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Re: About quality of discussion



Among people, it is not unusual to disagree. Just ask my wife. When that happens a discussion can ensue. This has happened. Those with the largest investment in the project tend to get the most respect and consideration.
I find the list quite respectful in that regard. Wayne, Jean-Pierre 
and I all agreed there would be a temporary solution for this release 
followed by a long term solution which pushes the scaling down into wxDC.
The ensuing discussion about the temporary solution has gone beyond 
practical now.
As a person contributes more, the amount of respect and consideration 
that a person should expect here will escalate. Realize this is not a 
democracy, nor is any open source project. Most use limited write 
access to the repository to maintain control. It is my theory that 
Linus is in control of linux only because he controls his tree, and that 
his tree is recognized as the authentic linux source. It would be a 
mistake to think this is a democracy.
But folks do listen to input.

Until you contribute more than 10 lines of code, please don't feel that your (dare I say) "vote" is equal to those having spent years contributing. I think you may have detected that Jean-Pierre is well respected here, and that supports what I am saying about respect being a weighting factor on opinions offered.
If after the release, you want to take up and be involved in the design 
of a permanent solution to the zoom issue, then you are welcomed. But 
realize that people will disagree, and there needs to be a way to 
resolve those disagreements. On this list it is respect for those with 
greater ownership in the code.
If and when that stops working, then something else may have to replace 
it. For now, it is working reasonably well as a resolution to 

Past few days show a rather interesting phenomena on the list.

First there is no discussion what so ever about new zoom factor even though the code was there a good time before. I go rummaging code around for a while as the lack of feature busg me. Codebase quite unknown to me ans not too much skills doing C++ brings nothing, but urge to ask.
I go and ask for adding intermediates with 1.5 factor to existing ones, 
but realize soon that alternating 1.5 and 1.33 (15/10 and 20/15) makes a 
jumpy zoom.
I go and device a way to get non jumpy zoom _and_ using existing factors 
to make people used to them happy, but implementation has a bit too much 
granularity that is easily corrected. The working solution is presented 
and some background (theory) explained.
Other, almost as good solution is presented. It scraps the old factors as 
we are "coming from" there, so no need to preserve them. No other 
reasoning why. Good pushing that tries to prove all reasoning for the 
other solution redundant and unneeded. No facts, just feelings.
More through reasoning towars a general solution. Just because it was 
somewhat fun to present examples from other fields of use.
The almost as good solution gets pushed without any real discussion, with 
'Just because I say so' attitude.
Some very general comments here and there aroud the subject.

Finally the _first_, hastily proposed system gets pushed forward, because there is nothing better yet. As if there isn't...
What's the ROI (return of investment)? Everyone will have to calculate 
that oneself. But costs were at least some bad publicity, bad discussion 
that turned to a case of prestige without any factual arguments, wasted 
bytes and some bad mood, verb for that particular is 'vituttaa' in 
finnish. Oh, and everyone ends patching ones own compile and distro users 
think it's just bad.
What we got as return? Jumping zoom.


The above may be part of the reasons some have said (in personal mail) that they rather not discuss on kicad-devel or take any other activity regarding Kicad.
Look on the bright side, I'm not that easy to scare off.



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