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Re: [PATCH/RFC] Move exactly and duplicate in modedit


On 15/11/14 15:32, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
I just commented on Cirilo's request and the same hold true for your
change as well.  Please push the branch with these changes to launchpad
and submit a merge request.  Since this is a new feature and we are
trying to work towards a stable release, I will need buy in from the
other developers to determine if this patch should be merged before the
stable release or not.
Absolutely, the merge request is here:


(I'm not sure if an automatic notification will come through on the

If this is too much to dump in before a stable release, I am happy for
it to be considered later. I would still be more than receptive to input
from others in the meantime, especially with regards to suitability for
use in pcbnew as well, as well as additional, similar, tools. I am
already thinking of an "array" tool.



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