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Re: Tip on compiling PCBNEW svn 701


Ing. Gabriele Oberhammer wrote:
Hi, a little note on compiling PCBNEW under Ubuntu Linux:
In 'how-to-bulid-kicad.txt' is stated you have to install boost library headers. Installing 'libboost-dev' is not sufficient, you need to install 'libboost-serialization-dev' too. I.e.:

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-serialization-dev


PS: You guys are doing a tremendous job here :-D

Thanks Gabriele,

I'm wondering if this requirement is specific to your version of Ubuntu.... I am running Gutsy here and what you say seems *not* to be required on that version. Maybe the package composition changed somewhere between some of the Ubuntu releases. Your posting may come in handy for others who run into the the same problem. But I also would think that the package manager will find this type of dependency for other users and simply tell them they need to install what is needed.

Thanks for your feedback,


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