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Thank you.

Comments below.

On 12/11/2011 09:10 PM, Guillaume Simard wrote:

> === modified file 'cvpcb/cvframe.cpp'
> --- cvpcb/cvframe.cpp	2011-10-13 20:13:11 +0000
> +++ cvpcb/cvframe.cpp	2011-12-12 02:21:42 +0000
> @@ -525,6 +525,24 @@
>      }
>      m_FootprintList->SetFootprintFilteredList( &m_components[ selection ], m_footprints );

1) no spaces around selection.

> +
> +    // * Preview of the already assigned footprint.
> +    // Find the footprint that was already choosen for this component and select it.
> +    wxString module = *(&m_components[ selection ].m_Module);

2) why not the following instead of the above line:

+    wxString module = m_components[selection].m_Module;

> +    for (int ii = 0 ; ii < m_FootprintList->GetCount() ; ii++)
> +    {
> +        wxString FootprintName;

3) Please use a variable name that starts with a lowercase letter for automatics.

> +        wxString msg = (*m_FootprintList->m_ActiveFootprintList)[ii];
> +        msg.Trim( true );
> +        msg.Trim( false );
> +        FootprintName = msg.AfterFirst( wxChar( ' ' ) );
> +
> +        if (module.Cmp(FootprintName) == 0)
> +            m_FootprintList->SetSelection(ii, TRUE);
> +        else
> +            m_FootprintList->SetSelection(ii, FALSE);
> +    }
> +
>      SendMessageToEESCHEMA();
>      DisplayStatus();
>  }

I am unable to test this code, hoping someone else will.

Thank you.
