Form("%s : %s : raw data",
+ gIndraDB->GetRun(fRunNumber)->GetName(), gIndraDB->GetRun(fRunNumber)->GetTitle()));
+ rawtree->Branch("RunNumber", &fRunNumber, "RunNumber/I");
+ Int_t fEventNumber=1;
+ rawtree->Branch( "EventNumber", &fEventNumber, "EventNumber/I");
+ // the format of the raw data tree must be "arrays" : we depend on it in KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser
+ // in order to read the raw data and set the detector acquisition parameters
+ TString raw_opt = "arrays";
+ KVGANILDataReader* raw_data = (KVGANILDataReader*)gDataSet->OpenRunfile("raw", fRunNumber);
+ raw_data->SetUserTree(rawtree,raw_opt.Data());
+ Info("InitRun", "Created raw data tree (%s : %s). Format: %s",
+ rawtree->GetName(), rawtree->GetTitle(), raw_opt.Data());
+ // fill the raw data tree
+ while( raw_data->GetNextEvent() ) fEventNumber++;
+ Info("InitRun", "Raw data tree containes %d events", fEventNumber-1);
@@ -240,6 +260,7 @@
data_tree->Write(); //write tree to file
+ rawtree->Write();
//add new file to repository
OutputDataset->CommitRunfile("root", fRunNumber, fi);
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.h'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.h 2010-12-22 15:38:50 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRADstToRootTransfert.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
Int_t events_good, events_read;//totals of events read and trees filled
TTree* data_tree;//tree for writing events
+ TTree* rawtree;//raw data tree
Int_t fRunNumber;//run number of current file
Int_t fCampNumber;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRARawDataReconstructor.cpp'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRARawDataReconstructor.cpp 2010-05-07 12:38:57 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRARawDataReconstructor.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@
rawtree->Branch("RunNumber", &fRunNumber, "RunNumber/I");
rawtree->Branch( "EventNumber", &fEventNumber, "EventNumber/I");
- TString raw_opt = gDataSet->GetDataSetEnv("KVINDRARawDataReconstructor.RawDataTreeFormat", "arrays");
+ // the format of the raw data tree must be "arrays" : we depend on it in KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser
+ // in order to read the raw data and set the detector acquisition parameters
+ TString raw_opt = "arrays";
Info("InitRun", "Created raw data tree (%s : %s). Format: %s",
rawtree->GetName(), rawtree->GetTitle(), raw_opt.Data());
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.cpp'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.cpp 2010-05-26 13:04:54 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TChain.h"
-#include "KVSelector.h"
#include "KVAvailableRunsFile.h"
@@ -28,6 +27,10 @@
//Default constructor
+ theRawData=0;
+ ParVal=0;
+ ParNum=0;
+ fSelector=0;
void KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser::Reset()
@@ -36,11 +39,18 @@
+ theRawData=0;
+ ParVal=0;
+ ParNum=0;
+ fSelector=0;
+ if(ParVal) delete [] ParVal;
+ if(ParNum) delete [] ParNum;
+ SafeDelete(fSelector);
@@ -96,27 +106,25 @@
cout << "Data Selector : " << fDataSelector.Data() << endl;
- TSelector *selector = (TSelector*)GetInstanceOfUserClass();
+ fSelector = (KVSelector*)GetInstanceOfUserClass();
- if(!selector || !selector->InheritsFrom("TSelector"))
+ if(!fSelector || !fSelector->InheritsFrom("TSelector"))
cout << "The selector \"" << GetUserClass() << "\" is not valid." << endl;
cout << "Process aborted." << endl;
- if(selector) {
- delete selector;
- selector=0;
- }
+ SafeDelete(fSelector);
+ Info("SubmitTask", "Beginning TChain::Process...");
if (nbEventToRead) {
theChain->Process(GetUserClass(), option.Data(),nbEventToRead);
} else {
theChain->Process(GetUserClass(), option.Data());
- if(selector) delete selector;
delete theChain;
+ fSelector=0;//deleted by TChain/TTreePlayer
@@ -274,17 +282,51 @@
void KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser::preInitRun()
// Called by currently-processed KVSelector when a new file in the TChain is opened.
- // If gIndra=0x0 we build the multidetector for the current dataset.
// We call gIndra->SetParameters for the current run.
Int_t run = GetRunNumberFromFileName( theChain->GetCurrentFile()->GetName() );
-void KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser::postEndAnalysis()
- // Called by currently-processed KVSelector after user's EndAnalysis() method.
- // We clean up by deleting gIndra
- if(gIndra) delete gIndra;
+ ConnectRawDataTree();
+void KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser::preAnalysis()
+ // Read and set raw data for the current reconstructed event
+ if(!theRawData) return;
+ // all recon events are numbered 1, 2, ... : therefore entry number is N-1
+ Long64_t rawEntry = fSelector->GetEventNumber() - 1;
+ theRawData->GetEntry(rawEntry);
+ for(int i=0; i<NbParFired; i++){
+ KVACQParam* par = gIndra->GetACQParam((*parList)[ParNum[i]]->GetName());
+ if(par) par->SetData(ParVal[i]);
+ }
+void KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser::ConnectRawDataTree()
+ // Called by preInitRun().
+ // When starting to read a new run (=new file), we look for the TTree "RawData" in the
+ // current file (it should have been created by KVINDRARawDataReconstructor).
+ // If found, it will be used by ReadRawData() to set the values of all acquisition parameters
+ // for each event.
+ theRawData=(TTree*)theChain->GetCurrentFile()->Get("RawData");
+ if(!theRawData){
+ Warning("ConnectRawDataTree", "RawData tree not found in file; raw data parameters of detectors will not be available in analysis");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ Info("ConnectRawDataTree", "Found RawData tree in file");
+ Int_t maxNopar = theRawData->GetMaximum("NbParFired");
+ if(ParVal) delete [] ParVal;
+ if(ParNum) delete [] ParNum;
+ ParVal = new UShort_t[maxNopar];
+ ParNum = new UInt_t[maxNopar];
+ parList = (TObjArray*)theRawData->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("ParameterList");
+ theRawData->SetBranchAddress("NbParFired", &NbParFired);
+ theRawData->SetBranchAddress("ParNum", ParNum);
+ theRawData->SetBranchAddress("ParVal", ParVal);
+ Info("ConnectRawDataTree", "Connected raw data parameters");
+ Entry=0;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.h'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.h 2010-05-26 13:04:54 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#define __KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser_H
#include "KVDataAnalyser.h"
+#include "KVSelector.h"
class TChain;
class KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser:public KVDataAnalyser {
@@ -21,8 +22,15 @@
KVString fDataSelectorDec;//name of KVDataSelector header file (if it exists)
virtual KVNumberList PrintAvailableRuns(KVString & datatype);
+ KVSelector* fSelector;// the data analysis class
TChain* theChain;//chain of TTrees to be analysed
+ TTree* theRawData;//raw data TTree in recon file
+ Int_t NbParFired;
+ UShort_t* ParVal;
+ UInt_t* ParNum;
+ TObjArray* parList;
+ Long64_t Entry;
+ void ConnectRawDataTree();
@@ -46,8 +54,9 @@
virtual const Char_t* ExpandAutoBatchName(const Char_t* format);
void preInitAnalysis();
+ void preAnalysis();
void preInitRun();
- void postEndAnalysis();
+ virtual void RegisterUserClass(TObject*obj) {fSelector=(KVSelector*)obj;};
ClassDef(KVINDRAReconDataAnalyser, 0) //For analysing reconstructed INDRA data
=== added file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.cpp'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.cpp 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#define KVINDRAReconRoot_cxx
+#include "KVINDRAReconRoot.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "KVDataRepository.h"
+#include "KVDataSet.h"
+#include "KVDataRepositoryManager.h"
+#include "KVDataAnalyser.h"
+#include "KVINDRAReconNuc.h"
+// BEGIN_HTML <!--
+/* -->
+<h4>Generation of fully-identified and calibrated INDRA data files</h4>
+<!-- */
+// --> END_HTML
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::InitAnalysis(void)
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::InitRun(void)
+ //When each run is opened, we create a new ROOT file for the identified events we
+ //are going to generate from the reconstructed events we are reading.
+ // By default this file will be written in the same data repository as the recon data file we are reading.
+ // This can be changed by setting the environment variable(s):
+ //
+ // ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.OutputRepository: [name of repository]
+ // [name of dataset].ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.OutputRepository: [name of repository]
+ //
+ // If no value is set for the current dataset (second variable), the value of the
+ // first variable will be used. If neither is defined, the new file will be written in the same repository as
+ // the recon file (if possible, i.e. if repository is not remote).
+ // get dataset to which we must associate new run
+ KVDataSet* OutputDataset =
+ gDataRepositoryManager->GetDataSet(
+ gDataSet->GetDataSetEnv("ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.OutputRepository", gDataRepository->GetName()),
+ gDataSet->GetName() );
+ //create new ROOT file for identified events
+ fRunNumber = gIndra->GetCurrentRunNumber();
+ fIdentFile = OutputDataset->NewRunfile("root", fRunNumber);
+ fIdentTree = new TTree("ReconstructedEvents", Form("%s : %s : fully-identified & calibrated events created from recon data",
+ gIndraDB->GetRun(fRunNumber)->GetName(),
+ gIndraDB->GetRun(fRunNumber)->GetTitle())
+ );
+ // The TTree::OptimizeBaskets mechanism is disabled, as for ROOT versions < 5.26/00b
+ // this lead to a memory leak
+ fIdentTree->SetAutoFlush(0);
+ //leaves for reconstructed events
+ fIdentTree->Branch("INDRAReconEvent", "KVINDRAReconEvent", GetEventReference(), 10000000, 0)->SetAutoDelete(kFALSE);
+ Info("InitRun", "Created identified/calibrated data tree %s : %s", fIdentTree->GetName(), fIdentTree->GetTitle());
+ // initialise identifications
+ gIndra->InitializeIDTelescopes();
+ // print status of identifications
+ gIndra->PrintStatusOfIDTelescopes();
+ // print status of calibrations
+ gIndra->PrintCalibStatusOfDetectors();
+ for(register int i=0; i<15; i++) Acodes[i]=0;
+ for(register int i=0; i<4; i++) Astatus[i]=0;
+Bool_t KVINDRAReconRoot::Analysis(void)
+ //For each event we:
+ // perform primary & secondary event identification and calibration and fill tree
+ fEventNumber = GetEvent()->GetNumber();
+ CountStatus();
+ if (GetEvent()->GetMult() > 0) {
+ GetEvent()->IdentifyEvent();
+ GetEvent()->CalibrateEvent();
+ GetEvent()->SecondaryIdentCalib();
+ CountCodes();
+ }
+ fIdentTree->Fill();
+ return kTRUE;
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::CountCodes()
+ KVINDRAReconNuc* particle;
+ for(register int i=0; i<15; i++) codes[i]=0;
+ while ( (particle = GetEvent()->GetNextParticle()) ){
+ int code = particle->GetCodes().GetVedaIDCode();
+ if((code==0&&particle->IsIdentified())||(code>0&&code<15)) codes[code]+=1;
+ }
+ int ntot=0;
+ for(register int i=0; i<15; i++){
+ ntot+=codes[i];
+ Acodes[i]+=codes[i];
+ }
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::CountStatus()
+ KVINDRAReconNuc* particle;
+ for(register int i=0; i<4; i++) status[i]=0;
+ while ( (particle = GetEvent()->GetNextParticle()) ){
+ status[particle->GetStatus()]+=1;
+ }
+ int ntot=0;
+ for(register int i=0; i<4; i++){
+ ntot+=status[i];
+ Astatus[i]+=status[i];
+ }
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::EndRun(void)
+ //At the end of each run we:
+ // write the tree into the new file
+ // close the file
+ // copy the file into the required repository (see InitRun)
+ // update the available runlist
+ fIdentFile->cd();
+ gDataAnalyser->WriteBatchInfo(fIdentTree);
+ GetRawData()->CloneTree(-1,"fast"); //copy raw data tree to file
+ GetGeneData()->CloneTree(-1,"fast"); //copy pulser & laser (gene) tree to file
+ fIdentFile->Write();
+ //add file to repository
+ // get dataset to which we must associate new run
+ KVDataSet* OutputDataset =
+ gDataRepositoryManager->GetDataSet(
+ gDataSet->GetDataSetEnv("ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.OutputRepository", gDataRepository->GetName()),
+ gDataSet->GetName() );
+ OutputDataset->CommitRunfile("root", gIndra->GetCurrentRunNumber(),
+ fIdentFile);
+ fIdentFile = 0;
+ fIdentTree = 0;
+ cout << endl << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
+ cout << endl << " BILAN DES COURSES " << endl << endl;;
+int ntot=0; for(register int i=0; i<4; i++)ntot+=Astatus[i];
+ for(register int i=0; i<4; i++){
+ cout << " Status" <<i<< "\t" << Astatus[i] <<"\t"<<setprecision(2)<<100.*Astatus[i]/(1.*ntot)<<" %"<< endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl << " Total all status : " << ntot <<endl<<endl;
+ for(register int i=0; i<15; i++)ntot+=Acodes[i];
+ for(register int i=0; i<15; i++){
+ cout << " Code" <<i<< "\t" << Acodes[i] <<"\t"<<setprecision(2)<<100.*Acodes[i]/(1.*ntot)<<" %"<< endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl << " Total all codes : " << ntot <<endl;
+ cout << endl << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
+void KVINDRAReconRoot::EndAnalysis(void)
=== added file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.h'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.h 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVINDRAReconRoot.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef KVINDRAReconRoot_h
+#define KVINDRAReconRoot_h
+#include "KVSelector.h"
+class TFile;
+class TTree;
+class KVINDRAReconRoot:public KVSelector {
+ int codes[15];
+ int status[4];
+ int Acodes[15];
+ int Astatus[4];
+ protected:
+ TFile *fIdentFile; //new file
+ TTree *fIdentTree; //new tree
+ Int_t fRunNumber;
+ Int_t fEventNumber;
+ public:
+ KVINDRAReconRoot() {
+ fIdentFile = 0;
+ fIdentTree = 0;
+ };
+ virtual ~ KVINDRAReconRoot() {
+ };
+ virtual void InitRun();
+ virtual void EndRun();
+ virtual void InitAnalysis();
+ virtual Bool_t Analysis();
+ virtual void EndAnalysis();
+ void CountStatus();
+ void CountCodes();
+ ClassDef(KVINDRAReconRoot, 0) //Generation of fully-identified and calibrated INDRA data files
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.cpp'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.cpp 2011-04-06 13:10:17 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@
delete lhisto;
delete ltree;
void KVSelector::Init(TTree * tree)
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@
fTreeOffset = 0;
- data=0;
+ data=0;b_data=0;
fChain->SetBranchAddress( fBranchName.Data() , &data, &b_data);
@@ -206,6 +205,8 @@
+ // tell the data analyser who we are
+ gDataAnalyser->RegisterUserClass(this);
InitAnalysis(); //user initialisations for analysis
@@ -306,10 +307,10 @@
// When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called in each slave
// Initialize the tree branches.
- Init(tree);
+/* Init(tree);
TString option = GetOption();
+ */
@@ -336,6 +337,7 @@
cout << " +++ " << totentry << " events processed +++ " << endl;
+ gDataAnalyser->preAnalysis();
//additional selection criteria ?
@@ -365,7 +367,6 @@
Bool_t ok_anal = kTRUE;
- gDataAnalyser->preAnalysis();
if (needToSelect) {
ok_anal = fKVDataSelector->ProcessCurrentEntry(); //Data Selection and user analysis
} else
=== modified file 'KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.h'
--- KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.h 2011-01-12 09:54:17 +0000
+++ KVIndra/analysis/KVSelector.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -117,6 +117,11 @@
KVINDRAReconEvent *GetEvent() {
return data;
+ Int_t GetEventNumber() {
+ // returns number of currently analysed event
+ // N.B. this may be different to the TTree/TChain entry number etc.
+ return data->GetNumber();
+ };
Int_t Version() const {
return 2;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/detectors/KVChIo.cpp'
--- KVIndra/detectors/KVChIo.cpp 2011-05-19 08:11:09 +0000
+++ KVIndra/detectors/KVChIo.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -113,10 +113,11 @@
//Any change in the coder pedestal between the current run and the effective pedestal
//of the channel-volt calibration (GetCanal(V=0)) is automatically corrected for.
- //Returns -1 if PG <-> Volts calibration is not available
+ //Returns GG calculated from PG if GG <-> Volts calibration is not available
- if (!fChVoltGG || !fChVoltGG->GetStatus())
- return -1;
+ if (!fChVoltGG || !fChVoltGG->GetStatus()){
+ return GetGGfromPG(GetCanalPGFromVolts(volts));
+ }
Int_t chan = TMath::Nint(fChVoltGG->Invert(volts) + GetPedestal("GG") - fChVoltGG->Invert(0));
return chan;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/detectors/KVSilicon.cpp'
--- KVIndra/detectors/KVSilicon.cpp 2011-05-19 08:11:09 +0000
+++ KVIndra/detectors/KVSilicon.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -108,10 +108,11 @@
//Any change in the coder pedestal between the current run and the effective pedestal
//of the channel-volt calibration (GetCanal(V=0)) is automatically corrected for.
- //Returns -1 if PG <-> Volts calibration is not available
+ //Returns GG calculated from PG if GG <-> Volts calibration is not available
- if (!fChVoltGG || !fChVoltGG->GetStatus())
- return -1;
+ if (!fChVoltGG || !fChVoltGG->GetStatus()){
+ return GetGGfromPG(GetCanalPGFromVolts(volts));
+ }
Int_t chan = TMath::Nint(fChVoltGG->Invert(volts) + GetPedestal("GG") - fChVoltGG->Invert(0));
return chan;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.cpp'
--- KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.cpp 2010-05-06 10:05:28 +0000
+++ KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "KVTelescope.h"
#include "KVDetector.h"
#include "KVCsI.h"
+#include "KVSilicon.h"
#include "KVDetectorEvent.h"
#include "KVINDRAReconNuc.h"
#include "KVINDRA.h"
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
#include "KVIDCsI.h"
#include "KVIDGCsI.h"
#include "KVDataSet.h"
+#include "KVChIo.h"
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
//default initialisations
fCodeMask = 0;
+ fHitGroups=0;
@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@
delete fCodeMask;
fCodeMask = 0;
+ SafeDelete(fHitGroups);
@@ -137,77 +141,6 @@
-//void KVINDRAReconEvent::GeometricFilter()
-// //Private method, called during event reconstruction if SetGeometricFilter(kTRUE)
-// //was previously called.
-// //From the "coherence" analysis (see AnalyseGroup) we only keep particles which
-// //can be correctly reconstructed either with or without subtraction of other
-// //particles' calculated energy losses, and we make sure that particles actually
-// //get stopped by the detectors.
-// //
-// //An additional energy threshold can be given (SetThreshold) which defines the
-// //minimum energy in MeV/nucleon for a particle to be accepted (i.e. identification
-// //threshold).
-// //
-// //Accepted particles have IsOK = kTRUE, rejected particles have IsOK = kFALSE
-// for(Int_t i=1; i<=GetMult(); i++)
-// {
-// KVINDRAReconNuc *nuc = GetParticle(i);
-// nuc->SetIsOK();
-// //from the "coherence" analysis (see AnalyseGroup) we only keep particles which
-// //can be correctly reconstructed either with or without subtraction of other
-// //particles' calculated energy losses
-// if(nuc->GetAnalStatus() > 1) {
-// nuc->SetIsOK(kFALSE);
-// }
-// //make sure only one particle stopped in "stopping" detector
-// if( nuc->GetStoppingDetector()->GetHits()->GetSize() > 1){
-// nuc->SetIsOK(kFALSE);
-// }
-// //make sure particle actually stopped in detector
-// if(((KVNucleus*)nuc->GetStoppingDetector()->GetHits()->At(0))->GetEnergy()>0.0) {
-// nuc->SetIsOK(kFALSE);
-// }
-// if(nuc->IsOK())
-// {
-// //particle accepted so far - get A, Z and energy from simulated particle
-// //and detector energy losses.
-// //Particle may still be rejected by identification threshold - see below !!!
-// KVNucleus* simpart = (KVNucleus*)nuc->GetStoppingDetector()->GetHits()->At(0);
-// if(!simpart)cout<<"No simpart"<<endl;
-// nuc->SetSimPart(simpart);
-// nuc->SetZ(simpart->GetZ());
-// if(nuc->GetZ()<3)
-// {
-// //for LCP reaching CsI, use true isotope mass
-// if(nuc->StoppedInCsI())
-// {
-// nuc->SetA(simpart->GetA());
-// }
-// }
-// //add up corrected energy losses in detectors
-// Float_t fEnew=0.0;
-// for(UInt_t d=0; d<nuc->GetNumDet(); d++)
-// {
-// fEnew += nuc->GetDetector(d)->GetCorrectedEnergy(nuc->GetZ(),nuc->GetA());
-// }
-// nuc->SetEnergy(fEnew);
-// nuc->GetAnglesFromTelescope();
-// nuc->SetEnergy(fEnew);
-// //identification threshold in mev/nuc - is 0.0 if not set
-// if((nuc->GetEnergy()/nuc->GetA())<fThreshold){
-// nuc->SetIsOK(kFALSE);
-// }
-// }
-// }
KVINDRAReconNuc *KVINDRAReconEvent::GetNextParticle(Option_t * opt)
//Use this method to iterate over the list of particles in the event.
@@ -342,20 +275,254 @@
void KVINDRAReconEvent::IdentifyEvent()
- //Performs event identification (see KVReconstructedEvent::IdentifyEvent), and then
- //particles stopping in first member of a telescope (KVReconstructedNucleus::GetStatus=3) are
- //labelled with VEDA ID code kIDCode5 (Zmin)
- //Unidentified particles receive the general ID code for non-identified particles (kIDCode14)
+ // Performs event identification (see KVReconstructedEvent::IdentifyEvent), and then
+ // particles stopping in first member of a telescope (GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) are
+ // labelled with VEDA ID code kIDCode5 (Zmin)
+ //
+ // When CsI identification gives a gamma, we unset the 'analysed' state of all detectors
+ // in front of the CsI and reanalyse the group in order to reconstruct and identify charged particles
+ // stopping in them.
+ //
+ // Unidentified particles receive the general ID code for non-identified particles (kIDCode14)
KVINDRAReconNuc *d=0;
- while ((d = GetNextParticle())) {
- if (d->IsIdentified() && d->GetStatus() == 3) {
- d->SetIDCode( kIDCode5 ); // Zmin
- }
- else if(!d->IsIdentified()){
+ int mult = GetMult();
+ KVUniqueNameList gammaGroups;//list of groups with gammas identified in CsI
+ ResetGetNextParticle();
+ while((d = GetNextParticle())){
+ if (d->IsIdentified()&&d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) {
+ d->SetIDCode( kIDCode5 ); // Zmin
+ }
+ else if (d->IsIdentified()&&d->GetCodes().TestIDCode(kIDCode0)){
+ // gamma identified in CsI
+ // reset analysed state of all detectors in front of CsI
+ if(d->GetCsI()){
+ if(d->GetCsI()->GetAlignedDetectors()){
+ TIter next(d->GetCsI()->GetAlignedDetectors());
+ KVDetector*det=(KVDetector*)next();//first detector = CsI
+ while( (det = (KVDetector*)next()) ) det->SetAnalysed(kFALSE);
+ gammaGroups.Add(d->GetGroup());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error("IdentifyEvent", "particule id gamma, no aligned detectors???");
+ d->Print();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error("IdentifyEvent", "particule identified as gamma, has no CsI!!");
+ d->Print();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // perform secondary reconstruction in groups with detected gammas
+ int ngamG = gammaGroups.GetEntries();
+ if(ngamG){
+ for(int i=0; i<ngamG; i++){
+ AnalyseGroup( (KVGroup*)gammaGroups.At(i) );
+ }
+ }
+ if(GetMult()>mult) {
+ /*Info("IdentifyEvent", "Event#%d: Secondary reconstruction (gammas) -> %d new particles",
+ GetNumber(), GetMult()-mult);*/
+ // identify new particles generated in secondary reconstruction
+ KVReconstructedEvent::IdentifyEvent();
+ ResetGetNextParticle();
+ while((d = GetNextParticle())){
+ if (d->IsIdentified()&&d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) {
+ d->SetIDCode( kIDCode5 ); // Zmin
+ }
+ else if(!d->IsIdentified()){
+ d->SetIDCode( kIDCode14 );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ for(int i=mult+1; i<=GetMult(); i++){
+ d = GetParticle(i);
+ if(d->IsIdentified())
+ printf("\t%2d: Ring %2d Module %2d Z=%2d A=%3d code=%d\n",i,d->GetRingNumber(),
+ d->GetModuleNumber(),d->GetZ(),d->GetA(),d->GetCodes().GetVedaIDCode());
+ else
+ printf("\t%2d: Ring %2d Module %2d UNIDENTIFIED status=%d\n", i,d->GetRingNumber(),
+ d->GetModuleNumber(), d->GetStatus());
+ }
+ */
+ }
+void KVINDRAReconEvent::SecondaryIdentCalib()
+ // Perform identifications and calibrations of particles not included
+ // in first round (methods IdentifyEvent() and CalibrateEvent()).
+ //
+ // Here we treat particles with GetStatus()==KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOKafterSub
+ // after subtracting the energy losses of all previously calibrated particles in group from the
+ // measured energy losses in the detectors they crossed.
+ if(!fHitGroups)
+ fHitGroups = new KVUniqueNameList;
+ else
+ fHitGroups->Clear();
+ // build list of hit groups
+ KVINDRAReconNuc*d;
+ while((d = GetNextParticle())) fHitGroups->Add(d->GetGroup());
+ //loop over hit groups
+ TIter next_grp(fHitGroups);
+ KVGroup* grp;
+ while( (grp = (KVGroup*)next_grp()) ){
+ SecondaryAnalyseGroup(grp);
+ }
+ // set "unidentified" code for any remaining unidentified particle
+ ResetGetNextParticle();
+ while((d = GetNextParticle())){
+ if(!d->IsIdentified()){
d->SetIDCode( kIDCode14 );
+ }
+void KVINDRAReconEvent::SecondaryAnalyseGroup(KVGroup* grp)
+ // Perform identifications and calibrations of particles not included
+ // in first round (methods IdentifyEvent() and CalibrateEvent()).
+ //
+ // Here we treat particles with GetStatus()==KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOKafterSub
+ // after subtracting the energy losses of all previously calibrated particles in group from the
+ // measured energy losses in the detectors they crossed.
+ // loop over al identified & calibrated particles in group and subtract calculated
+ // energy losses from all detectors
+ KVINDRAReconNuc* nuc;
+ TList sixparts;
+ TIter parts(grp->GetParticles());
+ while( (nuc = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)parts()) ){
+ if(nuc->IsIdentified() && nuc->IsCalibrated()){
+ nuc->SubtractEnergyFromAllDetectors();
+ // reconstruct particles from pile-up in silicon detectors revealed by coherency CsIR/L - SiCsI
+ if(nuc->IsSiPileup() && nuc->GetSi()->GetEnergy()>0.1){
+ KVINDRAReconNuc* SIX = AddParticle();
+ SIX->Reconstruct(nuc->GetSi());
+ sixparts.Add(SIX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // reanalyse group
+ grp->AnalyseParticles();
+ Int_t nident=0;//number of particles identified in each step
+ if(sixparts.GetEntries()){ // identify any particles added by coherency CsIR/L - SiCsI
+ TIter nextsix(&sixparts);
+ while( (SIX = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)nextsix()) ){
+ if( SIX->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK ){
+ SIX->Identify();
+ if(SIX->IsIdentified()) {
+ nident++;
+ if(SIX->GetCodes().TestIDCode( kIDCode5 )) SIX->SetIDCode( kIDCode7 );
+ else SIX->SetIDCode( kIDCode6 );
+ SIX->Calibrate();
+ if(SIX->IsCalibrated()) SIX->SubtractEnergyFromAllDetectors();
+ }
+ else {
+ // failure of ChIo-Si identification: particle stopped in ChIo ?
+ // estimation of Z (minimum) from energy loss (if detector is calibrated)
+ UInt_t zmin = ((KVDetector*)SIX->GetDetectorList()->Last())->FindZmin(-1., SIX->GetMassFormula());
+ if( zmin ){
+ SIX->SetZ( zmin );
+ SIX->SetIsIdentified();
+ // "Identifying" telescope is taken from list of ID telescopes
+ // to which stopping detector belongs
+ SIX->SetIdentifyingTelescope( (KVIDTelescope*)SIX->GetStoppingDetector()->GetIDTelescopes()->Last() );
+ SIX->Calibrate();
+ }
+ SIX->SetIDCode( kIDCode7 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(nident){ // newly-identified particles may change status of others in group
+ // reanalyse group
+ grp->AnalyseParticles();
+ nident=0;
+ }
+ TIter parts2(grp->GetParticles()); // list may have changed if we have added particles
+ // identify & calibrate any remaining particles with status=KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK
+ while( (nuc = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)parts2()) ){
+ if(!nuc->IsIdentified() && nuc->GetStatus()==KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK && !nuc->IsIdentified()){
+ nuc->ResetNSegDet();
+ nuc->Identify();
+ if(nuc->IsIdentified()) {
+ nident++;
+ nuc->Calibrate();
+ if(nuc->IsCalibrated()) nuc->SubtractEnergyFromAllDetectors();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(nident){ // newly-identified particles may change status of others in group
+ // reanalyse group
+ grp->AnalyseParticles();
+ nident=0;
+ }
+ // any kStatusOKafterShare particles ?
+ TList shareChIo;
+ parts2.Reset();
+ while( (nuc = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)parts2()) ){
+ if(!nuc->IsIdentified() && nuc->GetStatus()==KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOKafterShare){
+ shareChIo.Add(nuc);
+ }
+ }
+ Int_t nshares = shareChIo.GetEntries();
+ if(nshares){
+ KVChIo* theChIo = ((KVINDRAReconNuc*)shareChIo.At(0))->GetChIo();
+ if(theChIo && nshares>1){
+ // divide chio energy equally
+ Double_t Eshare = theChIo->GetEnergyLoss()/nshares;
+ theChIo->SetEnergyLoss(Eshare);
+ // modify PG and GG of ChIo according to new energy loss
+ Double_t volts = theChIo->GetVoltsFromEnergy(Eshare);
+ Double_t GG = theChIo->GetCanalGGFromVolts(volts);
+ Double_t PG = theChIo->GetCanalPGFromVolts(volts);
+ theChIo->GetACQParam("PG")->SetData(TMath::Min(4095,(Int_t)PG));
+ theChIo->GetACQParam("GG")->SetData(TMath::Min(4095,(Int_t)GG));
+ }
+ // now try to identify
+ TIter nextSh(&shareChIo);
+ while( (nuc = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)nextSh()) ){
+ nuc->SetNSegDet(10);
+ nuc->Identify();
+ if(nuc->IsIdentified()) {
+ nuc->SetIDCode( kIDCode8 );
+ nuc->Calibrate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // any remaining stopped in first stage particles ?
+ parts2.Reset();
+ while( (nuc = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)parts2()) ){
+ if(!nuc->IsIdentified() && nuc->GetStatus()==KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage){
+ // estimation of Z (minimum) from energy loss (if detector is calibrated)
+ UInt_t zmin = ((KVDetector*)nuc->GetDetectorList()->Last())->FindZmin(-1., nuc->GetMassFormula());
+ if( zmin ){
+ nuc->SetZ( zmin );
+ nuc->SetIsIdentified();
+ // "Identifying" telescope is taken from list of ID telescopes
+ // to which stopping detector belongs
+ nuc->SetIdentifyingTelescope( (KVIDTelescope*)nuc->GetStoppingDetector()->GetIDTelescopes()->Last() );
+ nuc->Calibrate();
+ }
+ nuc->SetIDCode( kIDCode5 );
+ }
=== modified file 'KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.h'
--- KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.h 2009-12-11 10:05:59 +0000
+++ KVIndra/events/KVINDRAReconEvent.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
fCodeMask = new KVINDRACodeMask;
return fCodeMask;
+ KVUniqueNameList* fHitGroups;//! non-persistent pointer to list of hit groups used in SecondaryIdentAndCalib()
@@ -70,6 +71,10 @@
void IdentifyEvent();
void ChangeFragmentMasses(UChar_t mass_formula);
+ virtual void SecondaryIdentCalib();
+void SecondaryAnalyseGroup(KVGroup* grp);
ClassDef(KVINDRAReconEvent, 6) //Event reconstructed from energy losses in INDRA array
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idmaps/KVIDGChIoSi.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idmaps/KVIDGChIoSi.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idmaps/KVIDGChIoSi.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@
//identified particles below (left of) Bragg line : Z is a Zmin
if (fBragg && fBragg->WhereAmI(x, y, "left")){
- const_cast<KVIDGChIoSi*>(this)->fICode = k_LeftOfBragg;
+ const_cast<KVIDGChIoSi*>(this)->fICode = k_LeftOfBragg;idr->SetComment("Point to identify below Bragg curve. Z given is a Zmin");
//if a particle is well-identified (i.e. not too far from the identification lines)
//but it lies below the 'Punch_through' line, we give it a warning code
if (fPunch && fPunch->WhereAmI(x, y, "below")){
const_cast<KVIDGChIoSi*>(this)->fICode = k_BelowPunchThrough;
- idr->SetComment("WARNING: Point to identify falls below punch-through line drawn for grid");
+ idr->SetComment("warning: point below punch-through line");
idr->IDquality = fICode;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDChIoCsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* idr)
+Bool_t KVIDChIoCsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* idr, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grids.
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
idr->SetIDType( GetType() );
idr->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t cigg = GetIDMapY("GG");
- Double_t lumtot = GetIDMapX();
+ Double_t cigg = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("GG") : y);
+ Double_t lumtot = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
KVIDGrid* theIdentifyingGrid = 0;
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
if( fGGgrid->GetQualityCode() > KVIDZAGrid::kICODE6 && fPGgrid ){ //we have to try PG grid (if there is one)
// try Z & A identification in ChIo(PG)-CsI(H) map
- Double_t cipg = GetIDMapY("PG");
+ Double_t cipg = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("PG") : y);
fPGgrid->Identify(lumtot, cipg, idr);
theIdentifyingGrid = (KVIDGrid*)fPGgrid;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_camp5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
virtual void Initialize(void);
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
- Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
ClassDef(KVIDChIoCsI_camp5,1)//ChIo-CsI id with grids for INDRA_camp5
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.cpp 2011-05-13 15:16:08 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@
-Bool_t KVIDChIoCsI_e475s::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDChIoCsI_e475s::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grid KVIDGChIoSi
IDR->SetIDType( GetType() );
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t varX = GetIDMapX();
- Double_t varY = GetIDMapY();
+ Double_t varX = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
+ Double_t varY = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY() : y);
if (fidgrid->IsIdentifiable(varX,varY))
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoCsI_e475s.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual void CalculateParticleEnergy(KVReconstructedNucleus * nuc);
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@
-Bool_t KVIDChIoSi::Identify(KVIdentificationResult * IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDChIoSi::Identify(KVIdentificationResult * IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grid KVIDGChIoSi
IDR->SetIDType( GetType() );
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t chio = GetIDMapY();
- Double_t si = GetIDMapX();
+ Double_t chio = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY() : y);
+ Double_t si = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
if (ChIoSiGrid->IsIdentifiable(si,chio))
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@
IDR->IDcode = kIDCode5;
IDR->Z = fchio->FindZmin();
+ IDR->SetComment("point to identify left of Si threshold line (bruit/arret ChIo?)");
+ if(quality==KVIDGChIoSi::k_RightOfEmaxSi) IDR->SetComment("point to identify has E_Si > Emax_Si i.e. codeur is saturated. Unidentifiable");
return kTRUE;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.h 2011-05-26 12:14:32 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
virtual ~ KVIDChIoSi();
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult *);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult *, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDChIoSi75_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDChIoSi75_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grids.
@@ -90,8 +90,9 @@
if ( fGGgrid )
- fGGgrid->Identify(GetIDMapX("GG"), GetIDMapY("GG"), IDR);
+ Double_t cigg = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("GG") : y);
+ Double_t sigg = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX("GG") : x);
+ fGGgrid->Identify(sigg, cigg, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid =(KVIDGrid*)fGGgrid;
@@ -100,7 +101,9 @@
if ( fPGgrid )
- fPGgrid->Identify(GetIDMapX("PG"), GetIDMapY("PG"), IDR);
+ Double_t cipg = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("PG") : y);
+ Double_t sipg = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX("PG") : x);
+ fPGgrid->Identify(sipg, cipg, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid = (KVIDGrid*)fPGgrid;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDChIoSi75_camp5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
virtual ~KVIDChIoSi75_camp5();
virtual void Initialize(void);
- Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.cpp 2010-06-22 13:34:19 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDCsI::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDCsI::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grid KVIDGCsI* fGrid.
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
//perform identification
- Double_t csir = GetIDMapY();
- Double_t csil = GetIDMapX();
+ Double_t csir = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY() : y);
+ Double_t csil = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
CsIGrid->Identify(csil, csir, IDR);
// set general ID code
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.h 2011-05-26 12:14:32 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDCsI.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
const Char_t *GetArrayName();
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.cpp 2011-01-18 10:22:16 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDSi150CsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDSi150CsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grids
@@ -93,14 +93,16 @@
KVIDGrid* theIdentifyingGrid = 0;
// try full isotopic identification
- fZAGrid->Identify(GetIDMapX(), GetIDMapY(), IDR);
+ Double_t sili= (y<0. ? GetIDMapY() : y);
+ Double_t csi = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
+ fZAGrid->Identify(csi,sili, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid = fZAGrid;
if (fZAGrid->GetQualityCode() > KVIDZAGrid::kICODE6 && fZGrid)
// particle is above Z&A grid: try Z only ID
- fZGrid->Identify(GetIDMapX(), GetIDMapY(), IDR);
+ fZGrid->Identify(csi,sili, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid = fZGrid;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.h 2011-01-18 10:22:16 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi150CsI_camp5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
virtual ~KVIDSi150CsI_camp5();
virtual void Initialize(void);
- Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult *IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult *IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grids.
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
IDR->SetIDType( GetType() );
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t si75 = GetIDMapY("GG");
- Double_t sili = GetIDMapX();
+ Double_t si75 = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("GG") : y);
+ Double_t sili = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
KVIDGrid* theIdentifyingGrid = 0;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// try Z & A identification in Si75(PG)-SiLi(PG) map
- si75 = GetIDMapY("PG");
+ si75 = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("PG") : y);
fPGgrid->Identify(sili, si75, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid = (KVIDGrid*)fPGgrid;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
virtual ~KVIDSi75SiLi_camp5();
virtual void Initialize(void);
- Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.cpp 2011-01-18 10:22:16 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDSiCsI5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDSiCsI5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Identification of particles using Si(300)-CsI matrices for 5th campaign.
//First of all, Z identification is attempted with KVIDSiCsI5::IdentZ.
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@
//too bizarre, i.e. it must be in the KVNucleus mass table (KVNucleus::IsKnown = kTRUE).
//If not, or if mass identification is not possible, the mass of the nucleus
//is deduced from Z using the default mass formula of class KVNucleus.
+ //
+ // Note that optional arguments (x,y) for testing identification are not used.
Double_t funLTG_Z = -1;
Double_t funLTG_A = -1;
@@ -490,10 +492,10 @@
-Double_t KVIDSiCsI5::GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A)
+Double_t KVIDSiCsI5::GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Eres)
// Returns the Y-axis value in the 2D identification map containing isotope (Z,A)
- // corresponding to the current X-axis value given by GetIDMapX.
+ // corresponding to either the given X-axis/Eres value or the current X-axis value given by GetIDMapX.
// If no mass information is available, just give Z.
// This method overrides KVIDTelescope::GetMeanDEFromID, as here we have
@@ -508,6 +510,7 @@
// mass identification not possible for telescope - ignore A
+ Double_t x = (Eres < 0 ? GetIDMapX() : Eres);
// loop over TGID objects
TIter next( &GetListOfIDFunctions() );
KVTGID* tgid;
@@ -521,7 +524,7 @@
// get position on isotopic line (Z,A)
Double_t y=0;
tgid->SetParameter("Z", Z);
- y = tgid->GetDistanceToLine( GetIDMapX(), y, A );
+ y = tgid->GetDistanceToLine( x, y, A );
return y;
if(A==-1 && !tgid->GetZorA()){
@@ -531,7 +534,7 @@
if(A<0 && tgid->GetZorA()){
// get position on Z line
Double_t y=0;
- y = tgid->GetDistanceToLine( GetIDMapX(), y, Z );
+ y = tgid->GetDistanceToLine( x, y, Z );
return y;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.h 2011-01-18 10:22:16 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
virtual Double_t IdentifyZ(Double_t & funLTG);
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
void SetHasPG2(Bool_t yes=kTRUE) {
SetBit(kHasPG2, yes);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
virtual void RemoveIdentificationParameters();
virtual void Initialize();
- virtual Double_t GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A=-1);
+ virtual Double_t GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A=-1, Double_t Eres = -1.);
ClassDef(KVIDSiCsI5, 2) //5th campaign INDRA identification using Si-CsI matrices
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.cpp 2011-05-13 15:16:08 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@
-Bool_t KVIDSiCsI_e475s::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDSiCsI_e475s::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grid KVIDGChIoSi
IDR->SetIDType( GetType() );
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t varX = GetIDMapX();
- Double_t varY = GetIDMapY();
+ Double_t varX = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
+ Double_t varY = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY() : y);
if (fidgrid->IsIdentifiable(varX,varY))
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiCsI_e475s.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x =-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual void CalculateParticleEnergy(KVReconstructedNucleus * nuc);
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.cpp'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.cpp 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR)
+Bool_t KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5::Identify(KVIdentificationResult* IDR, Double_t x, Double_t y)
//Particle identification and code setting using identification grids.
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
IDR->SetIDType( GetType() );
IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
- Double_t sili = GetIDMapY("GG");
- Double_t csir = GetIDMapX();
+ Double_t sili = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("GG") : y);
+ Double_t csir = (x<0. ? GetIDMapX() : x);
KVIDGrid* theIdentifyingGrid = 0;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
if( fGGgrid->GetQualityCode() > KVIDZAGrid::kICODE6 && fPGgrid ){ //we have to try PG grid (if there is one)
// try Z & A identification in SiLi(PG)-CsI(R) map
- sili = GetIDMapY("PG");
+ sili = (y<0. ? GetIDMapY("PG") : y);
fPGgrid->Identify(csir, sili, IDR);
theIdentifyingGrid = (KVIDGrid*)fPGgrid;
=== modified file 'KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.h'
--- KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.h 2010-06-16 12:49:46 +0000
+++ KVIndra/idtelescopes/KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
virtual ~KVIDSiLiCsI_camp5();
virtual void Initialize(void);
- Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual Double_t GetIDMapX(Option_t * opt = "");
virtual Double_t GetIDMapY(Option_t * opt = "");
=== modified file 'KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.cpp'
--- KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.cpp 2011-06-08 13:34:05 +0000
+++ KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -180,16 +180,6 @@
} else {
cout << "(unidentified)" << endl;
- if (GetIDTelescopes() && GetIDTelescopes()->GetSize()) {
- cout << " ID Sub-codes: " << endl;
- TIter next(GetIDTelescopes());
- KVIDTelescope *idt;
- while ((idt = (KVIDTelescope *) next())) {
- cout << idt->GetName() << " : " << GetIDSubCodeString(idt->
- GetType())
- << endl;
- }
- }
if (IsCalibrated()) {
cout << " Total Energy = " << GetEnergy() << " MeV, Theta=" << GetTheta() << " Phi=" << GetPhi() << endl;
@@ -368,12 +358,14 @@
// we check that the ChIo contribution is sane:
// if no other particles hit this group, the Z given by the ChIoSi
// must be <= the Z found from Si-CsI or CsI-RL identification
- // (we cannot trust the punch-through lines in the grids).
+ //
// in this case the measured energy loss of the ChIo can be solely attributed to this particle
// and we return kTRUE;
// ChIo was hit by more than one particle in group
- if(GetChIo() && GetChIo()->GetNHits()>1) return kFALSE;
+ if(GetChIo() && GetChIo()->GetNHits()>1) {
+ return kFALSE;
+ }
KVIdentificationResult *IDchiosi = GetIdentificationResult(3);
@@ -384,7 +376,8 @@
// if we have a successful ChIo-Si id with a Z > Z given by CsI or Si-CsI id,
// then we consider that there is a pile-up in the ChIo
// note that we consider Z_ChIoSi = 1 to mean the ChIo is in the pedestal i.e. nothing seen
- if(IDchiosi->IDOK && IDchiosi->Z>1 && IDchiosi->Z>theID.Z){
+ // we also require the chio-si identification to be above the punch-through line
+ if(IDchiosi->IDOK && IDchiosi->Z>1 && IDchiosi->IDquality!=KVIDGChIoSi::k_BelowPunchThrough && IDchiosi->Z>theID.Z){
return kFALSE;
@@ -622,12 +615,12 @@
// particles stopping in CsI detectors on rings 1-9
// check coherency of CsI-R/L and Si-CsI identifications
ok = CoherencySiCsI(partID);
- // if Si-CsI and CsI-RL are coherent and no pileup is apparent,
// we check that the ChIo contribution is sane:
// if no other particles hit this group, the Z given by the ChIoSi
// must be <= the Z found from Si-CsI or CsI-RL identification
- // (we cannot trust the punch-through lines in the grids).
- if(fCoherent && !fPileup) fUseFullChIoEnergyForCalib = CoherencyChIoSiCsI(partID);
+ //if(fCoherent && !fPileup)
+ fUseFullChIoEnergyForCalib = CoherencyChIoSiCsI(partID);
@@ -643,7 +636,7 @@
pid = GetIdentificationResult(id_no);
+ fUseFullChIoEnergyForCalib = !(GetChIo() && GetChIo()->GetNHits()>1);
@@ -738,11 +731,6 @@
SetEnergy( E_tot );
// set particle momentum from telescope dimensions (random)
- TIter nxt(GetDetectorList()); KVDetector* det; register int ndet = 0;
- while( (det = (KVDetector*)nxt()) ){
- fEloss[ndet] = det->GetEnergy();
- ++ndet;
- }
=== modified file 'KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.h'
--- KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.h 2011-05-26 12:14:32 +0000
+++ KVIndra/particles/KVINDRAReconNuc.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@
virtual void Clear(Option_t * t = "");
void Print(Option_t * option = "") const;
- inline UShort_t GetTimeMarker() const {
- return (GetStoppingDetector()?
- (GetStoppingDetector()->
- GetACQParam("T") ? GetStoppingDetector()->GetACQParam("T")->
- GetCoderData() : 0) : 0);
+ inline Short_t GetTimeMarker() const {
+ if(!GetStoppingDetector()) return -1;
+ KVACQParam* mqrt = GetStoppingDetector()->GetACQParam("T");
+ if(!mqrt || !mqrt->IsWorking()) return -1;
+ return (Short_t)mqrt->GetCoderData();
UInt_t GetRingNumber(void) const {
if (GetTelescope()) {
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/analysis/KVDataAnalyser.h'
--- KVMultiDet/analysis/KVDataAnalyser.h 2011-09-19 10:01:52 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/analysis/KVDataAnalyser.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@
virtual void WriteBatchInfo(TTree*);
virtual Int_t GetRunNumberFromFileName(const Char_t*);
+ virtual void RegisterUserClass(TObject*) {};
ClassDef(KVDataAnalyser, 0) //For submitting & performing data analysis tasks
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/analysis/KVRawDataAnalyser.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/analysis/KVRawDataAnalyser.cpp 2011-10-06 01:49:16 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/analysis/KVRawDataAnalyser.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
fRunNumber = newrun;
- fEventNumber=0;//event number
+ fEventNumber=1;//event number
Long64_t nevents = GetNbEventToRead();
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
//loop over events in file
while( fRunFile->GetNextEvent() && nevents--)
- fEventNumber++;
//reconstruct hit groups
KVSeqCollection* fired = fRunFile->GetFiredDataParameters();
gMultiDetArray->GetDetectorEvent(fDetEv, fired);
@@ -93,6 +91,7 @@
if(!((fEventNumber)%10000)) cout<< " ++++ " << fEventNumber << " events read ++++ " << endl;
+ fEventNumber+=1;
delete fDetEv;
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@
cout << "Ending analysis of run " << fRunNumber << " on : ";
TDatime now2;
cout << now2.AsString() << endl << endl;
- cout << endl << "Finished reading " << fEventNumber << " events from file " << raw_file.Data() << endl << endl;
+ cout << endl << "Finished reading " << fEventNumber-1 << " events from file " << raw_file.Data() << endl << endl;
//call user's end of run function
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/data_management/KVDataSet.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/data_management/KVDataSet.cpp 2011-09-08 10:19:48 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/data_management/KVDataSet.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -999,21 +999,13 @@
KVNumberList KVDataSet::GetRunList_StageSelection(const Char_t * type, const Char_t* ref_type)
// Returns list of runs which are present for data type "base_type" but not for "other_type"
- //On travaille que sur des systemes deja au moins en partie convertis
- // de ref_type en type
// if type is NULL or ="" returns empty KVNumberList
KVNumberList manquant;
- //if (!type || !strlen(type)) return numb;
- //KVString in_type = base_type;
- //numb = GetRunList(ref_type);
- //KVNumberList lout = GetRunList(type);
- //numb.Remove(lout);
- TList* ll = GetListOfAvailableSystems(type);
+ TList* ll = GetListOfAvailableSystems(ref_type);
if(!ll || !ll->GetEntries()){
+ Info("GetRunList_StageSelection","No data available of type \"%s\"", ref_type);
return manquant;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.cpp 2011-06-30 13:45:02 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -253,12 +253,18 @@
delete [] thickness;
Double_t epart = kvp->GetEnergy() - eloss;
+<<<<<<< TREE
if (epart<1e-3) {
//printf("%s, pb d arrondi on met l energie de la particule a 0\n",GetName());
epart = 0.0;
+ kvp->SetEnergy(epart);
+ Double_t eloss_old = GetEnergyLoss();
+ SetEnergyLoss(eloss_old+dE);
@@ -557,9 +563,7 @@
- if ((fParticles)) {
- fParticles->Clear();
- }
+ ClearHits();
//reset all layers in detector
KVMaterial *mat;
TIter next(fAbsorbers);
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.h'
--- KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.h 2011-06-01 13:40:54 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/detectors/KVDetector.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -227,7 +227,8 @@
void AddHit(KVNucleus * part)
- // Add to the list of particles hitting this detector in an event
+ // Add to the list of particles hitting this detector in an event
if (!fParticles) {
fParticles = new KVList(kFALSE);
@@ -240,7 +241,11 @@
return fParticles;
+ void ClearHits()
+ {
+ // clear the list of particles hitting this detector in an event
+ if(fParticles) fParticles->Clear();
+ };
// Return the number of particles hitting this detector in an event
Int_t GetNHits() const
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.cpp 2011-06-08 13:34:05 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@
// - loop over next to last stage...if any detector hit NOT ALREADY IN A "PARTICLE"
// construct "particle" etc. etc.
KVGroup *grp_tch;
#ifdef KV_DEBUG
@@ -273,14 +272,14 @@
KVReconstructedNucleus *d;
while ((d = GetNextParticle())) {
if (!d->IsIdentified()){
- if(d->GetStatus() < 3) { // if(d->GetStatus() == 0)
+ if(d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK){
// identifiable particles
- else if(d->GetStatus() == 3) {
+ else if(d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) {
// particles stopped in first member of a telescope
// estimation of Z (minimum) from energy loss (if detector is calibrated)
- UInt_t zmin = d->GetStoppingDetector()->FindZmin();
+ UInt_t zmin = d->GetStoppingDetector()->FindZmin(-1., d->GetMassFormula());
if( zmin ){
d->SetZ( zmin );
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.h'
--- KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.h 2011-04-21 14:30:39 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/events/KVReconstructedEvent.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@
inline Bool_t HasRandomAngles() {
return !fMeanAngles;
+ virtual void SecondaryIdentCalib()
+ {
+ // Perform identifications and calibrations of particles not included
+ // in first round (methods IdentifyEvent() and CalibrateEvent()).
+ };
ClassDef(KVReconstructedEvent, 2) //Base class for reconstructed experimental multiparticle events
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/events/KVSimEvent.h'
--- KVMultiDet/events/KVSimEvent.h 2011-08-23 09:07:16 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/events/KVSimEvent.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
KVSimEvent(Int_t mult = 50, const char *classname = "KVSimNucleus");
+<<<<<<< TREE
virtual ~KVSimEvent();
void Copy(TObject& obj) const;
@@ -22,6 +23,25 @@
void Print(Option_t* opt = "") const;
ClassDef(KVSimEvent,2)//Events from simulation
+ virtual ~KVSimEvent(){
+ delete add_variables; add_variables=0;
+ }
+ void init(){
+ add_variables = new KVNameValueList();
+ }
+ void Clear(Option_t * /* opt */ = ""){
+ KVEvent::Clear();
+ add_variables->Clear();
+ }
+ KVNameValueList* GetParameters() { return add_variables; }
+ ClassDef(KVSimEvent,1)//Events from simulation
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.cpp 2011-05-19 09:37:53 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -333,10 +333,7 @@
//reset energy loss and KVDetector::IsAnalysed() state
//plus ACQParams set to zero
- //GetDetectors()->Execute("Clear", "");
- if(GetDetectors()){
- GetDetectors()->R__FOR_EACH(KVDetector, Clear)();
- }
+ GetDetectors()->R__FOR_EACH(KVDetector, Clear)();
@@ -779,7 +776,7 @@
if (nuc->GetNSegDet() >= 2) {
//all part.s crossing 2 or more independent detectors are fine
- nuc->SetStatus(0);
+ nuc->SetStatus( KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK );
} else if (nuc->GetNSegDet() == 1) {
//only 1 independent detector hit => depends on what's in the rest
//of the group
@@ -787,7 +784,7 @@
} else {
//part.s crossing 0 independent detectors (i.E. arret ChIo)
//can not be reconstructed
- nuc->SetStatus(3);
+ nuc->SetStatus( KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage );
@@ -802,18 +799,18 @@
//after identifying the others and subtracting their calculated
//energy losses from the "dependent"/"non-segmented" detector
//(i.E. the ChIo)
- nuc->SetStatus(1);
+ nuc->SetStatus( KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOKafterSub );
} else {
//more than one ? then we can make some wild guess by sharing the
//"non-segmented" (i.e. ChIo) contribution between them, but
//I wouldn't trust it as far as I can spit
- nuc->SetStatus(2);
+ nuc->SetStatus( KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOKafterShare );
//one possibility remains: the particle may actually have stopped e.g. in the Si member
//of a Ring 1 Si-CsI telescope, in which case AnalStatus = 3
if (nuc->GetIDTelescopes()->GetSize() == 0) {
//no ID telescopes with which to identify particle
- nuc->SetStatus(3);
+ nuc->SetStatus( KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage );
@@ -829,16 +826,16 @@
if (nuc->GetNSegDet() > 0) {
//OK no problem
- nuc->SetStatus(0);
+ nuc->SetStatus(KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusOK);
} else {
//dead in the water
- nuc->SetStatus(3);
+ nuc->SetStatus(KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage);
//one possibility remains: the particle may actually have stopped e.g. in the 1st member
//of a telescope, in which case AnalStatus = 3
if (nuc->GetIDTelescopes()->GetSize() == 0) {
//no ID telescopes with which to identify particle
- nuc->SetStatus(3);
+ nuc->SetStatus(KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage);
#ifdef KV_DEBUG
@@ -866,3 +863,10 @@
return (GetHits() - GetNIdentified());
+void KVGroup::ClearHitDetectors()
+ // Loop over all detectors in group and clear their list of 'hits'
+ // i.e. the lists of particles which hit each detector
+ GetDetectors()->R__FOR_EACH(KVDetector, ClearHits)();
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.h'
--- KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.h 2011-04-11 09:16:50 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/geometry/KVGroup.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
return 0;
+ void ClearHitDetectors();
#if !defined(R__MACOSX)
inline UInt_t GetNIdentified();
inline UInt_t GetNUnidentified();
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.cpp 2011-08-23 09:07:16 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
+//#define KV_DEBUG 1
void KVMultiDetArray::DetectEvent(KVEvent * event,KVReconstructedEvent* rec_event)
//Simulate detection of event by multidetector array.
@@ -833,12 +833,11 @@
if (!fHitGroups){
//Create the list where fired groups will be stored
//for reconstruction
- fHitGroups = new KVUniqueNameList();
- fHitGroups->SetOwner(kFALSE); // owns its objects
+ fHitGroups = new KVDetectorEvent;//KVUniqueNameList();
else {
//Clear the multidetector before a new filter process
- fHitGroups->R__FOR_EACH(KVGroup,Reset) ();
+ //fHitGroups->R__FOR_EACH(KVGroup,Reset) ();
@@ -864,6 +863,7 @@
else {
+<<<<<<< TREE
//Double_t eLostInTarget=0;
if (fTarget){
@@ -878,12 +878,28 @@
part->AddGroup("STOPPED IN TARGET");
+ KVNameValueList* nvl = 0;
+ if ( !(nvl = DetectParticle(part)) ) {
+ Info("DetEv","nvl=0");
+ part->AddGroup("DEAD ZONE");
+ part->AddGroup("UNDETECTED");
+<<<<<<< TREE
if (part->GetKE()==0) {
+ else if ( nvl->GetNpar()==0 ) {
+ Info("DetEv","no params in nvl");
+ part->AddGroup("DEAD ZONE");
+ part->AddGroup("UNDETECTED");
+ delete nvl;
else {
+<<<<<<< TREE
//KVNameValueList* nvl = 0;
if ( !(nvl = DetectParticle(part)) ) {
det_stat->SetValue("UNDETECTED","DEAD ZONE");
@@ -906,7 +922,18 @@
KVDetector* last_det = GetDetector(LastDet.Data());
TList* ldet = last_det->GetAlignedDetectors();
TIter it1(ldet);
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv","OK for now");
+ Int_t nbre_nvl = nvl->GetEntries();
+ KVString LastDet(nvl->GetNameAt(nbre_nvl-1));
+ KVDetector* last_det = GetDetector(LastDet.Data());
+ TList* ldet = last_det->GetAlignedDetectors();
+ TIter it1(ldet);
+<<<<<<< TREE
Int_t ntrav=0;
KVDetector*dd = 0;
//Test de la trajectoire coherente
@@ -917,10 +944,44 @@
if (dd->GetTelescope()->IsSmallerThan(last_det->GetTelescope())) ntrav+=1;
else {
+ Int_t ntrav=0;
+ KVDetector*dd = 0;
+ //Test de la trajectoire coherente
+ while ( ( dd = (KVDetector* )it1.Next() ) ){
+ if (dd->GetNHits()){
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv", "detector %s has hits",dd->GetName());
+ if (dd->GetHits()->FindObject(part)){
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv", "particle found in hits list");
+ ntrav+=1;
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv", "particle not found in hit list");
+ dd->GetHits()->ls();
if (dd->GetTelescope()->IsSmallerThan(last_det->GetTelescope())) ntrav+=1;
- }
- }
+<<<<<<< TREE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv", "detector %s NO HITS",dd->GetName());
+ if (dd->GetTelescope()->IsSmallerThan(last_det->GetTelescope())) ntrav+=1;
+ }
+ }
+<<<<<<< TREE
if (ntrav != ldet->GetEntries()){
// la particule a une trajectoire
// incoherente, elle a loupe un detecteur avec une ouverture
@@ -946,14 +1007,62 @@
+ if (ntrav != ldet->GetEntries()){
+ // la particule a une trajectoire
+ // incoherente, elle a loupe un detecteur avec une ouverture
+ // plus large que ceux a la suite ou la particule est passe
+ // (ceci peut etre du a un pb de definition de zone morte autour de certains detecteur)
+ //
+ // on retire la particule sur tout les detecteurs
+ // ou elle est enregistree et on retire egalement
+ // sa contribution en energie
+ //
+ // on assimile en fait ces particules a
+ // des particules arretes dans les zones mortes
+ // non detectees
+ it1.Reset();
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Warning("DetectEvent","trajectoire incoherente ...");
+ while ( ( dd = (KVDetector* )it1.Next() ) )
+ if (dd->GetHits() && dd->GetHits()->FindObject(part)){
+ if ( nvl->HasParameter(dd->GetName()) ){
+ Double_t el = dd->GetEnergy();
+ el -= nvl->GetDoubleValue(dd->GetName());
+ dd->SetEnergyLoss(el);
+ if (dd->GetNHits()==1)
+ dd->SetEnergyLoss(0);
+<<<<<<< TREE
+ dd->GetHits()->Remove(part);
+ }
+ part->AddGroup("DEAD ZONE");
+ part->AddGroup("UNDETECTED");
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv","trajectoire OK");
+ TList* lidtel = last_det->GetTelescopesForIdentification();
+ if (lidtel->GetEntries()==0 && last_det->GetEnergy()==0){
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv","Arret dans un absorbeur");
+ //Arret dans un absorbeur (unactive layer, mylar pour les ChIo par ex)
else {
+<<<<<<< TREE
TList* lidtel = last_det->GetTelescopesForIdentification();
if (lidtel->GetEntries()==0 && last_det->GetEnergy()==0){
@@ -967,6 +1076,23 @@
//Warning("DetectEvent","threshold ...");
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ Info("DetEv","adding to hit groups");
+ part->AddGroup("DETECTED");
+ fHitGroups->AddGroup( last_det->GetGroup() );
+ if (lidtel->GetEntries()>0){
+ //Il y a possibilite d identification
+ }
+ else if (last_det->GetEnergy()>0){
+ //Il n'y a pas de possibilite d'identification
+ //arret dans une ChIo ou un Si qui sont le
+ //premier etage de detection
+ part->AddGroup("INCOMPLETE");
else {
@@ -1045,17 +1171,28 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
} //fin de loop over particles
delete det_stat;
+ }
+ // before reconstruction we have to clear the list of 'hits' of each detector
+ // (they currently hold the addresses of the simulated particles which were detected)
+ // which will be filled with the reconstructed particles, otherwise the number of hits
+ // in each detector will be 2x the real value, and coherency analysis of the reconstructed
+ // events will not work
KVGroup *grp_tch;
- TIter nxt_grp(fHitGroups);
+ TIter nxt_grp(fHitGroups->GetGroups());
while ((grp_tch = (KVGroup *) nxt_grp())) {
- rec_event->AnalyseGroup(grp_tch);
+ grp_tch->ClearHitDetectors();
+ //rec_event->AnalyseGroup(grp_tch);
+ // reconstruct the event
+ rec_event->ReconstructEvent(fHitGroups);
@@ -1082,7 +1219,11 @@
//simulate detection of particle by this group
- return grp_tch->DetectParticle(part);
+ KVNameValueList*nvl= grp_tch->DetectParticle(part);
+#ifdef KV_DEBUG
+ nvl->Print();
+ #endif
+ return nvl;
return 0;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.h'
--- KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.h 2011-06-01 13:40:54 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/geometry/KVMultiDetArray.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
KVSeqCollection *fDetectorTypes; //-> list of detector types used to construct telescopes of array
KVSeqCollection *fTelescopes; //-> list of telescope prototypes used to construct array
KVSeqCollection *fGroups; //->list of groups of telescopes in array
- KVUniqueNameList *fHitGroups; //list of hitted groups
+ KVDetectorEvent *fHitGroups; //list of hit groups in simulation
KVSeqCollection *fIDTelescopes; //->deltaE-E telescopes in groups
KVSeqCollection *fDetectors; //->list of references to all detectors in array
KVSeqCollection *fACQParams; //references to data acquisition parameters associated to detectors
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDCutLine.h'
--- KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDCutLine.h 2011-03-23 16:33:39 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDCutLine.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
KVString fAcceptedDirection; //direction relative to cut line corresponding to acceptable region
virtual void WriteAsciiFile_extras(ofstream &, const Char_t * name_prefix ="");
virtual void ReadAsciiFile_extras(ifstream &);
- virtual void SetZ(Int_t atnum){ ; };
- virtual void SetA(Int_t atnum){ ; };
- virtual void SetAandZ(Int_t atnum,Int_t ztnum){;};
- virtual void SetMassFormula(Int_t mf){ ; };
+ virtual void SetZ(Int_t /*atnum*/){ ; };
+ virtual void SetA(Int_t /*atnum*/){ ; };
+ virtual void SetAandZ(Int_t /*atnum*/,Int_t /*ztnum*/){;};
+ virtual void SetMassFormula(Int_t /*mf*/){ ; };
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDGraph.h'
--- KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDGraph.h 2011-10-13 15:14:05 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDGraph.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -339,6 +339,7 @@
virtual void SetVarY(const char* v){TCutG::SetVarY(v); };
virtual Int_t InsertPoint(){return TCutG::InsertPoint();};
virtual Int_t RemovePoint(){return TCutG::RemovePoint();};
+ virtual Int_t RemovePoint(Int_t i){return TCutG::RemovePoint(i);};
ClassDef(KVIDGraph,1)//Base class for particle identification in a 2D map
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDZAGrid.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDZAGrid.cpp 2011-10-25 13:08:20 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDZAGrid.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -1325,6 +1325,7 @@
//no lines corresponding to point were found
const_cast < KVIDZAGrid * >(this)->fICode = kICODE8; // Z indetermine ou (x,y) hors limites
idr->IDquality = kICODE8;
+ idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
if ( OnlyZId() )
@@ -1343,6 +1344,18 @@
idr->Z = Zint;
idr->PID = Z;
idr->A= Aint;
+ switch(fICode){
+ case kICODE0: idr->SetComment("ok"); break;
+ case kICODE1: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of Z, which could be larger"); break;
+ case kICODE2: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of Z, which could be smaller"); break;
+ case kICODE3: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of Z, which could be larger or smaller"); break;
+ case kICODE4: idr->SetComment("point is in between two lines of different Z, too far from either to be considered well-identified"); break;
+ case kICODE5: idr->SetComment("point is in between two lines of different Z, too far from either to be considered well-identified"); break;
+ case kICODE6: idr->SetComment("(x,y) is below first line in grid"); break;
+ case kICODE7: idr->SetComment("(x,y) is above last line in grid"); break;
+ default:
+ idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
+ }
@@ -1362,6 +1375,18 @@
idr->Aident = kTRUE;
idr->IDOK = kTRUE;
+ switch(fICode){
+ case kICODE0: idr->SetComment("ok"); break;
+ case kICODE1: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of A, which could be larger"); break;
+ case kICODE2: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of A, which could be smaller"); break;
+ case kICODE3: idr->SetComment("slight ambiguity of A, which could be larger or smaller"); break;
+ case kICODE4: idr->SetComment("point is in between two isotopes of different Z, too far from either to be considered well-identified"); break;
+ case kICODE5: idr->SetComment("point is in between two isotopes of different Z, too far from either to be considered well-identified"); break;
+ case kICODE6: idr->SetComment("(x,y) is below first line in grid"); break;
+ case kICODE7: idr->SetComment("(x,y) is above last line in grid"); break;
+ default:
+ idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
+ }
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDentifier.h'
--- KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDentifier.h 2011-04-01 13:28:10 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idmaps/KVIDentifier.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
// Does nothing. Can be overridden in child classes in order to write any
// extra information in between the name of the object and the number of points.
- virtual void WriteAsciiFile_extras(ofstream &, const Char_t * name_prefix =""){};
+ virtual void WriteAsciiFile_extras(ofstream &, const Char_t * /*name_prefix*/ =""){};
// Does nothing. Can be overridden in child classes in order to read any
// extra information in between the name of the object and the number of points.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
virtual void SetMassFormula(Int_t mf){ if(OnlyZId()) {fIon.SetMassFormula(mf); fMassFormula=mf; SetNameFromNucleus();} }; // *SUBMENU={Hierarchy="SetNucleus.../Mass Formula"}*
virtual Int_t GetMassFormula()const { return fIon.GetMassFormula(); }
- virtual Bool_t TestPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y)
+ virtual Bool_t TestPoint(Double_t /*x*/, Double_t /*y*/)
// Abstract method, should be overridden in child classes.
// Used to test whether a point (x,y) in the ID map is identifiable.
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
virtual Int_t ContinueDrawing(); // *MENU={Hierarchy="Modify Line.../ContinueDrawing"}*
virtual void ChechHierarchy(KVIDentifier* gr);
virtual Int_t RemovePoint(){ if(GetEditable()){ return TCutG::RemovePoint(); } else {return -1;} }; // *MENU={Hierarchy="Modify Line.../RemovePoint"}*
+ virtual Int_t RemovePoint(Int_t i){ return TCutG::RemovePoint(i); };
virtual Double_t GetPID() const;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.cpp 2011-06-08 13:34:05 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
-Bool_t KVIDTelescope::Identify(KVIdentificationResult*)
+Bool_t KVIDTelescope::Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t, Double_t)
//Default identification method.
//Identification of experimental data needs to be implemented in specific
@@ -1056,14 +1056,14 @@
-Double_t KVIDTelescope::GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A)
+Double_t KVIDTelescope::GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Eres)
// Returns the Y-axis value in the 2D identification map containing isotope (Z,A)
- // corresponding to the current X-axis value given by GetIDMapX.
+ // corresponding to either the given X-axis/Eres value or the current X-axis value given by GetIDMapX.
// If no mass information is available, just give Z.
// In this (default) implementation this means scanning the ID grids associated with
- // this telescope until we find and identification line Z or (Z,A), and then interpolating
+ // this telescope until we find an identification line Z or (Z,A), and then interpolating
// the Y-coordinate for the current X-coordinate value.
// Status variable can take one of following values:
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@
return -1.;
Double_t x,x1,y1,x2,y2;
- x = GetIDMapX();
+ x = (Eres < 0 ? GetIDMapX() : Eres);
status = kMeanDE_XtooLarge;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.h'
--- KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.h 2011-05-26 12:14:32 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/idtelescopes/KVIDTelescope.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
- virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*);
+ virtual Bool_t Identify(KVIdentificationResult*, Double_t x=-1., Double_t y=-1.);
virtual void CalculateParticleEnergy(KVReconstructedNucleus * nuc);
virtual Int_t GetCalibStatus() const
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
kMeanDE_XtooLarge, // X-coordinate is larger than largest X-coordinate of ID line
kMeanDE_NoIdentifier // No identifier found for Z or (Z,A)
- virtual Double_t GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A=-1);
+ virtual Double_t GetMeanDEFromID(Int_t &status, Int_t Z, Int_t A=-1, Double_t Eres = -1.0);
ClassDef(KVIDTelescope, 5) //A delta-E - E identification telescope
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.cpp 2011-06-08 13:34:05 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,3 @@
- kvreconstructednucleus.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Fri Oct 18 2002
- copyright : (C) 2002 by Alexis Mignon
- email : mignon@xxxxxxxx
-$Id: KVReconstructedNucleus.cpp,v 1.60 2009/03/03 13:36:00 franklan Exp $
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "KVReconstructedNucleus.h"
#include "KVTelescope.h"
@@ -68,14 +49,6 @@
- fNumDet = 0;
- fNumPar = 0;
- for (register int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_DET; i++) {
- fEloss[i] = 0.0;
- }
- for (register int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_PAR; i++) {
- fACQData[i] = 0;
- }
for (register int i = 0; i < IDRESULTS_DIM; i++) {
@@ -109,7 +82,6 @@
if (fDetList){
- //fDetList->Clear();
delete fDetList;
@@ -131,7 +103,7 @@
UInt_t R__s, R__c;
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
- //if( R__v < 12 ) { }
+ //if( R__v < 15 ) { }
// if the multidetector object exists, update some informations
// concerning the detectors etc. hit by this particle
@@ -142,19 +114,11 @@
fIDTelescope = 0;
if(fIDTelName!="") fIDTelescope = gMultiDetArray->GetIDTelescope( fIDTelName.Data() );
TIter next_det(fDetList);
- KVDetector *det;register int ndet = 0;UInt_t npar=0;
+ KVDetector *det;
while ( (det = (KVDetector*)next_det()) ){
fNSegDet += det->GetSegment();
- det->SetEnergy(fEloss[ndet]);
- ndet++;
- if (det->GetACQParamList()) {
- TIter next_par(det->GetACQParamList());
- KVACQParam *par;
- while ((par = (KVACQParam *) next_par())) {
- par->SetData(fACQData[npar++]);
- }
- }
+ det->SetAnalysed();
//modify detector's counters depending on particle's identification state
if (IsIdentified())
@@ -173,10 +137,10 @@
cout << "KVReconstructedNucleus:" << endl;
- if (GetNumDet()) {
- for (int i = GetNumDet() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ int ndets=GetNumDet();
+ if (ndets) {
+ for (int i = ndets - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
KVDetector *det = GetDetector(i);
if(det) det->Print("data");
@@ -203,10 +167,6 @@
((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).fDetNames = fDetNames;
((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetRealZ(GetRealZ());
((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetRealA(GetRealA());
- ((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetNumDet(GetNumDet());
- ((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetNumPar(GetNumPar());
- ((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetElossTable(GetElossTable());
- ((KVReconstructedNucleus &) obj).SetACQData(GetACQData());
@@ -220,7 +180,6 @@
if (GetGroup())
if (fDetList){
- //fDetList->Clear();
delete fDetList;
@@ -230,8 +189,7 @@
void KVReconstructedNucleus::AddDetector(KVDetector * det)
//Add a detector to the list of those through which the particle passed.
- //Put reference to detector into fDetectors array, store detector's energy loss value in
- //fEloss array, increase number of detectors by one.
+ //Put reference to detector into fDetectors array, increase number of detectors by one.
//As this is only used in initial particle reconstruction, we add 1 unidentified particle to the detector.
// Creates KVHashList fDetList in case it does not exist.
@@ -241,28 +199,6 @@
// store pointer to detector
if (!fDetList) fDetList = new KVHashList;
- if (fNumDet == MAX_NUM_DET) {
- Warning("AddDetector",
- "Cannot store informations for more than %d detectors for reconstructed nucleus. Detector infos not taken into account",
- fNumDet);
- }
- else {
- fEloss[fNumDet++] = det->GetEnergy();
- if (det->GetACQParamList()) {
- if ((fNumPar + det->GetACQParamList()->GetSize()) > MAX_NUM_PAR) {
- Warning("AddDetector",
- "Cannot add more than %d DAQ parameters to reconstructed nucleus. Parameters not taken into account",
- }
- else{
- TIter next_par(det->GetACQParamList());
- KVACQParam *par;
- while ((par = (KVACQParam *) next_par())) {
- fACQData[fNumPar++] = par->GetCoderData();
- }
- }
- }
- }
//add segmentation index of detector to total segmentation index of particle
fNSegDet += det->GetSegment();
//add 1 unidentified particle to the detector
@@ -317,39 +253,40 @@
// The identification code corresponding to the identifying telescope is set as the identification code of the particle.
KVList *idt_list = GetStoppingDetector()->GetAlignedIDTelescopes();
if (idt_list && idt_list->GetSize() > 0) {
KVIDTelescope *idt;
TIter next(idt_list);
Int_t idnumber = 1;
while ((idt = (KVIDTelescope *) next())) {
KVIdentificationResult *IDR=GetIdentificationResult(idnumber++);
- if ( IDR && idt->IsReadyForID() ) { // is telescope able to identify for this run ?
- idt->Identify( IDR );
- //We reduce the "segmentation" index by 1.
- //If this remains >=2, we carry on trying to identify
- //However, if it falls to 1, then the particle's identifiability depends
- //on the rest of the KVGroup where it was detected.
- //If there are no other _unidentified_ particles in the group, it's fine.
- //If there _are_ other unidentified particles in the group, then we should wait until
- //the next ID round (equivalent of particles with GetAnalStatus=1).
- SetNSegDet(TMath::Max(GetNSegDet() - 1, 0));
- //if there are other unidentified particles in the group and NSegDet is < 2
- //then exact status depends on segmentation of the other particles : reanalyse
- //cout << "...........NSegDet now = " << GetNSegDet() << " && number unidentified in group="
- // << (int)GetGroup()->GetNUnidentified() << endl;
- //if (GetNSegDet() < 2 && GetGroup()->GetNUnidentified() > 1)
- //break;
- //if NSegDet = 0 it's hopeless
- //if (!GetNSegDet())
- //break;
+ if ( IDR ){
+ if(idt->IsReadyForID() ) { // is telescope able to identify for this run ?
+ IDR->IDattempted = kTRUE;
+ idt->Identify( IDR );
+ }
+ else
+ IDR->IDattempted = kFALSE;
+ if((!IDR->IDattempted) || (IDR->IDattempted && !IDR->IDOK)){
+ // the particle is less identifiable than initially thought
+ // we may have to wait for secondary identification
+ Int_t nseg = GetNSegDet();
+ SetNSegDet(TMath::Max(nseg - 1, 0));
+ //if there are other unidentified particles in the group and NSegDet is < 2
+ //then exact status depends on segmentation of the other particles : reanalyse
+ if (GetNSegDet() < 2 && GetGroup()->GetNUnidentified() > 1){
+ GetGroup()->AnalyseParticles();
+ return;
+ }
+ //if NSegDet = 0 it's hopeless
+ if (!GetNSegDet()){
+ GetGroup()->AnalyseParticles();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
@@ -389,67 +326,6 @@
-Int_t KVReconstructedNucleus::GetIDSubCode(const Char_t * id_tel_type,
- KVIDSubCode & code) const
- //If the identification of the particle was attempted using a KVIDTelescope of type "id_tel_type",
- //and 'code' holds all the subcodes from the different identification routines tried for this particle,
- //then this method returns the subcode for this particle from telescope type "id_tel_type".
- //
- //In case of problems (no ID telescope of type 'id_tel_type'), the returned value is -65535.
- //
- //If no type is given (first argument = ""), we use the identifying telescope (obviously if the
- //particle has remained unidentified - IsIdentified()==kFALSE - and the GetIdentifyingTelescope()
- //pointer is not set, we return -65535).
- KVIDTelescope *idtel;
- if (strcmp(id_tel_type, ""))
- idtel =
- (KVIDTelescope *) GetIDTelescopes()->
- FindObjectByType(id_tel_type);
- else
- idtel = GetIdentifyingTelescope();
- if (!idtel)
- return -65535;
- return idtel->GetIDSubCode(code);
-const Char_t *KVReconstructedNucleus::GetIDSubCodeString(const Char_t *
- id_tel_type,
- KVIDSubCode &
- code) const
- //If the identification of the particle was attempted using a KVIDTelescope of type "id_tel_type",
- //and 'code' holds all the subcodes from the different identification routines tried for this particle,
- //then this method returns an explanation for the subcode for this particle from telescope type "id_tel_type".
- //
- //If no type is given (first argument = ""), we use the identifying telescope.
- //
- //In case of problems :
- // no ID telescope of type 'id_tel_type' : "No identification attempted in id_tel_type"
- // particle not identified : "Particle unidentified. Identifying telescope not set."
- KVIDTelescope *idtel;
- if (strcmp(id_tel_type, ""))
- idtel =
- (KVIDTelescope *) GetIDTelescopes()->
- FindObjectByType(id_tel_type);
- else
- idtel = GetIdentifyingTelescope();
- if (!idtel) {
- if (strcmp(id_tel_type, ""))
- return Form("No identification attempted in %s", id_tel_type);
- else
- return
- Form("Particle unidentified. Identifying telescope not set.");
- }
- return idtel->GetIDSubCodeString(code);
void KVReconstructedNucleus::Calibrate()
@@ -470,13 +346,6 @@
KVIDTelescope* idt = GetIdentifyingTelescope();
- //if calibration was successful, we now read the energy losses from the detectors
- //this is because detectors whose calibration
- //depends on the identity (Z & A) of the particle will only have their energy loss
- //member set when this method is called; otherwise it remains 0.
- //Also, whenever possible, we calculate the energy loss for any uncalibrated or
- //non-functioning detectors during this procedure, so this calculated energy loss
- //will also be stored.
if ( idt->GetCalibStatus() != KVIDTelescope::kCalibStatus_NoCalibrations ){
//add correction for target energy loss - charged particles only
@@ -487,11 +356,6 @@
Double_t E_tot = GetEnergy() + E_targ;
SetEnergy( E_tot );
- TIter nxt(GetDetectorList()); KVDetector* det; register int ndet = 0;
- while( (det = (KVDetector*)nxt()) ){
- fEloss[ndet] = det->GetEnergy();
- ++ndet;
- }
// set particle momentum from telescope dimensions (random)
@@ -527,3 +391,24 @@
if(idr->Aident) {SetA( idr->A );SetRealA( idr->PID );}
else SetRealZ( idr->PID );
+void KVReconstructedNucleus::SubtractEnergyFromAllDetectors()
+ // Subtract the calculated energy loss of this particle from the measured energy
+ // loss of all detectors it passed through.
+ TIter nxt(GetDetectorList(), kIterBackward);
+ KVDetector* det;
+ Double_t Einc = GetEnergy() - GetTargetEnergyLoss(); // energy before first detector
+ while( (det = (KVDetector*)nxt()) ){
+ Double_t Edet = det->GetEnergy();
+ Double_t dE = det->GetDeltaE(GetZ(), GetA(), Einc); // calculate apparent energy loss in active layer
+ Double_t Eres = det->GetERes(GetZ(), GetA(), Einc); // calculate energy after detector
+ Edet-=dE;
+ if(Edet<0.1) Edet=0.;
+ det->SetEnergyLoss(Edet);
+ Einc = Eres;
+ if(Einc<0.1) break;
+ }
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.h'
--- KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.h 2011-05-26 12:14:32 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/particles/KVReconstructedNucleus.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
- kvreconstructednucleus.h - description
- -------------------
- begin : Fri Oct 18 2002
- copyright : (C) 2002 by Alexis Mignon
- email : mignon@xxxxxxxx
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
@@ -32,13 +14,6 @@
class KVReconstructedNucleus:public KVNucleus {
-#define MAX_NUM_DET 5
-#define MAX_NUM_PAR 15
- Int_t fNumDet; //number of detectors particle passed through - Int_t imposed by TStreamerInfo
- Double_t fEloss[MAX_NUM_DET]; //[5] measured energy losses in each successive detector
- Int_t fNumPar; //number of associated acquisition parameters - Int_t imposed by TStreamerInfo
- UShort_t fACQData[MAX_NUM_PAR];//[15] values of acquisition parameters
KVString fDetNames; // list of names of detectors through which particle passed
KVHashList* fDetList; //! non-persistent list of pointers to detectors
KVString fIDTelName; // name of identification telescope which identified this particle (if any)
@@ -65,6 +40,17 @@
+ // status codes given to reconstructed particles by KVGroup::AnalyseParticles
+ enum {
+ kStatusOK, // = 0 : identification is, in principle at least, possible straight away
+ kStatusOKafterSub, //= 1 : identification is, in principle, possible after identification and subtraction
+ // of energy losses of other particles in the same group which have Status=0
+ kStatusOKafterShare, // = 2 : the energy loss in the shared detector of the group must be shared
+ // (arbitrarily) between this and the other particle(s) with Status=2
+ kStatusStopFirstStage // = 3 : the particle has stopped in the first member of an identification
+ // telescope; a minimum Z could be estimated from the measured energy loss.
+ };
KVReconstructedNucleus(const KVReconstructedNucleus &);
void init();
@@ -102,51 +88,27 @@
// Return pointer to the detector in which this particle stopped
return GetDetector(0);
- void SetNumDet(UChar_t num) {
- if (num > MAX_NUM_DET) {
- Warning("SetNumDet(num)", "num is greater than max allowed (%d)",
- num = MAX_NUM_DET;
- }
- fNumDet = num;
- };
- UChar_t GetNumDet() const {
- return fNumDet;
- };
- void SetNumPar(UChar_t num) {
- if (num > MAX_NUM_PAR) {
- Warning("SetNumPar(num)", "num is greater than max allowed (%d)",
- num = MAX_NUM_PAR;
- }
- fNumPar = num;
- };
- UChar_t GetNumPar() const {
- return fNumPar;
- };
- void SetACQData(const UShort_t * acqtab) {
- for (UChar_t i = 0; i < fNumPar; i++) {
- fACQData[i] = acqtab[i];
- }
- };
- const UShort_t *GetACQData() const {
- return fACQData;
- }
- void SetElossTable(const Double_t * etab) {
- for (UChar_t i = 0; i < fNumDet; i++) {
- fEloss[i] = etab[i];
- }
- }
- const Double_t *GetElossTable() const {
- return fEloss;
- }
+ Int_t GetNumDet() const {
+ return GetDetectorList()->GetEntries();
+ };
Int_t GetNSegDet() const {
+ // return segmentation index of particle used by Identify() and
+ // KVGroup::AnalyseParticles
return fNSegDet;
void SetNSegDet(Int_t seg) {
+ // set segmentation index of particle used by Identify() and
+ // KVGroup::AnalyseParticles
fNSegDet = seg;
+ void ResetNSegDet()
+ {
+ // recalculate segmentation index of particle used by Identify() and
+ // KVGroup::AnalyseParticles
+ fNSegDet=0;
+ KVDetector* det; TIter nxt(fDetList);
+ while( (det=(KVDetector*)nxt()) ) fNSegDet += det->GetSegment();
+ };
inline Int_t GetStatus() const
// Returns status of reconstructed particle as decided by analysis of the group (KVGroup) in
@@ -155,12 +117,12 @@
// straight away or if we need to wait until other particles in the same group have been
// identified and calibrated (case of >1 particle crossing shared detector in a group).
- // Status = 0 : identification is, in principle at least, possible straight away
- // Status = 1 : identification is, in principle, possible after identification of other particles
- // in the same group which have Status=0
- // Status = 2 : the energy loss in the shared detector of the group must be shared
- // (arbitrarily) between this and the other particle(s) with Status=2
- // Status = 3 : the particle has stopped in the first member of an identification
+ // kStatusOK (0) : identification is, in principle at least, possible straight away
+ // kStatusOKafterSub (1) : identification is, in principle, possible after identification and subtraction
+ // of energy losses of other particles in the same group which have Status=0
+ // kStatusOKafterShare (2) : the energy loss in the shared detector of the group must be shared
+ // (arbitrarily) between this and the other particle(s) with Status=2
+ // kStatusStopFirstStage (3) : the particle has stopped in the first member of an identification
// telescope; a minimum Z could be estimated from the measured energy loss.
// (see KVDetector::FindZmin)
return fAnalStatus;
@@ -247,12 +209,6 @@
return TestBit(kIsCalibrated);
- Int_t GetIDSubCode(const Char_t * id_tel_type,
- KVIDSubCode & code) const;
- const Char_t *GetIDSubCodeString(const Char_t * id_tel_type,
- KVIDSubCode & code) const;
void SetRealZ(Float_t zz) {
fRealZ = zz;
@@ -349,8 +305,10 @@
// Returns NULL if no identification of given type found.
return GetIdentificationResult(idt->GetType());
+ virtual void SubtractEnergyFromAllDetectors();
- ClassDef(KVReconstructedNucleus, 14) //Nucleus detected by multidetector array
+ ClassDef(KVReconstructedNucleus, 15) //Nucleus detected by multidetector array
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVGSum.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVGSum.cpp 2009-01-23 15:25:52 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVGSum.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
void KVVGSum::init_KVVGSum(void)
+ ClearNameIndex();
fClass = 0;
fMethod = 0;
fVal = 0;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVarGlob.h'
--- KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVarGlob.h 2011-04-05 23:44:40 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/vg_base/KVVarGlob.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
void init(void);
void SetNameIndex(const Char_t * name, Int_t index); // associe un nom et un index
+ void ClearNameIndex()
+ {
+ // Delete previously defined associations between variable name and index
+ nameList.Clear();
+ };
KVString fFrame;//(optional) name of reference frame used for kinematics
KVParameterList<KVString> fOptions;//list of options
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.cpp'
--- KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.cpp 2011-03-31 08:16:39 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
//By default, only particles with Z >= Zmin (default value=3) are included in
//the calculation. Use SetZmin(0) or SetZmin(1) to include all particles.
-//Use SetPartLabel() in order to use only particles with a given label.
+//Use SetPartGroup() in order to use only particles belonging to a given group
+//(see KVParticle::AddGroup and KVParticle::BelongsToGroup).
//Note that the condition on the particle's Z is still used, thus
-//if e.g., SetZmin(10) and SetPartLabel("alpha") are used, only
-//particles with the name/label "alpha" and Z>=10 will be included.
+//if e.g., SetZmin(10) and SetPartGroup("alpha") are used, only
+//particles belonging to group "alpha" and Z>=10 will be included.
//By default the tensor is calculated from particle momenta
//in the default (laboratory) frame.
@@ -34,14 +35,13 @@
// Name Index Meaning
-// ThetaFlot 0 (default) Theta flow (in degrees between -90 and +90)
+// ThetaFlot 0 (default) Theta flow (in degrees between 0 and +90)
// PhiPlan 1 Phi of the reaction plane (in degrees between 0 and 360)
// Vap1 2 Value of the 1st eigenvalue
// Vap2 3 Value of the 2nd eigenvalue
// Vap3 4 Value of the 3rd eigenvalue
// Sphericite 5 Sphericity
// Coplanarite 6 Coplanarity
-// Directivite 7 (not computed) Directivity
// All these values can be obtained by calling the GetValuePtr() method which
// returns an array of Double_t containing the values.
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
SetNameIndex("Vap3", 4);
SetNameIndex("Sphericite", 5);
SetNameIndex("Coplanarite", 6);
- SetNameIndex("Directivite", 7);
@@ -227,9 +226,9 @@
//This particle will be rejected if:
//(1) it has Z < Zmin
- //(2) it does not have the name/label defined with SetPartLabel**
+ //(2) it does not belong to the group defined with SetPartGroup**
- // **if no label defined, only Z>=Zmin condition is used.
+ // **if no group defined, only Z>=Zmin condition is used.
//This uses the 3 cartesian components of the particle's velocity vector
//with a weight equal to the particle's A.
@@ -238,9 +237,7 @@
//To calculate in another frame, use KVVarGlob::SetFrame() before
//calculation begins
- //if particle label has been set, check name of particle
- //if not, accept all
- Bool_t ok = ((fLabel != "") ? (fLabel == c->GetName()) : kTRUE);
+ Bool_t ok = ((fLabel != "") ? (c->BelongsToGroup(fLabel.Data())) : kTRUE);
//check Z of particle
if ((c->GetZ() >= GetZmin()) && ok) {
@@ -270,17 +267,15 @@
// 4 Value of the 3rd eigenvalue
// 5 Sphericity
// 6 Coplanarity
-// 7 Directivity
- fVal[0] = tenseurP->GetThetaFlot();
+ fVal[0] = TMath::Abs(tenseurP->GetThetaFlot());
fVal[1] = tenseurP->GetPhiPlan();
fVal[2] = tenseurP->GetVap(1);
fVal[3] = tenseurP->GetVap(2);
fVal[4] = tenseurP->GetVap(3);
fVal[5] = tenseurP->GetSphericite();
fVal[6] = tenseurP->GetCoplanarite();
- fVal[7] = tenseurP->GetDirectivite();
return fVal;
@@ -298,13 +293,12 @@
// 4 Value of the 3rd eigenvalue
// 5 Sphericity
// 6 Coplanarity
-// 7 Directivity
Double_t rval = 0;
switch (i) {
case 0:
- rval = tenseurP->GetThetaFlot();
+ rval = TMath::Abs(tenseurP->GetThetaFlot());
case 1:
@@ -331,10 +325,6 @@
rval = tenseurP->GetCoplanarite();
- case 7:
- rval = tenseurP->GetDirectivite();
- break;
rval = 0.;
=== modified file 'KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.h'
--- KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.h 2011-03-31 08:16:39 +0000
+++ KVMultiDet/vg_shape/KVTensP.h 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@
virtual Double_t *GetValuePtr(void); // On retourne un tableau de
- virtual void SetPartLabel(const Char_t * lab) {
+ virtual void SetPartGroup(const Char_t * lab) {
fLabel = lab;
- virtual const Char_t *GetPartLabel() const {
+ virtual const Char_t *GetPartGroup() const {
return fLabel.Data();
=== modified file 'VAMOS/analysis/KVIVRawDataAnalyser.cpp'
--- VAMOS/analysis/KVIVRawDataAnalyser.cpp 2009-12-11 10:05:59 +0000
+++ VAMOS/analysis/KVIVRawDataAnalyser.cpp 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
void KVIVRawDataAnalyser::postInitRun()
- ((KVGANILDataReader*)fRunFile)->GetGanTapeInterface()->SetUserTree( fBidonTree );
+ KVINDRARawDataAnalyser::postInitRun(); // initialise event counters
+ ((KVGANILDataReader*)fRunFile)->GetGanTapeInterface()->SetUserTree( fBidonTree );
=== modified file 'VERSION'
--- VERSION 2011-06-10 10:49:54 +0000
+++ VERSION 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
=== modified file 'etc/KaliVeda.rootrc'
--- etc/KaliVeda.rootrc 2011-10-25 14:30:21 +0000
+++ etc/KaliVeda.rootrc 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -203,10 +203,6 @@
Reconstruction.DataAnalysisTask.Prereq: raw
Reconstruction.DataAnalysisTask.Analyser: INDRARawDataRecon
-# The following variable can be used to change the format of the "RawData" tree which is created and filled
-# in 'recon' data files. The value is the option given to KVGANILDataReader::SetUserTree.
-KVINDRARawDataReconstructor.RawDataTreeFormat: arrays
# The following variable controls the way that particles are reconstructed from raw data
# In the detector in which the particle stops, we require KVDetector::Fired( "option" )
# with "option" = "all" or "any".
@@ -347,6 +343,13 @@
Identification2.DataAnalysisTask.UserClass: no
Identification2.DataAnalysisTask.UserClass.Base: INDRAIdentRoot/TSelector
++DataAnalysisTask: ReconRoot
+ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.Title: Generation of fully-identified and calibrated data (recon->root)
+ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.Prereq: recon
+ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.Analyser: INDRAReconData
+ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.UserClass: no
+ReconRoot.DataAnalysisTask.UserClass.Base: INDRAReconRoot/TSelector
+DataAnalysisTask: RawAnalysis
RawAnalysis.DataAnalysisTask.Title: Analysis of raw data
RawAnalysis.DataAnalysisTask.Prereq: raw
@@ -445,6 +448,7 @@
+Plugin.TSelector: INDRAGeneDataSelector KVINDRAGeneDataSelector KVIndra "KVINDRAGeneDataSelector()"
+Plugin.TSelector: INDRAReconIdent KVReconIdent KVIndra "KVReconIdent()"
+Plugin.TSelector: INDRAIdentRoot KVIdentRoot KVIndra "KVIdentRoot()"
++Plugin.TSelector: INDRAReconRoot KVINDRAReconRoot KVIndra "KVINDRAReconRoot()"
+Plugin.TSelector: IVReconIdent KVIVReconIdent VAMOS "KVIVReconIdent()"
#+Plugin.TSelector: ReconIdent_e475s KVReconIdent_e475s KVIndra "KVReconIdent_e475s()"
+Plugin.TSelector: IVSelector KVIVSelector VAMOS "KVIVSelector()"
=== modified file 'html/ReleaseNotes_1.8.1.html'
--- html/ReleaseNotes_1.8.1.html 2011-06-09 15:52:05 +0000
+++ html/ReleaseNotes_1.8.1.html 2011-11-08 15:13:29 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/site.css" type="text/css">
-<h1>KaliVeda v1.8.1 Release Notes</h1>
+<h1>KaliVeda v1.8.1a Release Notes</h1>
<div class="leftSide">
<div class="KaliVeda">KaliVeda</div>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<div class="page">
-Here is a (far-from-complete) list of what's new in KaliVeda v1.8.1.<br>
+Here is a (far-from-complete) list of what's new in KaliVeda v1.8.1a.<br>
For more details, see <a
@@ -61,7 +61,13 @@
<li>all particles whose mass is not measured have A calculated from Z
using Charity EAL formula (KVNucleus::kEALMass formula).</li>
<li>discrimination of neutrons is performed for all forward rings
-(1-9) by comparison of CsI and Si-CsI identifications.<br>
+(1-9) by comparison of CsI and Si-CsI identifications.</li>
+ <li>energy calibration codes now have the same meaning (and values)
+as for previous campaigns of data. The "standard" codes to accept for
+analysis are therefore kECode1 and kECode2 (<span
+ style="font-family: monospace;">GetEvent()->AcceptECodes(kECode1 |
+kECode2)</span> in <span style="font-family: monospace;">InitRun() </span>of
+analysis classes).<br>
@@ -78,7 +84,8 @@
New "simulation mode" for detectors (<a
-and multidetector arrays (<a
+multidetector arrays (<a
- this just turns on the "simulation mode" for all detectors of the
array). In "simulation mode" a detector is "fired" (<a
@@ -122,7 +129,8 @@
Several improvements have been made to the ROOT geometry generated from
a KVMultiDetArray (method <a
-with a view to using it with the Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) package
+a view to using it with the Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) package
provided by ROOT in order to interface with packages such as GEANT3 and
All TGeoMaterials used in the geometry for composite materials in the
@@ -156,7 +164,8 @@
-to be used is determined by an environment
+be used is determined by an environment
<pre>KVMaterial.IonRangeTable: VEDALOSS</pre>
and all implementations are plugin classes derived from KVIonRangeTable:<br>
@@ -193,7 +202,8 @@
-centimetres. Note that these classes now inherit the new <a
+Note that these classes now inherit the new <a
href="1.8.1/KVINDRADetector.html">KVINDRADetector</a> base class.<br>
<h3>Changes to existing classes</h3>
@@ -206,7 +216,7 @@
now have the same meaning for all materials: they concern the linear
dimensions of the absorber (standard units: centimetres). New methods <span
style="font-family: monospace;">Get/SetAreaDensity</span> apply in the
-same way to all, with standard units of g/cm**3.<br>
+same way to all, with standard units of g/cm**2.<br>
The methods<br>
<pre>Double_t GetBraggDE(Int_t Z, Int_t A)<br>Double_t GetBraggE(Int_t Z, Int_t A)<br></pre>
have been renamed:<br>
@@ -273,7 +283,8 @@
creates a TGraph which gives the punch-through energy as a function of
Z for Z=1 to Z=92. <a
-Char_t* detector)</a> does the same but takes into account any
+detector)</a> does the same but takes into account any
detectors which are placed in front of the detector in question in the
array geometry; the punch-through energy in this case corresponds to
the incident energy required to punch through all previous detectors
@@ -307,7 +318,8 @@
-list of KVedaLossMaterial objects which use the same
+of KVedaLossMaterial objects which use the same
tabulation of ranges of heavy ions as before:<br>
<pre> *************************************************************************<br> * VEDALOSS STOPPING POWER & RANGE TABLES *<br> * *<br> * 1. Si Silicon Z=14 A= 28.1 rho= 2.330 g/cm**3 *<br> * 2. Myl Mylar Z= 4 A= 8.7 rho= 1.395 g/cm**3 *<br> * 3. NE102 Plastic Z= 3 A= 6.5 rho= 1.032 g/cm**3 *<br> * 4. Ni Nickel Z=28 A= 58.7 rho= 8.902 g/cm**3 *<br> * 5. C3F8 Octofluoropropane Z= 8 A= 17.1 rho= 0.008 g/cm**3 *<br> * 6. C Carbon Z= 6 A= 12.0 rho= 1.900 g/cm**3 *<br> * 7. Ag Silver Z=47 A=107.9 rho=10.500 g/cm**3 *<br> * 8. Sn Tin Z=50 A=118.7 rho= 5.750 g/cm**3 *<br> * 9. CsI CesiumIodide Z=54 A=129.9 rho= 4.510 g/cm**3 *<br> * 10. Au Gold Z=79 A=197.0 rho=19.300 g/cm**3 *<br> * 11. U Uranium Z=92 A=238.0 rho=18.950 g/cm**3 *<br> * 12. Air Air Z= 7 A= 14.4 rho= 0.001 g/cm**3 *<br> * 13. Nb Nobium Z=41 A= 92.9 rho= 8.570 g/cm**3 *<br> * 14. Ta Tantalum Z=73 A=180.9 rho=16.654 g/cm**3 *<br> * 15. Al Aluminium Z=13 A= 27.0 rho= 2.699 g/cm**3 *<br> * 16. KCl KCl Z=18 A= 37.3 rho= 1.987 g/cm**3 *<br> * 17. CF4 Tetrafluoromethane Z= 8 A= 17.6 rho= 0.004 g/cm**3 *<br> * 18. Ca Calcium Z=20 A= 40.1 rho= 1.550 g/cm**3 *<br> * 19. Ge Germanium Z=32 A= 72.6 rho= 5.323 g/cm**3 *<br> * 20. Cu Copper Z=29 A= 63.5 rho= 8.960 g/cm**3 *<br> * 21. Ti Titanium Z=22 A= 47.9 rho= 4.540 g/cm**3 *<br> * 22. Bi Bismuth Z=83 A=209.0 rho= 9.747 g/cm**3 *<br> * 23. V Vanadium Z=23 A= 50.9 rho= 6.110 g/cm**3 *<br> * 24. C4H10 Isobutane Z= 2 A= 4.2 rho= 0.002 g/cm**3 *<br> * 25. Pb Lead Z=82 A=207.2 rho=11.350 g/cm**3 *<br> * 26. PbS LeadSulphide Z=49 A=120.0 rho= 7.500 g/cm**3 *<br> * 27. Mg Magnesium Z=12 A= 24.3 rho= 1.738 g/cm**3 *<br> * 28. Li Lithium Z= 3 A= 6.9 rho= 0.534 g/cm**3 *<br> * 29. Zn Zinc Z=30 A= 65.4 rho= 7.133 g/cm**3 *<br> * *<br> * TF1::Range::Npx = 20 TF1::EnergyLoss::Npx = 50 *<br> * TF1::ResidualEnergy::Npx = 20 *<br> * *<br> * INITALISATION COMPLETE *<br> *************************************************************************<br></pre>
The tabulated range of ions in each material as a function of incident
@@ -326,7 +338,8 @@
-were not always the same, and could have a significant
+not always the same, and could have a significant
As mentioned above, all units and "thicknesses" have been rationalised
Follow ups