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Re: more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew


In response to a message written on 07.01.2015, 11:36, from PTT:
Please have a look and see if it is useful to somehow incorporate it in the main

Very good work for adding it to pcbnew/scripting/examples/, but it will not let anything be loaded by default. Each developer has their own habits and not everything looks like a purely written code in my eyes. Much of coding is to tune up some project than writing down some script, which will be creating tracks or vias. Well, unless someone recode freerouter to python ...;)
BTW. Some advice to make better world ;) :
- via.SetLayerPair(layer_pair[0], layer_pair[1]) looks better as via.SetLayerPair(*layer_pair)
- „def mm” is bad - there are two methods in pcbnew - FromMM and ToMM, both useful…
- layer_dict is not comfortable way - as layers are defined as int, better and easier done it will put these string names by correct order in tuple. Any dict (if really needed) can be created dynamically from tuple by function:
 dict(map(lambda lname: lname, layers_tuple.index(lname), layers_tuple))
Alternative for tuple is getattr(pcbnew, lname):
>>> getattr(pcbnew, 'F_Cu')
>>> getattr(pcbnew, 'In1_Cu')
I wish you many wins with python battles… ;)
Best Regards,

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