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OSX Errors Eeschema connecting nets to pins and passives.


>>Jean pierre, 
>>Is simple to reproduce it on OSX, just starting from the blank sheet, adding a couple of >>components and trying to connect it with a wire.
>>s_OldWiresList is set to NULL because there are no wires avaiable, then at the end of 
>>placing is called SaveCopyInUndoList with a NULL producing the SEGFAULT.

>>I'm sorry for the late intervent but i'm in vacancy and i'm trying to "disintossicate" from 
>>the Net for few days..
>>Anyway if you want to talk with me about this issue i'm avaiable on the yahoo chat :)
>This problem is now fixed.
>It was not specific to OSX, but sometimes we test complicated cases, and not trivial cases...
>This examples shows this is very important to explain *exactly* how to reproduce the bug.
>Often we spend more time to reproduce the problem than fix it...
>Thanks for your valuable help.

And MacOS is the most fastidious platform for NULL pointers :)
Indeed a good explanation of the issue is half of the fix.

Thank you for your quick response as usual :)

