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Re: [PATCH] kiface app bundle


About missin kifaces, that was the reason why i've asked you to use r4835,
that does that links.

- About noname.pro issue, i can agree with you, where it should be placed
for you ? This would be a special code for OSX, that is not well seen by
other platform developers.
- On the message box, this is wx-widget standard widget i dubt we can
insert scrollbars, probably could be easier truncate the output.

On those two issues at the moment I can't help you.


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Jean-Paul Louis <louijp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Marco,
> When I added the 3 relative symlinks in the kicad.app/Contents/MacOS
> directory, things got much better.
> jean-pauls-mbp:MacOS jean-paullouis$ ls -al
> total 2144
> drwxr-xr-x  6 jean-paullouis  admin      204 Apr 29 18:12 .
> drwxr-xr-x  6 jean-paullouis  admin      204 Apr 29 17:21 ..
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 jean-paullouis  admin       47 Apr 29 18:11 _cvpcb.kiface ->
> ../../../cvpcb.app/Contents/MacOS/_cvpcb.kiface
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 jean-paullouis  admin       53 Apr 29 18:07 _eeschema.kiface
> -> ../../../eeschema.app/Contents/MacOS/_eeschema.kiface
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 jean-paullouis  admin       49 Apr 29 18:12 _pcbnew.kiface
> -> ../../../pcbnew.app/Contents/MacOS/_pcbnew.kiface
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 jean-paullouis  admin  1083644 Apr 29 17:21 kicad
> Now, at least the 3 apps (eeschema, cvpcb and pcbnew) are behaving much
> better.
> But I found a new issue with the error messages.
> When I start cvpcb, I get first an error message that is bigger than my
> Mac Height. So there is no way to close that message with a click of the
> mouse. The only way is to press “Return” on the keyboard.
> I think that this kind of error message should have a scroller widget is
> the size become larger than the height of he screen.
> Jean-Paul
> On Apr 29, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Jean-Paul Louis <louijp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Marco,
> I just tried your method of NOT USING “make install” and the build
> completed, but there is an important snag.
> <BuildKicad-OSX>
> When I start kicad, it create an empty project “noname.pro” in the
> /Applications/kicad directory. that should never happen, no data files
> should go there.
> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
> But I cannot find anywhere in my hard drive the file shown above
> jean-pauls-mbp:Soft_Dev jean-paullouis$ cd /Applications/KiCad
> jean-pauls-mbp:KiCad jean-paullouis$ ls -al
> total 16
> drwxr-xr-x  13 jean-paullouis  admin   442 Apr 29 17:21 .
> drwxrwxr-x+ 96 root            admin  3264 Apr 19 23:31 ..
> -rw-r--r--@  1 jean-paullouis  admin  6148 Apr 29 17:21 .DS_Store
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21
> bitmap2component.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 cvpcb.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 eeschema.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 gerbview.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 kicad.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root            admin   102 Apr 17 13:35 lib
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 pcb_calculator.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 pcbnew.app
> drwxr-xr-x   3 jean-paullouis  admin   102 Apr 29 17:21 pl_editor.app
> drwxr-xr-x   8 root            admin   272 Apr 17 13:35 share
> jean-pauls-mbp:KiCad jean-paullouis$
> So,I load my current project
> <PastedGraphic-2.png>
> Now I click on the eeschema icon. and I get
> <PastedGraphic-3.png>
> 17:43:58:
> dlopen(/Applications/KiCad/kicad.app/Contents/MacOS/_eeschema.kiface, 2):
> image not found
> 17:43:58: IO_ERROR: Fatal Installation Bug
> missing file:
> '/Applications/KiCad/kicad.app/Contents/MacOS/_eeschema.kiface'
> argv[0]:
> '/Applications/KiCad/kicad.app/Contents/MacOS/kicad'
> from /Users/jean-paullouis/Soft_Dev/kicad-build/common/kiway.cpp :
> KiFACE() : line 203
> But the kiface file is in the right place
> <PastedGraphic-4.png>
> So when I click OK on the error pop-up, kicad crashes.
> What should I do now? If I follow your method, nothing works.
> Please advise.
> Jean-Paul
> On Apr 29, 2014, at 5:52 AM, Marco Serantoni <marco.serantoni@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Jean-Paul,
> Ok, i try to re-state: you weren't supposed to do a make install, just
> copy the binaries/bundle in place.
> On OSX all what you need have be inside the bundles, is how the system
> work and users expect, since there is no need for /usr/share or other
> things there is need to issue a make install, is enough copy the .app where
> you want (Installation Directory; DMG; or any other distributing package).
> All what is outside kicad.app, eeschema.app, etc are not to be
> distribuited (so no 3 releases of files).
> The issue with kicad.app has started with release 4807<http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekicad-product-committers/kicad/product/revision/4807>(10 days ago) when was kifaced (previous was not).
> There is no radical departure from apple concept of bundle, the issue was
> how to make symbolic link from eeschema.app from the building tree that
> still valid also when deployed in the final destination.
> There can be several approaches for the symbolic link:
> Use an absolute path like
> /Application/Kicad/eeschema.app/[...]/eeschema.kiface, that restrict where
> to place the binaries: will create more problems than the one he fix, users
> on OSX has not a fixed path where to place binaries/bundles there is the
> high risk that those will point to nowhere, moreover borns an issues for
> developers: they have to install the application to debug or develop.
> Develop an application doing an install each time will be really time
> consuming and not pratical at all.
> Relative path:
> The use of the relative link is fine and is what i've used: the issue here
> is 1 level of difference between the repository where you build and install
> place, where all the bundle/binaries are at the same level.
> $REPOSITORY/eeschema/eeschema.app
> $REPOSITORY/kicad/kicad.app
> Versus
> $INSTALLDIR/eeschema.app
> $INSTALLDIR/kicad.app
> That means that the number of ".." will be different in relative symbolic
> link.
> I've solved this doing symbolic links in the $REPOSITOR/kicad/ to
> applications making it as they were installed, then link them, moreover
> this solution makes the developer also be able to test the application
> buttons in place.
> After applications link you will find
> $REPOSITORY/kicad/kicad.app
> $REPOSITORY/kicad/eeschema.app -> ../eeschema/eeschema.app
> Then you are able to do the right symbolik link.
> Regarding the distribution, i can assure that since 2009 binaries could be
> shipped in a single dmg, .zip, .tar.gz.
> I can also assure you that there are a much more packagers than developers
> on OSX, if they find difficult do a copy instead a 'make install' to ease
> the developer work and let they work better they will be much more
> frustrated soon.
> Bye,
> --
> Marco
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 3:01 AM, Jean-Paul Louis <louijp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Marco,
>> It looks like the previous problem has been fixed, and I am now able to
>> complete the build.
>> I just finished to build the BZR4837 without trouble.
>> I understand what you said about the install. but the cake process is not
>> working right.
>> During the "make install", a “bin" directory is added to the default
>> install directory.
>> The apps should be in /Applications/Kicad/, but the "make install” put
>> them in
>> /Applications/Kicad/bin/. That’s why I said that the install process is
>> broken.
>> I made cmake use "/Applications/Kicad" by adding the switch
>>  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$INSTALL_DIR to cmake and I add previously set
>> INSTALL_DIR to /Applications/Kicad in my script.
>> So the part of cmake that needs to be fixed is the area where the /bin is
>> added to the install path.
>> It is ok to have for UNIX, but not for APPLE. Then, at the end,  we need
>> to fix the kicad bundle.
>> Symbolic links is one way to fix the kiface issue with an Apple bundle. I
>> also understand that
>> kiface concept is a radical departure from the Apple concept of bundle,
>> but Dick idea of the symlinks
>> worked nicely when I tested it. I need to consolidate all the experiments
>> that we did into a single document
>> explaining how to fix the broken process until we can fix the cmake for
>> kicad on OS X.
>>  I am willing to help testing the OS X builds until we can make a
>> package (DMG) for easy distribution.
>> Then we might get more leverage as OS X users if more people use Kicad on
>> OS X.
>> A lot of people using Mac OS X are frustrated because they do not find a
>> decent version of Kicad.
>> So they go use other CAD software like Eagle, GEDA, and many others that
>> are nowhere near the performance
>> of Kicad.
>> Jean-Paul
>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 4:46 PM, Marco Serantoni <marco.serantoni@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> On 28/apr/2014, at 19:25, Jean-Paul Louis <louijp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Jean-Paul,
>> You should try bzr 4835, look to ML “OSX - Issue with the last Compiler
>> Update”, as you see is not always simple to keep up the ML.
>> I’ve waited you on IRC until 1am Local time, then i’m an Human i need
>> sleeptime too.
>> You weren’t supposed to use install as i said to you in the mails you
>> have to just copy the only bundles in place, in the case zip/package them
>> for further distribution.
>> I’ve also suggested to you to use cp.
>> If you want to shortcut exec from the repository build root:
>> mkdir -p /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./bitmap2component/bitmap2component.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./cvpcb/cvpcb.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./eeschema/eeschema.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./gerbview/gerbview.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./kicad/kicad.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./pagelayout_editor/pl_editor.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator.app /Applications/Kicad
>> cp -R ./pcbnew/pcbnew.app /Applications/Kicad
>> Bye,
>> —
>> Marco
>> Marco,
>> I have been working on the Mac OS X build for quite a while now, and I
>> was successful in the build.
>> The weak part was the install, as the default install was installing the
>> bundles in /usr/local/bin which is wrong for Apple OS X.
>> So I added a “-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$INSTALL_DIR” in my script with
>> INSTALL_DIR=/Applications/KiCad.
>> The Cmake was still wrong because the bundles were installed in
>> "/Applications/KiCad/bin” instead of “/Applications/KiCad”.
>> Adam Wolf helped me to have the script running as it is described in the
>> file you mentioned in your previous email.
>> I succeeded the first time February 27th, and I posted an email here, so
>> you can find it in the ML archive.
>> On March 13th, you told me to connect on IRC. I went there, and waited
>> for hours without anyone ever talking. I only saw a bunch of users all
>> asleep, maybe that was because of the time difference between USA and
>> Europe.
>> We had several emails between you, Adam and me around from March 21st to
>> March 26th, so I progressed in my build. That is the period when Dick
>> started to help me.
>> I modified my script to move the files to the right place, and that was
>> not good enough. That’s when Dick helped me a lot to understand what was
>> wrong. I posted all the steps in this mailing list, so you should have been
>> made aware of the issues
>> few weeks ago.
>> As of today, the OS X build (BZR4830) is broken again.
>> *                 ^*
>> 174 warnings and 2 errors generated.
>> make[2]: *** [pcbnew/router/CMakeFiles/pnsrouter.dir/pns_router.cpp.o]
>> Error 1
>> make[1]: *** [pcbnew/router/CMakeFiles/pnsrouter.dir/all] Error 2
>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> Mon Apr 28 12:30:08 EDT 2014
>> Building KiCad for OS X took 0:17:09.
>> jean-pauls-mbp:Soft_Dev jean-paullouis$ cat
>> ~/Soft_Dev/kicad-build/version.h | grep BZR
>> #define KICAD_BUILD_VERSION "(2014-04-25 BZR 4830)"
>> jean-pauls-mbp:Soft_Dev jean-paullouis$
>> Will you help to fix this?
>> Jean-Paul
>> On Apr 28, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Marco Serantoni <marco.serantoni@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> realized

PNG image

Follow ups
