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Enhanced Python Shell


Hello Kicad developers,

I have been a very long time follower of kicad and I think the work done to it over the years is simply amazing.
I would love to contribute where I can.

I have had need to play with the python scripting of Kicad. Kicad uses wxpython. Wxpython includes within it, a much better shell than the one currently being used.

If inside the current python shell, one does this:

>>> import wx; f = wx.py.editor.EditorNotebookFrame(title="KiCad PCB"); f.Show()

You will see what I am talking about.

It provides a nice way to introspect python state when writing scripts, and also includes a simple tabbed text editor.

Its possible this shell could be tweaked to be even better, but even as it stands its a LOT better than the default shell.

I am working on a proposed patch to sub the existing shell with this one, for further discussion. I will post it once I test it.

Strontium (Steven J)

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