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Re: Fwd: [PATCH] Request to apply patch for redirect console output to single file


On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 03:32:18PM -0500, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
> More information it not better.  The optimal amount of information is the "minimal needed
> information" when troubleshooting.  Extraneous information simply reduces the signal to
> noise ratio.  And this opinion is a strong one I hold, established by doing this for 30
> years, 40 hours a week.

Agree with that. sed and perl help but sometimes it's too much... Isn't there
already some facility in wx for filtering/customizing output like
log4java/log4c++ depending on some environment variable or I'm thinking
of another framework? That would be useful...

> BTW, can you add my grandmother's maiden name to the output?  Somebody might need that.

Loooooollll :D

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
