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Re: Ugly spinboxes in wx 3?


On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:10:37PM +0200, Maciej Sumiński wrote:
> You are right, eeschema spinboxes look the same here.. I have just checked
> by comparing pictures - eeschema spinboxes are a bit higher. I suppose the
> widget height could be forced with wxFormBuilder and it seems that wxGTK
> cannot handle such situations properly.

That's why I asked about the expand bits... strange since GTK has all
the kinds of filling/expansion/padding/border/whatever. I never get them
right at the first time:P

However wx has only one EXPAND flag for both direction, and that seems
to be the culprit. GTK has fill *and* expand (more or less on both
directions depending on the container), so maybe they changed the option
mapping in wx3? (padding and border further complicate the issue... it's
more or less like in CSS)

Not that I care particularly about that appearance glitch, just making
sure I've nothing broken on my side :D

As for other themes I actually don't remember how do you change it so
didn't test.

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
