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Re: Module Wizard - Idea


On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

Seems to be a valuable addition to module editor functionality. Even
better would be a GUI wizard for Oyvind's module creation scripts.
What scripts?

I could

oops, not

find the perl code in that repo.

Sorry for my terrible English, it's normally merely bad, not terrible.

The script (pcblibs, a perl script) and
its associated code is in the perl subdir.

See perl/README on how to invoke the script (it requires some
perl modules, located in perl/PCB, to be built first), and see
perl/README.pcblibs for an explanation of the code structure.

The kicadlibs.tgz file contains the resulting
modules and wrl files, but not the code.

I'll add a code.tgz (or something) containing the
code on the next revision, for easier download.


* Øyvind Aabling     E-mail : Oyvind.Aabling@xxxxxxxx    /~\ The ASCII   *
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