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New icons for KiCAD


Hi all!

I want to present to you new icon set for KiCAD. I know that recently it got some update, but I started work last year and just now finished. The icons become more intuitive and clear. Also I improve the mime types (file associations and icons for common file types). How it looks you are can see on this page (this blog on Russian, but main is the images):

To get the new icons you need to apply patch new_icons.patch <https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B5-dsSCmJWWvZXcyWDlFZzVlMG8> to sources and then remove contents of the folders /bitmaps_png/ and /resources/ (fully) and unzip the respective archives bitmaps_png.zip <https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B5-dsSCmJWWvMzZuWVBpaWRRNnc> and resources.zip <https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B5-dsSCmJWWvNndtckdCMDJhLXM>.
I spent many hours on that and I think I may to ask you to leave 
everything as it is without much further adjustments, if you will like 
of course.
I ready to help update the documentation if it needed.

Regards, Konstantin.

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