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Re: Library Developers.


Hi everyone.

Let me express few words about changes in the symbol libraries.

At the moment there are no major changes in the naming of the
current symbol library files. Together with GitHub users we added
and we are planning to add a few new ones.

One library is provided for the liquidation in near future from the
current library set: 'special.lib', as it has become a kind of garbage
dump (IMO). The discussion is here:

Last year, only one library has been removed: 'microchip1.lib', as
I remember.

The biggest changes are taking place within the existing libraries.
The establishment of strict rules written in the KiCad Library
Convention document forces far-reaching changes in symbols
including also those in existing libraries. Refresh the older
schematics will unfortunately be *necessary*. Many existing symbols
were drawn without any rules. That's why they look the way they do.

We realize that such changes will be immediately negative commented
and might be refused by users, but unfortunately we have no choice.
Along with the improvement of the quality of KiCad as an EDA Tool
we have to go to improve the quality of libraries contained therein.

Best Regards
Kerusey Karyu

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