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Re: Power components vs labels


On 08/02/2016 05:30 PM, Chris Pavlina wrote:
> Moving this to a new thread.
>> On 8/2/2016 7:16 AM, Chris Pavlina wrote:
>>> My implementation had a large number of symbols, would have allowed
>>> user-supplied arbitrary symbols if I had finished it, and automatically
>>> selected a symbol based on net name _exactly_ as Clemens suggested. All
>>> of these issues are solved.
>> How difficult would it be to apply the same selection criteria for power
>> symbols?  The more you explain what you have done with power label the
>> more it seems like you could have done the same thing with power
>> symbols.  This would save implementing a new object and the file
>> formatting to support it.  Maybe I'm missing something here but I just
>> don't see how a new label type that looks like a power symbol is
>> different from a power symbol that already provides the same functionality.
> It provides the same functionality. I just think it's more consistent
> from the user's perspective - see my comment earlier about them /being/
> labels, functionally speaking - and not that much more trouble to
> implement.

Perhaps a reasonable compromise would be a tool that generates arbitrary
power symbols that are stored in a project library (a la *rescue.lib)?
Currently that is what user is expected to do when (s)he needs to place
a new voltage source, though it is a bit tedious. I suppose it will be
even easier and less hacky with the new file format, where one can store
instances of modified symbols.


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