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D_PAD class questions.


I've been working to make some examples (and take the chance to test the
scripting as much as I can),
and I got a little bit crazy trying to put some pads in a module, finally
SetPos0 worked for me.

Finally It worked, but at the start I didn't know what was the right
method:  SetPosition or  SetPos0.

a) What's the difference with SetPosition and SetPos0 (this is the origin I

b) I also played with SetOffset, what I don't know what is it for.

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from pcbnew import *

size_0_6mm = wxSizeMM(0.6,0.6)
size_1_0mm = wxSizeMM(1.0,1.0)

# create a blank board
pcb = BOARD()


# create a new module, it's parent is our previously created pcb
module = MODULE(pcb)
module.SetReference("M1")   # give it a reference name
pcb.Add(module)             # add it to our pcb
m_pos = wxPointMM(50,50)

# create a pad array and add it to the module
n = 1
for y in range (0,10):
    for x in range (0,10):
        pad = D_PAD(module)
        pt = wxPointMM(1.27*x,1.27*y)
*        pad.SetPos0(pt)*
*        #pad.SetPosition(pt)
*   *     pad.SetPadName(str(n))

# save the PCB to disk


Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo
+34 636 52 25 69
skype: ajoajoajo

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Description: PNG image

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Description: Binary data

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