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Re: 3D refactor update


Hi Cirilo,
here some feedback in mswin:

first I had an error on building with dlfcn.h
then I solved adding dlfcn.c and dlfcn.h from
and changing
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "dlfcn.h"

but then I have this file missing:
#include <pwd.h>

and I cannot find a correspondent in mswin...
may be someone of the dev could help?

thank you

On 08/10/2015 12.31, easyw wrote:
Hi Cirilo,

thanks for the info
... I will try to build test3dmm only program...

If I can get it in linux, then I will try to build it also in win, and
if I succeed I will give you some feedback and tips for mswin :)


On 08/10/2015 12.18, Cirilo Bernardo wrote:
Hi Maurice,

  The instructions are in the README file in the 3dv directory. You will
need a build environment which can build KiCad though and I know nothing
about how to set that up on MSWin, which is why I ask if there are any
devs who can help on OSX and MSWin. :)  I'm only working on a refactor
to allow better management of the models and also to make it easier to
add exporters and plugins to support more model formats. Mario Luzeiro
is working more on 3DViewer and the renderer.

- Cirilo
