On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 02:01:44PM +0100, Tim Hutt wrote:
I'm trying to do some kicad development on windows. I initially downloaded
& built it with kicad-winbuilder which went without a hitch. Kicad runs
However, if I perform a null-rebuild (i.e. I don't change anything and just
run `make` again), it takes about 70 seconds to run. That's quite a while
isn't it? My PC is pretty fast (quad core 3.3 GHz i5, 16GB RAM), so I
wouldn't have expected it to take so long. Is this just a feature of cmake?
It needs to check *a lot* of dependencies and timestamps; also each
submakefile has its own overhead.
Probably cmake is slightly slower than automake, but IMHO not really
significant on a typical build. In fact even with distcc, I find linking
the heaviest step... consider this output for a full debug build:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lomarcan lomarcan 268684355 ott 4 15:51 _pcbnew.kiface
Yes, it's more than 256MB of stuff :D it takes a while to do that (if
only to read and write from disk).