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kicad StepUp new tool: How to interactive align 3d model to pcbnew footprint


Hi to all,

I've managed to create a new tool to align the 3d model directly moving it over the pcbnew footprint.

here there is a small video tutorial:

With 'kicad-StepUp-tools' it is now possible to load the kicad footprint in FreeCAD and align the 3D part with a visual real time feedback of the 3d model and footprint reciprocal position. (more detailed info inside the new version of kicad StepUp demo project available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/kicadstepup/
and here the starter guide
http://sourceforge.net/projects/kicadstepup/files/kicadStepUp-starter-Guide.pdf/download )

Once the 3D part is aligned to the footprint pads and silk, the model can be exported in STEP format and in VRML format for kicad 3d-rendering, just clicking on the Scale to kicad VRML button. That will align EDA to MCAD 3d viewers. No need to reiterate the aligning process or empiric calculate offset and rotation to apply to VRML model. You can also click on 'Create axis' button to have an other help in orienting the part. With this tool is possible to download a part from on-line libraries (e.g. 3dcontentcentral, grabcad, etc), align the model to kicad footprint and export the model to wrl. That will produce a 3d VRML model exactly aligned to footprint as in mechanical CAD.

@Marcos ... I think you will enjoy that tool :)

Attachment: align-3d-model-to-footprint.png
Description: PNG image

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