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newest scripts/kicad-install.sh


This script has been re-worked along with the library repo, to use
Github "Plugin Type" and I believe it is ready for use as of a half hour

To use:

0) Save your copy of ~/fp-lib-table IFF you have modified it with your
own libraries.  One way to do that is view it in the Library Tables
dialog and copy all rows to clipboard, then to a spreadsheet.  Later you
can cherry pick YOUR rows and add them back in.

1) Update your copy of subject script, cherry pick it from launchpad.
Running the old script is probably not an option here because of the
nature of changes to the library repo.

2) Uninstall any system libraries:
   $ ./kicad-install.sh --uninstall-libraries
which removes *.mod files from your system area, if you are lucky, and
had used this script recently.  Else it will fail, in which case you can
manually delete system libraries.

3) On this change, which significantly impacts the library repo, it is
necessary to delete the entire kicad.library.bzr directory before
running the script:
  $ rm -rf ~/kicad_sources/kicad-lib.bzr

4) Now run the script to get the newest stuff and install it:
 ./kicad-install.sh --install-or-update

5) Set ENVIRONMENT variable KIGITHUB to "https://github.com/KiCad"; such
that pcbnew can see it.

6)  re-start pcbnew and add your rows back into the global table in the
"Library Tables" dialog, IFF you had any, from the spreadsheet.  Click
OK on that dialog.

You will now be able to access the footprints on github directly as your
system libraries.

A variation using "Plugin Type" "KiCad"  instead of Github is discussed
in scripts/library-repos-install.sh if you are planning a trip without
internet access to https://github.com.

My intention is to have folks use the Github plugin as standard for
system footprints.  If you have a different agenda, then you are
referred to library-repos-install.sh as your own starting point.
This message was sent from Launchpad by
Dick Hollenbeck (https://launchpad.net/~dickelbeck)
to each member of the KiCad Developers team using the "Contact this team"
link on the KiCad Developers team page
For more information see

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