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Re: Where to start


Hi Stefan,


I should say Linux. But I am also testing it on windows at same time (but it was a nightmare to setup and to debug it).
I think Bazaar is still the only official repository (the Git is a automatic copy)

In my situation, I am using the latest version of QT Creator IDE on Linux to build and debug.

Mind1 if you plan to make big changes you may want to discuss it first here in the mailling list. In the end, the Masters will have to approve it and they will merge it.
Mind2 You probably notice, Kicad devs are working in a stable release, so there are high chances that they refuse some type of new contributions. (Mind that you can keep it online available in your public branch)


From: Kicad-developers [kicad-developers-bounces+mrluzeiro=ua.pt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Stefan Olsson [Stefan.Olsson@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 June 2015 08:50
To: kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Kicad-developers] Where to start

Dear all

If I want debug/contribute kiCad, which platform is preferred to do it on, Linux/Windows (I guess it is Linux), or does it not matter ?

The reason I ask is that the Linux side is using Bazzar but the windows distribution use Git (and seems to be isolated) so I guess these
distribution does not have the same code source place.

Is it so that generic bug submits should always be done via Bazzar and explicit windows specific stuff should be
done via the Git hub or does the Bazzar repository contain code adaptions for all platforms and
therefore all fixes should be in Bazzar?

I want to look into the BOM button and how to run the “BOM” scripts, I want to contribute some improvements,
specifically stdout/error output from script execution, the usual mess of handling ‘/’, ‘\’ and to solve some %P, %O stuff.

Also, I would like to fix the “date copy” button in the “Page settings”, when pressing the button it change the left field
to a different date format with sort of erroneous suffix “2015-06-12” becomes “'12en '12 juni 2015”
To some

