On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 01:22:34AM +0100, Benoît Roehr wrote:
Beware here, they are not footprint anymore when they are on the
board, have a value, a reference and so on... They are components.
Footprint is the right term for the standalone "print" a component
will drop on a PCB. You can name them so in the footprint library,
in the component propriety and so on... In the PCB editor, this
object is a Components and should be named so.
Ok, clear, thank you very much for the explanation.
So we have:
a symbol = a generic graphic for schematic
a component = a graphic with a meaning (value, reference, etc.) for schematic
a footprint = a generic graphic for pcb
a module = a graphic with a meaning (value, reference, etc.) for pcb