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Re: [PATCH] Update the PCB from schematics in one click


2015-06-22 22:24 GMT+02:00 Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@xxxxxxx>:
> On 22.06.2015 19:47, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
>> On 6/22/2015 1:45 PM, Andy Peters wrote:
>>>> On Jun 22, 2015, at 8:58 AM, Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> One of the biggest annoyances of Kicad (to me) was the PCB forward
>>>> annotation process. The attached patch set attempts to improve this by
>>>> adding an "Update PCB From schematics" option in eeschema when Kicad is
>>>> open in Project Manager mode. The way it works is:
>>>> - press F9 (or select Tools->Update PCB From Schematics) in eeschema
>>>> - a window with changes to be applied to PCB will appear
>>>> - you can check for errors/warnings/review what is going to be change
>>>> - click "Perform PCB update" or press Enter to proceed (or cancel).
>>>> - netlist updates can be undone (Ctrl-Z restores PCB state after wrong
>>>> netlist load).
>>> I like this a lot, and I think this will go a long way towards stopping the bitching and moaning by various people on various forums who for whatever reason think it’s too many steps to export a netlist from eeschema and then import it into pcbnew.
>> Are you willing to bet any money that the bitching and moaning will stop? :)
> Guys,
> I wrote this patch upset by the amount of recent bitching and moaning in
> the web, so the the first person to ask "why this way and not another"
> received my whole anger.
> @Nick, I owe you my apologies. Concerning your question, putting
> "update" feature in the schematic editor (and not in PCB) just seemed
> more logical (which pretty much falls into 'I like it this way'
> category) - after all you first draw the schematic, then design the PCB.
> I'm not opposed to having the same in PCBnew as long as it stays in the
> schematic editor too.

You don't owe me anything. You already made lots of nice stuff for
KiCad that I like to use.

I was just wondering my immediate reactions, what,.... weehmm, that is
werid why do that form the schematic. I thought it made more sense to
"pull" from the schematis in pcbnew, instead of "pushing" to pcbnew.

I think it makes sense to have the similar ability to pull from
pcbnew, then the user can use whatever he likes, but I have no hard
opinions on this matter. But I don't mind if this is postproned to
after the release.

> We should start a moan&groan hall of fame, maybe accompanied with a
> 'feature for the best/funnist/most ridiculous moan' program.
> Reading the EEVblog forum, my current favourite is:
> "What I don't understand is why CERN is investing in KiCAD.
> Why not just pay for a known working commercial product, and redirect
> the software engineers wages back to physicists?"

Indeed there are some hilarious people/trolls in there, it is both fun
at sad to see how some people is not knowing anything about something,
but still persists to say that that something is crap, when 95% of
their points are invald. But ohh well, some people just like to write
about stuff that "don't really have their interrest".

> Tom

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