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7/4/2010 Keryx Development Meeting


Have you ever had a week in which there seems to be no time? Well,
this has been one of those for me. Despite the utter lack of time, I
managed to make a couple of improvements to the Download window.
First, I added the long-awaited Cancel button (go ahead and cheer out
loud if you like). Unfortunately, the Cancel button stops the download
in its tracks, leaving a half-downloaded file. Next week I'll work on
having files downloaded to the 'partial' directory first, and moved to
the final target directory only after the entire download is complete.
The second thing I did was have the Cancel button turn to a Done
button when all downloads are complete. Before, the window just sat
there looking dumb until you closed it.

In addition to the pittance of coding I did, I mustered the courage to
set up a PPA and use the 'quickly share' command. You can now install
my in-development version of Keryx by adding this PPA to your software
sources: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mac9416/+archive/ppa
I'll be updating it every several days. Feel free (nay, encouraged!)
to install it and report any bugs you run into.

To chat with us about these changes and those to come, be in #keryx
(irc.freenode.net) at 0000 UTC (8:00PM Eastern, 7:00 Central).

I'll see you then!

PS: Happy Independence Day!