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vrml_exporter vs 3d-viewer pcbboard polygon generation


Hello Cirilo, Lorenzo, Jean-Pierre,

I was trying to understand a bit more how the pcbboard is converted into polygons.
I found that vrml_exporter is doing it in a very different (but similar!) way as 3d-viewer (boost based implementation).

The vrml_exporter based is implementation on gluTess while the 3d-viewer is using the boost based implementation and looks that it reuses / follow the implementation used in other kicad parts, as pcbnew.

Could you elaborate a bit more about this differences?

Why vrml_exporter is using a different approach ? I believe it should get the same results in the end? Any story behind that?

Another general question: What are the other renderings (Default/ OpenGL/ Cairo.. etc) and exporters (GERBERS, Print, SVG, ... etc) are using? 

Lets say that I will implement a new rendering / exporter for whatever, what approach should I follow? I mean, what are the blocks (code) that I can reuse and rely on? (same boost pcbnew based?)

Thank you for your clarifications!
Mario Luzeiro

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