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Re: [PATCH] Update version string formatting after git migration


On 08/27/2016 06:06 PM, Chris Pavlina wrote:
> Sure, if you're trying to pin down an _exact_ commit...but how does the
> fake bzr revno help you there? The bzr repo isn't used anymore, it's not
> like you can just check the bzr log for it.
> All you need is a sense of how old it is. If you need something more
> fine-grained you're going to need to look at the exact commit _anyway_.
> I really would like someone to explain to me how these fake bzr revision
> numbers are useful _when the commits themselves aren't tagged with
> them_. If I give you "revision 7423", you can't just go jump to that
> revision, it's only useful in the context of "this is older than this
> build 7992 I have", and I don't think many of us are keeping around
> multiple builds from the same day...

It is fairly easy to convert commit hashes to revision numbers:

# get the current revision number
$ git rev-list --count HEAD

# show me hash of revision 9353
$ git rev-list --reverse HEAD | sed '9353!d'

I may add aliases to our included git config file if it helps.
Personally I do not mind git hashes, it does not change much if one
looks for a revision number or a hash.


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