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Re: [PATCH] Fix memory leaks with improper wxBaseConfig* usage (model ownership and ownership-transfer with std::unique_ptr)


Potential for errors aside, I think auto makes the code less readable
and yes code readability matters.  In this case, I have to go look up
the return value of GetNewConfig() because I don't know what an auto
type is.  I do know what a wxConfigBase* type is.  I'll just warn
everyone now that I am not a big fan of using certain syntax just for
the sake of being "C++ correct".  If it makes the code less readable, I
will resist committing it.
I do hear all of you. Let's keep the intent of this patch and the implementation aside, I already learned in other side-talks, that having an IDE telling you the complete name and more is no default nor a desired situation for most developers.

The right thing to do is using a std::unique_ptr at that spot, that was the purpose of the patch and it solves for two leaks that are happening in the codebase currently. Now I only need to know how I should go about your concerns. Maybe using something along the lines of

    using WX_CONFIG_PTR = std::unique_ptr< wxConfigBase >;

I would like to avoid cluttering the source-code with the smart-pointer-templates, to avoid people saying "look how long that is, a good coder (tm) will just call delete correctly!".

A sidenote: if I find myself working on some parts of the code, are there objections if I silently add "override" specifiers in related code? I find these help a lot. Also there are many inline specifiers on in-class member-function definitions that could be removed.

Kind Regards

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