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Re: Polygon work


Vesa Solonen a écrit :
su, 2008-12-21 kello 15:03 +0100, jean-pierre. charras@inpg. fr 
<mailto:jean-pierre.charras%40inpg.fr> kirjoitti:
> No. I have some work about documentation update, code cleaning and
> adding tool tips in dialogs, before the release of the next kicad
> version. I must work on zones, but mainly to optimize dialogs and
> automatic zones refilling (using the current algoritms) (and also
> add
> tools for microwave applications, like tracks with no rounded ends).
> This is already a lot of work.

For documentation I'd like to see some kind of a class (inheritance)
diagram and data structure diagram. That may need some semi automatic
system for drawing as it is kind of a moving target, isn't it?
Automatic zone filling is a nice feature too. I hope you'll find time
for that. In addition to straight ended tracks is it possible to
consider the same for Eeshema lines too? I'll work on existing polygon
algorithms to make code more coherent.

Btw, have you gotten any answers from Klaas regarding KBool bugs
interfering thermal work?

At this time i do not contact Klaas about this problem. Just some time ago i contacted Klaas to said kbool was used in Kicad.
(Some work needed, because we must extract from polygons created by pcbnew
that create problems to send an exemple of bug).
> For microwave applications i am
> thinking tear drops are perhaps more important than arcs ans will be
> a must. this is because transitions with a track and a pad *must* be
> done with tear drops in order to avoid signals perturbations.

Ok. Primitive arc support on copper layers would help in making those
tear drops, so please see if that is possible to add it. Nothing fancier
than simple arcs like on graphics layers. Power dividers and such will
also benefit from smooth angle transitions, which you probably knew
already. I think it would be faster to do tear drops by overlaying arc
stubs instead of multiple vertex polygons. Naturally polygon system
gives more freedom for shapes, but most of the time arcs would be


Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
Rue de la Houille Blanche
38400 Saint Martin d'Heres
