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Re: Regression Testing


> We could address a) and b) by having a single DLL/DSO specific entrypoint for all tests,
> with a big switch in there to route to the actual test.  This scaffolding has some
> maintenance cost, and begins to wash out the ease of using python on top, but perhaps not
> fully.

In the python C implementation code you find instances of the paradigm of va_args (tuple)
with a C string telling which argument types are in the tuple.  The C string is like a
printf format string.

So it would be possible to make this callable from python and pass all required arguments
for any worker function.  You would have to instantiate the C++ instance before calling
any member function which is your worker function.  But that could be done in the switch
within the test entrypoint.

test_result TestEntryPoint( aTestNum, formatStringTellingArgumentTypesInTuple, Tuple )
	switch( aTestNum )
	case XYZ:
			// instantiate what is needed, say obj

			// gleen into C++ arguments, those from Tuple by parsing
			// formatStringTellingArgumentTypesInTuple

			// call object member func with C++ form of arguments in tuple.
			result = obj->WorkerFunction( arg1, arg2, arg3 );

			// destroy what we instantiated.

	return test_result( result ) ;  // telling what just happened.

The above could be a seed for better ideas.  It is a means of testing any "worker
function" from python.

Follow ups
